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2012-12-02, 06:46 PM
OOC thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=254668)

{table=head]Player | Character | Race | Class | Speech Colour
Lix Lorn | Vivian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=439927) | Lesser Cryophoenix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13761574#post13761574) | RHD 3/LA 3/Wilder 2//Radiant 8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=249172) | Navy
Jeff the Green | Davhkur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470241) | Necropolitan Unseelie Illumian |Beguiler 6/Mindbender 1//Archivist 5/Swordsage 1/Shadow Adept 1| Sandy Brown
BelGareth | Oberon (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470305) | Pixie | LA 4/Warlock 4//Warmage 8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131346) | Dark Green
GuyFawkes |Ravana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=472538) | Rakshasa | Rakshasa 8 (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=2245.0)//Swordmage 8 (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Swordmage) | Cafe Noir
Derjuin | Titania (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=464202) | Gloura | RHD 6/LA 2//Ranger 2/Targeteer 4/Deepwood Sniper 2| Dark Olive


You all hold up at the edge of the glowing canyon. It has been one hell of a week: since entering the Mournlands, you have endured constant attacks by all sorts of monstrous mutated creatures, undead, ghostbeasts, and warforged fanatics. Finally, you are nearing your destination; however, said destination currently lies thousands of feet below where you stand.

2012-12-02, 08:49 PM
Oberon zipped through the air, he had a grin on his face, well he always had a grin on his face, but this time it was different.

A rift of exponentially disproportionate size had arisen before them, and good thing too, for it was what they were looking for.

The crazy had started a while back, almost as soon as they entered the area, from mad foaming warforged to strange alien beasts of the wild warped and twisted by the strange magics here.

The locals called this place the mournland, sounded like a dreery place, and evidence to that fact was their trail littered with carcasses. They had said most do not come here, least of all stare into the abyss and jump in.

But for 100k Plat, hell, he would marry an pit fiend and bear its children.

He stared down the abyss now, his wings fluttering in the wind making barely a sound as the others caught up, a big grin on his face.

This was going to be fun.

Turning "You slowpokes going to catch up?"

Jeff the Green
2012-12-02, 11:04 PM
Davkhur doesn't need to rest. This is a good thing, for the travel across the Mournland hasn't been exactly what one might call restful; the odd power of the Mournland that was barely noticeable to his companions hums in his undead ears like a distant swarm of wasps. His joints ache too, which is strange. Undead don't get arthritis. (He hypothesized that whatever it was that prevented decay also caused a buildup of negative energy in his joints. Given his intellect he is probably right; given his ego, he'd never admit otherwise.)

Regardless of the difficulties this job presented, he was anxious to get down to the bottom of the chasm and set about his work; he was bored, and despite the danger the creatures of the Mournland pose, it is difficult for him to pay attention to his surroundings when his surroundings are essentially all the same. So it is that when Oberon calls out, Davkur freezes immediately. He looks up from the book he'd been reading on the march—The Lord of Dust and the Willing Pontiff—and blinks. He dog-ears the page and stashes the trashy novel in his belt.

"Right. Chasm." He reaches into his belt pocket and plucks out a spider, then lets it crawl along the papery thin skin on his hand before pouring a drop of a foul smelling black liquid on it and popping it into his mouth. It crunches. And then he swallows. Yum.

He walks over to the ledge and jumps, catching himself on the rim of the canyon. He pops head up over the edge. "I know how Oberon, Vivian and I are getting down, but how are you two getting down?" he asks Ek'ann and Ravana.

Casting spider climb (70 minute duration); if the other two need it I will oblige. Davkhur will grouse about your unpreparedness, though. :smallbiggrin:

See, this is why I love the Beguiler. It can pretty much handle any situation. Maybe not optimally, but sufficiently.

2012-12-03, 11:42 AM

In a group consisting of a phoenix, a pixie, a goliath, a drow, and a necropolitan illumian, being a human, Ravana was the least conspicuous. Or the most, depending on who was looking. Or not too different at all, if one was powerful enough to see through the veils of deception. But perhaps walking in the middle of the huge scar on the face of Khorvaire called the Mournlands, it didn't really matter.

Nor did it matter for Ravana. All that mattered for him was what lied at the bottom of one great chasm somewhere in the middle of said scar of Khorvaire. He had heard of the rumors and the tales of mysterious and wondrous artefacts it held. And now he had positioned himself to be able to do as he wished and get paid for doing so.

He didn't care much for money. But he knew money made things happen, often more discreetly than using magic or physical force. Ravana liked being discreet.

The group had been traveling for a week, and it had become a monotony of fighting through the myriad of twisted things the Mournlands kept within it, such that the notice from the pixie Oberon was like a splash of cold water.


Ravana called out from the back of the pack. Sprinting the few yards in between, he stopped right at the edge of the cliff face and stared down, his face beaming a smile that made his middle-aged face look much, much younger. He looking down on Davkhur with the same smile, then he spread his arms to the sides, closed his eyes, and jumped into the chasm.

Seconds later, a humanoid with feathered wings whooshed up from below and executed an elegant loop before hovering behind the Illumian.

"How, you ask? With style, of course. Is there any other way?"

Change Shape into an Avariel, giving me 50 ft flight speed.

Lix Lorn
2012-12-03, 11:58 AM
Vivian rolls her eyes at the group's antics. She considers saying something, but decides eventually that it's not really worth her time and effort. Instead, she spreads her wings wide, and dives into the chasm.

Jeff the Green
2012-12-04, 08:15 AM
Davkhur's pupilless eyes narrow at Ravana's transformation. Not a spell. Not druidic shapechanging either. Would have recognized the spellcasting. And the silly naturalism. Changeling? Strange, ostentatious changeling.

He looks down at Vivian and follows after her. Better get down before the spell wears off. (Granted, the spell lasts over an hour, so he could easily climb the highest mountain in Khorvaire, but Davkhur is nothing if not cautious. Maybe even paranoid.)

Actually, he could nearly climb Everest. 40 ft./round * 10 round/min * 70 min = 28,000 feet, vs. 29,029 feet for Everest. And since he's undead, he doesn't take nonlethal damage from either hustling constantly or the cold. Two castings would let him climb to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, and being undead he's immune to pressure damage.

2012-12-04, 04:07 PM

The fey gazed down into the canyon, her golden eyes flickering with a mix of excitement and trepidation. While their goal was near, she almost hoped for some kind of worst case scenario to crop up and extend their expedition. It had been many years since she enjoyed the company of creatures she didn't have to turn into pincushions.

"What are we waiting for?" she says gaily, her voice ringing with eagerness. Making sure everything was strapped down, clasped tight and put away, she dives down into the chasm.

2012-12-05, 02:28 AM
Oberon shook his head and sighed, this group was odd at the best of times, but he enjoyed them, even if they were lack of any good emotion or thought. Shrugging his shoulders he thought of a way to rustle Davkhur's feathers, but stopped short as he flew down the maw, knowing it to be a lesson in futility, the old crypt warmer would just stare at him and mutter some long dead curse at him.

Ooh, perhaps he could learn some new ones? It had been a while since he had really flexed his verbal armory after all. He almost glowed with glea as he recalled the last time...

I wander what that gnome and the werecow are doing? he thought to himself as he lazily caught the air currents, tucked his wings to drop and then caught another thermal.

Now...what would be the best way to make Davkhur angry....

2012-12-11, 02:51 AM
Oberon keeps flying down and starts to wonder how deep was this crevasse?

2012-12-13, 12:19 AM
You all go down the gorge for several minutes; most of the way, you notice nothing of interest among the craggy walls, although the glow at the bottom of the pit grows stronger.

Suddenly, you hear the sound of shattering rock directly above your heads. You look up and see a blue, vaguely humanoid insectile creature riding on what looks like an enormous, blue-and-red wingless flying centipede with very large teeth. Even from where you are standing (or climbing, or flying), you can feel waves of heat emanating from the pair; however, before you can react, the humanoid creature raises its massive spear and emits a loud screech. As it screams, a thick sheet of ice forms beneath you, spanning the width of the canyon.

Map tomorrow, it's really late. Feel free to roll initiative now- we're still doing group initiative, so for the enemies:

Jeff the Green
2012-12-14, 12:19 AM
Davkhur glances up at the odd pair and quickly appraises them. Gelugon. Devil. Don't remember much other than that. Means it won't fall for my usual tricks. Remorhaz, on the other hand...

Right, he thinks at his companions. The big centipede thing is a Remorhaz, which likes to set things on fire. Not terribly bright, though. The other is a gelugon, a type of devil who likes ice. Can't say much more than that. Don't you just love it when old enemies can let bygones be bygones and focus on a common goal?

Of course, I prefer it when that common goal isn't killing us, but it's still heart warming. And chilling.

Anyway, Oberon, would you move a bit away from me? The sky's about to fall if I do this right.

Drawing in just the barest wisp of magic, Davkhur disappears for a few seconds. He climbs to his left and then swigs out on one hand and foot. He waits for everyone to move out of the way before pulling a few stray rose petals from the pouch at his waist. He kisses them, and then blows them in the direction of his enemies. You are getting sleepy, big scaly. Very sleepy. Sleepy enough to crash to the bottom of this canyon. With that thought, the magic flows out of him and he reappears.

Swift action: Initiate cloak of deception (invisible until end of turn).
Move action: Move west 10' (to E0, above the ice). Child of shadow stance grants concealment (20% miss chance).
Standard action: Cast deep slumber next to the remorhaz. Will DC 20 or sleep for 7 minutes (or realistically, when it hits the wall/ground), only remorhaz can be affected because of HD limit.

2012-12-14, 12:43 AM
Oberon smirks at Davkhur, this would be a great time to do something, but oh wait, there was something coming at them...maybe another time then...

Heeding the walking corpse' advice he moves out of the way draws his bow and shoots off an arrow, hopefully he would be able to get the big centipede thingy to fall asleep, that would be all kinds of great!

He thinks to Davkhur, Well of course I can!

Oberon is always invisible just FYI.

He will move 30 feet away from the oncoming creature.
Attack using bow and Sleep arrow against the Remhoraz
Flat footed AC due to invisiblility
Fort Save DC 20 or be affected by Sleep spell (No HD limit, 10 minutes)

2012-12-14, 09:31 PM

"So our welcoming committee is a devil with tidings of fire and ice, eh? I like it," Ravana remarked as he stared up.

Before his comrades could finish their mental discussion, Ravana's feathery wings stretched out the widest to both sides before beating back on the wind hard, propelling him forward and up towards the centipede-looking beast.


Ravana shouted his greeting before a morningstar wreathed in light swung upward towards the Remorhaz's maw.

Move Action: Move to C5.
Standard action: Attack with Star of Courage (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Star_of_Courage). Will DC 22 for the Crushing Despair.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Hopefully you guys don't have a problem with Ravana going first so everyone benefits from Crushing Despair and Good Hope.

Lix Lorn
2012-12-16, 11:04 PM
"Why is nothing NEVER. EASY." Vivian complains viciously to herself, rising rapidly upwards before forming a vicious blast of icy moonlight, blasting it for the rider.

Flying upwards 35ft, and then launching a single attack!
Think I am within 30ft

2012-12-16, 11:59 PM
"Because then nothing would ever be fun," Titania jests to Vivian before veering off, away from the flying worm and its rider. She draws her bow, turns back to face the two, and the eye sockets of the skull adorning the middle of her bow flash red for a second. She scans her enemies, and upon seeing her magic working, grins. "Got you in my sights, you loathsome worm. Time to die..."

Moving 20 ft south, turning in place (10 ft movement total), activating the Wand of Hunter's Mercy (49 charges left) that's in my Dragonbone Bow's wand chamber. First attack with the bow that hits on the next round is an automatic crit.

2012-12-20, 06:23 PM
Ravana charges the flying beast, and his mace makes contact with the beast's skull. Oberon's arrow strikes true as well, but the beast seems unfazed. Davhkur's spell, on the other hand, is much more successful- the beast succumbs, and quickly crashes into the icy floor below, shattering it and violently awakening itself. Unfortunately, this angers the rider. Vivian's blast does not help; in fact, the rider spurs its mount towards them, and charges Vivian. As it does so, it emits a terrifying mental scream.

Vivian makes a Will saving throw against the gelugon's fear aura, at DC 22: [roll0]

If she fails, she's panicked.

[roll2] plus slow: [roll3] vs. DC 23; slowed for [roll4] rounds on a failure.

Oberon is the light green, Titania is the darker green. I had to exaggerate how light Oberon's speech was, because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to make Titania's look distinct from either his or Ravana's.

Jeff the Green
2012-12-21, 02:44 AM
Davkhur smiles mirthlessly. Sending the remorhaz off to Dal Quor was easier than he'd expected. Pity the sprite's arrows didn't work. Next time.

First, though, he considers the remorhaz. Identifying it is one thing, but now he rakes his memory for half-remembered fragments of information on its strengths and, more importantly, its weaknesses. The search takes only a moment, but during that time is eyes flick back and forth as though reading an invisible book.

His search comes up short. He did have time to replay the climactic action scene (and ensuing, ahem, "romance" scene) from one of his favorite books, Purchased For the Lord of Blades's Marriage Bed, however. Hmmmmm. I wonder if I brought that.

And now it is next time. Free a hand. Out come the rose petals. Incantation. Kiss. Blow. Magic.

I'm pretty sure no one is going to be under the remorhaz, but if so I'll edit this.

Move action: Dark Knowledge tactics on remorhaz. Knowledge (arcana): [roll0] Edit: I... buh... really? :smallmad: No effect.
Standard action: Cast deep slumber next to remorhaz. Will save DC 19 or sleep: [roll1]

2012-12-22, 02:07 PM

"And hello to you too," he called out as he slashed the rider with a large sword when the latter came falling past him.

AoO on Gelugon (greatsword incantation)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

"There's one way to break the ice," Ravana quipped as the remorhaz crashed on the ice below.

Forming a bow out of thin air, he pulled back on the string and an arrow of pure white energy appeared between his fingers, and the next instant Ravana sent it flying towards the gelugon.

Standard Action: Attack with Purify (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Purify)
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + [roll4] + [roll5](divine damage)

Will DC 21 to half the divine damage

2012-12-25, 07:17 AM
As Titania nocks an arrow, her grin turning from cocky to murderous as the tendrils of bloodlust begin to sink into her mind again. Shortly after, a flurry of arrows fly from her bow, aimed at the devil.

Using Rapid Shot + Arrow Swarm with 5 Razorfeather Arrows (keen (19-20/x4), masterwork adamantine arrows)
[roll0] Attack 1
[roll1] Attack 2
[roll2] Attack 3
[roll3] Attack 4
[roll4] Attack 5

Each miss causes all subsequent attacks to gain a stacking +4 bonus to hit. (Woodland Archer)

The first attack to connect is an automatic critical hit for 4x damage. (Hunter's Mercy)

Rolling damage in case any of them hit:

[roll5] Attack 1
[roll6] Attack 2
[roll7] Attack 3
[roll8] Attack 4
[roll9] Attack 5

Critical confirm (just in case):

[roll10] Attack 1
[roll11] Attack 2
[roll12] Attack 3
[roll13] Attack 4
[roll14] Attack 5

2012-12-29, 02:25 AM
"Break the Ice! ah ahahaha, that was funny!"

Bawls Oberon at the jest of Ravana.

"Well then, I see its time to do something, can't have you waiting on us all day, eh?"

Oberon moves his hands casting a spell, several intoned words of power and small gestures of his tiny hands and he summons forth a sphere of sound, a humming starts to resonate outwards from him and he releases it upon the outsider, sending the orb towards him like a bullet from a sling.

And then he sighs as he realizes his aim was off, he leans as he watches if the missile will hit the target or not...

Casting Lesser orb of Sound
Crit on a Nat 20 [roll1] and [roll2] - Well that was probably a waste...

Lix Lorn
2012-12-30, 08:49 AM
Vivian raises an eyebrow, looking at a heavily injured steed, and a notably non-winged rider.

She grins, and unleashes a veritable barrage of icy moonlight.

Full round action: AttacK: The reckoning: Phoenix 2: Arctic Boogaloo
Okay, maybe I've been on TVT recently.

Rapid shot. I think the falling will have pushed it to more than 30ft away. Range is 40ft. If he's not within 40ft (or 45ft, since I could 5ft step), I fly to within 30ft and make one attack at +16 instead.

[roll2] If I'm within 30ft, these are all at one higher.

[roll5] Each at one higher if 30ft.

2012-12-31, 12:40 AM
The remorhaz lets out a high-pitched scream upon being struck by Lix's icy beams, but it is suddenly silenced when Davkhur casts his spell. This silence becomes permanent when it slams into the edge of the ice wall, breaks its neck, and plummets into the glowing depths.

...The gelugon is not so happy about this, and though Ravana's light-arrow makes a near miss, he is a little annoyed about the ball of sound that smacks into his arm. However, Titania's magical aim causes her second arrow to hit the gelugon smack in its compound eye, and two more to strike it in the chest. Screaming mightily and oozing greenish ichor, the fiend flies off at top speed far from the group, and then blasts them with a wave of brumal air.

Everyone takes 13d6 cold damage, Reflex DC 20 for half. Everyone except Lix. (Good thing, too, after that crit.)
[roll0] <-- Davhkur- save: [roll1]
[roll2] <-- Oberon- save: [roll3]
[roll4] <-- Titania- save: [roll5] (in case of a natural one)
[roll6] <-- Ravana- save: [roll7]


Jeff the Green
2012-12-31, 03:02 PM
Right about... Davkur waits for the gelugons returning salvo. Now. He ducks into a slight depression in the cliff face and avoids the better part of the devil's rimy spell. The touch of Dolurrh absorbs much of the rest, and only a few sections of Davkhur's leathery skin are damaged by the ice. It doesn't hurt, exactly, but it angers him.

Appropriately, it's a cold anger.

The undead tomb-raider channels that anger inward and uses it to fuel his next move. He pulls a prism from his pocket and uses it to catch the lembant glow from below. With a gentle sussuration his bodypaint begins to flouresce. (He'd applied them in the morning, as always. Today it was flowing lines of red and turquoise, punctuated here and there by yellow dots and rosettes. He'd been rather proud of it, actually, but the colors weren't merely artistic. They were quite weaponizable, in fact.) Suddenly with a curious stretching, the colored lines—and, in fact, all the colors in Davkhur's skin, eyes, clothes, and even his tarnished-gold sigils—is pulled into the prism. He flicks the prism toward the ice devil, as though casting a fishing line, and bolt of furious roiling color bursts at the devil and hits it squarely in its eyes.

With his colors extinguished and now invisible, Davkhur begins making his way down the cliff. If the colors fail to properly disorient his enemy, he has no desire to be in the same place it remembered him to be.

Immediate action: Initiate action before thought
Standard action: Cast blinding color surge on gelugon. Will DC 21 or be blinded. [roll0]. Not so much, apparantly. Regardless of success, Davkhur is invisible for 7 rounds.
Move action: Climb down 10 feet, then drop to ice. Move Silently: [roll1]

2013-01-02, 06:03 AM

"Whoopsie. Looks like it doesn't appreciate a good joke like you, little one," he glanced at Oberon and threw a quick smile as the gelugon rushed past them.

Seeing the familiar preparations of a spell, he instantly materialized another bow and arrow, this one crackling with electric energy. Before the ice devil could unleash its fury upon them, Ravana had let fly of the arrow.

Immediate Action: Fire Disruptive Discharge (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Disruptive_Discharge)
Attack: [roll]1d20+20[roll]
Damage: [roll0] + [roll1](electric damage)
If attack hits, automatic Dispel Magic as counterspell
Dispel Check: [roll2] vs DC 24

With his arrow finding its target, the casting seemed to fizzle for a second, but the next one found them at the receiving end of a chilling wind.

"Ouch. That hurt!" Ravana complained as his empty hand went into a throwing motion, and as he completed the motion, tiny needles appeared near the devil.

Standard Action: Attack with Daggerhail (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Daggerhail)
Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14461871&postcount=473)

Lix Lorn
2013-01-12, 02:28 PM
Vivian practically screeches as she chases after the creature, swooping into position where it is between her and the wall.
"NO you don't!"

On the last word, her form erupts with a blast of dark lightning. But it doesn't strike her foe, but rather earths straight downwards. It leaves no mark.

But a terrible rumble of thunder rolls out. It's not much above speech for those behind or beside her, but the terrific force of sound drives into the monster, shattering the surface of the wall behind it as it does.

Alright! I use my 80ft movespeed to get within 30ft and south of it on the map. Then, I use a Radiance infused with Thunder's Glare. This lowers my damage by... 12. However, it forces the foe to make a Fortitude save, DC 19, or be driven back 40ft away from me. If he strikes an object, he takes 1d3 bludgeoning damage for each 10ft not travelled.

If I miss now I may cry.
[roll1]Half sonic, half cold

2013-01-13, 02:06 AM
Oberon sighs and sees his jibes and jests are failing to play out as whit, and this creature before him is refusing to stand down.

He quickly summons another ball of energy, sound cackling from this one seems to be more intense.

He launches the ball of sound at the devil, hoping to end this tiresome fight and let them move on.

Empowered Orb of Sound
[roll1] x 1.5 = 36
Fort save Vs 21 or be deafened for one round

2013-01-13, 02:07 PM
"Tough little bug," Titania spits, the chill from its magic still lingering in her body. She draws out another steel feather and takes aim, then looses a keening flurry.

[roll3] +4 = 24
[roll4] +8 = 35
Each attack gets a +4 bonus if a previous one misses (stacking)


Crit Confirm:
Crits are x4 damage.

2013-01-21, 11:48 AM
Three of Titania's arrows fly screaming into the gelugon's skull. Unconscious and bleeding ichor from every wound, it falls swiftly into the depths.

Sorry about the wait.

Also, I'mma be nice and make Titania go first, so you guys don't have to waste your spell slots/incantations.

2013-01-25, 04:46 AM
Well that was fun! Were to now?

He takes a look around to see what he sees.


On another note, Could I remake Oberon, He's feeling a little under powered compared to the others, and well I'm not feeling him much.

Jeff the Green
2013-01-25, 04:08 PM
Huh. The gloura's got talent. Not Talent, but still. Note to self: don't piss her off. At least not until the domination is solid.

"Well, then, onward and downward? I suspect the baatezu won't be rising from that fall, but battle draws the ravens and the ravens are perfectly capable of plucking out eyes on their own." With that beautiful image, Davkhur makes his way to the edge of the ice sheet and resumes his descent.

2013-01-25, 11:16 PM

"That hurt a bit. Can't take jokes, that one, huh?"

Ravana slowly descended towards the edge of the ice sheet below. Once down, he triggered his belt, upon which some sort of shining light emanated from it. After a few seconds, two of the three moonstones decorating it lost their glow, and some of Ravana's visible wounds began to close up.

"And into the chasm of death rolled the six."

Use Healing belt, 2 charges.

2013-01-27, 11:36 PM
You all dive down the canyon for the next several days. In the first few hours, you see several monstrous horrors scurry in and out of the tunnels in the sides of the canyons, but the holes become sparser as you descend further, and you encounter no other life in any form after the first mile or so. As you go, the entrance gets farther and farther above you, to the point where it eventually becomes a mere speck of light above you. You keep going and going, hundreds miles down into the earth, and the glow coming from the bottom becomes ever-stronger. The further you go down, and the stronger the light gets, the more you notice that it comes most strongly from the center of the canyon, far to the south of your location.

It begins to occur to you that this canyon is far, far deeper than it has any business being.

Eventually, though, the canyon abruptly opens up into a vast cavern. None of you can see any of the walls. By this point, you can see the source of the glow- an enormous, purplish glowing sphere, hundreds of miles to the south. You spend another six days moving towards it, and end up at the ceiling of the canyon above it, but you encounter one small problem- the orb is still far, far below you, and one member of your party can't fly.

[ S ] Everyone: Descend.

Also, all of your slots are refreshed. Obviously.

2013-01-28, 04:37 AM
Oberon flutters down and buzzes a circle around Davkur, looking over to his other companions, the trying to-hide himself Rakshasha, and the Phoenix, Oberon couldn't help to smile, what a motley group they made up.

Moving a like a fly around fruit, and trying his best to annoy just the same, he looks down at the strange sphere providing the light, and their apparent destination.

"So...are we supposed to be heading toward that thing like moths to a flame? Seems to me it might be a lure...or something, you know to bring out all those tasty undead types so the big baddie hiding somewhere can chomp them to bits!" he shrieks out, laughing as he does. Zipping away before the dead member of their party could hit him.

Hovering near the cold phoenix he looks about, "What are doing here anyway? Seems to be a strange place, what happened here?"

Lix Lorn
2013-01-28, 09:16 AM
Vivian shrugs.
"Why would I know? Isn't that what we're here to find out?"

Jeff the Green
2013-01-28, 09:38 AM
Fey. Why in the name of all that is holy and unholy did Kaius have to choose a pixie to go along?

Davkhur doesnt bother swatting at Oberon, as the fey expected, but instead negligently waves his hand and thunder cracks. In the pixie's ear canal.

The annoyance avenged, Davkhur turns to the matter of the glowing sphere. He retrieves a book from Ravana's extradimensional storage and holds it with one hand while clinging to the rift's wall with the other. A brief incantation invoking the Librarian to enhance his memory, and considers what he might know about the orb or similar phenomena.

Ghost sound in Oberon's ear.
Lore of the gods duration 70 minutes.
Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]

2013-01-28, 10:52 AM

"Well, we would not find out if we stay up here, would we? Downwards, men! And women!" Ravana shouted as he began his descent down the wide expanse of the cavern and towards the light.

2013-01-29, 02:47 AM

Following the group cautiously, Titania wasn't very keen on going too far underground; a lot of infuriating memories began to boil up, regarding certain kinds of fey that live certain distances under a certain surface of the world. Silently she would mouth curses to the dark as they travelled, as if she expected someone - or something - to overtake them should it hear her. Upon seeing the orb after days of travelling, however, a much happier, greedier mood took over.

"How curious," she says as she gazes on, becoming the moth in Oberon's turn of phrase. Her lips part into a toothy smile, one not at all endearing, as she dives down after Ravana. Letting him lead, of course.

2013-01-29, 02:58 AM
Having a crack of thunder *snap* in his ear, Oberon flinches suddenly as he nears Ravana.

"Hey!" he yells out to Davkhur rubbing his left ear and temple and looking at his hand for blood. "Freaking spellcasters, always got a trick up their sleeve!"

He settles in a relaxing spin as he watches the undead companion sit and start studying, but quickly sees the others move out, jumps up alert. "Hey! Wait for me!" yelling as he drops from where he was, leaving Davkhur to his reading he fades from view as he does.

Jeff the Green
2013-01-29, 05:36 AM
With the aid of his magically-heightened memory, Davkhur rapidly finds what he was looking for: a diagram of a planar gate. Not being one for plane-hopping—the years on Dolurrh were plenty—he hadn't seen one in person, but the sphere certainly had certain salient features in common with them. Which made it dangerous.

Oh yeah, colleagues. Letting them touch it without knowing what it is might be bad. **Sigh**Unlife is so much easier when they're disposable.

Sphere's a gate," Davkhur telepathies laconically. I wouldn't recommend touching it until we have an idea of where it leads.

Davkhur continues to climb down the crevasse and onto the ceiling of the cavern, where he hangs looking like nothing so much as an emaciated bat.

Lix Lorn
2013-01-29, 08:21 AM
Vivian, while she follows, remains at the back. After all, discretion is the better part of valour, and you don't need to outrun the danger; only to outrun your companions.

Jeff the Green
2013-02-02, 11:07 AM
As his fellows dive toward the gate, a smile creeps across Davkhur's face. He aligns himself carefully, judges the distance, and then pushes off.

He falls. The wind would be painful were his skin not grey and shriveled. It would be impossible to breathe, if he needed to. As it is, it merely takes a minor effort concentrate.

A thousand feet above the spere, Davkhur changes. Glorious wings sprout from his shoulders, and he pulls out of his dive in a graceful arc, ending up within a few hundred feet of the gate-sphere. And well before his companions, to boot. He uses the time waiting for them to check for traps.


Assuming these (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20040706a) are accurate.

Concentration DC 18 to cast spell, take 10 for 23. (Or [roll0]* if this counts as distracted.)
Reflex Save DC 20 to pull out of freefall, Action Before Thought and take 10 for 23. (Or [roll1]* if this counts as distracted.)
Nonlethal damage from pulling out ignored because undead.

* Those should actually be +2 because of his masterwork tool, a relaxing lavender pomander. No, never mind. If he's distracted (though really, he shouldn't be) he crashes and takes 67 damage.

2013-02-03, 02:03 PM
You all hurtle downwards at incredible speed, arriving at the distant object within a few minutes. Once there, you see that it is not uniform, as it looked from far away, but rather has dark patches and strands of energy twisting and swirling over its surface. As you approach closer its surface, though, a dark patch forms below you. It quickly darkens and increases in size, until, by the time you have reached the surface, it has become an enormous, pitch-black space.

Lix Lorn
2013-02-03, 02:13 PM
"Well, this looks unpleasant."

Jeff the Green
2013-02-04, 02:24 AM
"No, it's just opening," Davkhur corrects Vivian. "Granted, something could come through, but presumably they wouldn't be able to see us before they did so any more than we can see them. We should decide what to do soon, though. These wings won't last more than a few more minutes, and none of you are fit to carry me. I'd rather not have to ride in Vivian's sack."

"My vote for action is going through, and my vote for leader of said travel is Ravana."

2013-02-04, 03:52 AM

"Sure, sure. Let the good-looking chap go ahead and disarm all the traps and potential hazards with his awesome body," he retorted. But Ravana did not mind. He had decided he would go in first anyway without the others telling him to do so.

"Well, this is where we came for after all. No use flying around here like moths. If we are to be moths, we touch the flame and see if it burns us!" Ravana declared as he flapped his wings and circled closer. He would touch the surface with one hand, and if it did not hurt him or cause any other effect on him, he would dive in.

2013-02-08, 04:06 AM
Oberon flew down the with rest of them, making sure to remain somewhat in the middle, and not too far from them. He knew it was a mistake to stray to far, things tended to happen when one found themselves alone.

And he never did like being alone.

He fluttered his little wings and watched as they talked about the hole forming before them.

"Ravana is going to do what?" he blurted out, "Uh, am I the only one that thinks that's a stupid idea?, hands? yeah, maybe...what the hell? That's not a good idea, we should like...throw something at it, you don't know what it will do to you!" he says, as Ravana touches it. He slaps his forehead with his right palm..."Oh god no,"

This was going to be either an epic adventure, or a very short one. sighing he shrugged, determined to keep watching, it was that or go back...alone.

2013-02-09, 05:04 PM
When Ravana touches the surface of the glowing sphere, he feels a sensation similar to that of touching a set of alternating hot and cold metal coils- unpleasant, but not particularly harmful. Touching the dark spot, however, he feels nothing.

Everyone except Oberon, at least until he goes in
As you fly into the dark spot, you feel a strange, bowel-twisting sensation, much like that of ordinary teleportation.

Suddenly, you each emerge atop four (five, including Oberon) large, glassy cubes suspended by thick iron chains, each covered in various symbols and letters. Looking around, you see six glowing knives suspended inside each cube; two torches, one long and standing inside an ornate stand, the other hanging down from the cube's bottom; and four black stripes on the opposite top and bottom edges- arranged so that none touch, and yet, when viewed directly from above, they appear as a square. Around you, the area is filled with dense, wet fog of such thickness as to make it impossible to see each other or, really, anything past the edge of the cubes. However, it seems to abruptly cease at the edge of the cube. When you stick a limb into the fog, you feel a great resistance, as though you were pushing through thick porridge.

In the fog, move speeds are 5ft, nonmagical ranged attacks are impossible, and everyone gets -2 to attack and damage.

Go ahead, interact. I'd give you a map, but this computer doesn't have the software on it, and it's not really necessary. By the way, the cubes are about four feet wide, and the area of no fog extends upward about six feet from the top of the cube.

2013-02-10, 12:09 AM

"Whoa...that was interesting," Ravana remarked to himself. He looked around, the glass box beneath him and what were written on it and what was inside catching his attention. But before that,

Ravana touched the dense fog beyond the space of the cube, feeling the heavy resistance. "Hey, you guys there?"

2013-02-11, 02:58 AM
Oberon watches tepidly as Ravana touches and continues to move through the portal in the giant ball of energy.

Shaking his head at the circumstances.

What where they thinking? Didn't they have common sense enough not to just touch anything or walk through any old portal they found?


No, common sense is rare. So rare it should be a gift from the gods.

Shaking his head and following the others through, Oberon liked to jest and joke, but this? this was foolishness...but somebody had to cover their buts, and who didn't need a rogue?

shaking his head he followed them through the portal.


2013-02-11, 03:04 PM

"Uh...I am, I think," Titania blurts out, still examining the environs. Such a strange sight, completely unnatural (at least to her), and yet here it was - the product of a mad mind, or perhaps a sane, alien one.

She flaps her wings once or twice, and tries waving a hand through the fog, until she feels resistance and yanks her hand back. Magic fog, wonderful.

"Anyone have any ideas on where we are...? Or what any of this is?"

Jeff the Green
2013-02-12, 04:34 AM
"Give me a moment and I'll see if I can find out," Davkhur replies. He closes his eyes and opens his Sight, sweeping around him and analyzing the swirling magic energies around him.

Detect magic. Spellcraft to ID auras, as needed, is take 10 fo 24. Knowledge (arcana) for whatever he might know about the situation is take 10 for 33.

Also, Davkhur has Mindsight 100'. What's the arrangement of the party, and are there any other minds around?

Lix Lorn
2013-02-13, 06:18 AM
Vivian's screech is unmistakable. The distinctly yellow phoenix is trying to stay in the exact centre of the pillar, and doesn't seem to be sure where to look.

2013-02-13, 07:06 AM

"Now, now. A terrible idea would have been something that went along the lines of us not actually being alive after entering wherever this is," Ravana replied. "So, anybody knows anything about any of these things? I can offer my body for the sake of discovery, if need be." The hint of sarcasm could be gleaned from his intonation.

Jeff the Green
2013-02-14, 05:13 AM
"Maybe later," Davkhur responds to Ravanna's suggestion, apparently missing his sarcasm. "For now it might be a bit premature to make any grand sacrifice. The fog is like a common spell called, pedantically enough, "Solid Fog," but bigger. And not as strong. And probably permanent. Something about the cube is rigged to teleport, something else to change, and the daggers to bring about a massive column of flame. Similar to what Purified of the Silver Flame are fond of bringing down on their enemies. Please try not to trigger them.

2013-02-14, 05:33 AM

"I see. Avoid the dagger, got it. So, what about these symbols written on the cube? Let's see..." Ravana bent down to inspect the symbols closer.

Arcana: [roll0]

Jeff the Green
2013-02-15, 04:50 AM
Davkhur likewise begins examining the cube, the chains, the torches, and anything else he can make out, this time with his mundane senses.

Search: Take 20 on everything (like, 2 5-foot cubes, right?), for 32.

2013-02-20, 01:26 PM
Oberon enters and appears on his cube, listening to the others he quickly surmises a twisted trap has been laid out, now, they would have to think through this.

Stupid idiots.

He knew it was a stupid idea to enter blindly, and look, he was right!

Taking a look at what was going on he tried to scrutinize what everything was as he pulled out his toolkit, knowing that there was a trap somewhere in the confuddled situation of there's.

He'll use a Detect Magic as well
Searching for traps:
Search 'take 20' (16+20=36) 36

Jeff the Green
2013-02-21, 04:22 AM
Davkhur "glances" in Oberron's direction as he appears. You weren't delayed by something horrible coming in after you, I hope, he thinks dryly.

Telepathy just directed at Oberron.

Jeff the Green
2013-02-25, 09:34 AM
Davkhur sits on the cube in the manner of the Kalashtar mystics: cross-legged with an upturned hand on each knee. Lacking paper on which to make notes, he is forced to use only his brainspace. This isn't necessarily an onerous task, given his intellect (which he would be the first to describe as "massive," "formidable," "superior," and a number of other superlatives), but it does require some concentration.

"Right. I don't recognize the characters on the chains. They might be a language, but it's not related to common. See how many different symbols there are? They can't be letters. Have to be ideograms or syllabograms. Characters that represent words or syllables. Either way, that would be beyond my ability to decipher without magic, so let's assume they're nonsense for the moment"

He goes silent for a moment and then reports his conclusions: "The common letters and the numeral aren't a simple cipher either. Certainly not a scramble, since there's a 'q' but not a 'u'. Also not a Galifar cipher."

Galifar = Caesar

Jeff the Green
2013-03-05, 06:33 AM
After spending what seems like weeks, but really was only a few hours, working on the puzzle with no success, Davkhur gives up. Well, at least temporarily. He reaches into his sash and pulls out The Xen'drikan Dragon Emperor's Machinating Bride, a book he picked up for a few copper the last time he was in Taer Valaestas. He reads it, and then moves on to The Cyran King's Wily Heiress, then The Aereni Mogul and his Stentorian Warforged.

Eventually his mind is clear and his body relaxed. With the dagger he carries in his shoe he rips the seams from a small incision on his thigh and pulls out a pink crystal as big as his fist, with pulsing red veins that resemble blood vessels. He sits down and stares into it; arcane formulae and symbols appear in the swirling veins. Davkhur occasionally makes a practicing gesture or two, but mostly he just watches and recalls.

After nearly an hour of this, Davkhur replaces the crystal, sews himself up, and calls out to his companions. Is everyone awake? I want you to look at the symbols on the chains. Make sure they're the same as mine. Here we go. He describes the series of symbols as carefully as he can, and when he's certain everyone's chains are the same, he begins to work his power.

Yes, he reads (bad) romance novels for rest instead of sleeping. It's certainly not a "fairly demanding physical or mental task."

Assuming everyone got the same symbols (not a big assumption, I think), Davkhur casts comprehend languages, then touches the chains to read them.

2013-03-07, 12:30 AM
"I am now in agreement with Vivian's original declaration...this was a horrible idea," Titania bemoans, flapping her wings feverishly. "I'm going out into the mist." She shouts.

With a leap and a flap, she begins the fastest ascent she can manage northward.

2013-03-07, 12:04 PM
Oberon wakes to the moanings of his companions, oh these god awful people he joined, why...why did he again?

Listening to Davkhur he blocks the sound of his grating voice from his mind but then perks up when Titania speaks.

"Hey! I SAID this was a terrible idea!"

He sighed.

This was a stupid trap.

For stupid people.

Him included.

2013-03-07, 12:15 PM

"Hey hey hey! That's my job!" he shouted at the fey, then shrugged. "Oh, well. I'll reserve my body for more dangerous traps."

"And who cares who said what? I still think this isn't so bad. Heavy fog, mysterious floating glass cubes with mysterious floating daggers and mysterious writings. The works. We hit the jackpot. Though the grand prize might not necessarily good," he said, the last sentence he muttered to himself.

Turning back to the mysterious symbols, Ravana could only take a guess at what they meant, but even at that, he didn't know where to start.

"So, anyone found out anything yet? And by anyone, I meant you, smartypants," he said, pertaining to Davkhur, who seemed to be the only one who had any idea at all.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-11, 10:24 AM
Davkhur pulls his hand from the chain away in disgust. Faugh, no, he thinks. It's a language, apparently, but the words are nonsensical. It's got to be the colors, but I'm not sure how yet.

2013-03-12, 04:42 PM
Titania soars upward- for about a second, until she hits the fog and the 'soaring' becomes more of a 'squishing.' You push through the fog for about a minute, until you slam- well, smoosh- against a hard surface. You can only barely make out the details, but it's clearly distinguishable as simple masonry stone.

2013-03-14, 02:11 AM
"Baaah," Titania grunts as she slowly collides with the wall. She puts her hands up and feels along the walls, moving ever-slowly eastward, her wings beating against the solid oatmealness of the fog around her. "Maybe I can find some kind of exit or something..."

Taking 10 (netting a roll of 15) if I can to search each square along the wall eastward - that is, if I'm able to see it well enough to search. Otherwise I'm just kinda moving my hands over the walls, feeling for a corner or something.

2013-03-14, 06:12 PM
Oberon pipes upon hearing Titania muttering about the wall.

"Wall?" he yells out "I didn't know there was a wall, of course, I didn't get up and look, but that is besides the point, I was tired, maybe this cloud thingy makes you tired, of course I'm not tired right now, who knows though, it could, maybe its seeping our strength right now? Whadya think, hmmm, maybe, Of course it could just be a thick fog cloud, anyone got any wind spells handy hmmm, let me see..." he finally shuts up and you hear him casting some spells:

His voice starts out as a whisper and slowly gains speed, and volume.

"origato mobi qe suaco!"

And then another one:

"clax mojka sia toma mrith nomeno kaden di bivnix!"

Is casting Gust of wind in attempts to blow it away
then casts Fog Cloud to try and dispell it. (not sure if that is possible)

EDIT: I'm using this site (http://draconic.twilightrealm.com/) for Draconic translation.

2013-03-14, 07:41 PM
Titania: You don't see or feel anything.

Oberon: A roaring sheet of high-speed wind rushes at the fog-and bounces off to the side, swirling around you.

2013-03-15, 12:53 AM

The ruckus caused by the other took the rakshasa's attention from the mysterious symbols. Standing up, he spoke.

"Hey, hey, looks like you're having fun over there. No fair! Let me in on it too!" Using a few steps as a running start, he crossed his hands before his face and leaped into the fog towards the direction of the sound the others were making.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-15, 09:37 AM
After an hour of frustration, Davkhur's ready to give up trying to figure out what the chains mean. Instead, he taps into the fragment of antimagic that came back with him from Dolurrh. He releases the energy in a burst around him, careful not to disrupt the magics he'd placed on himself.

Greater dispel magic SLA. Deliberately failing the CL check on my buffs. I don't know how many effects there are in a 20' radius from him, so I'll let you roll them, Lateral.

2013-03-15, 07:29 PM
Davhkur: Nothing happens.

Ravana: You slog through the fog for about half a minute, until you suddenly pop out of the cloud- and barrel downward, straight into Oberon.

2013-03-15, 11:50 PM
Oberon shrugs when his attempts at displacing the fog has no affect, and then almost wets himself as Ravana almost barrels into him.

"What the hell!" he exclaims, picking himself up, his little wings buzzing excitedly.

"Have you had any luck?" he asks with arms folded. "Oh and by the way, this was a great idea."

Looking up he says with a half coc ked grin. "you know what, I wander where these chains lead to? care to join me?"

With that he flies up holding onto the chain as he goes to guide him the the soupy fog.

2013-03-16, 01:08 AM

"Oh, there's the little man," Ravana said as he tried to stop himself from hitting Oberon.

"No, no luck. I think the guys back there knew not to bring me in this mission for my brains, so yeah," he said with a chuckle.

"All right then! Going up!" Ravana shouted as he followed the pixie up, keeping his left hand on the chain as he ascended.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-16, 08:48 PM
With his negation failing to have any effect, Davkhur gets on his hands and knees and examines the daggers again, and finally notices that some of the runes are larger than the others. Two sizes, not six colors. Binary. There. Now. Series of 15 repeated there and there. First 10 repeated there. "The" and "th." So five colors to a letter. He breaks out laughing. It's just The Unwritten Word, hidden in nonsense.

I've got it, he calls out mentally. Ravanna, would you smash into your cube and grab one of the daggers?

No, wait. Allies, not dispensable patsies.

Scratch that. The plaintext of the cipher—well, not really a cipher as much as a hidden message—is "With the holy fire shall the light be revealed. Now, the daggers are a divine, or in some sense, holy, spells bound into physical form, which suggests they're the key.

2013-03-23, 01:48 PM
Oberon is about to head up when hear's Ravana.

Wait, what? He had solved it? wow, old bones had actually done it!

He flew back down, landing on his cube.

Listening to him he nodded...interesting, maybe....

"Who can summon a creature, sommon a...a...a Monkey! yeah, have them grab the dagger!"

2013-03-23, 02:41 PM

"Key? Key to what?" he said with a shrug. "Anyway, I don't do summoning, so unless anybody can, I'm willing to break through the glass and nab those daggers."

Lix Lorn
2013-03-23, 04:16 PM
"Not unless there are corpses around." says Vivian woodenly, eyes darting in all directions as she stays at the very centre of her area.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-23, 08:13 PM
Davhur stares in Oberon's direction incredulously. Have you ever even seen a monkey? he asks. Not a chance one of them is going to be able to break it. A satyr, on the other hand...

Ravanna, come over here please.

2013-03-23, 08:57 PM
Oberon sticks his tongue out at Davkhur.

"of course I've seen a Monkey...looks a lot like you!" he says sullenly.

He sits down with a 'humph' trying to think on what to do. He sure as hell wasn't going to grab the daggers!

2013-03-23, 11:47 PM

"He he he...ha ha ha! Looks a lot like you...ha ha ha! Boy, is he pissed." Ravana laughed at Oberon's words. "Right, monkey man, speak up please so I can follow your voice."

When Dahkvur spoke, Ravana would fly through the fog again, following his voice. When he reached his space, "Okay, my hands are ready for holy burning. Let's do this!"

Jeff the Green
2013-03-23, 11:55 PM
Davkhur ignores Oberron, but files away an idea for the future involving the phrase "monkey on one's back."

"Ah, actually, Ravanna, I was going to just summon something else. Granted your dedication is,"—idiotic—"admirable, but this way we don't have to patch you up afterwards."

As Ravanna lands, Davkhur holds out a staff he'd shaped from some curious sand he'd collected. "Take this over to your previous square, and then come back here."

2013-03-24, 12:10 AM

He took the staff and shrugged. Then as he turned around to kick off, he stopped. "Ah. I don't quite remember where my cube is. Ha ha ha! What do you need this for anyway?"

Jeff the Green
2013-03-24, 12:25 AM
"For the satyr to smash the cube with. Did you think he'd use his pipes? Your cube is over there." Davkhur points Ravanna in the correct direction and guides him more closely as he approaches the cube.

When Ravanna returns from his cube, Davkhur brandishes a carving of a stag's antlers and calls out a short incantation in a silvery tongue bearing some resemblance to the fey tongue. To the others, there seems to be no change, but Davkhur recognizes the appearance of a new mind on top of Ravanna's cube. Pick up the staff, he instructs the satyr, and smash the top of the cube you're standing on.

Summon nature's ally III (with Ring of the Beast, only uses a 2nd-level slot) to get a satyr.

2013-03-26, 02:43 PM
As the satyr raises its staff, the knives in the box begin to shift and spin rapidly. When it strikes the box, the glassy cube crumples, and the daggers fly upwards. They arrange themselves facing outward, and beams of light fly out of the sides, creating a massive hexagon. The six daggers then explode in a massive burst of fire. None of you feel any heat, but the fog dissipates instantly.

Without the fog blocking your field of view, you can see the walls of the room- they appear to be nothing more than ordinary stone. On the north wall, there is a small platform with a reasonably large, but unremarkable, wooden chest.

2013-03-26, 02:55 PM
Oberon flies above his box and is surprised when he feels the rush of the wind and no heat to the obvious explosion of powerful magic.

"Huh, he did do it!" he exclaims.

Looking about he sees the chest and raises an eyebrow.

"Very well then, guess it's time to work" He flies over and inspects the chest.


2013-03-26, 03:11 PM
Confident in finding no traps and seeing it as unlocked, he opens the lid after putting away his tools, sipping them into his waist band.

Lix Lorn
2013-03-26, 03:45 PM
Vivian seems relieved by the removal of the fog, but seems displeased by the room regardless. She stays in her spot until someone else leaves theirs, before timidly sticking a wingtip over the edge, and then finally flying over to the chest.

2013-03-27, 12:49 AM

"Oh. Oh, there you are! Hello there! I was beginning to miss your collective pessimism," Ravana said as the fog lifted and he could see the whole group.

"See? Things work themselves out right? All good, all good," he added with a smile as he slowly made his way to Oberon and the chest. "So, what do we have here, eh? Treasure perhaps?"

2013-03-28, 02:35 AM

When she hears the sounds of progress being made behind her, Titania turns to face the noise, then flinches as the fire passes over her. As the fog dissipates, she reorients herself. "Well that works too, I suppose," she chuckles, secretly overwhelmed with joy from freedom from the accursed fog.

"This seems an odd thing to find through a portal; are we sure this isn't another part of the puzzle...trap, thing?" She looks cautiously at the chest, fluttering near it. "Too many unanswerable questions..." she mutters, letting those with more investigatory skills get in to do their work.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-29, 01:46 PM
"So," Davkhur asks as he tries to figure out a way down without harming himself, "what's in the box?"

2013-03-29, 04:55 PM
When you open the chest, you see a glass bottle with a cork stopper. Unfortunately, the stopper seems to have been tied to a string attached to the inside of the chest; it comes out suddenly, and an enormous cloud of smoke covers the whole room.

The chest then explodes. A burst of light pierces through the dense vapor, and you heard a loud crack. A split second later, a massive burst of wind knocks you all backwards, and you hear a deep, massive, but distant voice call out a single phrase:


Under pressure of the wind, the cloud quickly dissipates, and once you can see again, you find yourselves in a new room. This room is a cylinder with a diameter of twenty feet and a height of merely ten feet, but despite the fact that some of you were flying higher than that, you all find yourselves standing in a row on the east side of the cylinder. The single wall appears to be made of rusty steel plates, all bolted together, the floor is a uniform sheet of steel, and the ceiling is monolithic stone. The most striking feature of the room is an enormous, but wide-necked, hourglass in the center; the top bulb is mostly full, but draining rapidly.

The chest is entirely gone, but the bottle is directly in front of Oberon, its stopper replaced.

The hourglass takes up approximately a ten-foot radius, ten-feet-high cylinder in the center of the room. Although the neck is much smaller than that, the radius of the hourglass doesn't change- rather, the glass is thicker in the middle than it is at the ends, much like a modern egg timer. And, because I know you're going to ask, it'll run out in two minutes. It has a really wide neck.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-29, 09:15 PM
Davkhur groans. "Ravanna, why don't you see if you can break through the walls while I see what kind of magic is about."

Detect magic, sweeping everything. Spellcraft to identify auras:

2013-03-30, 10:40 AM
Oberon let out a quick squeak at the sudden change of events, his senses overlaoded by the suddenness of it all. As the smoke cleared he saw what was obviously another trap and sighed.

"Oh goody!" he declared, looking to Dahkur and Ravanna, "I do hope you like this, Puzzles and traps inside puzzles and traps, my favorite!"

He suddenly perks up "You know, I think I am going to call this 'Trapception', has a ring to it, sounds....book smart, what do you think of it Dahvkur" Oberon asks, honestly interested on his thoughts, and seemingly oblivious to the trap that literally surrounded them.


2013-03-30, 12:44 PM

"Trapception, eh? I like it!" exclaimed Ravana as he observed their new position. Nearing the wall, he tapped on the rusty plates and looked at the bolts to see if he can manage to punch a hole in it.

"Looks rusted. Don't know if I can break it though."

He tapped more parts of the wall as he searched for a spot that looked most vulnerable.

"Well, only one way to find out!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the rakshasa extends his right arm over his head, hand open. In an instant, a huge warmace appeared from thin air. Ravana grabbed it with both hands and swung down, aiming at a particularly rusty-looking bolt.

Attack with Megaton Hammer.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-03-30, 01:28 PM
The bolt gives way, and your terrific blow rips the entire plate off. As you do this, a burst of green liquid spurts out from between the cracks, and quickly slows into a mere trickle of fluid running down the plates.

Reflex [roll0] against DC 15 or take [roll1] acid damage.

2013-03-30, 01:58 PM


Ravana exclaimed as he deftly dodged the conspicuous green liquid that spurted from the opening. Regaining his stance, he cautiously went up towards the cracked portion and looked at it closely.

"Huh. Not a good idea, methinks. Still, things could've probably gone much worse, so we're all good!" he added, laughing.

Did the strike create a hole big enough to see through? If so,
Spot: [roll]1d20-1[roll]

Jeff the Green
2013-04-01, 02:06 AM
He suddenly perks up "You know, I think I am going to call this 'Trapception', has a ring to it, sounds....book smart, what do you think of it Dahvkur"

Davkhur glares at Oberron. I think I am never adventuring with a pixie ever again.


"Well, that didn't work," Davkhur grumbles at the botched escape attempt.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-02, 12:00 AM
Davkhur emits a curse that manages to be simultaneously scatological, sexual, and blasphemous to at least seven churches. When he's done, he explains hastily. "I think I know how this works. When the sand is at the bottom of the glass, acid pours in. That probably explains the rust. Titania, Ravana, could you see if the acid has those tubes too? Oberon, I need you to help me with something to arrest the flow of sand." He brings the pixie to the hourglass and points to a spot toward the top of the hourglass just above the sand line. "Could you melt a hole here? It doesn't have to be large, just enough for me to cast a spell through."

2013-04-02, 06:09 AM

"Wait, just a moment," Titania says as she finishes her thought train. "What's with the bottle?" She points to the stoppered bottle that was once in front of Oberon, before the pixie was whisked away by Davhkur. "Wasn't that in the chest before? You know, the one that's not here anymore? I mean, I know I'm not the supergenius of the party, but it strikes me as odd that it happens to be here now."

Before waiting for an answer, she flutters over to Ravana to help him search for these tubes. Davkhur has telepathy or something, he can answer that way.

I assume I'm using Aid Another to help Ravana search, and not the other way around, since my search is pretty crappy. [roll0] <- if not then my take 10 on search is 15 (can't take 10 on aid another, unless you wanna houserule that away)

2013-04-02, 12:38 PM
Oberon looks to Davkhur and nods, and then to Titania and nods, and then back again, unsure of where to go.

"Uh, um..." he looks to the bottle and snaps it up, pocketing it as he moves to where Davkhur was.

He looks and nods, "Looks good"

"de ehis si lasau wer ixen di tobor"

He casts lesser orb of fire at the spot indicated.
[roll0] vs DC 5

2013-04-02, 02:07 PM
Oberon's blast of fire burns a hole clean through the glass. As the glass is pierced, you all hear a whooshing noise emanating from the hole.

Lix Lorn
2013-04-02, 02:56 PM
Vivian flutters, very, very uncomfortable with the situation.
"Are you sure that was a good idea?" she says, nervously, hovering in the air.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-02, 05:27 PM
"Yes," Davkhur says simply. He flicks his wrist and a small cloud develops in the hourglass. A gentle downpour of water begins, and as it begins to trickle down toward the neck of the glass, he turns back to Vivian. "Now, freeze the water in there. The ice will keep the sand from falling any further."

Lix Lorn
2013-04-02, 06:25 PM
She gives a dubious nod, flapping up towards the hole, and taking a deep breath. She begins to glow, and tries to coax the power of frost and cold through, rather than projecting it as she usually would, distinctly not wanting to break anything.

2013-04-02, 11:15 PM

"Okay, a little inspired idea," Ravana commented as Vivian tried to freeze the water. "Assuming this works, what then? How do we get out?"

Jeff the Green
2013-04-02, 11:18 PM
"Not sure yet," Davkhur responds. "That's part of why I engineered this. Rather not have to think of an escape plan in less than a minute.

"What'd you find on the ceiling?"

2013-04-04, 03:26 PM
The water freezes and binds the sand together, preventing any more from falling through the center.

Clever, clever. You've given yourselves time and (spoilers) made this room a lot less deadly.

2013-04-07, 11:26 PM

"Good enough," Ravana shrugged. "Oh, yeah. The hole I made had those tubes with acid and further in there's an even more larger basins. And I saw those holes in the ceiling, which If you think about it, maybe are connected to those tubes. I think this is how it was made to trigger; when the sand ran out, all this tubes release the acid inside, sending us into our acidy, gooey bath of death."

Jeff the Green
2013-04-07, 11:45 PM
"Probably," Davkhur says. "Now that we're out of immediate danger, let's see how to get out of here." He pulls a spider out of his pouch and pops it in his mouth, a familiar ritual, and begins scaling the walls, searching each panel closely.

Taking 20 on each square for 32. That should take ~50 minutes, depending on whether I find something right away. If nothing, repeat for the floor and ceiling.

2013-04-08, 12:59 AM
You find no mechanisms or hidden doors on the walls or ceiling (aside from those previously mentioned). However, a closer look at the mechanism behind the cavity shows that its rod extends through a hole in the floor, but is itself solidly attached. In addition, the gears on the rod are connected to a motor mounted on the (extended) ceiling. In addition, there is a very small (~.5 mm) amount of clearance between the floor and the wall- that is, the floor and the wall are not attached at any point.

Knowledge (Architecture/Engineering) DC 15:
The mechanism is hooked up to the motors and gears in such a configuration as to rotate the shaft itself, rather than something else. Given that the shaft is fixed solidly to the floor, the mechanism is (at least in part) designed to rotate the entire floor.
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) DC 15:
The metallic floor is very thin- less than two inches or so.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-08, 08:29 PM
Davkhur climbs back down from the walls to make his report. "I think I know how this thing works now," he says. "Floor's not attached to the walls, but is attached to a rod. When the rod spins, the floor rotates too, probably leaving empty space. Splat.

"I'd like to see what's beneath the floor. Anybody have an idea?"

Lix Lorn
2013-04-08, 10:00 PM
"I don't much care for floors..." mutters Vivian.

2013-04-08, 10:44 PM

"Well, seeing that the floor doesn't seem to have those tubes as well, so we can try to punch a hole through. But, it looks like it's not gonna be as easy, given it's one solid piece."

Ravana held his chin and rubbed it in thought, before his eyes widened as if he remembered something.

"Oh, I remember, you could make metal, or basically any hard object, brittle by heating it and immediately cooling it down. Little fairy dude can burn a spot, then the bird lady here can blast the same spot with her icy breath almost immediately after. Then I can try to break through it."

He shrugged. We wasn't sure the idea could work.

"Or you have other better ideas," he said before laughing.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-08, 11:16 PM
"Acid," Davkhur says laconically.

2013-04-09, 12:01 AM

"And that, my friend, is why I don't do the thinking 'round here," he said before laughing. "But unless you use a spell, it's a bit of work to get those things out from the walls though. Then again, I suppose we have the time."

Jeff the Green
2013-04-09, 11:52 PM
"Acid magic would be your schtick, Oberron."

And... he's NPCd, I think.

2013-04-10, 02:54 PM
Oberon nods.

"Uhm, I can probably blast through, but I've only got so many spells. How big a hole do we want?"

Jeff the Green
2013-04-10, 04:49 PM
"Big enough to see through, for now," Davkhur replies.

2013-04-10, 07:35 PM
Oberon grins and mumbles a few arcane-sounding words. Wide columns of acidic liquid strikes the ground repeatedly, until they burn a hole through the floor.

Through this hole, you can see a room much like the one you stand in, but far larger. At the bottom, there are some very rusty and pointy-looking spikes, along with some acid residue.

Call Lightning, using a use of Energy Substitution to make it acid. Three should do it.


I've told you everything you can see just by looking down through the hole from where you are. If you want a better view, stick your head down the hole- it's about three feet in diameter, you should be able to get a decent view.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-10, 08:43 PM
"Could you expand it so I can fit through?" Davkhur asks.

2013-04-10, 08:51 PM
Oberon smirks and sends down another bolt, widening the hole enough to allow you through.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-10, 08:56 PM
Davkhur lowers himself down and clings like some painted lizard to the ceiling. He crawls to the wall and then begins circling it.

How dense are the spikes? Any way to stand on the floor without being skewered? He'll take 10 to Search the walls for 22, burning another slot for spider crawl if necessary.

2013-04-10, 09:14 PM
As you go through the hole, you suddenly hear a loud alarm go off. On the circular wall in the lower room, five sections open quickly to reveal large cavities; out of these cavities fly five enormous, winged sharks with greenish scales and green residue next to their gills. One of them quickly rushes at you and blasts you with a high-pressure spray of acidic vapor.

[roll0] acid damage, Reflex half- [roll1], or [roll2] if you choose to use Action Before Thought. Also, Fort to avoid being knocked down: [roll3]

If you're knocked down, take [roll4] fall damage, plus spikes:


Combat starts now.

Orange is Davhkur, pink is shark. This one is going to be... interesting, given the small maps and variable altitude, but the number is feet above the floor as measured from the center of the shark- that is, the lowest shark is just above the spikes, and the highest scrapes the ceiling. I didn't draw the above room since the sharks can't get there, but the hole is just above Davhkur- come in whenever you like.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-13, 11:49 PM
Davkhur curses, and said oath managing to simultaneously be scatological, sexual, and blasphemous against at least six different deities. He regains his composure, though, and with his last profane word darts to the side. He flicks his wrists skyward and from them shoots a viscous-seeming shadow that clings to the sharks closest to him, sticking to their faces and blinding them.

Help needed, please, he "shouts."

Aw, no lions for now. A question for future reference, though. If I use a standard action to begin casting a summon spell and then a standard the next round to complete it (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#startCompleteFullRoundAction), when does it take place?

Swift: Cloak of Deception, becoming invisible until the end of the round.
Move: move one up, two left, gaining concealment from Child of Shadows.
Standard: Then cast net of shadows (SC) on the four lowest sharks. Will DC 21.

2013-04-14, 01:14 AM

"Hey! You spring the trap, and now you're hogging all the fun?" Ravana shouted down at Davkhur as he manifested a dagger with his right hand. After a split second, he was beside one of the shark, stabbing it with a dagger while a morningstar that seemed to illuminate the whole room materialized above him. Ravana then grabbed the weapon with both hands and pounded down on his target, screaming "Booyakasha!"

Full Round Action: Full Attack shark at 30 feet.
Attack 1 - Blink Dagger (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Blink_Dagger)
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2 - Star of Courage (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Star_of_Courage)
Damage: [roll3]

I think I hit all allies and enemies within the 40 ft radius. DC 21 for Crushing Despair.

2013-04-14, 06:48 PM
"Finally, some action!" Titania grunts, drawing her bow and flying over towards the bored-out hole. She draws an arrow and takes aim, but does not fire just yet, surveying her quarry below. As a small red light comes into being on the flesh of her prey, she grins wickedly.

Flying over to 5 feet above the hole and activating the wand of hunter's mercy too, next bow shot is auto-crit.

Lix Lorn
2013-04-15, 12:23 AM
"You... you want me to fly into a hole in the ground filled with people who want to kill me?" says Vivian in disbelief, looking around wildly.

"I really, really hate you all."

She dives in, looking around wildly, and projects a spear of cold moonlight at her nearest foe.
need sleep

Edit: well that sucks. won't bother fixing the damage roll then xD

Jeff the Green
2013-04-15, 12:25 AM
Sharks aren't people, Davkhur projects dryly. Though usually sharks aren't airborne either.

2013-04-15, 07:59 PM
Ravana's blade and cudgel strike true, penetrating the beast's thick hide; a wave of good spirits washes over you all, while the sharks seem disheartened. Oberon then looses twin blasts of scorching flame; one strikes the flank of the highest shark, and the other, by sheer chance, burns through the eye of Ravana's shark and into its brain, killing it instantly. Its corpse swiftly falls to the floor, skewering itself on the spikes below.

Meanwhile, Titania lines up her shot and Davhkur's mighty magic wraps around and blinds the two lowest sharks, while Vivian's icy stroke makes powerful contact... with the wall.

When the first shark falls, its compatriots all let out a mighty, high-pitched keen. The second-lowest shark twists about and sniffs for a second before blasting another burst of acid at him. Oberon, though invisible, is caught in the blast, but he avoids it with ease. The second-highest then attacks Vivian, biting her in the side, while the lowest seems to find its way towards Davhkur despite its shadowy bindings and begins a massive bite, but Davhkur's magic stops it in its tracks.

Ravana takes [roll0] acid damage from the breath, plus [roll1] from the bite. Vivian takes [roll2] from the bite. Davhkur takes [roll3] damage, putting him at 29 (I think). Stay the Hand.


Jeff the Green
2013-04-15, 09:28 PM
Davkhur doesn't flinch as the shark's nose brushes his, but sidesteps and begins another working.

Summoning lions. Keep them off me, he throws at his allies.

5' Step: to under Ravanna.
Standard: Cast SNAIII defensively DC 18 [roll0]. If at least three sharks remain, summon [roll1] lions. Otherwise a medium storm elemental.

2013-04-16, 02:07 AM

"Would you look at that. I didn't know fishies liked me," Ravana quipped as he tried to brush of the attacks he received. He looked down on Davkhur concentrated on his spell and saw one of the closing but the former's magics kept the flying fish at bay. For now at least.

Without much thought he raised his right hand and instantly a barbed chain materialized. With a single swing the rakshasa hurled it down on the shark hounding Davkhur, wrapping around its body, the barbs biting into its flesh. Another split second saw Ravana give a mighty pull on the chain, yanking the shark up towards him as he shouted "Get over here!".

(If Grapple is successful)
As his target reached him, Ravana let go of the chain, which immediately dissipated into thin air, and his empty hand swung in a wide arc, now bearing a sword of liquid fire that blazed into a cone of fiery heat.

With the fish proving to be too strong to pull up, Ravana let go of the chain, which immediately dissipated into thin air, and held his left hand in front of hims. Swirling magical energies formed around his hand and coalesced into a bow of light. Pulling on the invisible string, an arrow of pure white energy flickered into existence, and he let fly.

Swift Action: 5 ft step towards Clyde
Full Round Action: Full attack

Attack 1: Grappling Hook (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Grappling_Hook) against Inky.
Ranged Touch: [roll0]
Grapple Check (both sides do not gain bonus/penalty to grapple from size): [roll1]
If successful, Inky is pulled up to Ravana's square and takes [roll2] Constricting damage.

Attack 2a: Burn (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Burn) against Inky and Clyde.
Damage: [roll3] Fire damage.
DC 21 to Half

Attack 2b: Purify (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Purify) against Inky
Damage: [roll5] Divine damage.

Lix Lorn
2013-04-22, 03:16 PM
Vivian scowls, moving closer to release a second blast of incandescent energy.

Move to point blank shot range and FIRE


2013-04-29, 12:48 AM
Titania fires, a swarm of arrows piercing the gloom and the oddly flying creatures below.

Arrow Swarm + Rapid Shot

[roll0] for [roll1] damage
[roll2] for [roll3] damage
[roll4] for [roll5] damage
[roll6] for [roll7] damage
[roll8] for [roll9] damage

Each miss grants every attack afterwards a +4 bonus to hit.

First hit is an automatic critical hit for x4 damage.

2013-05-08, 07:43 PM
Titania's arrows strike true, bringing down her first target and grievously injuring her second. Vivian's arcing bolt then flies at that shark, bringing it near death (and causing it to skewer itself on the spikes below, just barely missing Davhkur.) Meanwhile, Oberon blasts a powerful orb of flame at the highest shark, ripping a chunk out of its side and causing it to roar in anger.

Ravana flails away and comes up with air.

In a final, desperate frenzy, the second-highest shark flies to the ceiling and looses an enormous blast of acid at those below. Vivian and Ravana are caught in the blast, though they manage to avoid the worst of it. The lowest shark attacks Davhkur viciously, biting and clawing with its spiked fins; it clips him in the side, drawing blood, but in his concentration he barely notices.

Vivian, take [roll0] acid. Ravana, take [roll1] acid.

The Pinky is dead. Our map is up.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-09, 02:36 AM
Despite the bites, the claws, and, oh, the falling shark, Davkhur manages to finish his incantation and two small storm clouds appear next to him. They crackle with lightning and thunder, and release two bolts upward. The thunder is deafening and shakes the entire chamber. Then, as if adding insult to injury, two smaller jolts jump to the nearest shark.

Sorry about that, I forgot how loud the thunder is, he lies.

He then begins his next working. This one is a bit easier and quicker, since rather than pulling creatures from Kythri, he just has to make the sharks think he has. Two giant eagles pop up on opposite corners of the healthiest looking sharks and screech as they scratch at (and conveniently miss) the shark's eyeballs.

Storm elementals are fun! Each uses Thunder and Lightning, dealing 1d6 sonic damage to all within 60 ft (DC 12 Fort halves) and 2d6 electricity damage in a 120ft line (DC 12 Ref halves), then Shock for 1d4 nonlethal damage to a shark within 10 ft (DC 12 Fort halves). I should be able to arrange them so that they hit everything with the sonic and the two relatively healthy sharks with the lightning.


Davkhur is immune
Ravanna [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] = 4
Vivian [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] = 5
Oberron [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] = 3
Titania [roll12] [roll13] [roll14] [roll15] = 5
Inky [roll16] [roll17]
Blinky [roll18] [roll19]
Clyde [roll20] [roll21]


Inky [roll22] [roll23] plus [roll24] [roll25]
Blinky [roll26] [roll27]

Bluff check for the lie: [roll28]

Minor image of two dire eagles in convenient places for someone to flank with. I don't know if it'll actually grant a bonus, but it should at least take some heat off y'all.

Lix Lorn
2013-05-09, 06:13 PM
Vivian gives a furious yelp of pain, retaliating with a flurry of blasts.

[roll0]+1 if PBS
[roll1]+1 if PBS
[roll2]+1 if PBS
[roll3]+1 if PBS

2013-05-11, 05:26 PM
Titania lets out an unearthly screech, clutching her head for a moment as the thunder echos around her. "Gods be cursed, that was too loud," she grumbles. She looks down to search for a well-worn Davkhur and shouts, despite probably not needing to.

"Hey Davh, can you and your rain clouds tone it down a bit? Some of us enjoy not being deaf," she yells, before lining up another attack. This time, she forgoes her magic, trusting her eye well enough to finish off her prey.

Vs. Inky
[roll0] 19-20/x4 crit, for [roll1] damage //If this misses, next attack is at +4
[roll2] 19-20/x4 crit, for [roll3] damage //If this misses, next attack is at +4
[roll4] 19-20/x4 crit, for [roll5] damage //If this misses, next attack is at +4
[roll6] 19-20/x4 crit, for [roll7] damage //If this misses, next attack is at +4
[roll8] 19-20/x4 crit, for [roll9] damage

Oh, also, I have been using Serpentstongue Arrows (Piercing + Slashing dmg) - down to 50 left

2013-05-11, 07:15 PM
Davhkur's elementals' twin blasts of thunder and lightning bring down the highest two sharks, causing them to plummet to the ground and skewer themselves on the spikes. Vivian's rays and Titania's barrage make quick work of the final shark, and as it makes contact with the spikes, it, the spikes, the other sharks, and the hourglass that you can see through the hole in the ceiling all explode in a puff of smoke and a flash of light. When the smoke clears, you can see a hemisphere of purple smoked glass on the ceiling of the first room, where the hourglass used to be.

Lix Lorn
2013-05-11, 07:25 PM
"...I REALLY do not like this."

Jeff the Green
2013-05-11, 09:06 PM
Magic, Davkhur can handle. It's usually pretty orderly and predictable. This chaotic magic of disappearing sharks and teleportation seemed to be the product of an utterly diseased mind, however.

He swears again, then, ignoring his wounds, climbs up the walls to inspect the holes the sharks came from.

2013-05-11, 11:20 PM
The second Davhkur touches one of the holes, all of them quickly shrink and disappear. There is nothing left.

2013-05-12, 12:01 AM

"Whew, dead fishes. I like 'em better that way," Ravana said as he saw the last of the sharks fall past him. Looking up, he saw the purple smoked glass appear.

"Okay, before we start touching and triggering things, can we rest? Assuming we have the time before that thing up there rains on us something else."

Jeff the Green
2013-05-12, 04:29 AM
I'd prefer to figure this out now, Davkhur explains. I'd rather not come down and find the entire space has become a vat of acid, lava, or tentacles.

He climbs up the wall and onto the ceiling, back into the first chamber. He approaches the purple dome and inspects it.

Search: [roll0]

2013-05-12, 06:13 AM

"Like I said, if we have time," he replied as he flew back up into the room. "And it's easy for you to say, since you know, the rest of us do not exactly have a rotting brain that's stupid enough not to grasp the basic concept of 'not hurting the ones doing the hurting on the ones that want to hurt you'," the winged elf said with a smile as he sat down on the floor, inspecting the burns and gashes he had acquired.

"Hmm, not bad. This would make me look more intimidating when it heals and leaves scars," he spoke to himself.

2013-05-12, 09:07 AM
There are no obvious trap mechanisms, and it feels like ordinary glass.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-12, 09:53 PM
With a flick of his wrist and a whispered word, Davkhur gazes upon the dome with enhanced vision.

Detect magic. Spellcraft: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]. (Rolling multiples in case of multiple auras.)

2013-05-12, 09:54 PM
Moderate Conjuration, Greater Teleport effect.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-12, 10:05 PM
Ravana, would you bring the bag over here?

Davkhur pulls a piece of chalk out of the bag and tosses it at the dome.

2013-05-12, 10:11 PM
It bounces off, leaving a small mark.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-12, 10:22 PM
Davkhur makes another gesture and a small owl appears sitting atop the dome.

SNA I to summon 1d3=1 owl.

2013-05-12, 10:36 PM
Nothing happens.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-14, 09:59 PM
Davkhur sighs and curses again as he dismisses the owl and it pops back out of existence. Oberon, he calls, would you do me a favor and fly up to that dome? I'm pretty sure it's another teleporter, but I can't tell how it might be activated.

2013-05-15, 12:12 PM
Oberon nods in assent, he had recently been more than quiet, something was troubling, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it, shrugging the feeling away he flew up and began to inspect the area designated by the smelly man.

He smirked as he moved and did as he was bid.

"Well at least its purple, I kinda like the color purple, reminds me of home, we used to have lilacs, they covered the trees and hills, called it the purple lilac palace, but then Dame Tarrae Mare got angry one time, and we had to move...ah those were the days, sometimes I wander why I left the Faewyld, but eh, it was more exiting over on 'this' side of the verse, you know? Ah well, maybe next time, ooh, I could make a lilac house, made of lilacs?"


2013-05-15, 02:10 PM
You find no devices or locks. As far as you can tell, it's just a thin glass dome.

2013-05-15, 02:49 PM
Oberon yells back to Davkhur: "Nothing here! You want me to blast a hole in it?"

Jeff the Green
2013-05-16, 07:32 AM
Touch it first, says Davkhur.

2013-05-16, 05:29 PM
Oberon sighs.

Touch it? Who the hell does he think I am? he asks himself, as he leans down on the dome.

"Oh crap"

2013-05-16, 05:49 PM
An enormous laser beam comes out of the dome and fries you all. Fort DC 50 or die, take 50d6 damage on a save.

Just kidding. Nothing happens.

2013-05-16, 11:52 PM


Ravana suddenly screamed and bolted upright. Apparent he had dozed off while he was sitting down and leaning on the wall, and he had dreamt that Oberon had touched the orb and some weird laser comes out and blasts them to oblivion.

"Oh, heh heh. Sorry 'bout that. Don't mind me, carry on boys," he said, a little embarrassed.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-16, 11:56 PM
Davkhur muses on the question for a moment. "I'd say let Vivian do it rather than waste a spell," he suggests, exercising his vocal cords for once.

Lix Lorn
2013-05-17, 08:57 PM
"What?" Vivian yelps, hiding as far away from it as she can. "Why is it always me who has to risk her life?!"

Jeff the Green
2013-05-17, 09:01 PM
Davkhur snaps his fingers and a blast of sound like a cracking whip goes off. In the phoenix's ear canals.

"Don't be a ninny," he says sternly. "We're asking you to break it, not lick it."

Ghost sound. Such a useful cantrip.

Lix Lorn
2013-05-17, 09:26 PM
She screeches in shock, looking around rapidly, before staring at him with a sudden venom. The cowardly chicken vanishes, and the fury in her eyes makes it suddenly clear how she can possess any responsibility and power whatsoever.
"If you ever invade my senses like that again, I will send your cold corpse screaming into the nine hells."

Jeff the Green
2013-05-17, 09:38 PM
Davkhur yawns and waves a lazy hand at the phoenix. "There is no hell," he corrects. "A common mistake. There is Shavarath, where demons, devils, and archons wage war, and Dolurrh, where the shades of the dead waste away. The dead do not scream, they only forget.

"And, on another point, stop being so melodramatic. If I wished to invade your mind I would have, and you would be my feathered slave. I created a sound, nothing more, and it was harmless. Now, shatter that dome or I will assault your senses and you will believe there to be an endless abyss of torturous hells. You are not so useful that I would hesitate to send you hurtling into insanity."

2013-05-18, 01:23 AM

"Oooh. I say do it, don't spout it. If you're so tough. Come on, dead man," Ravana said smiling.

"Do it."

Turning to Vivian, he adds, "You're gonna make him talk to you like that? Not gonna do anything? Gonna be a ninny like he said you were?"

He was just having fun now.

2013-05-20, 06:20 PM
"Hey! Come on, quit this. We're still trying to find something in here worth the trip. Conflict between us isn't gonna help." Titania speaks up, chiding mostly Davkhur but also Vivian and Ravana. "We need to work together if we're gonna survive this and get paid. Or accomplish whatever other goals you guys might have."

"You want that thing broken? Fine, let's do this." She draws an arrow - a special one, an ingeniously scythed arrow made from the feather of an extraplanar bird - and fires it into the hemiglobe of purply stuff.

Firing a Razorfeather arrow at the globe
[roll0] Attack roll to hit it
[roll1] damage; arrow is considered adamantine.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-20, 11:11 PM
Davkhur shrugs. He might have persisted when he was younger—and not yet touched by Dolurrh—but without a heart blood doesn't run to his cheeks in anger and he is not so perverse as to turn his one taciturn fellow—his one tolerable fellow—against him.

Still, he was in the right. Cowardly allies were worse than no allies, and if he had to enslave the phoenix to stay alive, well, he'd done worse. At least he wouldn't be leaving her to dire maggots. At the very least, a charm was worth considering...

Lix Lorn
2013-05-21, 10:59 AM
Vivian was just struggling with impotent fury, wondering how best to react - perhaps ice, or simply incandescent silver light would be best - when her thoughts were interrupted by a peacemaker.

Her eyes immediately follow the arrow.

2013-05-21, 11:04 AM
Oberon rolls his eyes at the bigger, biggsies trying to act tough and macho, he hated it when they tried to do something, it always revolved around pride...

Sighing again as another took up the verbal assault and defense of their might bulwarked mind, he almost did a double take when she actualy did something, he flew away from the dome as the arrow flew through the air at it...

"Hey!, some warning next time!" He yelled a loud, as the arrow crashed into the dome.

2013-05-21, 01:53 PM

At Titania's intervention, Ravana simply grinned and shrugged.

"Party pooper," he said under his breath, then watched the arrow whistling towards the purple globe. At least if it did trigger somethting, that was bound to be at the very least amusing.

2013-05-22, 04:23 PM
The arrow smashes through the glass, leaving a small hole that emits a beam of purple light. The light strikes Titania, and she disappears with a small pop; the rest of the dome, as well as the beam of light, are unchanged.

You find yourself in a large, low room, knee-deep in murky water full of duckweed, rushes, cattails, and lilypads of various sizes- including several that are far larger than normal. All around you are dozens of frogs, mudpuppies, and dragonflies. In addition, there are a number of enormous frogs scattered around the room, as well as one enormous frog with large horns on either side of its head and bony protrusions all over its body. Atop this massive amphibian rides another toad-like creature, much smaller than the other giant frogs and yet with a form akin to an obese halfling. It wears a massive suit of plate armor and iron helmet with wicked curved spikes, a large black cloak with a crudely-drawn red, froglike creature scribbled onto it, and a wide leather belt. In its arms are a massive wooden shield and a long iron rod. The creature is muttering some soft words to its steed, which you can barely make out:

"Oh, me. Look, pet: our dinner is here. We must greet it properly, no? Yes. Oh yes, yes." With this, it turns toward you and begins to shout, waving its rod around towards you:

"AH, well! You are, my dear, JUST time for DINNER! You will feed my servants WELL! So sayess OXYMINDRIUS, KING OF SLAADS!"



2013-05-22, 04:31 PM
Oberon's mouth drops with a *pop*.

"Uh....where she go?" he asks everyone else, he hadn't expected that to happen.

Turning suddenly angry he glares at the others "I knew this would happen, oh look, theres a gate to another realm, lets go through it and see whats on the other side!" He suddenly started chanting again and summons a ball of energy which he sends towards the dome in an attempt to shatter the whole thing.

He casts Fireball, detonating at the center of the dome.


2013-05-22, 11:07 PM

"Cool it, little guy. What do you expect? Treasures just laying there for the taking? Of course it's gonna involve death traps of acids and flying sharks. And the more deadly it becomes, it just means we're getting closer to what we came here for."

Ravana slowly stood up and made his way towards the dome.

"Maybe we should strike it as well to get wherever the fairy went," he said shrugging. Then in an instant he materialized a falchion and struck the globe without any thought for the consequence.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Jeff the Green
2013-05-23, 03:22 AM
Davkhur rolls his eyes at the pixie. Apparently he warranted an extra measure of caution as well.

"Or perhaps," he interrupts Ravanna, "it was the light striking her. That seems more likely." The gloura had already jumped in and anything hostile would have her to focus on, so he steps into the beam of light.

2013-05-24, 04:38 PM
"I'm afraid the only dish you'll relish from me is a nice big helping of pain!" Titania cackles madly as she draws an arrow, preparing to pepper the frog-king. Also she was kind of getting hungry with all the food puns she was trying to come up with...

Just before letting the flurry of arrows fly, she points the tip of the arrow down slightly and instead sends all five arrows into the giant frog-mount.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage
[roll2] for [roll3] damage
[roll4] for [roll5] damage
[roll6] for [roll7] damage
[roll8] for [roll9] damage

Each attack gets +4 to hit if a previous attack misses.

2013-05-26, 12:39 AM
Your arrows fly true, but only the first is able to penetrate both its chain barding and extraordinarily thick hide. The beast itself makes only a small grunt, but the hideous creature on its back snarls and waves its stick at you.

"Foods is not supposed to fight back! You'll ROAST for that! Attack her! Bite her, stab her, rend her flesh, gobble her up and let her ROT! EAT HER ALIIIIVE!"

With this outburst, the enormous horned frog leaps into the air, scraping the ceiling. As it comes down, its enormous jaws come down heavily on you, trapping you with a vise-like grip. You can feel its poison pumping through your veins, causing your extremities to become numb. As it grips you in its jaws, the frog-man begins to smile a wicked, distended grin and to dance on its head.


With this, its staff begins to glow orange, and he whacks you over the head with it. You suddenly find yourself <DISPATCHED ENTREATIES BOISTEROUS SAY WHY STIMULATED> assailed with rand<DID SHY SAY MENTION ENABLED THROUGH ELDERLY IMPROV>om, loud, <CALL PARK OUT SHE WIFE FACE MEAN> and meaningles<AT EXQUISITE EXISTENCE IF AN OH DEPENDENT EXCELLENCE>s phrases, <GOOD DRAW KNEW BRED HAM BUSY THIS HOUR> cloudi<ON IN GREEN TAKEN DO OFFER WITTY OF>ng your mind an<ABODE NEVER THINK TO AT>d completely disori<LATTER REMARK HUNTED ENOUGH VULGAR SAY MAN>enting you.

Oberon's fireball vaporizes the glass, causing the purple light to shine on you all. With a wrenching feeling, you are all teleported into a large, low room, knee-deep in murky water full of duckweed, rushes, cattails, and lilypads of various sizes- including several that are far larger than normal. All around you are dozens of frogs, mudpuppies, and dragonflies. In addition, there are a number of enormous frogs scattered around the room, as well as one ludicrously large frog with horns on either side of its head and bony protrusions all over its body. Titania is in its jaws, and she seems extremely discombobulated. Atop this massive amphibian rides another toad-like creature, much smaller than the other giant frogs and yet with a form akin to an obese halfling. It wears a massive suit of plate armor and iron helmet with wicked curved spikes, a large black cloak with a crudely-drawn red, froglike creature scribbled onto it, and a wide leather belt. In its arms are a massive wooden shield and a long iron rod, which it waves around as it twists around to try to see all of you as you are teleported in.

"Well! Look, namblies! We eat WELL tonight!" It smiles an enormous, wicked grin, displaying two rows of yellowed upper teeth. "This calls a FEAST! So sayess OXYMINDRIUS, KING OF SLAADS!"

Yeah, here it goes.

Titania is dazed by the spell, and takes 4 DEX damage from the frog's poison.

Dark green circles are lilypads capable of supporting someone's weight. If you aren't on one, you're in a shallow bog- each square is two squares of movement, Move Silently checks are at -2. The scraggly things are clumps of reeds, cattails, etc.; in addition to being shallow bog, they're also undergrowth- they give concealment, but Tumble and Move Silently are at an extra -2. Colours should be self-explanatory; the Medium pink circles are giant frogs, the Large one is the enormous horned frog. The lightest-green, small circle is Oxymindrius, the darkest-green circle is Titania, and Oberon is the medium green circle (that is outside the space of the big frog). You have 20 feet of head room.

Lix Lorn
2013-05-26, 11:46 AM
"Oh god I hate you all so much." Viaian yelps, and mutters furiously, a soft rumbling building up as she flaps into the air, producing a vicious blast of light and discordant noise, launching it at the king.

I move to the ceiling of A7, and then use thunder's glare on the guy on top of the frog.
[roll1] sonic and cold damage. Forces a fort save, DC 21, or be launched backwards 40ft. If he collides with an object, he takes 1d4 damage per 10ft not travelled.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-26, 11:58 AM
Davkhur arrives somewhat disoriented, but quickly recovers. Frogs? For the love of... Fine.

Davkhur swiftly hides himself in the reeds, and then gathers up a modicum of magical energy and touches his throat. "Oxymindrius!" he shouts. The magic distorts his voice, and the pudgy prince snaps his head to look at him. "Look, your servant has stolen your dinner! Are you going to stand for that? Smite him down! The only punishment for stealing food from the king can be death!"

He smiles at his ploy and darts to the side.

Non-action: Hide in Plain Sight [roll0]
Standard: Cast suggestion on Oxy. DC 20. DC 21 if Oxy fails his Spot check. +2 if "very reasonable."
Move: Move to J15. Move Silently: [roll1] (includes penalty). Hide: [roll2]

2013-05-26, 01:36 PM

"Ugh. Bog. And frogs," Ravana instantly murmured his complaint.

"At least they look cuter than the sharks. Even if they want to eat us. Heck, everyone wants to eat us. Here froggy, froggy..."

With one blast of his wings, Ravana closed the distance between him and the closest frog and bashed it with a morningstar emitting a dazzling light.

Move Action: Move to E2.
Standard Action: Attack with Star of Courage (On a hit, DC 22 Will or suffer Crushing Despair for all enemies except 5 and 6. All allies except Dakhvur gain Good Hope).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-05-30, 02:21 PM
Oberon yelps as he is whisked away, even though he was wanting it to happen, the new room made him dismayed and he unleashed his anger upon the closest toad.

5 ft flies to C7
Casts empowered Fireball on intersection 13-12, D-E
Ref DC 20 for half
[roll0] x 1.5 = 40.5 +20 = 60 total damage

2013-05-30, 07:55 PM
Vivian's bolt, though accurate, fizzles upon contact with Oxymindrius' shield. Ravana's morningstar, however, falls heavily upon one of the frogs and bathes the room in light, while Oberon's angry blast vaporizes three more.

When Davhkur calls out, Oxymindrius sticks his head up and begins looking around angrily. "WHO DARES! Which one of you MORSELS dare speak to OXYMINDRIUS, KING OF SLAADS?!"

While he is distracted, both Oberon and Ravana make their attacks, which enrages the grotesque creature.

"A DISTRACTION! You presume to distract ME while you MURDER MY SUBJECTS?! HOW DARE YOU?!" Oxymindrius then waves his arms about and chants a few words. Suddenly, his steed and his remaining frogs expand, nearly doubling in size. "GO, MY MINIONS! ATTACK THEM! RIP THE MEAT OFF THEIR BONES AND BRING IT TO ME! SO SAYESS OXYMINDRIUS, KING OF SLAADS!"

With this, two of the remaining frogs hop over to Ravana and begin lashing him with their tongues. One of them misses, but the other gets ahold of him, drags him into its maw, and bites down. Its savage teeth strike his flesh, but cannot penetrate it. The final remaining frog hops under Vivian and attempts to strike her with its tongue, to no avail.
Oxymindrius' steed quickly throws Titania down its throat, devouring her whole; after that, it opens its enormous maw and clamps down onto Oberon, holding him in the back of his mouth, then whips its tongue at Vivian, drawing her into its maw as well. Oxymindrius, exulting, begins to laugh madly. "AAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Behold the glory of my noble and faithful ally, FERDINANS, ARCHDUKE OF SLAADKIND, whose endless jaws devour continents!"


...Everyone except Davhkur is in a toad.

Vivian takes 22, Oberon takes 26, Titania takes 7 and another 3 DEX damage, putting her DEX at... 24. Not going down from poison anytime soon. Ravana takes no damage, but that grapple's still holding ya.


Jeff the Green
2013-05-30, 08:15 PM
Davkhur's milky eyes go wide as his companions are engulfed. Unfortunately, they hadn't found their prize just yet, so he couldn't leave them. Crocodiles, then.

Drawing in a breath, he pushes a little will into one of the charms he wears on his neck and, through it, produces a subtle effect. A whisper of energy calls across the planes to Lamannia, and in an instant a shrub in the shape of a giant crocodile appears and chomps down on Oxymindrius.

Standard: SNA IV, using Chronocharm of the uncaring archmage to reduce casting to a standard action. Giant crocodile, top right corner at G9. Using Sleight of hand to disguise casting as per RoS p. 133. [roll0]. Opposed by Spot, were he not hidden, and Listen.
Move: Move to I15. Move Silently: [roll1] (includes penalty) Hide: [roll2]

Crocodile bites Oxymindrius. [roll3] [roll4]. Improved grab on a hit, Grapple check: [roll5]

2013-05-30, 09:12 PM
Titania just kind of rolls over or something in the toad's stomach, too dazed by Davkhur's inane shouting to do anything useful.

2013-05-30, 11:05 PM

"I take it back. You're more annoying than the sharks. 'Oxymoron, King of Salads!' Blargh blargh blargh!" He mimicked in an annoyed, mocking tone. He raised his hand and suddenly he disappeared from the frog's maw.

"Bad news, your highness. I'm vegetarian."

A quick stab found its way to the frog's side followed by a sudden blaze of liquid fire that washed over the amphibian, as well as its nearby companion.

"And I like my salad well done."

Attack 1: Attack with Blink Dagger (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Blink_Dagger) on Frog 1
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: Attack with Burn (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Burn) on Frogs 1 and 2
Damage: [roll2]
Ref DC 23 Half

2013-05-31, 12:32 PM
Oberon stiffles his gasp as he is grabbed by the toad and sent down into its guts, holding his breath he disappears from sight and then casts a spell creating a doorway right next to him which he slips through easily.

Free actin to reactivate Greater invisibility.
Standard action to cast Dimension door to B13, 20 ft in the air, only verbal components so no concentration required.
But just in case:

Lix Lorn
2013-06-06, 04:58 PM
Vivian screams, blasting frost in all directions in her terror and fury.


Full attack from the inside, point blank and rapid shot.


2013-06-09, 05:43 PM
Ravana's knife makes short work of the first frog, and his wave of fire obliterates the second. Oberon is able to escape the jaws of the Archduke with Vivian, whose third wild blast strikes it on the nose. Meanwhile, Davhkur's beast's jaws are unable to penetrate Oxymindrius' plate armor.

The final surviving frog leaps over to Ravana and grabs him with its tongue, reeling him over to its mouth and biting down with its newly-sharpened, enormous teeth. Meanwhile, angered by the loss of its prey, the Archduke leaps high in the air to attack Vivian; its bite barely misses her foot, and it lands below her. Oxymindrius, noting the sudden appearance of the crocodile, snaps, "Summoned creatures? Well, TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME!

With this, he raises his hands and chants under his breath.

Davhkur, the crocodile should get an attack of opportunity. I don't have the stats for Greenbound, so you'll have to make it.

Also, Ravana takes 12, and Titania takes four.


Jeff the Green
2013-06-10, 10:58 PM
Davkhur laughs softly at Oxy's predicament as the crocodile begins munching down on the frog. Well now, I'd say you're in trouble. Maybe we can make an arrangement. Assuming you'd rather not be eaten.

Meanwhile he makes a peculiar jabbing motion with his staff and a sparkling bolt springs from the end of it toward the "Archduke." Then he hops up onto the lilypad and dashes through the swamp before again disappearing into the reeds.

Crocodile damages Oxy. [roll0] [roll1]

Standard: Use ray of enfeeblement wand on Archy. Ranged touch: [roll2] Strength penalty: [roll3] (minimum 1)
Move: Move to J12 and hide. Move Silently [roll4] (includes penalties), Hide [roll5]

2013-06-11, 11:04 AM

"Hah! And you thought you're the only ones who's gonna do the munching around here!"

With a quick swing, a glaive cut diagonally at the last of the frogs. Using his wings, Ravana hopped forward to adjust distance, then cut sidewise with a greatsword.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Jeff the Green
2013-06-11, 06:11 PM
Oh dear, Davkhur sends toward Oxymindrius as Ravanna skewers a toad, your frogs subjects are dropping like flies. If you give up now maybe you'll at least have the Archduke to reign over when we leave. 'Course, you won't know if the crocodile continues to eat you.

Needless to say, Davkhur has no intention of leaving either ranid alive.

[roll0] for the lie.

2013-06-12, 11:36 AM
Oberon flies silently as the self proclaimed king attempts to lower himself to Davkhur's game. Sighing, he hoped this next spell would shorten the game considerably.

He had seen how long Davkhur's games could go.

He brings forth a darkness from his hands, conjuring a sphere of nothingness, from the dark Aether, so it would suck the life force from this...'King'.

Taking aim, he sends it forth, trying his best to blast the little froggy.

Cast empower Enervation. (I'm out of Empowerd's :smallfrown:)
Ranged Touch, flat footed attack (unless he can see invisible creatures, then its just a ranged touch)
[roll1] x 1.5 = 6 negative levels

Lix Lorn
2013-06-16, 06:35 PM
Vivian is quite unhappy, and, very high-strung after her near-miss, (narrowly averted by Oberon's help), expresses this unappiness with a blast of frost.

put myself to exactly 30ft away from the nearest thing, then shoot at it.

2013-06-19, 02:20 PM
While Ravana's blade makes short work of the final frog, Davkhur's wand ray nearly strikes the beast, but it bounces off harmlessly. The beast bites at Vivian as she moves away, but misses her leg by a hair. Vivian's shot, like Davhkur's, strikes one of the beast's bony protrusions and fails to make contact with its flesh. Oberon's ball of darkness, however, makes contact with Oxymindrius; as it strikes him, his shield flashes with pale energy, which dissipates the orb before it can strike him. It does nothing to stop the crocodile's teeth, however.

Oxymindrius grunts in pain, and begins to show signs of fear. To Davhkur's proposal, however, he simply shouts: "Screw that, human, I'm getting out of here!" With that, he mumbles a few arcane words, but the press of the crocodile's jaws causes him to lose his focus.

Seeing its master in pain, the Archduke roars out and attacks the tree-crocodile, biting and slashing with its jaws and horns.

Titania takes 1 damage, the crocodile takes 20 (after DR).


Jeff the Green
2013-06-22, 04:52 AM
Oh, now, Oxy, Davkhur mocks, You can't be running away now. You have to set a good example for your followers. Well, follower.

He hops out of the reeds and onto a lily-pad, where he stretches out his fingers. Bright lights form on them for a moment, and then stretch out in bewildering patterns toward the crocodile and two amphibians.

Move: Move to G9. Gain concealment from Child of Shadows.
Standard: Cast color spray. Origin at F9/G10 corner facing SW, which should capture the archduke, Oxy, and the croc. Croc is immune to mind affecting. DC 21 for Oxy and 20 for the archduke.

Croc continues munching. [roll0] [roll1]. Fast healing brings him up to 63/80 HP.

2013-06-22, 10:14 AM
Oberon is smiling as he casts one of his most powerful spells, but it stayed open, hanging when it just merely dissipated before the stupid frog king.

WHAT! he yelled out, angry and furious at what could only be his mistake for not seeing the obvious magical protection he enjoyed.

Seeing the thing trying to escape he smirks again, "You ain't going no where, froggy, I'm looking to have me some jumpin legs for dinner tonight! did you know when you sprinkle salt on them, they kick like they are alive?"

He readies a magic missile for when the frog tries to cast another spell.

Concentration (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/concentration.htm) for casting spell while damaged is DC 10 + damage = 45

2013-06-23, 12:43 AM

"Really? I did not know that," Ravana humored Oberon. "Well then, I wanna see some supersize version of that!"

He then pointed his fingers at the Archduke, and suddenly a flurry of daggers assaulted the huge amphibian.

Standard Action: Invoke Daggerhail (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Daggerhail) to damage the Archduke only.
Damage: [roll0]
Ref DC 19 half.

2013-06-27, 07:33 PM
Vivian, angered by the failure of her previous shot, lets another volley of blasts loose.

Both at the Duke.


Though Vivian's second blast deflects off of the Archduke's bony hide, her first strikes its underbelly. Ravana's swarm of knives then cuts into the Archduke like knives through warm toadflesh, and it falls over in a pool of blood. It lies still for a moment, then convulses, spewing Titania (and the entirety of its stomach contents) into the marshy water.

Oxymindrius, enraged by the death of his cohort and by the woodbeast pressing down on him, yells, "You'll never take me alive!" He then begins casting, but as he does so Oberon's missiles strike him in the chest and head, causing him to lose his spell and ripping chunks out of his sides.

You don't need a map, Oxy's the only one left. Kill him already.

2013-06-27, 11:29 PM

"Lucky you, we're a sensible lot. That can be easily arranged."

With one powerful blast of wind, Ravana sped forward through the air, closing in on Oxy. In one hand, a kukri suddenly appeared, in the other, a thin blade glowing in soft light. He thrust the blade at the frog, the kukri immediately following the hit, which made a rumbling sound as it cut through the air.

Swift Action: Invoke Echo Blade (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Echo_Blade)
Full round Action: Charge Attack with Needle of Light (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Needle_of_Light)
Attack 1: [roll0] Auto crit with 11 and above
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] Thundering Kukri
Damage: [roll3]

Jeff the Green
2013-06-28, 12:31 AM
As the crocodile *** topiary crunches down on the toad that would be king for one decidedly final time, Davkhur sends one psychic whisper to follow Oxymindrius into Dolurrh. Long. Live. The king.

Once he is well and truly sure that Oxymindrius is dead, Davkhur sighs relievedly and drops to sit cross-legged on the lily pad. With a wave of his hand the crocodile returns to Lammania and the king's body plops into the swamp. "Shall we free Titania?" he suggests. "Probably unpleasant."

2013-06-28, 01:03 AM
Once the tree-monster crushes Oxymindrius, the stone walls begin creaking. The bodies of the various frogs on the floor suddenly fall through the floor under the water, with the exception of Oxymindrius himself.


An enormous, booming voice comes from the ceiling, and the water begins draining away.


Two enormous ceiling stones disappear, revealing two columns of light- one above the body of Oxymindrius, the other above the botanical crocodile. There is a sudden loud noise, and the crocodile suddenly disappears. You are left in an empty room, without the knee-deep water that was there seconds ago, with only the mangled corpse of the frog king.

However, the disappearance of the water has revealed a large well in the center of the room.

After several seconds, Titania comes to.


2013-06-28, 12:58 PM

"Some king, that one. Did he really think he could take on an adventuring party with that group he brought? And he fought us to begin with. Kings never fight the battles. Why you have people like us," the avariel said and smirked, then plopped down on the floor.

"I'm beat. I need to rest."

2013-06-28, 02:12 PM
Oberon flutters down to the ground and reappears for those who couldn't see him, he was tired, but thankful the stupid frog king was done with, although...he was a little hungry...

He took a look at the things body and decided to search it, maybe he had some cool trinkets!

Take 20 on a search (+16) for a 36

2013-06-28, 02:14 PM
You don't find anything that isn't already obvious- a wide belt, a long black cloak, some well-crafted spiked plate armor, a large wooden shield, and a nondescript grey rod.

Lix Lorn
2013-06-28, 02:25 PM
"That's true. When I get out of here I'm never leaving my town again." Vivian shudders, looking quite ruffled by the events.

Jeff the Green
2013-06-28, 07:30 PM
Fine with me, Davkhur replies to Ravanna. Once safely in their extradimensional "fortress" he rereads (for the 438th time) The Riedran Emir's Depraved Princess. Once done, he studies a slightly less entertaining book to prepare his spells and examines the equipment found on Oxymindrius's body.

That'd be four identifys, I believe.

Jeff the Green
2013-07-01, 06:54 PM
Davkhur explains the purpose of each magical item. I see little use in the shield or the rod. One of you will probably use the cloak better than I, and of course the belt is useful only in our pocket dimension.

Shall we continue downward?

2013-07-02, 11:47 AM
Oberon smiles, "There is nothing there that will help me," he bobs his head in affirmation "of course, I'm ready to go!"

And with that he vanishes, looking around almost expecting something crazy to happen, or some unseen assailant to stab him in a kidney.

2013-07-02, 12:17 PM

"I'll keep the stuff nobody wants," the avariel butted in. He then stood up and stretched his limbs and wings, then, satisfied with how his body moved, added.

"I'm good to go."

2013-07-02, 12:59 PM

Though she has kept to herself almost entirely since the incident with the frogs, Titania breaks her silence when her comrades begin readying themselves. "I will take the cloak," she states rather matter-of-factly.

"Let's get this hunt on, already. I need to see something die."

Jeff the Green
2013-07-02, 06:28 PM
Davkhur pops yet another spider into his mouth and begins climbing down the well.

Spiderclimb, obviously.

2013-07-03, 11:33 AM
The well is only ten feet deep, and you all splash down in ankle-deep water. There is a corridor in one direction, and at the end you can see a thick steel double door, lit by two torches on either side, and with complex mechanisms in the sides. The door is open, and through it you can see a large room with beautifully tiled floors, ostentatious tapestries upon the walls, and several chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. You can see another open door at the other end.

Knowledge (A&E) to identify the mechanisms' function.


I haven't placed any of you. If you plan to go into the ballroom, please tell me where each of you goes.

2013-07-03, 12:09 PM
Oberon flies down, avoiding the water at the bottom he sees the doors and mechanism and peers through to see the ball room.

Sighing he shakes his head, "A ballroom, but of course, of course a ball room..."

He takes a look at the mechanism and door to make sure everything is at it seems.


2013-07-03, 12:30 PM
The mechanism is the only thing you notice in the corridor, and there's nothing in the room that you can see from where you're standing. You can't disable it without knowing what it's for, and not enough of it is exposed for you to just jam it.

2013-07-03, 12:34 PM

"Yeah, of course ball rooms," Ravana pretentiously nodded as he hopped down the well.

"Wait, why a ball room? And what's those things for? Traps, of course, yes. "I would assume traps all over the floor. And in the ceiling. And the walls. It's too clean it's scary," he said with a fake shiver.

2013-07-03, 12:59 PM
Oberon looks at the mechanism unsure of what it does.

Scratching his head, he speaks to the group "Well, I have no idea what it does, however, that immovable rod may come in handy, place it so the door can't shut, or something similar." looking at everyone else "What you guys think?"

Jeff the Green
2013-07-08, 08:40 PM
Davkhur hesitates for a moment. "It might not be a bad idea," he says. "That mechanism is designed to make the door stay shut once it closes, so we'll want to avoid that. I'm not sure how strong it is, but the rod should at least give us time to get out if it starts to close.

2013-07-09, 04:22 AM

"Mhmm, not a bad idea. But how do we go about this? We fly? Surely there are bound to be traps on the floor."

Jeff the Green
2013-07-09, 06:57 AM
"The triggers probably aren't on the floor," Davkhur muses. "If I designed it, they wouldn't. Best to look anyway."

As he progresses down the corridor, he carefully inspects the ground, walls, and ceiling.

Take 20 would be two minutes per 5' cube, so let's go with Take 10 for 22.

2013-07-09, 09:46 AM
You find no traps within the corridor, aside from the aforementioned door mechanism.

2013-07-10, 08:34 PM
Oberon places the rod just so, placing it so it touched the already opened door and engaging the magic within.

With it set, he flies into the room, ready for anything.


2013-07-10, 10:57 PM
When you fly in, the doors on the other end slam shut, and the tiles of the room begin to shift. Some of them break off from the floor, crashing up into the ceiling and forming pillars of stone; some raise a few inches, emitting thick clouds of black smoke in four directions; and some flip sideways, raise upwards attached to the floor by metal arms, protrude sharp spikes, and begin spinning rapidly. The tapestries peel away from the walls and coil up like snakes upon the floor; this reveals a number of alcoves in the wall, each of which is occupied by a large statue of a winged humanoid, covered in glittering metal and holding both a massive shield and a large (and very sharp) morningstar. As soon as they are revealed, they begin to creak and move, and they then jump out of their alcoves, onto the ground. Finally, the four chandeliers on the ceiling fall to the floor, each shattering (and leaving sharp bits all over the ground) to reveal a scorpionlike creature that appears to be made of living crystal.

Everyone Except Ravana
One of the three scorpion-crystal-things (specifically, the farthest one on your right; or, in map terms, C4) is acting strangely. By that, I mean that while the other three move similarly, that one's movements are much more jerky.

There's another presence in the room, overlapping the strange-acting crystal thing. It's undead, and it has an INT score of 14. The scorpion creatures are INT 6 Elementals, and everything else you can't detect.

Hoo boy, here goes.

The black squares are those pillars, the bluish lines are squares full of pointy chandelier crystal shards, the grey stars are bladed squares, and the lines of semitransparent black are fog clouds. Duh. C1-4 are the crystal scorpions, S1-6 are statues, and T1-3 are the tapestries.

Jeff the Green
2013-07-10, 11:47 PM
Davkhur darts under Vivian as he relays information to his companions. Crysmals, earth elementals with psionic powers. Smash, don't slice or poke. Animated objects, obviously, the statues covered in mythril. Magic for those. Also some sort of undead possessing the far right crysmal.

Then he begins a short incantation and a a burst of gold and silver dust appears, coating the possessed crysmal and the two closest animated objects.

5' step: to -A10.
Move: Dark Knowledge (tactics), crysmals. Knowledge (the planes): [roll0] Woo, everyone gets +3 to hit crysmals for the rest of the encounter.
Standard: Cast glitterdust, K16/L17 intersection (hits C4, S5, T3). DC 18.

Lix Lorn
2013-07-11, 12:51 AM
"Why is nothing ever easy?" whines Vivian, for once acting quickly. She flies to the left, corkscrewing up into the air, before releasing a frost corona straight down at a scorpion.

[roll0] +15, +1 from PBS, +3 from davkhur's dark knowledge

2013-07-11, 06:48 PM
"They won't bleed, but they'll do. Luck would have it I have some specialty arrows for foes like these," Titania rasps, drawing an elemental-bane arrows from her quiver and flying forward and up, into the room. "I swear, it's like this place is trying to test us or something."

After attaining a suitable height, Titania fires a single arrow at a crysmal, the sound of the arrow much different from her others - more like a hollow swoosh than a scream.

Moving to A8, flying up as far as I can go (60 ft flight + good, so ~20 ft max straight up), then firing an Elemental Bane arrow at C1.

[roll0] Attack roll (ooc: PFFFF i get a nat 20 on something that's uncrittable)
[roll1] Arrow damage, [roll2] Bane damage

2013-07-11, 08:36 PM

"Yikes, that's a lot of critters."

Looking at the room, Ravana focused on one corner. Getting one strand of web from his belt pouch, he began chanting a spell, where upon completion strong mass of strands appeared on the far left corner.

Standard Action: Cast Web centered at L4 DC 20.
Move Action: Move to where needed if there is no LoS from where he currently is standing.

2013-07-12, 12:17 PM
Oberon grins as the whole room explodes to his presence, nodding at the annoying situation that he knew was coming, he quickly summoned a wind to aid his allies, speeding them up, protecting them and aiding their strikes.

Air from all around the room suddenly whooshed towards Oberon, forming into a vortex of air to be sent out to his allies, the grey almost frothy air zooming around their hands, feet and bodies, making them lighter, and faster.

He casts Haste on everyone. 8 rounds.

2013-07-12, 02:30 PM
As Ravana steps forward, the razor square nearby reaches out and slashes at him, drawing a deep gash in his side. Ravana's subsequent burst of webs entangles the five creatures to the far left; the crysmal, however, quickly disappears and reappears several feet away. Davhkur's spell catches the three creatures on the far right, and while the statue and, strangely enough, the tapestry (which, of course, lacks eyes) both seem disoriented, the possessed crysmal quickly shakes it off. It moves forward jerkily, as though it were a marionette pulled by strings, and raises its stinger; suddenly, you feel a force crushing your arms to your body. Meanwhile, Vivian's blast and Titania's arrow both strike well, but although Titania's arrow is able to lodge into her target and cause it to screech in pain, Vivian's frigid blast merely glances off the creature's shell.

Both of these two crysmals then look up at Vivian; a loud hum emanates from each of them, but nothing else seems to happen. The creatures trapped in the web attempt to struggle free, but are unable, and the objects blinded by Davhkur's spell flail about, but the three statues unharmed in all of this spread their metal wings and fly towards the rest of you. Two, flying at Oberon, are unable to make contact, but the third dives straight at Davhkur, stabbing him in the chest.

Ravana takes 14 damage, Davhkur takes 12 and is grappled.


Jeff the Green
2013-07-12, 03:26 PM
Davkhur sighs as the blade pierces his unbeating heart and slides out the other side. It wasn't that it didn't hurt, but that it was so pointless.

With a small exercise of will, he seems to disappear. In truth he's merely teleported into the smoke and hidden himself there, but what his enemies don't know will certainly hurt them.

Standard: Shadow Jaunt to E7.
Move: Hide in Plain Sight. [roll0] +2 if counts as shadowy illumination.

2013-07-12, 07:14 PM
Oberon winces as his team mates are skewered, himself on barely managing to avoid the strike.

He flutters over and above the heads of the things next to him and then turns to blast a cone of fire at the oncoming automatons.

Moves to A15 and casts Blast of flame (http://dndtools.eu/spells/complete-arcane--55/blast-of-flame--453/), covering S1, S4, C3, S5, C4, and T3.
No SR, Ref DC 21 for half


Jeff the Green
2013-07-13, 01:51 AM
Help, please, Davkhur broadcasts to his allies. Spell's trapped me. Can probably drop it, but not with a sword over-head.

2013-07-13, 11:50 AM

"Tsk, those crystal things are a handful," he commented as one easily escapes the web he just created.

Turning to his more immediate surroundings, he took sight of the statue to his right and materializes a guisarme, sweeping low for a trip attack and following it with a barrage of different weapons.

Full round Action: Full attack S6.
Attack 1: Invoke Upender (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Upender)
[roll0] touch
Trip check: [roll1]
Damage (if trip connects): [roll2]
Attack 2: Invoke Megaton Hammer (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Megaton_Hammer)
Damage: [roll4]
Attack 3: Invoke Cleaving Axe (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Cleaving_Axe)
Damage: [roll6]

Jeff the Green
2013-07-16, 12:25 AM
Davkhur tries to cast a spell, but with the force pressing in on him he is unable to focuse the requisite energies.

Full Round: Try to cast Stilled glitterdust, fail.

2013-07-16, 04:02 PM
"Crap, Davhkur!" Titania mumbles, drawing a handful of her specially feathered arrows and sending them at the way-too-close animated statue. Seeing the first crumble after three arrows, she turns and fires the last two into another nearby statue. "And you get two to the face, too!"

Each arrow is Adamantine (ignores Hardness less than 20), each miss causes each following attack to get +4 to hit (stacking)
[roll0] for [roll1] @ S6
[roll2] for [roll3] @ S6
[roll4] for [roll5] @ S6
[roll6] for [roll7] @ S1
[roll8] for [roll9] @ S1

I WOULD score two crits on uncrittable critters :smalltongue:

Lix Lorn
2013-07-16, 07:14 PM
Vivian does NOT trust this humming. She turns, loosing a blast of lunar frost as she does, and flaps her way towards the ceiling, hoping to get out of range of whatever they're doing.


Then, she flies 80ft away, favouring up.

2013-07-16, 09:22 PM
Titania's and Ravana's combined onslaught take out the statue threatening Davhkur. Meanwhile, though Davhkur fails to do anything, and though Vivian's blast is hilariously off-target (whizzing just past Oberon's ear, instead), Oberon's blast of flame torches several statues, two of the scorpions, and one tapestry. The immense heat causes the tapestry to catch fire, burning to mere ashes almost instantly, but the scorpions emerge from the inferno unscathed, and the statues have cracked under the heat but have not been significantly harmed. However, Titania's arrows find their way into the cracks in one of the statue's plating, tearing right through it and causing it to break through and fall to the floor in pieces.

After Oberon blasts them, two of the statues go after him, but he is easily able to evade both strikes. The same loud hum emanates from the three nonpossessed scorpions, but again, nothing happens. One of the tapestries is able to twist free of the strands holding it to the web, but the rest are still stuck fast. Finally, the force wrestling with Davhkur is able to push him to the ground, pinning him there.

Nobody takes any damage. Davhkur is pinned.


2013-07-18, 05:26 PM
Oberon dodges some more attacks, the things were able to strike at him even while he was invisible, the fire was just washing over them, and Oberon was getting a little annoyed, compounded onto that, he was getting ganged up on.

Taking a little flutter backwards he blast of another spell, altering the fundamental elements, tweaking the delivery so it dealt not fire, but sonic damage.

5ft to A17
He casts Fireball changed to sonic using his Energy substitution class feature, which does not take a full round.
will hit the 3 closest to him while not hitting himself.
Sonic - (8d6+20)[55]
Ref Save DC 20 for half

2013-07-18, 08:43 PM
Turning her eyes to a further-off crysmal, Titania draws and nocks two more elemental-bane arrows and, after taking just a moment to adjust for distance, fires.

Drawing and firing two Elemental-bane Arrows at C4
[roll0] for [roll1] damage plus [roll2] Bane damage
[roll3] for [roll4] damage plus [roll5] Bane damage

2013-07-19, 10:34 PM

"So that one's doing the grapple on Zombie guy? Dang, looks like I can't do anything much, but here goes."

As soon as he finishes his sentence, he disappears, appearing a second later beside the far right crysmal, the one Titania just shot at, and stabbed down on it with a dagger, immediately followed by a blinding morningstar and a heavy flail.

Full Attack action on C4.
Attack 1: Invoke Blink Dagger.
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: Invoke Star of Courage (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Star_of_Courage).
Damage: [roll3]
Attack 3: Invoke heavy flail.
Damage: [roll5]

2013-07-19, 11:15 PM
Between Titania's barrage and Ravana's onslaught, the crysmal is crushed to bits. As soon as it dies, however, from its corpse emerges a monstrous spectre. Though clearly once humanoid in form, it now sports four shifting, ghostly tentacles that glow with a strange and barely visible purple light, as well as large, pupil-less eyes that glow with the same color. As you look at them, they begin to take over your perception, draining your will to move.

It's at J15. All within sixty feet (Davhkur, Ravana, and Oberon) must make a Will save vs. DC 22 or be dazed for [roll0] rounds.

[roll3] ED: +2 for Good Hope. So, Ravana saves, Davhkur and Oberon fail. Sorry, Jeff, you aren't acting anytime soon.

Now you can go ahead and identify, by the way.

Jeff the Green
2013-07-20, 12:09 AM
As soon as the spell releases Davkhur he bursts into a flurry of action. He closes his eyes to avoid the ghost's gaze and begins casting, and a burst of ethereal metal dust coats the ghost. While casting he mentally begins relaying as much as he can about the ghost's abilities to his colleagues.

Closed eyes = blind except for mindsight, but immune to gaze attacks.

5-foot step: To A10
Standard: Glitterdust, aiming to hit the ghost but not Ravana. DC 18. No 50% failure chance, since it doesn't do damage.
Move: Dark Knowledge (puissance) on ghosts. Knowledge (religion): [roll0] Everyone gets +3 to saving throws against the ghost's abilities.

Lix Lorn
2013-07-21, 03:14 PM
Vivian squawks in shock at the undead on the other side of the room, but doesn't let it distract her from a diving blast at the crystal.

Move down until I'm within the 30ft range of the nearest crysmal, then shoot it.

2013-07-21, 04:19 PM
Vivian's blast slams the crysmal into the ground, breaking several of its legs. It begins to crawl away, digging past the tiles into the ground. At the same time, Oberon's sonic ball shatters the two statues in front of him, and though the crysmal survives, its crystals are full of deep cracks.

The two remaining crysmals each raise two of their legs and begin to move them around. As they do so, the pieces of two of the statues begin to rise, as if on puppet strings, and strike at Davhkur and Titania.

Davhkur's spell washes over the ghost, outlining it in gold, but it is able to keep its eyes open despite the dust. Its mouth does not open, but you can hear a sound, vaguely recognizable as a chuckle, that seems to radiate from it. Suddenly, it disappears in a flash of light, reappearing closer to the rest of you. <Well, this has been fun. Think of this as a parting gift,> it says, before unleashing a massive wave of fire that washes over you all. It then disappears once more, this time quickly fading out, as you hear the sound of laughter emanating from where the ghost 'stood' seconds before.

Huh. You dropped the crysmal to zero, exactly.

Titania takes seven damage, Davhkur takes eight. Also, all of you (except Oberon, because evasion) take [roll0] damage; Ravana takes half, and Vivian takes 150% because fire.


Jeff the Green
2013-07-21, 06:49 PM
As the ghost disappears Davkhur takes stock of the situation. Victory was almost inevitable, but he'd prefer not to deal with the crysmals' psionic powers again. He's ill equipped to deal with them, and summoning would be overkill, so he merely retreats to the hallway and allows the others to finish off the last crysmals.

Move: Move to -H10

2013-07-21, 07:13 PM
"Nice," Titania chirps to Davkhur, taking aim at the closer of the crysmals. She draws two different kinds of arrows and unleashes a veritable swarm of stabbing death at the creature.

Full attack at C2! Firing 3 Razorfeathers, and 3 Elemental Banes. If it has concealment from the smoke, I ignore 10% of it. Also each miss (due to AC, not concealment) grants a +4 to hit for other attacks. If I do hit and the thing isn't dead, I ignore its concealment next round.

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7] and [roll8] bane dmg
[roll9] for [roll10] and [roll11] bane dmg
[roll12] for [roll13] and [roll14] bane dmg

2013-07-22, 12:35 PM

Ravana evaded the blast, but still got caught in some of it.

"Damn ghosts. Stupid ghosts. I'm gonna haunt you!"

Flying up, he surveyed the battlefield, then moved closer to get a shot off.

Move action: Fly up 20 feet then move to F13.
Standard Action: Invoke Purify (http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Purify), targetting C3.
Damage: [roll0] Divine damage, Will 21 half

2013-07-23, 11:14 AM
After killing the last of the crysmals, you are able to destroy both the statues before they are able to escape from the web. Oberon recovers soon after, and burns the tapestries to ashes before they can reach you.

The moment the final tapestry dies, the spinning blades return back to the ground, the pillars retract into the floor, and the smoke dissipates. The door leading ahead does not appear to change, but you can hear a loud, metallic clang from the other side.

BelGareth, pick a spell slot to lose. We're wrapping up this encounter now, folks- I'd like to show you the next room. :smallamused:

Jeff the Green
2013-07-23, 12:15 PM
The danger now past, Davkhur emerges from the hall and bows floridly to Ravana and Titania. Thank you for destroying the crysmal that had been crushing me.

He carefully picks his way across the room and studies the door, in particular looking for any cracks he might be able to slip through in fog form.

Search, taking 20 for 32.

2013-07-23, 12:52 PM
Oberon almost froze as the things eyes pierced his own, he knew not how it penetrated his invisibility, but he had heard human-tales of such things, either way, he felt his motor functions sapping away and he could all but watch, time slowed and his body moved, instincts kicking in to protect him, but he couldn't control his body!

It was all over in heart beat, as time sped back up, his companions destroying the others, they quickly looked to him to finish those stuck in the webs and he obliged, somewhat groggily, shooting off a favorite, burning the things where they stood from multiple rays of fire.

After that, he looked around, everything had seemingly stopped moving, the furniture here was terrible her thought, and a sly smile crept along his face at the unintentional pun.

"Someone should fire the interior decorator!" he said as he goes to the door to examine it.


Jeff the Green
2013-07-23, 04:02 PM
Davkhur is skeptical of this apparently shoddy door, so he takes the lead. A wand appears from a hidden pocket in his pants and when he says the right word for it, he discorporates into a cloud of mist. He seeps under the door to examine what might be behind it.

A charge of gaseous form.

2013-07-23, 04:05 PM
There are no traps or mechanisms or anything, if that's what you mean. You can see the hinges on the ground- presumably, they're what made that clanging noise earlier. In front of you, there's a short hallway that ends in a vertical shaft.