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2012-12-02, 10:31 PM
As the last Orc falls, Miriam, Mithril, Natalia, and Valen stand over the lifeless body of Henry, the young man they few a few short weeks ago that felt like a lifetime. The ground is covered in blood, their resources expended, and their friend dead.

Shiny makes his way back to the Giant dwarf as his massive axe takes the head from the final sleeping Orc. As the Gnome approaches, Kurt begins shrinking back to his normal surly size.

And now the uncanny adventures have to continue on as they prepare to leave the Orc caves....

Just Kidding!:smallbiggrin: No bonus XP.

2012-12-02, 10:40 PM
It's even worse up close. So much blood...Who would have thought a person could hold so much. And the flow from his neck is only just starting to slow. As the adrenaline of the battle fades and the reality of the situation becomes clear, Natalia retches and has to clap a hand to her mouth and hold in the urge to vomit. She manages to do so, but the movement brings terrible pain to her side and she looks down to see a deep cut down her waist. Turning around, she sees another orc with that same falchion, his legs nearly hacked off and his skull half crushed-in.

They'd told him, they'd warned him, just a day ago she'd glared at him as he flirted with Mithril and considered confronting him about it and now...

"Heh. One choice...One path, prune other branches...Don't see them cut, say you can go back later, do it all later..." She drops her eyes and voice low and soft. "But then he died...Hadn't had chance to...Do any of it yet."

2012-12-03, 12:07 AM
Shiny sprints over to the dwarf, now shrinking back to his usual size having just chopped off the head of the third sleeping orc. "What happened there?"

Shiny pauses for a moment, and then returns to his usual smile. "Our party is safe," he observes noncommittally.

"I didn't know you could run so fast," Kurt observes, still clearly concerned both about any threats that could come up the tunnel and about the screams of his allies.

"I learned how only recently," says Shiny. "It's part of a new athletic paradigm I've adopted. Indeed, that reminds me-"

Shiny puts his hand on Kurt's shoulder and closes his eyes. "Kord, god of athletics, it is Shiny Brawlbeater, sprinter and weightlifter. Let your strength heal this courageous warrior."

Shiny's not up for breaking the news, so he's letting someone else do it.

Shiny will spend at least three rounds trying to heal Kurt, even if something comes up the tunnel (makes sense to heal the blocker). In total Shiny thus spent one round running up the tunnel and then these three rounds of healing. Here are those three rolls for convenience:

UMD: [roll0] Healing: [roll1]
UMD: [roll2] Healing: [roll3]
UMD: [roll4] Healing: [roll5]

All three of Shiny's attempts at healing fail, and again Shiny looks up at the ceiling. "Last time I pray to you! Overgrown musclegod..."

2012-12-03, 12:32 AM
Mithril collapsed into the bloody mess. Carefully she reached for Henry's head shutting his accusing eyes. "I am sorry, but you wouldn't listen. We warned you, we have been warning you since we met..." With that she started crying, bloodstained hands covering her face. Whiskers crawled out nudging the hands away and just rested against her.

2012-12-03, 12:35 AM
Still bleeding, with so many peoples' blood on her, something in Natalia quietly, finally, breaks. She slides to the ground beside Mithril, pulls the wizard into her embrace, and breaks down sobbing as well.

2012-12-03, 12:39 AM
Valen watches the scene as the two young women break, his face unmoving. Only a slight twitch of his eye would give away his discomfort and unease.

Eventually, he simple turns away and moves to join Kirt and Shiny watching the hallway. As Miriam's divine magics wear off he his steps become heavier, the weight of the day evident.

2012-12-03, 01:34 AM
At some point Natalia, barely holding herself together, tries to move them both to the side of the room, away from the blood where the stench is more tolerable and the red doesn't seep into their clothes to clot and rust. She's still shaking as the two girls hold each other up, finally unable to take any more of the past couple days.

2012-12-03, 01:42 AM
Valen looks back, "We shouldn't stay long."

2012-12-03, 02:17 AM
Mithril held on to Natalia, needing the lifeline in the desolate caves. "Can we bring Henr...his body? I know a priestess who may be willing to help us."

2012-12-03, 05:37 AM
Kurt glances back at Shiny as he shrinks back to his normal size, pausing to listen closely at the tunnel mouth Shiny reaches him. He can't help but laugh at the gnome's quip, but he has to wonder too about just what's going on - what kind of a priest is he, to mock a god and then move on?

[roll0] Listen for enemies

[roll1] Spot the wand?
[roll2] Sense Motive

2012-12-03, 09:42 AM
Natalia stares at Mithril for a moment before laughing a little as she pulls her up. "Brilliant! Boccob's debt, paid in life!"

2012-12-03, 11:24 AM
The fury of the battle subsides and Miriam stands there, looking at the headless body of Young Henry. The fatigue, the despair of Henry's death, her own fake past, all converge in her head at the same time. She bites her lips and swears to herself "I will not cry".

Her eyes slowly moves toward Henry's head and the memories rush back "The young farmer pretending to be so tough in that tavern and ending up soiling his pants on the boat, the flirty cocky young man who had an eye on Mithril and the ranger who made fun of all the noise she made in her armor. And now a dead man."

The tears start flowing and finally Miriam breaks down. She hits the ground with her staff "You fool! You would not listen! I told you that you were nothing more than and a farmer and it was a wonderful thing to be. But NOOOO! You thought you were an "adventurer". You wanted the thrill of the action. How does it feels now?"

She kneels and grabs the head, crying loud "Why, why, why didn;t you listen? Your mother has a lost a son. You died tied to a rock in a cave in a cruel execution. You died without glory, without meaning. You should have been at your farm, cultivating the field, raising the livestock and being chased by all the farm maiden around you."

She is now sobbing. "But no. What is the lure of gold? riches? Magic? Was it greed that made you abandon your mother to try to be a hero? For what? To die in a cave alone and chained? Ruins and caves are full of people like you. You never listened you never learned. And now you are dead. I tried to save you with my words. I tried to save you with my magic. And I failed twice. So now I will try to save you with my faith."

Her tears dry as she put the head on the ground and caress the bloody hair "I did not know what god your worshiped but I hope he or she was watching. St. Cuthbert, Henry died trying to bring order and justice to this land. Please help his soul access what ever plane his god lives on. He might have been a fool but he was an heroic fool. His soul deserves to rest near his god."

She stands up and stays solemn, praying silently. When Mithril mentions trading his resuscitation for the book of Boccob, Miriam speaks again. "I do not believe it is wise. Death is part of the cycle. We did not try to raise Morton or any of the 9 men that died defending Linwood. We must accept death as part of life. In addition, I do not know how the Temple of Boccob works, but I know that if I were a high powered cleric, I would resent someone trading a holy book for a spell. If I remember correctly, they are the one who changed Whiskers. You owe them. The book is the minimum you can do."

After that she rubs and faces and looks at the rest of the group. "I am nearly drained of magic. We need to leave this place, as the sooner the better."

knows that she is totally drained of all major divine magic.

2012-12-03, 11:49 AM
Natalia glares at Miriam before walking over to her, resisting the urge to smack her. Instead she shouts, "Why blame him for your choice, your regrets?! Not...Not like yours! No farms, not for all! Don't...Made your choice, made his, same but different, not identical! Can't lay on top, don't blame him...for you!"

She walks back to Mithril and says, "Her debt, her books, her choice. Why...deny second chance, now available? Because...You don't want...yourself?"

When Miriam talks about trading a book for a spell, Natalia shakes her head. "Valuable, powerful, great debt owed...by finding it. Can get the spell faster...But Henry's life, Henry's price. He...should pay, in gold or work or bow."

2012-12-03, 12:35 PM
Miriam stays calm and collected as Natalia yells at her. A perceptive person might detect a little irritated tone of voice "Listen, Little One, some people are made for adventure and some people are made to farm. Farming is a very honorable thing. Do you think you could eat your gold and your magical weapons? Without farmers, kings would starve and kingdom would perish. Henry was a farm boy who had no respect for his father's dedication. He wanted fame or fortune although he was build to be a farmer. I did not choose to leave the farm, I was given up and St. Cuthbert found me."

Suddenly her tone of voice get higher "So don't you go telling me about my CHOICES! I DID NOT BLAME HIM FOR ME. I DID ...."

She takes a breather and her voice become cool again "not try to save him once, or twice but three times. It is probably more than you can say."

She turns around visibly angry but closes her eyes and pray. When Natalia interferes again about the resuscitation trade, Miriam speaks "I would not comment on the gods if I were you. This will be resolve by Mithril and the clerics of Boccob. And unless you want to spend more time trying to find his equipment, I am not sure how you will pay for his life. His soul is in a good place. Let it be."

Finally she gestures Kurt to lead the way "Show us the way out Sir Kurt. I believe we need to get out of here before too long."

Finally she gives a final warning "May be this is a reminder that we are nothing but mere mortals. Shiny Storyteller has been making fun of the gods since he got his hand on the wand. May be we should show more respect to the ones who heal us and welcome our souls when we die.'

2012-12-03, 12:44 PM
"Exactly!" Natalia shouts, her frustration and grief much more obvious than Miriam's. "Second chance, would you go back? Not everyone would! Not everyone should! Baker's girl, say I should go back, make the bread?!"

2012-12-03, 12:59 PM
Valen stands like a statue, listening, "If they caught him,it was because he attempted to lead them away from us, he could have made it Linwood has he so chose to...but HE decided to try and save us....and he may have succeeded. But, it was his risk to take."

Valen leaves to find Shiny and Kurt, growing uncomfortable and sick of weeping women...

2012-12-03, 01:29 PM
Mithril struggled to her feet. She walked over to Miriam and pulled her up."He was a boy, but that is why he did that. If I wasn't such a stupid girl I would have told him to head straight for Linwood and he would have listened. His death is on my shoulders. Boccob's book was going to the Priestess from the start, there is another book. If I can't do something now, I will carry my debt to him the rest of my life. If... no when he is alive again I will discuss the terms of repayment with him." She looked at the body.

I can't take the whole body her face cringed in horror at what she was doing as she picked up Henry's head and cradled it in her arms. The blood had stopped flowing, but she couldn't fit in her pack. "As you said, it is my decision."

2012-12-03, 01:37 PM
"Not stupid," Natalia admonishes. "Carry blame, but not alone. His fault, ours too. Not just you."

She looks through her backpack. One of the sacks of gold that she took off an ogre is rather large and his head might fit. She pours the gold into another bag and then gingerly hands the empty sack to Mithril, trying not to cringe too much.

2012-12-03, 01:45 PM
Miriam does not reply to Natalia's last comeback.

"She just does not get it. She is a young foolish pup. You cannot reason with her" she says to herself.

When Mithril indicates her course of action, she shakes her head but says "You are correct. It is your decision. Even if it is not a wise one."

She moves towards Valen, Kurt and Shiny and turns her back to the situation.

2012-12-03, 01:50 PM
Natalia shakes her head at Miriam's silence. She won't stop blaming herself for other peoples' wrongs. She doesn't see that other people can have different thoughts and desires and ideas and she keeps trying to make other people live her idea of a good life. She puts her regrets on other peoples' shoulders when they deny a chance she wishes she had. I understand that last part, but...

Natalia helps out Mithril. She can't tell whose blood is whose anymore.

"Will it...wash off?" Natalia asks the wizard quietly. She already knows the answer.

2012-12-03, 03:05 PM
When the finish, and Mithril and Natalia are the only ones in the room, Natalia looks to Henry's headless body. She shudders, then sighs. "Even if...Making a new body, leave this to rot, still..." She pulls what's left of Henry up from his supine position on the dirt, then lies him on his back in the back of the cave, folding his hands over each other. They're still limp, but too limp, and too pale, and getting cooler by the moment. She also checks his body, to see if she can get any hints as to how long he'd been in the room, if the orcs stripped him of all his possessions, if he'd been tortured.

I think we should get going now.

2012-12-03, 03:31 PM
Mithril put Henry's head inside the sack and carried it in the crook of her arm. She pulled the two torches out of her bag and laid them by Henry's body. "To light your way until we find you." Then embarrassed she held out the spent magic rod they had found. "Natalia, we need to move fast and I can just fit his..him in her if you..." Her eyes begged the rogue to hold on to the rod for her.

I looked at what we are carrying, if Mithril drops the two non-magic torches and Natalia carries a rod we are still under light load even with Mithril carrying the head.

2012-12-03, 03:36 PM
"Of course," Natalia says, taking the rod and sliding it between her two belts. She bows her head at Mithril's gesture, then lays a hand on her shoulder. "Leave...Rescue us too. Back to Linwood, then Hulburg?" Focusing on the task at hand, knowing that they'll get Henry back, these things help keep the bad thoughts at bay.

2012-12-03, 03:41 PM
Mithril walked back to the others with Natalia, "Which way out Kurt?" She didn't want to tell the others but the fear that had started since they had entered the caves was growing. They would end up dead here, with no-one remembering where they had come from. She had already cheated death twice, once with Whiskers and another time with the Choker, and now here she was hoping to do so again. How long before the due was collected?

2012-12-03, 03:44 PM
Noticing Mithril's new fear but not entirely sure of its cause, Natalia looks up at her and tries to comfort her, "Kurt's compass finds the sky. Then we find Linwood again. Alive, and so will Henry."

2012-12-03, 03:59 PM
Kurt had been resting his axe on the ground, leaning heavily on the haft and looking down at the ground in silence, having become absorbed in his own thoughts.

At Miriam's request he looks up and nods, lifting his axe and striding on again, this time with no encouraging words. He just wants to get out of there now.

2012-12-03, 04:57 PM
As they depart from Henry's tomb, the round the final bend, just south of that room. As the tunnel gradually slopes and widens faint sunlight can be seen in the distance...

Henry had none of his possessions on him or in the room.

2012-12-03, 05:07 PM
A genuine smile creeps onto Natalia's face as she tugs on Mithril's arm and points at the mouth of the cave. She wants to run but her caution prevails.

2012-12-03, 05:08 PM
Miriam's spirit is a little lifted as she sees light. "Thank you for leading us to safety Sir Kurt"

As the group runs, she thinks about her bloodied clothes. "I need to get a robe or something similar we we are in Linwood. This won't do. And I definitively need to ask St. Cuthbert for the mending spell."

2012-12-03, 05:16 PM
He shakes his head a little at that. "Don't speak so soon, Miriam. There is a long way to go before we can be safe."

2012-12-03, 05:21 PM
Miriam touches Kurt's back "I trust you Sir Kurt."

She thinks "I will need to talk to him about the shield other spell. I hope he will accept my offer and will not be insulted about having to give me some of his damages."

2012-12-03, 05:26 PM
As you walk out into the sunlight, you are blind for a few seconds, the light incredibly bright fading into a partially cloudy mid day...as you look you can see across the clearing to where you fought the Orcsmbarely a day before...

"We should take a less traveled path back to Linwood, maybe a half day east before turning back south to Linwood?" Valen asks, his expression unmoving.

How I missed the light...

2012-12-03, 05:35 PM
Kurt smiles, suddenly and brightly, a strange sight after the slaughter and tragedy of the cave, tossing his axe up in the air and catching it. Despite his dour words to Miriam, he does feel hope - and despite everything else they're alive. It was a brutal passage, but they achieved more than he'd ever dreamed of. And they're alive.

He nods at Valens words, feeling as refreshed for a moment as after a great night's rest. "Let's not pause here, anyway." He waits only until he can see clearly before moving off again.

2012-12-03, 05:36 PM
Mithril closed her eyes and sighed in relief as she saw the soft daylight Beautiful, I never knew how much I loved the sun.

2012-12-03, 05:38 PM
Natalia's joyous peals of laughter ring out as she runs outside and flops into the grass outside the cave, rubbing earth and green into her bloodstained clothes.

After a moment, she looks back up at the others sheepishly and says, "Yes, hurry. Linwood now."

2012-12-03, 06:40 PM
"How long to Linwood?" Natalia asks as she looks sadly at her skin and clothes. Would even magic be enough to clean it all off?

2012-12-03, 06:49 PM
"A full day marching, with no break for sleep. Maybe a bit more." Kurt barely spares a glance for her strange way of expressing her joy, having gotten used to her by now, already walking in the direction Valen suggested.

2012-12-03, 07:05 PM
Miriam closes her eyes and says a quick silent prayer for watching over them during the whole event. She let a sight of relaxation before following Valen.

When the group expresses its desire to go non stop to Linwood, she speaks her discomfort about it. "Getting to Linwood fast is not the issue. Getting to Linwood alive is critical. I have used all the magic St. Cuthbert thought I was worthy off today. Until I rest and pray, I will not be deemed worthy to channel more divine energy. I do not know how Mithril and Shiny are doing but their magical energy reserve must be quite low. Forcing through the woods and the forest without proper preparation is dangerous."

She tries to be the voice of wisdom but she has accepted that this group is everything but wise.

She thinks to herself as she follows Valen "I need to tell them about the Vow of Poverty. I need to get them to go help Mary' son, so may be going fast is important and wisdom might be overrated in this case. I need to talk to Kurt about shield other and Natalia about learning to give to the poor. I just need the right moment for each."

2012-12-03, 07:13 PM
Natalia pipes up. "I...Hurt, but once healed, ready to help. No magic for Nuts, that branch cut, but...Can go all day, as long as I'm healed."

2012-12-03, 07:13 PM
"The orcs will come at night, if they come at all. I would rather be as far from here as I can be when they come out - and I'd like to keep moving away. You won't be able to pray to the gods for your power if the orcs catch us. We can rest in Linwood, the orcs were already scared by the soldiers, they'll be even worse off now."

Kurt doesn't face the party as he says this, but looks straight ahead, as if it were just him and Valen. Still, his deep voice can be heard by all of them, in the relative silence.

2012-12-03, 07:17 PM
Natalia walks to Kurt closely. "You...okay?" Just how old was he for a dwarf anyway?

2012-12-03, 07:19 PM
Kurt touches the rents in his armour and the nicks in his axe, then looks at her and shrugs. "I have learned what I can do and what I can't leave behind. For now, I just want to stay alive."

2012-12-03, 07:22 PM
"...And then?" Why was she asking him this when she wasn't even sure of the answer for herself?

2012-12-03, 07:32 PM
He laughs, looking up at the sky. "Why worry about what might never happen? I'll figure what's next when we get back there." The focus he shows when fighting is still clearly present, but bent in another direction now.

2012-12-03, 07:58 PM
Valen looks up to the light, enjoying the feel of the light on his skin. After battle where many look weary and are glad for the quiet, Valen knows that the exhileration, the feeling of being alive will soon fade..."I believe Miriam is right, we collectively are not in a position to keep fighting, or force a march back to Linwood. There is time, the Orcs are likely bloodied to the point of taking any thoughts of attack from their mind as they lick their wounds. We've dealt them a heavy blow, one that may one day prove fatal. We should march a half day east or west, rest, then turn south. They'd expect us to head for Linwood and by moving away we're least likely to be caught. I do not want to test what resources the Hooded One has at his disposal." Valen offers, he is comfortable, in his element. Valen was forged and born to hardship, it is where he is himself.

I think that was the longest Valen has ever spoke.

2012-12-03, 08:11 PM
Mithril nodded wearily and started walking in a direction she thought looked safer. She didn't wait for the others to follow her, she just wanted to leave the godforsaken caves.

2012-12-03, 09:29 PM
Miriam nods as Valen speaks. "The barbarian mage is speaking the truth. In addition I believe that we should as a group discuss what has transpired over the past few days. I know I have a few things I want to share with you."

2012-12-03, 09:32 PM
Natalia nods and adds, "But Linwood soon. Not much time." She does not want to wander around the wilderness with two severed rotting heads, and she doesn't know if there's a time constraint to bringing Henry back.

"Ah! Mithril!" She runs over to the mage and points in the direction they're going.

2012-12-04, 11:26 AM
Natalia pipes up. "I...Hurt, but once healed, ready to help. No magic for Nuts, that branch cut, but...Can go all day, as long as I'm healed."

"Oh, why didn't you say so?" Shiny steps nimbly over, his wand still palmed even though many of the party seem to have caught on. He lays his hand on her.

"Gruumsh One-Eye, it is your servant, Shiny Crossrace, newly ordained cleric and subject of controversy..." he looks at the rest of the party. "What? I picked up a pamphlet in the caves."

Even in this atmosphere, I couldn't resist.

Attempts to heal Natalia; they'll keep going until we're either interrupted or she's healed (12 damage, right?)

UMD: [roll0] Healing: [roll1]
UMD: [roll2] Healing: [roll3]
UMD: [roll4] Healing: [roll5]
UMD: [roll6] Healing: [roll7]

2012-12-04, 11:28 AM
Shiny, four damage left is okay; she'll sleep that off tonight.

Also, Spot: [roll0]

Natalia starts laughing a bit as Shiny heals her. She looks down at the wand and says, "Shiny Clericthief!" before looking at Miriam. Why did she not protest?

2012-12-04, 11:48 AM
As the party sets forth from the Orc caves, they move quickly, trying to put enough distance between themselves and the Hooded One and the Orcs who are currently looking for them...

Moving east, the sun now high in the sky th terrain becomes more hilly as they are slowly traveling out of the more mountainous terrain...

As they move through the rolling hills, sparse shrubs, and pockets of thickets and small trees it's Natalia's sharp eyes and keen ears that first pick up signs of trouble. Valen's head snaps over as well...

Moments before it spots the group, Natalia notices a winged, multitheaded creature (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG34.jpg)...it back stands almost a head higher than Kurt and twice as long as he is tall. The beast is immensely dense... And standing boy 110' away...

Looks like Natalia gets a ore a initiative Action, then initiate action.




Blocks are...
Natalia, Valen, Kurt
Mithril, Shiny,



2012-12-04, 11:56 AM
Even though Henry's death and all their killing weighs heavily on Natalia's mind, she can't stop smiling a bit as they hike through the open air. She can hear, she can see!

2012-12-04, 12:00 PM
Knowledge Arcana to more Info

2012-12-04, 12:00 PM
Natalia notices the trouble first, and quickly tries to identify the creature, though she knows they probably can't handle it in their current state. She stops everyone short and points out the creature, though she knows it's too late to escape their notice...She doesn't want to die here, not when they just got out of the caves!

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

It's a chimera, right?

2012-12-04, 12:08 PM
Knowledge Check (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19546370/Monster_Lore_Compendium?post_id=332152758#33215275 8) Requirs Knowledge Arcana

2012-12-04, 12:11 PM
Knowledge Check (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19546370/Monster_Lore_Compendium?post_id=332152758#33215275 8) Requirs Knowledge Arcana

Can Natalia at least know the creature's name? I do think that the 10 rule is stupid.

2012-12-04, 12:14 PM
Mithril looked up at the impressive creature. A chimera, I have only heard of them in stories before. She knew not to talk and tried move as little as possible, if the chimera had eaten recently it may leave them alone.

Knowledge Arcana [roll0]

2012-12-04, 12:16 PM
Once Valen notices the beast, he tries to identify it...

Knowledge Arcana[roll0]

2012-12-04, 12:19 PM
"Ch-Chimera..." Natalia whispers to the others, though Mithril and Valen already know what it is. They can't fight such a creature in their state...

"Run," she says to the others in a low voice before turning around and doing exactly that.

2012-12-04, 12:57 PM
Valen, quickly grabs his bow and moves towards a tree knocking an arrow..."Chimera! Beware its blackened head."

Valen takes aim at the Magical beast and looses an arrow.... his arrow is far off its mark...


2012-12-04, 12:58 PM
Natalia turns around. If the others are taking her advice and running for it, she takes out her crossbow just in case and continues to run for it.

If not...Well, I'll wait to see what Valen and Kurt do.

2012-12-04, 01:04 PM
"Fighting?!" Natalia shouts. "With empty cups; you stupid?!"

She fires her crossbow anyway and prays.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

(Actually, let me switch the two, see what happens.


2012-12-04, 01:10 PM
As the rogue runs away, Valen thinks to himself and curses under his breath...Coward...

2012-12-04, 01:11 PM
"Why not running?" Natalia shouts to the others as she reloads her crossbow.

Every single time I've attacked this week, my crit confirm rolls better than my attack. So last time I swapped them around just before hitting submit. I'll try that again next time, though of course I'll roll a 1 on the crit confirm and a 20 on the attack.

Also, 5 foot step back to the group.

2012-12-04, 01:29 PM
Miriam is getting ready to run when she hears the chimera word. Then she sees Valen trying to engage the chimera. She sights. The lack of wisdom of the group was terrible and it was her fault as she could not impart any of hers on the group.

She puts herself into a defensive mode, holding her stick of wood. "I used all the divine magic I have. We are down to Shiny Storyteller, Failed Cleric of Grumsch to heal us with the wand. If I fall, someone take the gold I have for the widows and the orphanage."

2012-12-04, 01:34 PM
"Miriam!" Natalia shouts, "Your crossbow...Holy like your staff?" Her voice is desperate, she doesn't want to fight this thing any more than Miriam does.

2012-12-04, 02:05 PM
Kurt grunts as if punched in the gut as the creature is named. Even for dwarves, a chimera is a word of fear. Nonetheless, seeing Valen go recklessly forward, he shoves his axe in his belt, summoning his crossbow to fire at the creature.

"Fool. You already knew they were drained."

I'm not sure what cover it has - ZMan, adjust as appropriate.

1d20+6 Attack
1d20+6 Crit
1d10+2 Damage
1d10+2 Crit

He then takes a quick step backwards behind the tree.

2012-12-04, 02:18 PM


Trusting his intuition with the shot, Kurt lifts the crossbow with both hands and looks down the sight before loosing the bolt. It hits true with a satisfying thunk, even as he move to take cover behind the tree.

2012-12-04, 02:40 PM
Shiny stands ready, saving his mind bending spells until they can be effective.

Shiny drops in intitiative until after the chimera moves. Needs to do that for color spray and distract to be effective.

2012-12-04, 02:42 PM
Natalia's relieved that Kurt's shot hit, but she's still quaking in fear and fury at Valen's idiocy.

2012-12-04, 03:48 PM
Mithril glared down the chimera. <Draconic>"We are many, you only one. Let us pass and we shall stay that way. Attack and you shall be none."<Draconic> She didn't quite know why she was trying to reason with the creature but there had been enough death that day.

Moving behind a nearby tree, she prepared her crossbow, waiting to see the chimeras response. If it charged them, than she would shoot, but until then she would wait.

Moving to L13, readying to shoot if the chimera moves within range (80ft).

2012-12-04, 03:54 PM
Chimera. The great beast takes a mighty leap and climbs as it approaches the party...

It's at roughly X20 and 50' in the air.

Shiny and Miriam are up.

2012-12-04, 03:57 PM
Miriam with a sight of extreme tiredness picks up her crossbow and load it. She waits until the Chimera is in range and then fires.


2012-12-04, 03:58 PM
"Willing to bet!" Natalia shouts as Mithril's threat fails. Valen said to beware the black head, what could that one do?

2012-12-04, 03:58 PM
Critical confirm

if needed

2012-12-04, 04:11 PM
Natalia cheers as Miriam's bolt strikes home. She quickly reloads and tries to follow with one of her own.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Her bolt goes wide, not even close to hitting the chimera.

2012-12-04, 04:58 PM
Shiny aims his crossbow up at the monstrosity and fires a bolt.

I'm not sure of the range increment, it'll have to be added afterwards.
Attack: [roll0]
Confirm crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Whoosh, if I'm not mistaken looks like another confirmed crit! Shame it couldn't be from someone who does more damage with their crossbow, though.

After his shot, Shiny runs away from the rest of the party to split up the group.

Moving 20 feet straight up on the map.

2012-12-04, 05:01 PM
Natalia smiles at Shiny's hit, but frowns when he runs off. Then again, she was going to do the same...but she wasn't leaving them behind. He probably isn't either.

2012-12-04, 11:21 PM
Valen, watching the beast and knowing his arrows will do little against it, waits for a moment to act...

Kurt, taking cover in the Tree reloads his heavy crossbow...

Valen delays.

Miriam, Mithril, Shiny, Natalia

2012-12-04, 11:31 PM

The great winged beast, angered by the quarrels sticking out of its flesh moves forward descending quickly to land on the ground with a crash, it quickly attempts to take a bite out of Miriam with its blackened dragon head... It manages to take a bite out of Miriam, a faint sizzle can be heard around the edges of the wound...

Not a charge

Miriam, Mithril, Shiny, Natalia, Valen
Kurt, Mithril

2012-12-04, 11:34 PM
Valen drops his bow, utters a few words in Draconic, bolstering his arcane defenses and draws his great blade before stepping forward...

Cast Shield, Draw Sword, 5' step

2012-12-04, 11:36 PM
The chimera's upon Miriam and Natalia before they have a chance to dive for cover; Natalia manages to avert a blow but Miriam isn't so lucky. The rogue can hear the sizzling even with Miriam's cry, and smell that acrid stench.

Acid, that head breathes or bites acid...That's not like a dragon head, that IS a damned dragon head!

Holding my action until I see what Shiny does; I'm almost certain he'll move to a good position then use Distracting Assailant and Color Spray, but I'll wait.

2012-12-04, 11:39 PM
Mithril didn't take an action round. This is the previous round

Seeing Miriam and Natalia facing the beast on the open ground Mithril ground her teeth, no-one else was going to die today. She lowered her crossbow and spoke as loudly as she could <Draconic>"LEAVE! We slaughtered an orchish army this morning and don't mind taking your head. Heed my words or your blood will boil."<Draconic> She raised her hand and stared at the creature.

Readying action for first attack by chimera, Acid arrow.

2012-12-04, 11:42 PM
Natalia grins at Mithril's words. "Means it!" she shouts in Draconic.

Her grin falters when Mithril's spell barely leaves a mark. Of course, acid breath, so...

I'll delete or modify my previous post once it's all sorted out.

EDIT: ...Oops.

2012-12-04, 11:42 PM
The creature doesn't seem to be phased by Mithril's threat and true to her word the Mage releases a bolt of acid which streaks forth and impacts upon the creature. An odd cackle can be heard as the creature seems to be unharmed and unfrightened by Mithril's display. Then as the acid can be heard sizzling, the beast lets out a frustrated roar of discomfort...

It has a Black Dragon Head, It's immune to acid. See OOC explanation

2012-12-04, 11:48 PM
No action just reaction to failure

Mithril stared at her hand, she had missed with spells before but never had one completely fail her. Staring up at the creature she gulped, now she was even more powerless than before.

Then she heard the creature bellow in pain, the laughter gone. Her eyes brightened, this one thing was what she had left and nothing could take it away her knowledge would not fail her.

2012-12-04, 11:49 PM
Natalia's confused look returns to an almost smirk as the chimera feels the effects of Mithril's spell. She turns to the befuddled wizard and shouts, "Hear it? Made your threat, delayed magic for sneaking!"

2012-12-05, 09:25 AM
Shiny takes a couple steps forward, and as he does he casts a spell so quickly it doesn't even slow him down. Once he has the creature in range, he splays out his palm and lets forth a color spray.

Raw Will saves:

First Distract assailant DC 16: [roll0]
Then color spray DC 16, 17 if he failed the first one: [roll1]

2012-12-05, 09:31 AM
Miriam takes a five-feet step (to M16) and swings the piece of wood she uses as a weapon, ignoring the pain in her body and the damages to her outfit which looks more and more ragged.



HP: 17/31

The fatigue is too much as the beast easily avoid the stick swang at it.

2012-12-05, 09:34 AM
As Shiny's spell sends the chimera reeling, Natalia sees her chance to potentially help finish off the beast. She rushes forward and tries to plunge her dagger into its hide.

2 on the distract assailant and 9 on the color spray. Even with +6 will saves, it failed. Natalia moves to M17, unfortunately just too far for a full attack...this round.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] plus Sneak Attack: [roll3]

Subpar damage, but at least I hit.

The chimera's hide is thicker than Natalia expected, but she manages to cut a deep gouge between two of its heads.

2012-12-05, 10:00 AM
Mithril watched as Shiny danced in front of the giant beast. She had started to grow fond of his tricks, especially since they had kept her alive this long. Raising her crossbow she shouted one last time to the chimera <Draconic>"I warned you, I gave you a chance. You chose this fate!"<Draconic>

Acid Arrow residual damage [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Crit Damage: [roll4]

2012-12-05, 10:21 AM
The creature, distracted by Shiny takes a deep wound from Natalia as Mithrils acid continues to eat through its hide. Shiny's illusion is unaffective as the Monster continues to fight.

Creature is Flatfooted, but not stunned.

2012-12-05, 10:37 AM
Kurt silently dismisses the crossbow, drawing his axe as he takes a step to the side of chimera and swings, setting himself to threaten the beast with any move it might make.

Vanguard strike. No power attack. Enter iron guard stance.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Crit
[roll2] Damage
[roll3] Crit
[roll4] Crit

2012-12-05, 10:45 AM

As the stout Dwarf stepped forward and engaged the mitt beast, his attack dealing a shallow wound to its foreleg, the mighty beast springs forth, to quickly to be caught and treats to the West over your heads...

A rough, almost whisper can be heard...<Draconic>"Revenge..."

As the beast gains altitude it begins to glide lower to the ground, using the rolling hills as cover for its escape...

Kurt Hits thanks to Shiny's unsettling Enchantment.

Withdraw Acrion 100'

2012-12-05, 10:52 AM
As the creature flies away, Miriam lets a sight of relief. She looks at Valen. "Let's keep moving until we can rest. May be you can spot a elder red dragon and engage him for us."

She keeps moving, trying to hold her tattered clothes together and prevent a wardrobe malfunction. "I will definitively need something else to wear."

2012-12-05, 10:56 AM
"It's a predator, and we had to scare it off, lest it find us weak. I'd much rather attack and try and drive the beast off then give it time to pick us apart. Chimeras are predators that prefer ambush, we confronted it and drove it off." Valen argues.

2012-12-05, 11:00 AM
Okay, good thing I kept my dagger then. :smallredface:

"Uh...Swore revenge," Natalia says for the benefit of those who don't know Draconic as the chimera leaves. Her heart's still pounding; she can't believe they made it of that fight in one piece.

When Natalia notices Miriam struggling to hold her clothes together, she removes her studded leather and pulls off her goldenrod shirt beneath, offering it to Miriam. They're about the same build, though Natalia's a bit slimmer, and she tells Miriam, "Just...Return at Linwood?" When Miriam takes the shirt, Natalia pulls back her armor over her nearly-bare upper body; it chafes a bit against her shoulders but is otherwise comfortable.

2012-12-05, 11:00 AM
"It's done and we're alive. Let's try and stay that way." That said Kurt moves quickly off again.

2012-12-05, 12:17 PM
Okay, good thing I kept my dagger then. :smallredface:

"Uh...Swore revenge," Natalia says for the benefit of those who don't know Draconic as the chimera leaves.

Shiny frowns. "Did it? I thought it said 'I am no match for you, let me go find you some precious stones as tribute for your mercy.' But my Draconic is a bit out of practice."

2012-12-05, 12:18 PM
Miriam looks at Natalia and smiles. "Thank you, kind rogue, I will get it back to you cleaned in Linwood, assuming I can find something to replace it."

She moves away from the group and turns her back to the heroes, especialy the males as she takes of the top of her outfit. IT reveals that she is not wearing anything under it. She puts on Natalia's outfit and put her destroyed one in her backpack.

She returns to the group. "Let's move. I want to put as much distance as we can before resting."

2012-12-05, 12:20 PM
Natalia just buries her face in her hand when she sees that Miriam isn't wearing any support. That could get uncomfortable pretty quickly.

Seriously guys, it does, especially if you're rather large.

She nods and says, "To Linwood now?"

2012-12-05, 12:23 PM
Mithril yelled after the fleeing chimera <Draconic>"Listen when I give advice."<Draconic>. Seeing Natalia helping Miriam change she went over, "I can repair your shirt tomorrow. We all need some repairs done."

2012-12-05, 12:23 PM
Miriam looks at Natalia as she gets used to the rogue outfit. "Wow. Your frame is much smaller than mine and how do you stay so skinny? Magic?"

2012-12-05, 12:23 PM
Shiny suddenly notices Miriam's injuries. "You're hurt! We clerics have to stick together- professional courtesy and all that."

As he goes through his usual charade, he mutters, "St. Cuthbert, it is your servant, Shiny Macemeter, paragon of justice and copycat. Heal the exceptional but recently impoverished Miriam- I think you two have met."

Will heal to within 4 HP (since she'll make up the rest when she sleeps). The UMD checks are mostly for fun now, since time is on our side.

UMD: [roll0] Healing: [roll1]
UMD: [roll2] Healing: [roll3]
UMD: [roll4] Healing: [roll5]
UMD: [roll6] Healing: [roll7]

Unless I'm mistaken I think it takes just one charge to heal her fully- nice.

2012-12-05, 12:26 PM
"Wash out blood," Natalia agrees with Mithril. Her coat looks...rusty, for lack of a better word. To Miriam she says, "Always skinny. Good for running, jumping, rolling."

2012-12-05, 12:28 PM
Miriam smiles at Mithril. "Thank you for the offer but I will ask St. Cuthbert to grant me the power to mend my clothes".


She tries to refuse the healing.

Will save I believe?

2012-12-05, 12:30 PM
Natalia dives between the two. "What? Trying to help! Why a wandthief anyway?"

2012-12-05, 12:35 PM
Mithril went over to Shiny and placed a hand on his shoulder "Use Boccob instead, as long as you are using magic I doubt he will mind." She went over to Miriam and tried to comfort her, "I don't think he meant any harm or insult."

2012-12-05, 12:39 PM
Miriam calms down a little at Mithril's words "That is the problem with that damn gnome. Nothing is sacred for him. Every thing is a joke. Because he constantly lies, he never take anything seriously."

2012-12-05, 12:40 PM
Natalia bites her lip. "With Henry, jokes left...With me and the snake...what did he do?"

2012-12-05, 12:43 PM
Mithril thought for a second before answering "His lies are sacred. Just as I worship Boccob by casting spells, or you worship St. Cuthbert by trying to save others."

2012-12-05, 12:44 PM
Natalia snorts a bit at that, but wisely decides to keep her mouth shut.

2012-12-05, 12:45 PM
Miriam looks at Natalia "When you were frozen, he started to speak like you. I never knew if he was doing it to be funny or if someone, his twisted mind thought it was a reminder for all. The gnome is truly mad."

After walking for a few moments, Miriam takes Mithril and Natalia aside. "Mithril, Natalia, this is a little embarrassing question but since I stopped wearing my armor, my back hurt. It seems that I have lost some support and, .. hum... hum .. well they get heavy. Any suggestions?"

The cleric of St. Cuthbert is turning rd like a pimento.

2012-12-05, 12:48 PM
Mithril went over to Shiny and placed a hand on his shoulder "Use Boccob instead, as long as you are using magic I doubt he will mind."

Shiny gives an indignant scoff. "I am not some cheap mercenary, who will drop allegiance to his deity at the slightest convenience! I will follow Heironeous to my- no, wait- I will follow-" He scratches his head. "Which one was it again?"

2012-12-05, 12:49 PM
Natalia is silent. She doesn't know why Shiny did that, and she suspects that she'll never know, for the gnome would never give a straight answer.

At Miriam's second statement, Natalia looks at her, dumbfounded. "No wrap? Why not? Not...Can't give mine. Running, jumping, makes it hurt more." Seriously, had she never bought one? Had nobody told her she needed it? A note of disgust slowly begins to appear on her face. "How long without, why? Is...Calric again? Wanted...less between him, you?"

Natalia can just pick up Shiny's conversation. It's probably for the best she has Miriam distracted.

2012-12-05, 12:53 PM
Miriam looks down in shame, her face now totally red. "Yes. It was him. He said he did not like them, that they were useless and got in the way. He told me they were unholy. So I got used to not wearing anything. I am not sure I can beg for some ....."

She turns away, more embarrassed than ever.

2012-12-05, 01:00 PM
Know what? It's probably a good thing that Calric's already dead. She grabs Miriam by the shoulders and shakes her as she shouts, "Pants unholy too? Underwear? Clothes at all? What's holy...this?" She makes an astonishingly obscene gesture with her right hand and says, "That's his mace!...Taught you, made you believe his mace, not Cuthbert's! No blasphemy in comfort, no blasphemy in 'Not now'!

And why beg, not buy?"

2012-12-05, 01:01 PM
After the close call with the Chimera, the group again begins to move, still heading east. As the sun sets and twilight sweeps the land they are ready to turn south, but must decide if they are going to rest or risk journeying through unfamiliar lands at night and risk getting lost in the dark of night...

Rants over.

2012-12-05, 01:05 PM
Natalia looks around the area on the dimming horizon to see if she can spot any familiar landmarks, such as the bird's rock.

You can take 20 on search or spot if you take the time and are actively looking for something specific, right?

2012-12-05, 01:07 PM
Miriam shakes her head in a shameful approval. "You are right. I was young. I was stupid. I was a simple farm girl who knew nothing. I believed lies."

She turns away to wipe a couple of tears before looking at Natalia "But you, Mithril, Kurt, Valen and even the crazy gnome taught me. Mary opened my eyes. I am sorry. I am just learning because I know so little.."

The cleric feels so ashamed that she needs advice from the rogue who is younger than her. When Natalia asks about begging, Miriam welcome the distraction.

"I cannot buy. I will tell tonight why when we rest."

2012-12-05, 01:25 PM
After four minutes of intense searching and spotting Natalia determines that he Great Bird Rock is not within her immediate vicinity, nor it is visible in the distance any longer.

2012-12-05, 01:25 PM
Natalia hugs Miriam and says, "Everyone taught...Just took you longer to learn." Why couldn't she go and just buy a wrap though?


Natalia looks around to see if she can spot any familiar landmarks.

Take 20 on Search and Spot for 31 and 28, respectively.

Also, Survival: [roll0]

She can't find anything. In fact, she's not even sure where they are. "...Out of the valley?" Natalia asks tentatively. If only Henry were still alive...

2012-12-05, 01:29 PM
Mithril looked around the area. The enchantment surrounding her hand faded away long before and Whisker's collar no longer glowed. "I would rather not risk travelling in the dark." She did not want to admit how tired she felt, both physically and mentally.

2012-12-05, 01:30 PM
"...I'm lost," Natalia reluctantly admits.

2012-12-05, 02:08 PM
Natalia looks to the others and asks, "Far from orcs...Rest for dawn?"

2012-12-05, 02:48 PM
"We've left heavy trails behind us and there are clear signs of a fresh fight here. If the orcs come this far, they'll be sure we were here - if the Ogres are with them, I don't think we can outmatch them...we should push on until full dark, at least. If we must camp..." Kurt looks around at them, seeing the slump of their shoulders he mutters something almost inaudible in dwarven. "If we must, we shouldn't light any fires, and should choose someplace hidden, away from the road. Orcs like the night, no need to make it easy if they do come after us."

His mind had been turning it over on the march, wondering what might happen. If his clan had suffered such an attack, while their leader was out, he knew they would assemble their warriors to hunt down the ones who did it. Especially if there were fresh allies nearby. But orcs...who knew what they'd do?

2012-12-05, 02:50 PM
As the group set up camp, Miriam decides to heal the people who need it to help with their recovery.

Heal - LTC - DC 15

[roll0] - Kurt
[roll1] - Valen
[roll2] - Mithril
[roll3] - Natalia
[roll4] - Shiny
[roll5] - Axara

2012-12-05, 02:53 PM
Natalia says to Kurt in response, "Hours for us, hours for them. Meet us by day, when they're tired...We're ready."

She lays a bedroll out onto the ground, then flops back onto it. Though her body is weary, the day's images play over and over in her mind. She says, "Whichever watch."

2012-12-05, 02:55 PM
Valen, listens intently to Kurt's words, Dwarf, can you navigate at night? I cannot. Lets just move carefully and quietly hiding our tracks until dark, and then make a secluded camp as you suggest."

As Valen speaks, he begins moving slower, more cautiously, making sure not to leave noticeable tracks.

Move at 1/4 speed for the last hour or two to hide our passing?

2012-12-05, 03:03 PM
Yes, Kurt will stop protesting at that.

Kurt nods at Valen's words, sensing the others are too tired to do much more anyway. "I'll lead until then. And we are already tired, Natalia, and our tracks easy to follow. We have to make it hard for them from here...then maybe. Maybe."

When they do stop at last, he stands at the edge looking out for a few minutes before finding a place to sit. "I'll take the first watch. I'll wake you when I need to sleep."

2012-12-05, 03:04 PM
Natalia follows cautiously, hiding nearly all traces of her passage. The moment it gets too dark to see, she stops.

Only if we won't get lost.

"...Second," she says.

2012-12-05, 03:09 PM
Once the group stops, Valen finds himself a comfortable spot to rest but find it difficult to stay asleep after a couple of hours...

Ahh, this ring is beginning to sustain me. In half a fortnight I'll no longer need to sleep more than a watch.

Valen can take 3rd watch.

Watch Rotation
Each person has bout 1.5 hours, then we all have an hour in the Morning.

2012-12-05, 03:18 PM
Before they rest, Natalia notices that Mithril doesn't have her bedroll on her. She goes over and asks, "In the cave? Sleep for the dead?"

Blushing, Natalia stammers out, "If you...Sleep, uh...Small, I, uh, small, curl up for...uh..."

2012-12-05, 03:44 PM
As the group sets up for camp, Miriam goes and approaches Valen. "Mighty warrior, would you mind sharing your food with an humble cleric of St. Cuthbert." She smiles and adds "I will kneel if needed but I would rather not."

As the group get ready to go to sleep and Miriam notices Mithril and Natalia next to each other she smiles. She gets up and goes to the center of the camp. She clears her voice and starts speaking. "Friends" she looks at each group member and finish by Shiny and shakes her head like a mother will do looking at the problem child. "Some of you might have notice that since we left Alabaster cave, I have worn only a simple outfit and used simple equipment. I have also stopped using magical items and stopped gathering wealth. The reason is simple."

She stops and takes a deep breath. "As some of you know, I had a vision of my past which Mary in Hulburg taught me was a myth and a lie. Since then, I have had a hard time trying to justify my faith given what a teacher of my church did to me and other. However, St. Cuthbert had listen to me and offered me a chance to start at new. He has washed my doubts about Him but made me understand that my goal of helping the poor and the destitute can only be really achieved if I voluntary experience being poor and destitute and rely on other to survive. I accepted and thus took a Vow of Poverty." She stops to let it sink in before continuing.

"As a result, I have accepted a life without any significant possession. I can only have a simple outfit, likely a robe and a staff and crossbow. I will never again use a magic device or magical item. I will never have a cooper piece to my name. I will be a destitute. I will need to beg for food until St. Cuthbert tells me I do not need to to survive. I will need to beg for my magical components for my spell. And more importantly, I will give all the gold I find or earn to the poor and charitable causes. It is my choice. Some of you might disagree. But it is my choice."

2012-12-05, 03:59 PM
"You will never have to beg for food, Miriam." Kurt seems troubled by it, and shocked. She says it all in such a matter of fact manner than he can come up with no way to express his confusion that wouldn't be hurtful, so instead he offers her only the support he truly feels she deserves.

2012-12-05, 04:00 PM
Mithril smiled at Natalia's offer, "Thank you, so much. I am sorry to impose." She shrugged off her backpack and set to work preparing for sleep. Anyone who cared to look would notice that she was not opening her pack, and was trying to avoid looking at it whenever possible.

At Miriam's declaration she sat in stunned silence. Was this what had been troubling the cleric for so long, she could not imagine such a shaking in her faith. The idea of not using magic items puzzled her, Boccob gave people the ability to enchant those items so that knowledge could be gained from their use. Could they also not be used to benefit those less fortunate.

2012-12-05, 04:02 PM
Natalia smiles and says, "Not imposing."

(At Miriam's vow)

Natalia, who was conveniently drinking some water at the time, chokes mid-swallow and spews it all over the ground. After several moments of sputtering, she finally manages to spit out, "WHAT?!"

She storms over to Miriam, but can't find the words for what she's thinking (not that she could anyway), so she only shouts, "What, a punishment? Calric gave everything, so now give yourself nothing? Beg, stay a slave to others, always in debt? What better than before?!" She throws her hands up. "Yes to charity, yet to selflessness, but you...Selfless to self-destructive! Bring others up, not yourself down! Deny...yourself knowledge, power?"

She holds up the jet-black dagger. "This vow for our treasure hunting? Would have left it, blades for bats! Alabaster's dead, but not forgotten. Remember with items, with spells. Why leave forgotten, no use for the dead! What good in a life that leaves nothing behind?"

2012-12-05, 04:08 PM
In the awkward moment that follows, Shiny speaks quietly. "I think we should respect her choice- I don't even see why it's such a big deal. I've actually kept a vow of poverty for the last three years and nobody even noticed."

2012-12-05, 04:09 PM
Mithril hurriedly got to her feet and rushed to Natalia. Standing between the girl and Miriam she lowered the rogues arm, guiding the dagger back into its sheath. "Miriam, this was your decision to make. I hope you respect that when it comes time for us to make our own."

2012-12-05, 04:12 PM
Natalia doesn't resist, though she mutters, "Wasn't going to..."

She does continue trying to talk Miriam out of it. "What use, what point? Why? And...Just hurt us too! No wand, no healing! Gamble with Shiny for our lives?!"

2012-12-05, 04:21 PM
Kurt rushes over as well, shocked at the girl's sudden outburst. "Natalia! She has saved our lives - let her be!"

Looking around for any kind of distraction, he spots Mithril's sack and raises an eyebrow. "What's in there?"

2012-12-05, 04:22 PM
Natalia sighs. Mithril and Cavelcade were right. And wasn't she thinking earlier that day...?

Still, she can't resist throwing Miriam's words from earlier back into her face. "Right...Your decision...Even if unwise. But still your decision."

When Kurt asks what's in the bag, she looks at Mithril nervously.

2012-12-05, 04:25 PM
"N.Nothing. Just the books and items from the cave is all." Mithril became slightly defensive when Kurt asked, letting go of Natalia to move back to her items. She knew the others wouldn't approve of her decision. Whiskers sensing her apprehension came to her side and rested by her foot.

2012-12-05, 04:29 PM
"Smell it soon," Natalia says in a low voice after she joins Mithril.

That is, after any argument with Miriam once Achinca logs back in.

She adds, quietly, "I...Think yes too." She picks up a nearby pebble and turns it over and over in her hand. It doesn't have the cool smooth color that her wire (she misses her wire) feels like, but it'll do for now.

After a few minutes, eager to move off of Miriam from her mind, Natalia asks, "...Henry. Did you...?"

2012-12-05, 04:33 PM
Kurt blinks a bit, the sudden change making even the socially-blind dwarf suspicious but he doesn't pursue it, instead looking up at Miriam. "I didn't think you'd be as careless with your life as I am with mine. Is this carelessness? What use is this against an axe?" He touches her shirt lightly, looking up at her with concern, keeping his voice low.

2012-12-05, 04:39 PM
Natalia hears Kurt but bites her tongue, not wanting to say something she can't take back.

2012-12-05, 04:58 PM
Miriam had expected the reaction but Natalia's was much stronger than she expected. She takes a step back as the dagger comes out but makes no effort to stop it. She lets everyone speak, listening carefully to each word.

When Natalia spits back her own words, she smiles. "You have learned, Natalia. This is good indeed."

When she catches Mithril making things up about what is in the bag, she goes along but says cryptically "We all have made or will make personal decision. The rest might be think they are unwise but we must respect them."

Finally she addresses Natalia first then Kurt. "Natalia, I am not a slave to anyone. I know that a lot of people have not chosen to be poor and miserable. I want to help them. I want to understand. And I want to be like. I don't have to worry about possession. And I join St. Cuthbert tomorrow, it will be with joy because I will leave behind only a dirty old brown robe, use sandal, a wooden stick and the knowledge that I gave everything I have to the poor and I did everything I could to help the destitute. I am not destroying myself, I am making myself closer to my God."

She turns to Kurt and the dwarf can see that his reproaches are cutting her harder than the others. "Sir Kurt, I respect you immensely. You care for me in my biggest moment of despair and showed me that there was still good in the realm. I am not careless. I don't need an armor as I now a direct link to my God that provide me protection. Of all the people here, I thought you would be the one who would understand putting one's needs behind the needs of others."

She turns around as she is emotionally drained. "I will sleep now. Tomorrow is a long march."

2012-12-05, 05:03 PM
"And leave yourself..." Natalia says. Does Miriam really hate herself that much? She doesn't say much else; what is there to say?

Natalia wasn't going to stab Miriam, she was just waving the dagger for effect. Also, from here I'm reinserting Natalia's previous conversation with Mithril, as that's where it picks up.

"Smell it soon," Natalia says in a low voice after she joins Mithril.

She adds, quietly, "I...Think yes too." She picks up a nearby pebble and turns it over and over in her hand. It doesn't have the cool smooth color that her wire (she misses her wire) feels like, but it'll do for now.

After a few minutes, eager to move off of Miriam from her mind, Natalia asks, "...Henry. Did you...?"

2012-12-05, 05:07 PM
"Did I what?" Mithril shifted over on the bedroll to make more room for Natalia. Her reply sounded slightly curt as she tried to hold back her pain.

2012-12-05, 05:12 PM
"Did you..."

Did you like him? What if it were me?

Natalia shakes her head and instead says, "...Doesn't matter." And really, it doesn't, so why should she make Mithril hurt more? She, they, would have probably done the same for anyone in the group. Liking Henry or not probably didn't factor into it. After all, she agreed to it as well. Though a finger would have been easier to transport.

2012-12-05, 05:38 PM
As Mithril drifts off to sleep, Natalia awkwardly shuffles over to give her more room, pressing her hands to her sides and trying not to think about how easy it would be to just move her leg and brush Mithril's bare foot with her own.

But when it's Natalia's turn to keep watch she hears the shouting of orcs and the sickeningly wet organic thwack of Henry's head lopped off on a perpetual loop, and every time she closes her eyes she sees herself rip his killer's throat open in retaliation.

If Mithril wakes up in the middle of the night, she notices Natalia, wide-awake and shaking, clutching her in a desperate attempt to feel something warm and alive.

2012-12-05, 06:49 PM
Kurt shifts uncomfortably at her gentle rebuke, feeling the words try to catch in his throat at her words of respect. Gently he touches her shoulder, then, looking up at her. "I respect it. I will not try to change it. But I will worry for you - a dwarf does not go to war without his armour, I wouldn't see a friend go defenceless. But if you say your god will protect you, I will believe you." He smiles a little at her. "And make sure I am the one they aim at."

When the others go to sleep, he starts walking around the edge of the camp. Only when everyone's breathing has settled into a rhythm do his shoulders relax and he leans over, letting himself feel overcome. While he had something to focus on, ignoring the blood had been easy. With the long night to pass, the memory of hacking the heads off the sleeping orcs, of literally splitting orcs in half, these will not be so easy to escape.

2012-12-05, 07:25 PM
After letting the dust settle for a minute, Shiny goes to sit next to Miriam slowly as she prepares for bed. "Sounds like you've been upset for a while," he says gently, not a trace of dishonesty or mockery in his voice.

IC conversation Shiny's wanted to have with Miriam for a while.

2012-12-05, 07:36 PM
Miriam looks tired and sight at Shiny's question "Shiny Storyteller, I am tired and drained. I am in no mood for your jokes and your lack of seriousness. I do not have time for your stories and your lies tonight."

Although there was not signs of mockery, she does not think the gnome is being truthful.

Miriam does not Shiny can be serious for real or care about other

2012-12-05, 07:46 PM
"I know that's how you view me," Shiny says, tracing patterns in the dirt absent-mindedly. "I bet you think I don't know anything about what your're going through, or anything worth knowing."

He leans back a bit to look up at the stars, seeming shy for once. "But I do know a little. I know that you said you'd stop carrying any possessions, but that something's still weighing you down: your guilt, and your regret. And that even if everyone tells you you have nothing to be guilty about, you can't quite let go of it."

FWIW, I am going somewhere with this.

2012-12-05, 08:51 PM
Miriam stops, surprised at the sudden gravity and common sense coming from the gnome. "OK Shiny, I'll bite. I am just curious about the joke you are trying to pull. Yes I have guilt. Yes I have regrets. Yes I cannot let go. What do you know about such things?"

Miriam goes along with Shiny still not believing the gnome is serious.

2012-12-05, 10:19 PM
"I know more..." Shiny starts, but then he grows quiet, and there's an abnormally long pause before he starts again. "I think I know how to fix it."

"No one else can free you from regret. No matter what anyone tells you- that it's not your fault, that there's nothing you could have done- none of it helps. So to free yourself, you have to..." Shiny suddenly looks over his shoulder, like he's sharing a secret, before he continues in a lower voice. "You have to tell yourself, every morning and every night, 'it's not your fault.' You say it..." another long pause... "You say it even when you don't believe it, so that it becomes a habit. And you never stop, even when it's not working. And then one day..."

Shiny chokes on his words, and when he turns to Miriam his eyes have a desperate seriousness. "One day maybe you'll get so good at lying that you'll fall for it."

2012-12-05, 10:58 PM
Valen, sits and listens to Miriam. As the battered and broken Cleric asks for a morsel of food Valen pushes forth most of his nights ration. "I need little, take your fill.". As Miriam states her vow, and her giving up of material possessions, "Do what your heart tells you is right. I grew up with little and have less value in such material possessions beyond a few trinkets and a well crafted weapon.".

Valen is lost in thought for a few minutes, lost in a memory long neglected.

When the topic of the bag comes up, Valen remains silent.

Did anyone tell Shiny or Kurt about Henry?

2012-12-05, 11:00 PM
Shiny knows Henry's dead, I don't know about Kurt. Neither of them should know that Henry's head is in the bag.

Why did we put his head in there anyway and not a finger or something? :smalltongue:

2012-12-05, 11:02 PM
Because Mithril was the one doing the "lets take part of Henry to try to resurrect him" and she was not thinking clearly

2012-12-05, 11:27 PM
Miriam stands there as Shiny talks with the most seriousness he has ever shown. When he is done she is speechless and is not sure what to do. She was not expecting such a confession. She suddenly realizes what Shiny is saying and she starts crying and give him a huge hug. "Shiny, if you ever need to stop lying and telling someone what regret and guilt you have, I will be here for you. Even if awful things have happened because of you, you can always try to make they right or make amend. You can stop lying to yourself. Trust me it will hurt but you will be better off. Look at me. I was used and abuse by a man who acted in my God's name to do so. I nearly lost faith over it. I have guilt and regrets and it is my fault I went along letting him do things to me which are unimaginable. But I stopped lying to myself. It hurts a lot and probably for a long time. But I am better off. You have friend in me who will support in anything you need to do. If you want me to be the sacred place where you can be the real Shiny, I will be more than honored to do so."

She gives another hug before saying "Remember my offer, Shiny Truthteller. And remember that as long as I am not next to St. Cuthbert, you can count on me, a true friend."

As the gnome leaves and tries to go to bed, she stays up. When she believes he is asleep, she gets up and go caress his hair and put a kiss on his forehead, like a mother would do a child. "Poor thing. Being so afraid of your past that you live in a present of lies ..."

2012-12-06, 12:18 AM
Shiny listens to Miriam's response, but his sincerity is gone just as if one of his enchantments had broken. When Miriam hugs him he responds with just an awkward pat on the shoulder, and afterwards stands up in a hurry and scurries away, as if he were embarrassed. He lies down and stretches out on the other side of the camp from Miriam.

"It's not your fault."

Reposted as happening after Miriam's action.

2012-12-06, 12:57 AM
As Natalia starts her watch... Three dark shapes block out the moon...



2012-12-06, 01:00 AM
Natalia's eyes widen; she instantly runs over to shake everyone awake. "Chimeras!" she hisses. Is there any place they can run? Or are they going to be eaten here?!

2012-12-06, 01:07 AM
As Natalia struggles to wake her companions, the Chimeras descend...and the first of her companions dies....

Natalia wakes with a start...horrid horrid dreams...

Now,mthat was a fun little prank. Coffee, please take your pulse and blood pressure. :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-06, 01:12 AM
**** you, Zman. Though I have to admit it was a good one.

Natalia wakes up with a scream halfway out of her throat, but she somehow manages to fight it back. The position of the moon's barely changed, she'd been out for less than an hour. She looks around desperately--Valen's still on watch, and he's alive...And so is everyone else. Mithril's breathing is light but audible as she sleeps next to her. Natalia curls up next to her shaking with fear and the day's memories, echoing the wizard's breath with her quavering own.

2012-12-06, 08:18 AM
The night passes, uneventful and quiet outside of Natalia's nightmares. Its a grey morning, as the sky is full of clouds. The temperature is cooler than it had been and the taste of rain is on the air.

2012-12-06, 09:10 AM
Miriam finishes her prayers to St. Cuthbert and feels full of divine energy.

She uses uses the mending spell to repair her outfit and get changed, making sure she pick a private spot away from any potential privy eye.

She returns to Natalia and gives her back her top "Thank you so much for lending me this. I really appreciated."

She approaches Kurt and smiles at the dwarf. "Good morning Sir Kurt. Would you mind sharing some food with a humble cleric of St. Cuthbert?"

2012-12-06, 09:12 AM
Mithril spent her watch cradling her bag in her arms. Leaning over it she kept a steady whispering mantra. "Please forgive me. Please forgive me." She had already removed her spellbook from the back, and once people started waking up she settled down in a quiet section to study.
Mithril's Spell List
Level 0:
Level 1:
Leaving Slot Open
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
Magic Missile

Level 2:
Detect Thoughts
Acid Arrow
Leaving Slot Open

Can take 15 minutes to fill both empty slots at a later time.

2012-12-06, 09:26 AM
Natalia smiles as she takes back the shirt from Miriam. There are deep black bags under the rogue's eyes; she couldn't have slept more than an hour or two the previous night and must have spent the rest of it staring into the black sky. She puts the shirt back on and says, quietly, "Don't...Don't need rags. You don't."

Later, when she sees Mithril studying and chanting her mantra, Natalia says, "Should...Be me, not you...Was there."

2012-12-06, 09:37 AM
As the spellcasters prepare their daily spells, Natalia occasionally gets up and paces around the camp restlessly, frequently glancing at the hills and sky. If anyone asks, she mentions chimeras.

2012-12-06, 09:42 AM
Kurt smiles and happily splits his food with her. He's quiet this morning, and seems to have slept well enough, judging from his eyes. When he's done he excuses himself and moves to the side, stretching out and practicing his skills, before he cleans his weapon and armour again, even though he had done so last night already.

2012-12-06, 09:44 AM
Natalia sits beside Kurt and looks mournfully at her own bloodstained clothes, stiffening and now an ugly rusty brown. It's leather, she can't polish it like armor...

"Never...Coming out," she says to Kurt. She isn't just talking about her stains.

2012-12-06, 09:54 AM
The dwarf glances at her sorrowfully and nods slowly. "Bear the burden and grow strong, or reject and be crushed...there are no other paths for us, now." He speaks softly and with doubt in his voice, not meeting her eyes.

2012-12-06, 09:56 AM
Natalia shakes her head. That can't be the only way. "Why...Endure? Why not change?"

2012-12-06, 10:03 AM
He chuckles a bit. "We can only go on from where we come from. If we try and ignore that, well..." He glances over at Shiny, then shrugs a bit. "We have killed and will kill again. And we will carry that with us, even as it changes us. We can't change the past..." He trails off at that, frowning heavily at his axe blade, his knuckles cracking as he grips the shaft.

2012-12-06, 10:10 AM
Natalia shakes her head. "I mean, change the world...Wolves into dogs. place for all kinds, no more fighting, not like this."

2012-12-06, 11:14 AM
He laughs at that, not meanly, or cynically, but almost bemused. "I am a wolf, then, and I wouldn't suit such a world. I will be free, and if that means I have to bite others who abuse that freedom well...my teeth are sharper." He hefts his axe lightly, seeming a little relieved to have found some clarity.

"Would you sit for dinner with a chimera? Or a dragon?"

2012-12-06, 11:21 AM
She shakes her head. "Dogs bite to protect. Protect, not hunt. Half-orcs beside gnomes in Hillsfar, why not elsewhere?"

2012-12-06, 11:30 AM
"And what about when humans go to war with humans? Dwarves with humans, or elves, or orcs? Who is the dog there? I am a wolf because I don't sit in one place and protect it, I don't have to wait for a command to attack. I see a situation and judge it and act." He grunts a little at, almost a laugh but so bitter. "You are a wolf too, Natalia. The guards who stayed behind in Linwood - they are dogs. And maybe they are better than us, but they need us too."

2012-12-06, 11:32 AM
"Would you sit for dinner with a chimera? Or a dragon?"

"I've done both," says Shiny, appearing out of thin air behind them. "Dragons aren't so hard to serve- you just have to remember that the white, silver, and brass ones prefer white wine and the red, gold, and bronze ones drink red wine."

"Hosting a chimera, on the other hand, is a nightmare. You're supposed to serve all three heads separate, full, portions, but they're all going to the same stomach! Needless to say, I've never seen a chimera even touch his dessert."

2012-12-06, 11:33 AM
Valen spend his morning staring through a crystal, oblivious to the conversations around him.

After considerable work he finishes examining the two items they pulled from the dead body of the Orc Barbarian..."This axe is powerful, but wicked and vicious. Be careful, it will bite you as well, robbing your strength to lend power to your blows." Valen holds the vicious looking Greataxe, upon closer inspection you can see the handle is spiked tearing into the wielder as they swing.

After examining the guantlets, These gauntlets increase the might of he who wields them."

+1 Vicious Greataxe, Gauntlets of Ogre Might

2012-12-06, 11:36 AM
Natalia shakes her head, Kurt's right, but that's not exactly where she was going. "I mean...Attack to defend, not for sake of it. Not because you like killing."

When Valen comes over with the items Natalia winces at the sight of the spikes. "Can't break them? Cover with leather?"

When Shiny mentions the chimera, Natalia, remembering her nightmares, curls up in a tight ball.

2012-12-06, 11:42 AM
Mithril had just finished her spell preparation and was coming back to the group, when she saw the Natalia panic. "Natalia, what's wrong? Natalia? Answer me!" She wrapped her arms around the curled up rogue, rocking her. As she did this she muttered a few words and made a quick gesture. Slowly the blood started to remove itself from the clothing of those around her, appearing as clean as if they had just been washed.

Prestidigitation will be active for the next hour, and I can do whatever I want with it :smalltongue: under the rules of prestidigitation of course

2012-12-06, 11:44 AM
"A wolf will only attack for food or if it's in danger. But is still more dangerous than a dog."

Kurt can't help but laugh at Shiny's quip, then blink and rub the back of his neck, glancing awkwardly at Natalia's reaction. "Aah..."

2012-12-06, 11:45 AM
With Kurt's response before Shiny pipes in, Natalia says, "More dangerous, but not like...Not bathing in blood."

As Mithril rocks her, Natalia lets out long breaths as she tries to hold back her tears. She whispers, "Dreamt chimeras...Everyone died, orcs and Henry again...All night..." She looks up at Mithril, truly grateful as the blood melts away and asks, "Did I...Wake you?"

I didn't intend for it to be that bad a breakdown, but now I can't resist! Don't worry, Natalia should be okay after a full night's rest.

2012-12-06, 11:59 AM
Miriam smiles at Shiny comments as she sees them in a different light. She asks the gnome "What about dinner conversation? Is it easier with a dragon or with a chimera? What happens when all 3 heads talk at the same time?"

Her one is not one of mockery but someone buying into the fantasy.

When Mithril cleans Natalia's armor, the cleric approaches the wizard. "Do you mind? I took care of the damages but not of the blood." She stops and then continues with humor in her face "I can beg if you want ..."

Finally, when Valen identifies the magical items, she says in a really happy voice "Great! Magical Goodies! I claim them both ....." She stops and looks around for reaction. Shiny was right. Making fun of things helped.

2012-12-06, 12:04 PM
The blood started to fade away from Miriam's clothing as well. Still comforting Natalia, she smiled down at the girl. "You didn't wake me. Don't worry we are all still alive." Most of us anyway, the thought of Henry passed through her head again.

2012-12-06, 12:05 PM
Kurt, caught between embarrassment and amusement just bursts out laughing, shaking his head and doubling over. Miriam being so light-hearted is just too rich.

"Maybe we've spent enough time discussing dinner. We've eaten, we might as well start on our way."

2012-12-06, 12:06 PM
"Thank you," Natalia says to Mithril. "Alive, all soon."

At Miriam's jesting, Natalia stares at her and asks, "Shiny? Where did you...Hide Miriam?" She then starts to laugh as well.

2012-12-06, 12:15 PM
Natalia nods at Kurts statement. She gets up, a bit shaky from lack of sleep, and asks, "Linwood tonight?"

2012-12-06, 12:17 PM
Miriam smiles a true smile, happy to have lifted the group mood.

"Let's make it to Linwood by tonight!"

2012-12-06, 12:20 PM
Kurt nods and finishes his little bit of packing, preparing to set out. "We can figure out who gets what back at Linwood..."

2012-12-06, 12:23 PM
"Not me," Natalia says as she puts on her backpack. "Valen or Kurt...But why not break the spikes?"

She hugs Mithril, then thanks her for her help and Kurt for their talk. As they walk, she tries to ask Miriam about why she chose the vow, but can't get the words out right.

2012-12-06, 12:32 PM
"If it can't draw your strength, it's just an ordinary axe, I think. Not much point in taking it, if we did that."

He shrugs his shoulders and takes the lead, then, but goes more easily than yesterday, not as worried about the threat of orcs in the daylight.

No reason not to roll, though!

[roll0] Listen
[roll1] Spot

2012-12-06, 12:38 PM
Natalia frowns. "Just...Don't like recoil."

As they walk, her loaded crossbow is out. She glances nervously at the hills and forest and sky, though her exhaustion sometimes makes it difficult to concentrate.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2012-12-06, 01:12 PM
Miriam smiles at Shiny comments as she sees them in a different light. She asks the gnome "What about dinner conversation? Is it easier with a dragon or with a chimera? What happens when all 3 heads talk at the same time?"

"With dragons, you can never mention that you're an adventurer- we have a reputation for noble quests that climax with their deaths. As for chimeras, it's like talking to an old married couple- a marriage of a lion and a goat where they're both seeing a serpent on the side. And here I thought I had left that cliche behind when I moved out of the city."

At Miriam's jesting, Natalia stares at her and asks, "Shiny? Where did you...Hide Miriam?" She then starts to laugh as well.

Shiny bites his lip with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way. After all the hubbub last night, Miriam took me aside and explained that having given up all her possessions, she was going to have to take a second job if she was going to keep up with adventuring. Late in the night, she ran off to Hulburg to see if she could get a job tending bar. She didn't want you worrying while she was gone, so she had me fashion an illusion to take her place temporarily." He shrugs and looks over at Miriam. "I guess I couldn't get her attitude just right."

2012-12-06, 01:16 PM
Miriam continues the fantasy with Shiny "What about dishes to serve? any no nos? I would not want to offend such great company"

When Shiny mentions the illusion, "Shiny, why did you rat her out. It was supposed to be our secret. She won;t be happy. What I am supposed to do now that everyone know I am an illusion?"

2012-12-06, 01:22 PM
Natalia just rubs her eyes and mutters, "Need more sleep."

2012-12-06, 01:24 PM
Miriam continues the fantasy with Shiny "What about dishes to serve? any no nos? I would not want to offend such great company"

"Dragon meat and chimera meat, obviously. Those are absolutely taboo for chimeras and dragons, respectively."

When Shiny mentions the illusion, "Shiny, why did you rat her out. It was supposed to be our secret. She won;t be happy. What I am supposed to do now that everyone know I am an illusion?"

Shiny squirms. "I promised my doctors that I'd stop talking to my own illusions. Otherwise they never would have let Shiny Nutcake, delusional psychotic and underwhelming quilter, out of the institution.

He heads towards Linwood with the rest of the party.

2012-12-06, 01:27 PM
Miriam nods her head at Shiny "Make sense. Thanks for the tips"

She goes with the group adding "Don't mind me, I am just an illusion"

2012-12-06, 01:42 PM
Natalia walks forward and pokes Miriam in the belly, saying, "Still disbelieve."

2012-12-06, 03:02 PM
Growing serious at the jest, Mithril looked harshly at Shiny "Did you pull one of your mind-twisting tricks on Miriam? There are risks with those." She went to Miriam and looked into her eyes, trying to see if there was anything wrong. Instead she noticed a spark of life reborn.

2012-12-06, 03:05 PM
Miriam just winks at Mithril.

2012-12-06, 03:07 PM
"Valen, check with dispel, right?" Natalia calls over to the barbarian. She sounds unusually jesting.

2012-12-06, 04:02 PM
As they walk along, Natalia asks Valen and Mithril, who might know, "When...out of chimera range?"

2012-12-06, 08:57 PM
The party manages to get themselves ready and sets forth through the underbrush, moving ever South. Kurt leads th group South, sure of his orienteering.

Nine hours later, Linwood can be seen in the distance...

2012-12-06, 09:01 PM
"Yes!" Natalia shouts when she sees the village, ready to break out of the woods and tell them they were safe...

2012-12-06, 09:25 PM
Shiny's mumbling to himself as they walk. Anyone who listens closely can see that he's practicing a speech.

2012-12-06, 09:38 PM
"Your...Victory speech?" Natalia asks.

2012-12-07, 05:59 AM
Kurt has left Valen with the gauntlets, having taken the axe for the way back, though he's kept his other greataxe in his belt for the moment, unwilling to part with it yet.

"Almost there..." He smiles a bit at managing to guide them back.

2012-12-07, 11:15 AM
Valen wears the new Guantlets, impressed by how strong he feels. It's almost comparable to being blessed by Miriam's god.

As he sees Linwood in the distance he thinks to himself, One day, I'll settle down n one place...but it will not be this day, nor this little town...

2012-12-07, 11:32 AM
"Well?" Natalia asks. "Tell them safety? Show...Some good from this?"

2012-12-07, 11:55 AM
"I think we earned it," says Shiny, leading the way back to the town.

2012-12-07, 12:08 PM
Natalia nods. "Hurry then."

2012-12-07, 12:19 PM
As the party nears the edge of Linwood, the Northwestern guard post is within sight, a gleam off of a Hulburg soldier's shield catches your eye.

As you near a young boy, maybe thirteen or fourteen, dressed as a town guard, his cloths too big, comes running. He greets you emphatically and excitedly. He tells you that the Mayor and the Sergeant will be waiting for you at the town center as he turns around and runs back.

2012-12-07, 12:20 PM
Natalia sighs in relief. Part of her had admittedly been worrying that the orcs had attacked anyway, but everything seems fine. She hopes they got her raven.

"Max too," she calls after the boy.

2012-12-07, 12:22 PM
Shiny turns to the group and raises his hands like a conductor. "Now, triumphant smiles, everyone. And Kurt, it's on you to show off the head."

2012-12-07, 12:23 PM
"When they're...All here," Natalia says. Suddenly, the absurd mental image of Kurt accidentally showing Henry's head instead of the orc's flashes through her mind. It's sick, but she cant' help but crack up for a moment.

2012-12-07, 12:40 PM
Kurt gives Natalia a worried glance for a moment as she cracks up, then just shakes his head and goes forward. "If you say so, Shiny..." He mutters a quick dwarven prayer that he doesn't do anything to ruin the moment.

2012-12-07, 12:42 PM
"List to debrief?" Natalia asks. "Head when time comes?"

2012-12-07, 01:33 PM
Miriam nods at Natalia "Let's Shiny do the talking?"

She looks at the gnome "No story this time, Shiny Truthteller. Just the fact we did our job. Tell them that the orcs are diminished and show the head. And tell them the soldiers keep the orcs at bay."

2012-12-07, 01:34 PM
"And...The rest?" Natalia asks quietly. The rest could mean a lot of things.

2012-12-07, 01:37 PM
"I already have my speech prepared, and I think it includes all the salient details. But just to make sure..." Shiny starts enumerating on his fingers.

"1. The orcs were just acting out because of a deep-seated insecurity and inferiority complex. Once Mithril talked to them and convinced them of the inherent evil of war, they decided to lay down their arms to live in peace.

2. Miriam lost all her money betting on dragon racing, which is why she's dressed like she is. We all of course took up a collection to support her, but as soon as we gave it to her she lost it all on a red dragon that was, quote, "a sure thing."

3. We discovered that Natalia's difficulties in speaking stem from a bump on the head that she sustained in childhood. A quick mending spell later, and she's regained not only a marvelous vocabulary but an above-average singing voice.

4. It turns out we've been in purgatory this entire time, and the Hooded One is actually the devil. The orc's represent mankind's basest instincts, the ogres represent the futility of self-introspection, and the gnomes represent the existential absurdity of looking for meaning in a cruel world. The halflings just represent halflings, though."

Shiny thinks carefully. "Did I miss anything?"

2012-12-07, 01:55 PM
"You forgot about the dwarf and the axe, my friend." Kurt smiles, patting the dangerous haft carefully.

2012-12-07, 02:13 PM
Miriam looks at Shiny and does her best not to roll her eyes. "Perfect. Simply PErfect, Shiny Truthteller"

2012-12-07, 03:16 PM
Valen, moving silently speaks, "The less we say, the better."

Valen is silent, contemplative in thought.

2012-12-07, 03:29 PM
Center of Linwood

As the party enters the town, they can see the Aergeant and Mayor gathered in the center of town. Many others have begun to gather round, but a few stern looks from the Sergeant have kept them at bay.

The Sergenat looks up, obviously in control of the towns defenses, "What news?"

2012-12-07, 03:35 PM
Natalia smiles. "Got...Raven's note?" She looks to Kurt. Shiny's right, now would be a good time. She has to admit this desire for a dramatic flare is catching.

2012-12-07, 03:43 PM
Kurt drops the enchanted axe on the ground, then slings his pack off his shoulders and tosses the head out beside it. As the head rolls across the ground, the missing eye is revealed to all. "The cleric lives, but this one ran out of luck."

2012-12-07, 03:53 PM
"So did others," Natalia adds. How many exactly? At least a dozen for sure...It's disquieting, that she's lost count.

2012-12-07, 07:44 PM
"Attacked from within," Natalia adds. "From the belly, pierced the heart. Severed one of three heads. Crippled, though not dead."

2012-12-07, 09:09 PM
"In short, gentlemen," Shiny says with a dramatic flourish towards the head, "This town is safe."

Kept it short and sweet. Sorry to keep you waiting for it.

2012-12-07, 09:16 PM
Natalia looks at Shiny, wondering if he or they are going to talk about what else they found.

2012-12-07, 09:33 PM
Mayor Benton

The heavyset balding man interjects, "What do you mean, the town is safe?". He stares at the One Eyed Orc head, his face set in suspicion.


The Sergenat, after being rudely interrupted disregards Natalia and speaks directly to Shiny, "You've topped the entire assault? Singlehandedly and without loss?"

2012-12-07, 09:37 PM
"No leaders, no one-eye...Half orcs, half force. Not enough."

Looking at the others, especially Mithril, Natalia glances down and says, pained, if nobody tells her otherwise, "Not...Not without loss."

Just saw that was directed towards Shiny, not me. Sorry.

2012-12-07, 09:40 PM
"The brave man who spent the last week watching for the attack sacrificed himself to draw the orcs off." Mithril tried to keep her face calm, but her fists clenched by her side gave away the wave of emotions she was holding back.

2012-12-07, 09:42 PM
"We found their headquarters and snuck deep into their caves before anyone raised the alarm. In catching them by surprise, we had the advantage: we killed about thirty of their fighters on our way out. Among them were many veteran soldiers, as well as the warrior chieftain who led them." Shiny points down at the head. "They'll be too weak to carry out their plans against Linwood, at least in the short term."

2012-12-07, 09:42 PM
Natalia places a hand on Mithril's shoulder. Okay, that wasn't exactly how it happened...at all...but who was she to tell Mithril that Henry died so ignominiously?

She blinks at Shiny's statement. Were there any lies or exaggerations in there at all?

2012-12-07, 09:44 PM
Kurt glances at Shiny in surprise, then at Natalia, equally surprised, not sure what she means. All of them are still alive, they failed to rescue someone but still, that was hardly their fault.

"We found a hidden entrance to the caves. Following it, we were able to spy on their dump, and we happened to hear the hooded one tell another that he was going to investigate reports of where we were. We didn't wait for them to discover us, but waited until he was out of the caves and then attacked." He takes a deep breath, keeping his eyes focused on the sergeant to block out the others, as he continues.

"It was a near thing. We were almost surrounded more than once, in our dash to get to the exit, and we fought the Left and Right eye of Gruumsh and...we won. Just about. We took out...30 or more orc warriors and came back with these as prizes, what we could grab from the unfortunate dead." With that, he spills out the other weapons he's taken.

"If you don't believe us, where did we get these things? And where did my armour get its new holes?" He almost becomes angry at that, restraining himself with difficulty as he sees the doubt in their eyes.

2012-12-07, 09:44 PM
"And nothing we do is singlehanded. We work as a team, and every hand complements the others."

2012-12-07, 09:51 PM
Natalia, too, lifts up her jacket and shirt to show the long scab running down her side. She says, "Mithril's magic, Miriam's cure, Shiny's tricks, Valen's tempest, Kurt's smash, my sword rain. All of us." How could they disbelieve Kurt, who saved their lives so many times in the caves?

2012-12-07, 10:02 PM
Valen watches on silently, his anger growing at the accusation, but Kurt preempts him.


Seeing that his words were taken as an accusation, "I meant no offense, it was an impressive feat. And if all your words be true..." he seems to stare directly at Shiny, "then this town owes you a great debt. And so do my men, we welcome the opportunity to return to the defense if Hullberg."

2012-12-07, 10:06 PM
Natalia smiles at the sergeant's words, but then remembers. Oh, right. She asks him and the mayor, "Got...Silver raven? For you or Max?"

Hadn't he had his eye cut out by this orc too? He'd want closure...

2012-12-07, 10:11 PM
Kurt nods at the sergeant's words, relaxing slightly. "Good. There's still work to do, but by taking our opportunity, we took care of one side."

Off to bed - Kurt would like to travel with the guards if possible, in case of another Ogre attack.

2012-12-07, 10:27 PM
Natalia looks up at the sky. It's starting to get late. "Rest, and...?"

She hopes their bird made it to the inn, that they're not the only ones who made it back intact.

2012-12-08, 12:09 AM
"We believe you can indeed go back to Hulburg's defense," says Shiny, "but we can offer more than that."

Shiny leans in a bit, with an earnest, warm expression. "We've offered our help to Hulburg before, but were rebuffed rather brusquely by your commander. By now I think we've proven our qualifications, and we'd like to assist in your war against the ogres."

2012-12-08, 12:11 AM
Natalia looks over at Miriam, who had mentioned the ogres before. She turns back to the sergeant and adds, "Deny them dinner. Rescue next...meal."

2012-12-08, 12:12 AM
To get on the sergeant's good side:

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2012-12-08, 12:20 AM

Bothe the Sergeant and Mayor look at Natalia with a confused expression as she asks about a silver raven. Their face is one of indifference.

Looking at Shiny, "Maybe he didn't find your stories and antics very promising. Talented you may be, but trustworthy you are not. I do not blame the Commander for dismissing you immediately.". After a moment the Sergeant calms down, "You are welcome to travel with us, we will depart in the morn.". Once finished the Sergent leaves and begins to spread word to his men.
The group of onlookers are excited, a few are trying to edge closer and gain a look at the severed head.