View Full Version : [PF] Hollow's last hope question

the clumsy bard
2012-12-03, 05:16 PM
So people's opinion a small change.

This is regarding the Pathfinder adventure module Hollow's last hope.

In one part of the adventure they have to collect moss from a very large tree.

In the published adventure they have to fight a tatzlwyrm (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons/tatzlwyrm).

Now if I replace that with a Moss Troll (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/giants/troll/troll-moss)

Does that seem unfair for a party of level 1 players? Keeping in mind that there are 7 players in total.

2012-12-03, 05:52 PM
My main concern is the attack routine.
Tatzlwyrm gets 1 Bite at +5 to hit that does at least 4 damage.
The Moss Troll gets 1 Bite AND 2 Claws that each do at least 4 damage. AND it has Reach (10ft. on the Bite, _15_ft. on the Claws).

My secondary concern is the Regeneration 5 (Fire).

Granted, these are slightly balanced by the Fear of Fire ability.
"shaken as long as it is within 30 feet of a visible fire or an open flame of at least torch size".

But I would not be surprised in the least if Mr. Troll eats a PC or two.

2012-12-04, 12:03 AM
The troll does hit for a lot, but really, putting 1 melee monster against a group of 7 people is asking for a 1-round-fight if they carry bows or crossbows

the clumsy bard
2012-12-04, 12:49 AM
So I used the moss troll instead.

I changed the encounter a little bit as well.

I made it so the elder moss had to be recovered off a trunk of the tree that you had to climb up to get.

Except the tree trunk was of course the moss troll *evil grin*

One of the players (a soulknife) climbed up alone *second evil grin*

As he tried to grab the moss off what he thought was a branch jutting off the tree it materialised as a moss troll and grappled him.

I made the encounter a little more weird for the party as well.

Soulknife got thrown down and did not die, but he was not happy.

The party had a donkey which they had follow them constantly to carry their overload of equipment. I ruled the moss troll wanted to eat the donkey more then any of the players. I had to pantomime that it would trade some moss for the donkey. (none of them spoke giant)

The combat went on for about 7-8 rounds as they were woefully prepared for fighting something in the branches of the tree with a 15 ft reach. It downed the donkey and downed a player (alchemist) the only one damaging it.

At the end it ran away when the bard lit a torch and started chasing it away.

So they did not kill it, but they defeated the encounter and I ruled the soulknife who consistently hit the troll knocked off enough moss with his hits to collect and use in the remedy for the town.

Chained Birds
2012-12-04, 12:16 PM
Well, if you count the Donkey as a PC, Grarrrg was somewhat correct in his assumption of what was to come. :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-04, 01:21 PM
Well, if you count the Donkey as a PC, Grarrrg was somewhat correct in his assumption of what was to come. :smallbiggrin: