View Full Version : Item Selection for a Wizard

2012-12-02, 06:01 PM
Hiya Playgrounders!

So, I'm familiar with the list of necessary magical items and Shax's Indispensable Haversack, but when you've got a wizard, it seems like static lists just aren't going to cut it. Having the flexibility of a wizard can really alter the dynamic -- whereas permanent flight items are super important for, say, a fighter, a wizard with overland flight isn't going to pay much attention to them. At least, that's how I've come to understand it!

But the question is, what items (other than intellect-boosting items!) are really advisable for a wizard?

A bit more information: I've put forward a wizard in a game down in the Play by Post forum, level three abjurer. We have 2,700 gold to start out with, so I picked up a Ring of Sustenance and a few of the items from the Haversack. Should I have gone with something less expensive than the Ring of Sustenance? And more importantly, what items should I be on the lookout for in the coming levels?

Thank you for any advice you have on the subject!

2012-12-02, 06:28 PM
For a low-level wizard, I'd buy scrolls to expand the starting spell book. A wand of Benign Transposition might be useful, as well, as are wands of other spells that don't depend much on caster level (Nerveskitter, Color Sprayetc. come to mind), at least as long as SR is not a common factor. Also, I'd consider a Quill of Scribing (Complete Mage, 1750 gp). A Pearl of Power (SL 1) is well worth the price. A Ring of Counterspells is pretty cheap and can protect you against dispel magic or greater dispel magic. A Ring of Enduring Arcana will help you further (Complete Mage, 6000 gp). A Healing Belt (MIC) can be a valuable option, as well.

For the upcoming levels, besides intelligence enhancement, I'd look at boosting caster level, as well as Rods of Metamagic and more Pearls of Power. Additionally, Runestaves are wonderful things. I'd also look for one item that helps getting out of a grapple in a silenced area, such as providing Freedom of Movement (or grab Heart of Water), or providing you the ability to apply Silent Spell to a verbal-only transportation spell, such as Dimension Door.

The Magic Item Compendium has a lot more.

2012-12-02, 06:41 PM
I'm brilliant, having at no point considered buying scrolls to add on to the spellbook. A rod wand of nerveskitter would cost 750 gold, correct? But would its activation time be an immediate action still?

2012-12-02, 06:45 PM
I'm brilliant, having at no point considered buying scrolls to add on to the spellbook. A rod wand of nerveskitter would cost 750 gold, correct? But would its activation time be an immediate action still?

Only buy 1st level scrolls for spells, for all other spell levels you pay Spell Level x 50 gp (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/arcaneSpells.htm#addingSpellstoaWizardsSpellbook) instead.

Per the Rules Compendium, it takes the same type of action to activate a spell trigger or spell completion item as it takes to cast the spell in question.

2012-12-02, 06:45 PM
MIC rules a wand's activation time is equal to the spell's casting time.

2012-12-02, 06:47 PM
For spells above 1st level it's much cheaper to find an amiable wizard and copy spells from his spellbook rather than buying scrolls.


e. thoroughly swordsaged by BF

2012-12-02, 06:47 PM
Ah, superb! Thank you very much!

And to both of you, thank you for answering my questions so swiftly! Do you have any additional suggestions? I intend to end up going the route of the Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil and doing my best to keep the party hale and hearty, so anything that might add on to my capacity to accomplish that task would definitely be appreciated! :smallsmile:

2012-12-02, 06:49 PM
If you let the Ring of Sustenance get your spells back in 3 hours instead of 9, it could be worth it. Rations are cheap, and starvation (aside from Fatigue) isn't so bad in D&D. You can even stretch them if you don't mind RPing intense hunger pain (or were raised in a monastery so you don't care), since you only risk nonlethal damage/Fatigue after 3 days without food. Fatigue isn't even so bad for a Wizard.

It depends on what you're getting out of those extra six hours, especially if the rest of the party still has to sleep the full 8.

Don't forget buying spells known. Especially if you take the oh-so-broken Uncanny Forethought.

Seconding tons of low-level scrolls (Scholar's Touch can be great if you're a busy adventurer doesn't have time for book-learnin'), or single-charge wands if they're available. I imagine scrolls would be like mundane items, so you'll want to occasionally glance through your list of scrolls while dealing with problems so you don't run into a "forgot my powers" situation.

2012-12-02, 06:53 PM
Only buy 1st level scrolls for spells, for all other spell levels you pay Spell Level x 50 gp (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/arcaneSpells.htm#addingSpellstoaWizardsSpellbook) instead.

Which, IMO, is a really cheap way of expanding your spell book, especially when starting above level 1, if your DM allows you to spend it and transfer the spells pre-game.

2012-12-02, 06:53 PM
I hadn't considered that -- I just normally get a ring of sustenance so that both I and the DM don't have to worry about things like food. I wish it reduced the time for memorizing spells, but that would make it a little too powerful, I'm guessing!

So I've given up the ring of sustenance and have wands of nerveskitter and color spray, since those seem to be pretty grand spells to have at will. With evocation and enchantment barred, the number of damage spells is pretty low. Should I get a Wand of Lesser Orb of X as well, or would I be better off with stocking my spellbook with additional spells instead?

2012-12-02, 08:11 PM
I would not get a Wand of Lesser Orb: Mediocre damage, no side-effect, not my cup of tea. At this level, if you're down to causing 1d8 damage, you can use a crossbow instead. A Wand of Expeditious Retreat or Benign Tansposition would be more interesting to me.

2012-12-02, 08:14 PM
Would you advise Baleful or Benign Transposition, and do you think giving up six level 2 spells is worth a wand of one of the above wands? Furthermore, one of the transpositions or expeditious retreat? I doubt there's a way to weigh which one is the superior choice, as both seem to rely on circumstance.

Thanks again for all the help and advice, everyone! :smallsmile:

Emperor Tippy
2012-12-02, 08:44 PM
Be warned, you probably want to wait until you buy a Blessed Book before you go overboard copying spells. It costs 100 GP per page to write a spell into your spell book otherwise, and takes one page per spell level.

Access to the spell is often cheaper than transferring it to your spell book afterwards. That costs 12,500 GP though (although it saves you a ton of money in the long run and can actually be used to make you money eventually).

EDIT: Oh, a great item is a Wand of Easy Meta: Fell Drain, Fell Drain, Easy Meta: Quicken, Quickened, Invisible, Cooperative, Arcane Thesis Magic Missile.

It costs you a mere 750 GP and gives you a great weapon. Nothing like a no attack roll, no save, long range, negative level cast as a swift action.

2012-12-02, 08:46 PM
How much does a Blessed Book cost, and in which book can it be found?

Also, where on earth are runestaves located? I cannot find them!

Emperor Tippy
2012-12-02, 08:52 PM
How much does a Blessed Book cost, and in which book can it be found?


2012-12-02, 08:54 PM
Ah, I see now that I was misinterpreting part of your original statement. Mea culpa. :smallredface:

As for the ridiculously metamagic'd wand, I've barred evocation, so magic missile is out of my grasp. :smallredface:

2012-12-02, 09:05 PM
Conversation's moved a bit from the OP, but for filling wizard item slots, Dictum Mortuum's guide's item section (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Wizards%27_Handbook_by_Dictum_Mortuum_%28DnD_Optim ized_Character_Build%29/Equipment) is a pretty solid place to start.

(Yeah, yeah, dandwiki hate, but its formating is way less mangled than the original gleemax posting.)