View Full Version : Digimon Unleashed:Return of the Demon Lords (IC)

2012-12-03, 07:53 PM
It started in an ancient ruin. The fires of curiosity had set the stones in motion. A lone Sorcerymon had came to the Ruins of Lordship in order to ascertain the results of his research. A time before the digital world was governed by the Sovereigns it was governed by the digital god Fanglongmon. Helping him rule were 7 digimon, 7 lords. Their power together rivaled even the mighty Fanglongmon's.

However it all changed when new data was acquired by the leader of the 7 lords, Lucemon. It was data on human philosophy. Eventually it caused him to question Fanglongmon's rule. While he was a kind ruler, what gave him the right to rule? What made him any greater that Lucemon?! He wasn't, he could rule just as well! However if he were to just usurp Fanglongmon nothing would be accomplished. He would have to destroy the world that Fanglongmon had created, and rebuild it from the roots up. Thus Pride took root in Lucemon's heart. With the silver tongue gifted to him by Fanglongmon Lucemon turned his fellow lords against their creator appealing to their baser natures. The 7 lords fell, and rose once more as the 7 Demon Lords!

The caused much destruction and brought forth suffering for many years until finally Fanglongmon managed to defeat them with the help of 4 new digimon he had created with a good deal of his power. The 4 Sovereigns. All five of them battled the Demon Lords and sealed them away. However, the lords had gained far to much power to simply go quietly into the night. The left behind 7 scars on the world, the 7 Seals of Sin. Using the powers of his Digicores Fanglongmon rebuilt the digital world with himself at the center, resolving himself to eventually becoming a mere myth whilst he helped keep the digital world stable and repair it should it be harmed. Thus the rule of the Sovereigns came to be.

These Seals and the story behind them were the subject of Sorcerymon's research. He was about to find indisputable proof. They wouldn't laugh at him for chasing old myths now would they?!

Entering the final chamber Sorcerymon smiled as he saw what he came for. The 7 seals of the Demon Lords. "Finally...They said I would fail, that my code must have been scrambled. Now they'll see, all of them will! They tried to make a fool out of me, but no more! I, Zeke, of the Sorcerymon race have attained undeniable proof! They will laugh no longer. Zeke is no mon's buttmonkey any more!!!!"

What he did not realize is that with those words he condemned himself. One of the seals started to glow with and awesome power. The bright orange glow had entranced Zeke with it's majestic light until an even more majestic voice spoke to him. "Yes, Yes! Do not let your pride be trampled on by those who wish to crush you underfoot. YOU! I can sense it, it has driven you this far has it not? Zeke of the Sorcerymon race, you have within you great pride. Receive my gift and do my bidding! Follow my order, and no one will doubt you ever again!" A mad grin crossed Zeke's face as his pupils were replaced with the seal of Lucemon.

Within the digital world a weakened Fanglongmon, drained from restoring the digital world many times plucked one of his last digicores and with it another portion of his strength left him. Already he could feel Lucemon's influence spreading. It saddened him to the suffering it would cause, but had to take his time, wait for the opportune moment. When his former right hand would slip and give him the chance he needed. This was 4 years ago.

Now is the time! A new set of digidestined would lead the charge against this evil! They would free the digital world from it's greatest crisis! With the strength he had been gathering for years Fanglongmon used his digicore and broke though the barrier that been created from Lucemon's leaking influence. The would be taken suddenly and without notice. The only thing they would see before being sucked into the digital world was but one message.

The Seven Shadows cast upon the digital world once more. A foreboding wind spreads. The Demon Lords may rise again.

(OOC: So what do you guys think of the intro? Also feel free to write out how your characters get to the digital world. All they have to do is receive the message above and be sucked into a digital device. Have fun!)

2012-12-03, 08:00 PM
That's great. thanks for share.

2012-12-03, 09:35 PM
Renji Mikage

Anxiety filled the thoughts of one Renji Mikage early this Friday morning. He had been up since 6:00 AM, practicing his Katas, trying to calm down. This was his first major tournament on an international level. It had been nine years since he had been living with Gentaro and he had always been dragging him along in his escapades. The brutal camping trips, the near-Spartan-like training, all that had brought them together. However, This time it had taken the proverbial cake.

" Renji, my boy, I've got spectacular news.", he remembered hearing that day a month ago. "You remember Dave Jackson, my American Friend from my tournament days. Well he's organizing a Mixed martial Arts tournament in about a month or so and he has extended an invitation to me and my Ogame Ryujin school. So get ready, boy, cause come November, you, me and the rest of the dojo are going to participate in the First Annual Jackson Mixed Martial Arts Tournament."

One month wasn't enough time. The entire dojo realized this and had spent the better part of a week trying to get him to see that. However when Gentaro made a choice, he was like mount Fuji, he just couldn't be moved. So with barely a month to prepare Renji and the rest of the dojo had prepare for the tournament.

Still it wasn't that he was novice in the tournament scene. He had won his fair share of tournaments since age ten, but this was more than what he had hoped to get involved in. Still it wasn't all bad.

It was already the second day in the tournament and they had done pretty well in the combat round, with him placing third in his age group and one of his sempai, Hanataro getting first place the day before. However, next was the exhibition portion of the tournament. Finnesse and technique would be evaluated critically. While he was confident in his skill with the weapons of the school, why did the old coot assign him the Zai demonstration? A katana, he could do with ease; Bo and Nunchaku, were ok; But Gentaro deliberatly assgin him the Zai, his least favored weapon.

"Damn the old coot. He's did this to get me back for losing my temper." said renji as he waited to be called. Yesterday, Renji discovered Gentaro had an additional motive for dragging him to this tournament. Turn out that his parents had managed to schedule their leaves so they could spend time with him. Though he had long since moved past his anger and had come to understand that his parents had not wanted to uproot their son because of their actions, he was still sore about the fact that they had just left him with his grandfather, rather than taking him with them. When he found out, Renji lost his characteristic cool and lashed out against Gentaro.

"Renji, you're up!", said Hanataro, who had felt Renji brood through his warmup routine.

"Oh sorry, Hanataro-sempai.", said Renji snapping out and made his way to the stage. Focusing only on the zai and his body, He centered himself. Whatever worry or anxiety had faded away under the rush of the kata.

After completing the demonstration, Renji went with Gentaro to meet with his folk. Gentaro had arranged to meet his folks at the lobby of the hotel they were staying in. From there, he, his parents and Gentaro would go on classic Gentaro familiy bonding "expirience". After changing into his street clothing and grabbing his bag, he headed for the lobby. A bit pissed at the fact that he had gotten fourth place (cause he knew he could have done better, had he not slipped on some sweat during the last steps of the kata), he was unwinding with his 3DS. Hooking up to the free wireless network, he began checking the online shop for new games to play.

As he activated the download, a prompt appeared in his screen.

The Seven Shadows cast upon the digital world once more. A foreboding wind spreads. The Demon Lords may rise again.


Beneath the text, lay two buttons. One was yes and the other no. Before he could try to puzzle out what happend, Renji saw Gentaro heading towards the checkout counter. As he stood up and grabbed his bag, Renji pressed yes accidentally.


As Renji walked toward his grandfather, there was a flash of light and he was gone. As Gentaro and the hotel staff desperately tried to understand what happend, the lobby watch marked 11:05 am.

2012-12-03, 10:09 PM
Mayonaka Toturi

Mayonaka pushed herself as her heart beat quickly in her chest. Her head pounded as her body tried to feed enough energy to her muscles. The air was as thick as jelly it seemed as she gasped for each breath. Her feet come down sharply over the grass, flattening it into the sticky mud underneath while her brown hair bounced up and down in tandem with her gait. She had no time, she could hear them behind her, and they were nearing closer and closer. The mud clung to her once brilliant shoes, adding more and more weight as her legs began to feel like blocks of lead as she pulled them up for the next step ahead of her. The air refused to move this far in the city, even amidst the verdant green of the city park. It would have been so easy just to give in, to fall down and let them overtake her. What did it truly matter in the end?

“I can’t… I can’t stop. Not now,” she chided herself as she forced herself to look ahead. There it was! Her salvation, the end of the line. All she had to do was push herself a little longer. Her strength renewed as she saw that glorious place.

A voice called behind her, a little close for comfort, “You can’t make it! It’s as good as mine Toturi!” her pursuer howled. His feet sounded off behind her in unison with her own as he followed her own path. But soon that sound began to exceed her own, he dared to move closer to her, to pass her even! She would not stand for this. Who was he too such as her?

She redoubled her efforts! The muscles in her legs shouted against the stress, the pain. But she would suffer not their protests. “The only thing that is yours is second place!” Mayonaka called back as her final gait took her across the finish line. In the corner of her eye a flag fell, the crowd cheered. Winners were made and losers were given a new goal to strive towards. Mayonaka prided herself on setting the bar for the track meet today and her friends surrounded her to give congratulations, towels, and water bottles. She hear their words and saw their smiles, they may have even been sincere from some of them. But they were soon disrupted by a larger man pushing the crowd away from her. “I’m sorry,” she told them with a forced smile tinged with sorrow, “But I can’t stay and celebrate. I need to be going. ”

The others groaned in disappointment but were soon sent away as Mayonaka was escorted to her waiting sedan by her chauffer. She tried to remember his name, was it Jun? She thought it was Jun-something. It seemed appropriate enough. The big man never talked unless it was necessary, normally just grunting like he did when he opened the door for her. The brunet teen slid into the back of the car and relaxed, tossing her towel into the front seat while she let her body finally relax after the long run. She was all set to enjoy the ride home when her cellphone chimed away and announced she had a message. Jun closed her door and walked over to the other side of the car.

“Maybe I forgot something in the park,” she said to herself, pondering the reason for her message while fishing her cellphone out of her black purse. But when she looked at the screen all it beheld was a rather plain message that made no sense to her.

The Seven Shadows cast upon the digital world once more. A foreboding wind spreads. The Demon Lords may rise again.

And as she read the again message it still made no sense to her. Digital world? There was no digital world, at least that is what she thought since it seemed such an absurd thing to even consider. No, this must obviously be a prank of some sort she thought to herself as the cellphone glowed with a growing white light. It was such brilliant light she couldn’t take her eyes away from it, like the moth to the flame it drew her in and overtook her. By the time Jun opened the driver side door the white light had vanished and so had Mayonaka.

2012-12-03, 10:36 PM
On this bright Friday morning a group of young tourists grouped together just inside a recently opened shopping store. Truth be told, they weren't that hard to find amongst the waves of early shoppers. You just had to look for a nigh-vibrating cluster of sweaters, and if that proved to hard you could just had to follow the steady stream of bilingual swearing to them.

The frase "Maldita sea el invierno, y maldito sea el idiota que se le occurrio hacer el vieje en noviembre!!", echoed throughout the small group of twenty students in one form or another.

In truth, they had thus far enjoyed their trip. They had visited they had already visited such sights ans the Statue of Liberty, and in fact were to visit the Local Zoo later that day. Though they may have made some light mischief at their hotel, it could all have been said to have been a great trip...had it not been for the weather. While Eddie and his compatriots had been aware that they'd be arriving in Fall, and that New York was quite up North; no one had quite prepared them for the bone chilling hell that awaited them. The frequent rain did not help at all. Though he did try to play it down about whenever he spoke with his mother.

Needless to say, these poor Caribbean islanders could do hardly more than grin and bare the cold; though many had already considered just staying at the hotel for the remainder of the trip. Even Eddie, who's typically vibrant behavior could serve to uplift the heavy mood, was suffering greatly. The moment he had walked out of the airplane and saw his breath for the first time was exhilarating, but quickly turned to panic as he and his fellows desperately searched for some haven from the cold. "How does anyone live in this freezer?" he asked no one in particular, thinking out-loud.

"Quizas son todos de sangre fria?" replied on the younger students huddled near the center of the lake of sweaters.

"Would explain Wall Street..." muttered another in a feeble attempt at humor. No one laughed; they were too cold for that.

"Con permiso!" called out their teacher, to which the mob of sweaters turned to face him and the other chaperons. "Tienen media hora para comprar lo que necesiten. A las 11:15 nos vemos aqui sin falta. Entienden?" he explained and watched as the mob nodded is silent response "Y todo el mundo con su companero a todo tiempo!" he added sternly before signaling that they could leave. At which point the mob immediately broke apart and scattered.

Eddie and his trio of friends wasted no time enacting their plan. Two of them would would rush for the grocery while the other two camped at cashiers to ensure that they'd get through quickly. It was a tough struggle, and though there were many casualties, Eddie as his friend Julian managed to make it back to the cashier's register with the goods. Their plan had been fool proof... or it would have been if they hadn't found themselves lacking funds at a register with no working card reader.

After an intense battle of Rock-Paper-Scissors, Eddie "volunteered" to find the ATM before they reached the front of the line. Thankfully he managed to fine an unoccupied ATm. Sadly, it was under a ventilation shaft.

Eddie took a deep breath and sighed "Maldita sea. Those damn pretzels better be worth it,". With these final words spoken he dashed at the ATM fumbling with his wallet as the torrent of frigid air struck him. He didn't know who was responsible, but some day, some day he'd get his revenge on whoever designed this place.

After a few moments of wrestling with his wallet, it became clear that he'd never be able to extract his card with his gloves on. So he stripped them off, and shoved the card into the ATMs reader as quickly as he could. Unfortunately he had to repeat this several times before the blasted machine finally read the card.

Soon after writing his password he jerked his head to the side and scouted his friends positions. They were merely one space behind the front, and the rest of their classmates had begun swarming the other cashiers. It was now or never.

The moment the ATMs menu sprang to life he began pressing the buttons as quickly as he could.

"Yes, accept the fee. Withdrawals...Checking account...fast cash..40 bucks" he muttered absentmindedly. As the machine began to whirl and shake he looked over his shoulders once more, the man in front was being handed his change and his friends looked at him pleadingly. He signaled to them that he was almost done.

He shifted his weight from side to side while gripping the machine in his impatience. Damn thing seemed like it was taking an eternity to spit out the cash, and just as he heard the tell-tale sound of the money reaching the dispenser the machine went quiet a strange prompt appeared on screen.



"The hell?" he said raising an eyebrow at the screen. He'd never seen an ATM display something like this before. For a moment he thought it might be bugged, or some sort of gag machine, but before he could give it much more thought his friends called out to him,"Oye Eduardo avanza!!!"

"Screw it," he muttered as he slammed the accept button. The mission began to whirl again and release his money; which he immediately pocketed and turned away from the ATM. He barely caught of glimpse of the next screen on the ATM before he turned away and readied himself for a mad dash across the store; which read:


So it was that before Eddie had finished taking his first-step he felt a slight pull and a tingle at the back of the neck, before vanishing from the store. As the machine finished shaking a single receipt popped out of the machine, marking the transactions completion at 11:07am.


*God Damn the winter, and God Damn the idiot who decided to make the trip be in November.

*Maybe they're all cold blooded?

*Excuse me.

*You all have half an hour to buy what you need. Meet back here at 11:15 without fail. Understand?

*And everyone, stick with your partner at all times.

*Damn it!

*Hey Eduardo, hurry up!

2012-12-04, 12:00 AM
Damian Rosier

It was a bright and sunny day in California. There was sand, fun, and killer waves! This was Damian's habitat. He was more at home here than in his own room. He was feeling great today and the waves seem to be at his beck and call. Yep today was definitely a good day.

After he tearing up the waves he headed back to the back shore making sure to grab his yellow shirt which went well with his black shorts from his spot on the beach. A group of his friends were waiting for him. A dark skinned red head girl about his age was waving towards his along with a group of sufer boys. "Nice wave riding Dame. Too bad you still suck compared to me!" The group of boys chuckle lightly at the girl's bold statement

Damian gained a tick mark on his head as he said, "How many times have I told you NOT TO CALL ME THAT TAMMY! Just cause I work out more than I surf doesn't mean your necessarily better." With that Damian turned his head in frustration as his friends laughter. They all had jokes at anothers expense once in a while. Just turned out that today was his turn. Grumbling at his friends he walked over to his cell phone to check and see if his mom needed him to pick up any groceries on his way home.

Turning on his phone he saw that he had a text message. Opening it he got a rather strange text.



The digital world? But...didn't experts say that the connection between the real world and the digital world had been severed. How was a message getting through? More importantly was he the only one? He stared at the screen for a long while contemplating what he should do before he took a deep breath. He pressed yes and another text appeared in reply


After the message a bright flash of light engulfed him and transported him to a world in peril. Damian Rosier was moving on to bigger things. As his friends checked the time to see what was keeping him, their watches read 11:08am

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-04, 06:19 AM
Megan Cross

Megan sat on a bench, shivering in the chill London air, but she still had twenty minutes before the end of break, and she had skipped out to the local park rather than hanging around with the others.
Two boys approached from one end of the park, and she immediately retreated within herself, hunching her back so that she could try to hide, but even one cautious glance revealed they were heading straight for her. She panicked, frozen more permanently than any cold wind could manage. She knew she should run, or maybe fight, but she couldn't make her legs move or even begin to form the words she would use to threaten the boys if they tried to touch her. The space between them seemed to stretch, as though everything had the consistency of syrup: she could see them approaching, getting ever closer, but time seemed to slow and she couldn't make her body do anything. She was helpless and their arrival inevitable.
With a jolt time caught up and the two were before, boys in her year group with a mean streak, and behind them, peaking round the corner, their girlfriends.
"Hey Cross. Why'd you run away? Wouldn't want us to tell the teachers you'd been leaving would you?" Megan knew their taunting meant nothing, they couldn't say it without getting in trouble themselves, but still the mocking way they tried to demonstrate their power over her terrified her.
"Not got anything to say? Don't think you'd be so much of teacher's pet if they knew. Maybe Miss Neel wouldn't love you so much after that." A pause. "Hey, does Miss Neel love you? Do you love Miss Neel? Aw, Cross's got a crush on the teacher; do you want to be all..." The shame and terror of being bullied overwhelmed her and she the pounding blood in her head drowned out the rest of their taunts.
She stood up shakily, but even then the other two were too lost with their taunts to even notice that she had broken the paralysis that held her limbs. She turned and walked past them, and once she had managed a few wobbly legs, she regained control and began to stumble and then run faster. She heard angry cries from behind her, but they didn't follow. They probably thought they had done enough. They had.
She rounded the corner and began to cry, ashamed that she had let them get to her with their idiotic bullying and jibes, but she couldn't help it. Her phone beeped and she pulled it out, a text running across the screen. the number was unknown and she almost dismissed it from that alone, but then she read the strange words.



She hissed and threw her phone into the bushes in anger. She didn't even like digimon any more. Whoever did this was probably one of those who had been her friend in primary school. most of them were part of that gang now though.
Her phone buzzed again and she went to pick it up, knowing that leaving the phone would be childish. She'd just have to find out how to block texts from specific phone numbers, that was all. The text was the same, the number again unknown. She angrily stuffed it into her pocket and started to walk back to school.
Her phone buzzed twelve more times on her way back, and she stopped looking to see what the message was. Whoever this was was seriously stubborn, and when she slid though the gates she had red rims around her eyes, and they were puffy and raw.
She headed to her first class, in the maths department, but even as she passed the computer labs she stopped. Right through the glass door panel in front of her, she could see the dark room, with only one computer on, facing straight towards her with the same strange message on the screen. She paused, then opened the door and slowly approached it.



"How?" She breathed. They couldn't have known she'd come this way, and even if they did, it was a pretty strange thing to put on a computer: plus she doubted most of them knew how to do it.

She gingerly extended a hand to the keyboard and pressed the 'Y' key, wondering what would happen. This can't be for real...

The screen changed and a new message appeared on the screen.


She stared at it blankly. No......

The dark room was filled with a pale glow, and Megan Cross dissolved in a whirlwind of light.

2012-12-04, 07:38 AM
Albion Narrowlane

The appartment was dark, the only light coming from the early-morning sun sneaking in between the curtains, and the green-tinted glow emitting from the computer monitor. The figure hunched over the keyboard grumbled in frustration, Albion had been hired by a small marketting company to write some software for the companies home page, and the coding kept getting snagged constantly on the same programming error. The complex coding reflected off his glasses as he cscrolled through enough code to fill a small phone-book.

" So... if T equals P minus L, then...." He muttered by himself, his eyes scrolling across row upon row of text. "P is twelve, and L is drawn from.... Maybe if I swapped these two around." A few keystrokes later he tried running the program again, and after a while, another error screen popped up. "Back to the Drawing board." The young man sighed.

Hours wore on as he struggled to get the code right, but as soon as one issue was resolved, two more revelaed their ugly heads. "UserID... Get... ID..." He muttered along when his eyes fell upon something that he almost found funny, almost. A single missplaced leeter had been causing issues, and upon further inspection, he found more similar cases of two leeters being swapped around, letters missing, and additional letters that jumbled up an otherwise good code. "Albion, never do extensive coding jobs through the night. Well, might as well check my E-mail, and finish this up later." He growled, saving his progress, and opened up his E-mail, letting it load as he walked into the kitchen to get some coffee.

Sitting back down with a cup on lukewarm coffee in one hand, he started plowing his way through a hoard of junkmail, until he stumbled upon a rather curious E-mail, the address and topic were all scrambled, but he opened it none the less, sipping his coffee. Suddenly the screen turned to a blank white, and one by one, black pixels began creeping from the edges of the creen, forming into letters, and finally, words.



YES. . . . . . . NO

For a moment he hesitated, this all was new to him. He reached ofr his mouse, and tried moving it, but there was no cursor on the screen, and it didn't respond in anyway. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" He spoke, as he poked the screen for a bit, and to his surprise, a ripple, like that caused by a stone falling into water, formed where he touched.

"Guess not." He then sunk into thought for a moment, he had heard rumors of this digital world, but had brushed it off as urban legends and fairy tales, it defied the logic he so sought after. But on the other hand, he believed that certain things happened for a reason, and with that, he looked around him. A run down apartment, with dull neighbors, doing shady coding work from the confines of the lightless room. He felt he had nothing to loose, nothing more this world had to offer him, and with that, he touched the "YES" on his screen. The screen faded to white again, before more black pixels crept up and formed more words.


The screen faded back to white, and light of the screen began intensifying, and after a moment, the small room was bathed in brilliant white light. Just as quick as it had begun, the light vanished, Albion along with it. The cracking of porcelain was heard as the half-empty coffee cup shattered after falling from it's owners hand. The screen returned back to the E-mail screen, and just before the computer shut down, the clock showed the time 11:09 am.

2012-12-04, 02:21 PM
Lilly stormed out out of her sisters room it always drove her crazy when Dannielle threw a fit about having her stuff touched and this was no exception. Lilly pouted as the door slammed behind her, she just didnt get why Danielle never let her hang around, she messed around in Danielle's room all the time when when nobody else was home and everthing was still in one piece, well barring that one keyboard but...

A ring eminated from Lillys cell phone prompting her to fish it out of her bag if Danielle was seriously not gonna let it go then...



YES. . . . . . . NO

Lilly stared at the text blankly, probably some kind of scam e-mail or chain letter like her sister always warned her to not to mess with with. Well today she didnt feel like obliging her sister.


Then things got crazy.

2012-12-04, 04:02 PM
The trip was disorienting. The chosen after being transported by their various terminals had found themselves rapidly falling through what looked to be a tunnel made up of ones and zeroes. A few seconds after that images started flashing by. MySpace pictures, videos of peoples pets and more. Until finally there was a light at the end of the tunnel...

And then there was a dog pile. Apparently coordinates were a little sketchy for their transportation as 7 people of varying ages landed a top one another with the 20 year old Albion on the bottom and the dainty 12 year old Lilly on the top.

"Okay, I don't know who you are but can you please get your elbow out of my spleen!"

It would be then that they heard a voice, "ULTIMATE STREAM!" Ultimate Stream wasn't that MetalSeadramon's atta-"BOOM"! A searing blue beam had passed over the dogpile of digidestined to hit something on the other side of them. To those that looked around, it would not be a pretty picture. There were digimon fighting everywhere. What was more, it didn't look like there was anything below champion level. Finally, the worst bit...they were right in the middle of the warzone.

(OOC: For the attacks, I'll alternate between the names for them. I mostly used whatever rolls off the tongue easier.)

2012-12-04, 06:57 PM
The young man, who had chosen logic over emotion simply refused to believe what he saw before his eyes, he recognized zeroes and ones, occasionally seeming to form short bits of binary, but it all seemed to fly past him faster than he could even begin to decipher it. Then came images, some familliar, but most of them were new to him, it was like someone was trying to pour all the info in the internet into his head. All that was quickly replaced when he felt himself thud against something hard, followed by something falling on top of him. "Can't... Breathe." He struggled to exclaim as he tried to drag himself out from under the weight.

As he looked from underneath the pile of humans he was under, he saw things that rebelled against everything he believed, these.... Things seemed to defy logic, and worse yet, the creatures were fighting one another, with the ragtag group Albion was stuck under right in the middle of it. "I don't mean to alarm you... But I think we... Should... Move!" He spoke, if struggling somewhat.

2012-12-04, 11:17 PM
The light fell from her eyes as she felt the weightless sensation of falling, air rushing up past her and sending hair everywhere. What was this? Wasn’t she in the car just a moment ago? Why was she falling? Was this an attack? Did she just fall sleep? Perhaps this was a dream of some sort. Mayonaka wasn’t really certain just what was going on to be honest, or how she gotten into this situation. The rushing binary and images were but mere background as she tried to remember the events leading to this event. There had been a message to her phone, it was… strange to say the least, and then –THUD!

There was a sharp pain as she exhaled after that sudden contact with the ground, squishy as it was, a bit bony too strangely. Then another thud as something landed upon her followed shortly by a voice from below! “What?! What is going on?!” she asked any person who would answer, and then she looked up from where she was. The breath she was trying to catch suddenly was nowhere to be found and she felt her eyes widening to a wildly unbelievable size as she tried to take in the sight before her. It was official, this wasn’t a dream… this was a drug induced nightmare. “Someone get me out of here!” the girl shrieked as the stream of energy flew past them. Her fingers clawed at the ground below her, trying to pull herself out of the pile of people she found herself in as fear took over and her thoughts quickly shortened down to escape at all costs.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-05, 04:07 AM
Megan Cross

Megan managed to jump out of the pile kind of agilely, hopping to one side to regain her balance, but she immediately threw herself flat on the ground when she saw the combatants arrayed around them. As her mind took in wht her eyes were processing she gaped. She had begun to think the message might be real, but never accepted it fully, and now to be here with real... Digimon.

As the others began to suggest fleeing she nodded, she stood again, and stepped net to the tallest fellow, one who looked considerably older than the rest. "Can we go then. Please?" She was ready to run at a moment's notice now.

2012-12-05, 08:47 AM
The tallest of the group had actually just managed to remove himself from the pile. Having heard that most of the group wanted to get to safety he says, "Good plan, one question though. Does anyone see someplace safe? Cause I don't." On the outside he looked remarkably calm. The inside was a totally different thing however as he was terrified out of his mind. Most of the digimon here were mega level! As no one in the group seem to have digimon of their own, this was remarkably bad.

There was then a crash behind them. When the group looked they would see a Diaboromon standing over them and looking down at them with a dangerous in it's eyes. It had just found easy prey. "THIS IS NOT GOOD, NOT GOOD AT ALL!!!"

The Diaboromon raised its giant claw, only for it to be hit by a high speed projectile. That projectile was revealed to be a human man about Albion's age with a raging orange aura about him punching Diaboromon in the face. Apparently this was much more effective than it seemed as Diaboromon when tumbling down his data fizzing for a moment before it fell apart. The young man looked at the group blinking in confustion as he says, "What? Other humans, but how? The digital worlds been cut off from the real world for some time now. Aw, I'll figure it out later.

Hey you guys! You need to get back to Witchelny so that you guys can speak to commander Medieval Dukemon. OI! Shinegreymon over here." A large dragon man digimon that had been fighting in the battle rushes over at Marcus' calls. He lands next to him and looks at the group with the same look of confusion Marcus had on his face.

"This is Shinegreymon. He'll take you to Witchelny. Once you get there tell them Marcus sent you. So Shinegreymon think you can't handle it?

"Of Course I can, everyone climb aboard. I don't bite if that's what your afraid of."

The kneeling dragon man digimon opens his arms to welcome the group into them. Damian looks at the rest of the group as he says, "Um I don't know you guys, but apparently this is our ride out of here. So should we go?"

2012-12-05, 12:41 PM
Lilly awoke find herself laying on the ground, taking a groggy look at her new surroundings see saw grass, a small hole in the ground, some people she wasnt familiar with talking to...

"What is is that thing and where am I!" Lilly shouted bolting into standing position.

2012-12-05, 01:06 PM
The young man drags himself out from underneath the dogpile, looking around him in disbelief. He kept staring, first at the giant beast, which looked like something out of a nightmare, ready to squash the group, before focusing on the human who had just punched the nightmarish creature. This mysterious man went on about the digital world, and apparently had the draconic creatures at his beck and call. "No no nononono... This makes no sense, this defies all logic!" Albion began ranting. "I must be dreaming, this can't be real, you're all just figments of my imagination. Yes, that has to be it" He kept going on, almost instinctively walking around a bit.

He was shocked back to reality when one of these monsters almost stepped on him, the slight tremorring caused by the heavy step enough to make Albion stumble. "... Or maybe not." One could hear him whimper.

He took a few steps away from the thing that had almost stepped on him, a vaguely dragon-like creature that looked like it was made from the products of a weapon factory. He then turned to run back at the dragon-man, who this mysterious man had called ShineGreymon, but before getting on he turned his attention to the young man, apparently called Marcus."I don't know who you are, or why you would look after our best interests, but I expect to get some answers should we cross paths."

2012-12-05, 03:23 PM
Seeing the young girl that was with thier group Damian's eyes softened as he kneels down to get on eye level with her. Sometimes it sucked to be as tall as he was. "Apparently we're in the digital world. You've heard of the digimon right? This guys says he's going to help up so we should be alright. He siad his Shinegreymon could take us to safety."

Meanwhile with Marcus and Albion a not so compassionate conversation was occuring. A tick mark had shown itself on Marcus' head. To him, this punk sounded just like Thomas Noirstein, before he go the stick out of his *ss. "Listen, punk if anyone should it asking questions here it's me! Contact between the digital world and the real world has been nonexistent for years now. Maybe if you watched the news for once instead of trying to be a Thomas Noirstein wannabe, you would know that!"

Shinegreymon gave a great rumbling sigh as he said,"Boss can't it wait? These guys need to get out of here before they get deleted by some stray attack."

2012-12-05, 03:32 PM
After pulling herself from the mess of confused adolescents Mayonaka found herself even more dumbfounded than before as the large, mechanized, dragon... thing opened it’s arms to them. “We’ve no time to waste,” she looked towards the tallest of them all who seemed to actually be questioning their shared madness in the middle of this battlefield of monsters. “If this isn’t real then it doesn’t matter what we do. I don’t know anything about a Dukemon or Witchelny or whatever... this is.” she looks out to the battle that rages around them before she moved towards Shinegreymon. “But I do know that if this is real then we need to get out of here. We can question everything when we are all safe.”

2012-12-05, 05:00 PM
Renji could only stare in a bit of awe at the sights before him.

"An actual digimon human pair! I guess it would be wise to hold any questions until safer conditions then, Mr.... umm What do we call you?" said Renji to the human partner of the Dragon Digimon as he approached it.

2012-12-05, 07:12 PM
Lilly took a brief moment to survey her surroundings and came to a realization, no matter what how bad of a place Witchelny was it couldn't possibly be less pleasant then her current location.

"Alright I guess I'll come but I want an explanation later." Lilly motioned towards Albion "Lets go Thomas!"

2012-12-05, 07:39 PM
Eddie yelped as he felt his world go white and suddenly found himself without a floor beneath him. Initially the young boy flailed about in a panic; trying to find anything he could grab ahold of, but gave that up upon seeing Binary numbers flying around him. It was at this time he realized he was having a seizure.

Clearly the white light was the start of the attack and he was just mindlessly flailing around on the ground while having some sort of trippy vision. He was a bit unsure of himself when he saw others falling with him; though the sudden pain of crashing and the ensuing dog pile, and the elbow suddenly jammed into his side certainly drove the point home. Granted this only elicited even greater panic upon barely avoiding the rather ill fate of being eradicated by a laser and realizing he was in the middle of a war torn battlefield filled to the brim with inhumane monsters he did what any sensible person would do; freak out and panic causing him to fall off the dog pile and no doubt causing a few others to fall with him in the process.

By the time he noticed the horrid monstrosity that was Diaboromon having such a casual conversation with the large dragon, he 'd been overwhelmed and confused to the point that he'd simply failed to panic. In all honestly the situation was a bit too much for him at the moment and his brains attempt to make sense of the situation only made things worse. He supposed he should be thankful everyone was at least speaking a language he was familiar with though.

Unable to process what was going on beyond the basics Eddie just nodded in reply, unable to trust his mouth to express himself in any truly coherent manner, before loosening his coat as he followed the younger girl next to him. Bueno...por lo menos ya no tengo frio, he told himself, thankful for such a small miracle amid the insanity that he'd just been thrust into.

2012-12-05, 07:59 PM
Another explosion rocked the group as Shinegreymon said, "No more time!"With that he scooped up the group and flew into the air, the metallic wings on his back acting like jets. Unfortunately their liftoff had garnered attention. Shinegreymon flew off as another shout of "Ultimate Stream" rocked across the planes. An aquatic blue stream of energy clipped one of Shinegreymon's wings cause his flight pattern to become spastic before he regained control.

The Metalseadramon on the ground growled at his missed shot as he said, "You won't be so lucky this time ULTIMATE STREAM!" once more a lance of energy sped towards the group and thier getaway digimon. Shinegreymon looked back and saw the incoming attack gaining on them.

"Everybody hold on, this will be a little rough." Turning round in the air Shinegreymon continued flying, only backward so that he and the group were facing the attack. Holding the group to his chest with one arm he took the other and punched forward with a cry of GLORIOUS BURST!" His fist glowed with a golden and a beam of yellow light shot forth to collide with the Ultimate Stream attack canceling the two in an explosion that caused some slight turbulence but not much else.

"Think your clever huh, ULTIMATE STR-" He was cut off by a fist in his face. Literally. Macus had jumped up to Seadramon's face, a full 30 feet in the air with a blazing orange aura and sucker punched him. It looked to be effective as the metal sea dragon digimon went down. That was the last thing the group saw as Shinegreymon reached top speed and sped off away from the battle.

It took about 45 minutes of nonstop high speed flying before the group managed to arrive a Witchelny. Shinegreymon landed in a plaza that was filled with magic type digimon. Such as Wizardmon and Witchmon. Since there was not battle to get away from now the dragon man digimon walked forward leisurely through the streets until what looked to be a hastily made command tent loomed into view. He walked inside and set the group down gently on their feet as what looked to be a rectangular table with Medieval Dukemon sitting in the tallest chair. Sitting with him were a Pixiemon, Antylamon, and Mistymon. A Knightmon was standing before them and giving a report.

"We will continue to look into the disturbance. As well as the strange digimon that suddenly showed up here. Sir Datamon suspects that-"

Medieval Dukemon raised a hand to silence him as he says, "Say no more, besides I think the answer to our mystery may have just walked in the front door." He then gestures to the group at the tents entrance. He leans forward with his fingers interlocked and his chin resting on them. "Several rookie level digimon appearing out of the aether from a golden light with digivices. I believe we may be looking at the newest generation of the digidestined. Though I do have to wonder what took so long for them to be chosen."

(OOC: Just so you know Regalus, the Diaboromon was about to make our characters lunch. It was defeated and deleted in one punch by Macus from the Digimon Savers series. He was the one who was talking to Shinegreymon, who is his partner.)

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-05, 09:22 PM
Megan only just managed to stifle a cry as she was gathered up and taken skywards by ShineGreymon, but when he unleashed the giant red beam she had been unable to control herself: she understood about digimon, she really did. but the reality here was too much for her, too terrifying.
As they were deposited in Witchelny, Megan dropped an impromptu curtsy to the surrounding digimon but she didn't know what else to do, and when they were hurried in front of Medieval Dukemon she simply stood aghast lost for words.
She didn't have the courage to speak to this digimon, and the only sound she made was a shocked, disbelieving gasp when he mentioned that they were the new digidestined!

2012-12-06, 02:02 PM
Albion was just about to retort, but ended up being scooped up before he could do so. Even as they were flying through the air, he was trying to find some logic in all this, and failed miserably.

Later, in the place they called Witchenly, when they arrived at the command tent, he couldn't help but be slightly impressed at what he saw, slightly. After a moment of silence, he proceeded to step forward. "Okay then, now that any of us aren't under the immediate threat of being disintegrated, could someone please explain what the hell is going on?"

2012-12-06, 02:29 PM
"Yea!" Lilly interjected finally regaining her composure from the ride "This is the second time I've just been....swooped from one place to the other least you could do is tell me why."

2012-12-06, 03:40 PM
“Yes,” an annoyed Mayonaka added her voice to the mix. “If you have any information about our kidnapping it would go a long way to getting us back home and away from... whatever war you all seem to be so engrossed in. Either way we won’t be held here unless the benevolence of Shinegreymon was but a ruse and we are your prisoners, in which case you’ll find us of no doubt little value and far more trouble than we’re worth when our parents come searching for us and more humans stumble into your warzone. And I don’t think any leader worthy of the lives of his soldiers would enjoy the prospect of splitting his forces upon two fronts,” the girl turns her sharp amber eyes upon Medieval Dukemon.

2012-12-06, 04:21 PM
The bright green pupils Medieval Dukemon's eyes dull a bit as he nods his head. "I suppose I can do my best to explain the situation. However please stop throwing accusatory remarks around. We have nothing to do with why you are here. Also please do not interrupt me before I am finished speaking.

Now then, the place you are all in is called the digital world. I assume that at least some of you remember the incident in the Japanese city of Shinjuku? When a being that they were calling the D-Reaper was causing havoc? A group of young children called the Tamers had fought it alongside their digimon partners. They saved the digital world, and your world as well. However before them there were the 2nd generation of digidestined, who stopped Malomyotismon from his wish of conquering both worlds, and before them were the original Chosen Children who saved the world from Myotismon's previous form VenomMyotismon and defeated the Dark Masters.

However a new threat showed up about 4 years ago. A Sorcerymon by the name of Zeke had been studying a myth of our time, detailing how at first instead of the 4 Sovereigns that reign over us now was a god by the name of Fanglongmon. This god had 7 servants that were corrupted by 7 deadly sins and turned against him. Fanglongmon then created the Sovereigns and fought the 7 Demon Lords as they were called to prevent them from destroying the digital world. However the best they could do was seal them away, that was how powerful they had become. The digital world was left badly scarred after that battle, so the god Fanglongmon burrowed to the core of the digital world to act as it's center. By doing so he allowed the world to leech off of his power and repair itself.

Unfortunately it seems this is no mere myth. Some kind of force has possesed Zeke. He says that he hears the will of the leader of the Demon Lords Lucemon and is to do his bidding, and that he will do it happily. He managed to use the silver tongue that Lucemon was so famous for having and built himself an enormous army! They have been destroying villages and and digimon alike, harvesting their data for something. What it is I don't know, but I have a feeling it is something sinister. Even the Sovereigns can't help us because of a foul aura that had spread across the entirety of the digital world!

That is why I believe you 7 to be the newest generation of the digidestined. For you appeared here miraculously. Coinciding with your appearance were the appearance of 7 rookie digimon with what we ascertained to be digivices, devices of great power that allow for bursts of digivolution and increased powers. Digivices have helped save the worlds many times, all digidestined no matter what name they go by have had them. Digidestined have always come to be when the world, be it digital or human was in crisis.

Now for the news none of you are going to be happy to hear. I can't send you home. Not because I don't want to, because I can't, nor do I know how. We have been trying to get through to the real world for years to try and get help from the older digidestined with no success. We believe it to be because of that curtain of power that prevents the Sovereigns from interfering to that this is so. I don't know how you got here. By all rights it should be impossible. No digimon not matter what their power or skill set has been able make it or even contact the real world. I would assume the opposite is also true.

However it is possible that if Zeke and his army were defeated that the aura that has consumed the digital world would dissipate. If so that would allow you 7 to go home. However in order to make this happen we need your help. Because quite honestly the 7 of you coming here was a miraculous incident and a freak accident. I don't then think anymore help is coming. For either of us.

Now that I've explained everything I ask sincerely. Will you help us digidestined?"

Damian's mouth moves up and down silently as he processes all of what Medieval Dukemon said. A part of him was screaming in horror at the fact that they were stuck here, and apparently the digital world was more dangerous than ever. Similarly another part of him was excited for a chance at adventure and to be a hero.

Deciding to go along the middling path he says, "Um, maybe we should see these mysterious digimon first? We might not be the digidestined. Though I guess it would be... kinda cool to be a digidestined and have a digimon partner."

2012-12-06, 06:56 PM
After hearing Dukemon's explanation of the status quo, Renji pondered on it. The sequence of events that had happened seemed straight out of one of his favorite tv shows. An unwitting fool, messing with things best left undisturbed, had unleashed 7 demon lords unto the world. In response, what ever entity govern this realm had brought them there. Clearly each one of them had what ever quality made them a digidestined, but that seemed to be the only commonality. The task before them now was to make right what this Zeke ad made wrong. Rather, but it seemed par for the course for digidestined.

On the one side, it all seemed a set up. It seemed to much like a video game or manga story that you'd seen in the latest issue of Jump. This could all be his imagination and the flash that took him there was something more mundane, but more dire and sinister.

On the other side, there was proof that the Digital World did exist. The Shinjuku incident was proof of that. This world had reached out for help from the humans before, as Dukemon's statement had confirmed some of the rumors he had seen on the net during late night net hunting for interesting things. Now it was their turn and Dukemon had laid all his cards to bear or so it seemed.

After pondering some more, he remembered Gentaro's word.
"Until proven otherwise, treat each situation with the seriousness of bullet wound.", thought Renji to himself as he recalled his grandfather saying it when he was not taking a sparring exercise seriously.

If there ever was time where the meaning of that phrase could be applied, it was now. He was glad that the old man had pushed him as hard as he did during training.

With the proper manners that befit talking to one in authority, Renji spoke " Lord Dukemon, my Grandfather always told me to lend a hand to those who need it. Given the scene where we appeared, it seem that our help is required. While i will not speak for the other here, I am willing to do what I can to help. Though I have to ask, what is known of the Demon Lords and by any chance are they marked by the seven deadly sins?"

2012-12-06, 07:08 PM
Lilly turned to Albion "What do you think we should do?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-07, 03:44 AM
Megan listened intently, becoming more surprised by the minute, but she also felt more and more excited at the same time. There had been more than just the tamers so it seemed, apparently there had been whole groups of digidestined, and now they were; this random group was to be the next set.
She barely let her excitement show and when the others had finished talking just quietly said: "I believe you, Lord Dukemon. If I am a digidestined I'd be happy to help."

2012-12-07, 03:14 PM
Eddie scratched his scalp iddly as he heard the tale, his jacket now wrapped casually around how waist; he hadn't quite caught everything, but managed to catch the gist of it all. They were hoping to get them, 6 teens and a little girl, to team up with six creatures they'd never so much as seen before, inorder to help them fight an army led by a Sorcerer empowered by digi-satan and prevent him from doing god knew what.

Part of him wanted to scoff at the ludicrousness of it all; but after recent events it was firmly told to shut up. After all if this place was anything like the series, something he tried not to think too much about, this was the tried and true problem solving method around here. Another part of him, which sounded distinctly like his 8 year old self, was practically squeeling at the prospect of having an old fantasy come true. Eddie promptly reminded it that they'd just been drafted into an all-out war between super powered beings. The reminder didn't do much.

"Whelp, if our best shot outta here is to help you guys, I suppose we don't have much choice then. 'Sides if we got in, then it might be best to help you guys before this spills over to our side of the fence too. So I guess I'm in," he replied, feeling a bit out of place with how formally everyone else had been talking.

2012-12-07, 05:04 PM
Albion listens Patiently to what the knight has to say, and even hears out some opinions from the others. He then cleas his throat, before speaking. "Okay then, let's get a few things stright: First off, what exactly is a digimon? Second, you seem to imply that incident in tokyo actually happened? Is this really so? And third, I understand that the easieast way to get us out of this twisted fun-house you call the digital world, is to team us up with a group of these digimon, who we have never met, and fight off an army, that is indirectly led by a creature that seems have power rivalling a god? How is that supposed to work by any stretch of the imagination?

2012-12-07, 05:23 PM
Lilly turned back to Dukemon "When he puts it like that he makes it sound exciting I'm in."

2012-12-07, 05:31 PM
"Well, if the show's right it's just like it says on the lid; though it would be nice to know how much of what we got on our end was fact," he replied to Albion, "Mind sharring your two cents on this mister?" he asked cramming his head back to look at Marcus and shinegreymon, the young man was the only other human there after all. Eddie had a feeling the young man had quite a story to share.

2012-12-07, 07:34 PM
Marcus had only just gotten back and was utterly out of breath from when he had to try and keep pace with Shinegreymon on the ground. His digisoul was powerful, but even he had limits! So he held up his hand to Eddie in a motion that was signaling that he needed to catch his breath first.

Medieval Dukemon looked at Albion with a slightly annoyed look at his slightly sardonic attitude. "In order, digimon or digital monsters as is our full name are beings of data that gained sentience. Do not ask us how for we do not know. Just like humanity is not aware of how it first came to be. Some say you evolved from monkey's while others say that you were created from clay that had life breathed into it for example. There are many different types of digimon made from different types of data. For example I would be a digimon that was based on knightly data.

Digimon however are capable of digivolving. Think of it as the next stage in a digimon's life. Usually this happens from aging and just plain growing stronger. Digivolution is usually permanent and happens over the course of months or years. However the digimon of digidestined are different. They can become Mega level, the highest level a digimon can digivolve to and therefore the strongest, based on their bond with their partner. The draw back is that for them this digivolution is temporary. However it is much stronger than a normal digivolution and can usually occur on the whim of their partner. Fair warning though, a digimon's digivolution line can have their forms vary wildly. The forms of a digimon is like so; first they start out as a digiegg, that egg then hatches into a baby digimon, those babies then digivolve to In-Training digimon, next comes the digivolution to Rookie, then Champion, Ultimate, and finally Mega.

As for your second question, yes the incident in Shinjuku did actually happen. There was quite the loss of life from the incident from those who were unfortunate enough to not be evacuated in time. I can show you videos of the battle, but then again they have those already don't they? So if you choose to be obstinate then there is not much I can do.

For your final question, yes that is your best bet because until this threat is defeated it will continue to spread it's aura across the digital world. This means that the connection between our two worlds will continue to be severed. Unless you want to count no another miracle happening. Then, again from what I can read off of you miracles don't seem to be in your vocabulary.

As I said before, digidestined before you have fought such odds before. And if we fall it won't just be the digital world in jeopardy. The real world will be next. Luckily we only need to defeat Sorcerymon, who unfortunately is locked up within his castle behind an immensely powerful barrier. We think we have a way to take it down, but the effort has been slow going with us losing more and more territory each day."

Marcus finally regains his breath as he says, "First off, Commander Medieval Dukemon we managed to fight off the forces at the Ohm Plains. Second to what you asked me...uhm I don't know you name so I'll just call you little dude okay? Anyways, yeah the Shinjuku incident happened. I was taking care of business in the Northern Quadrant of the digital world when it happened so I couldn't help. All of what was said was pretty much true. There were even some other digidestined before the Shinjuku kids. However that got covered up once digimon started crossing over and partnering up with humans willy nilly. There were just to many human digimon pairs and too many of them used there digimon for the wrong reasons. Like stealing and such.

So most people had there memories about digimon wiped. DATS was established after that to keep a lid on digimon and stop any that had gotten over and attached themselves to a human's digisoul by fighting them, turning them into digieggs and sending them back to the digital world. We had to stop them as it was discovered that human emotions actually affect digimon and if they're powerful enough can effect their thinking."

Damian nodded his head as he heard both Marcus and Dukemon speak. He made his decision. "Well some of this stuff is a little confusing, and a little scary, but there's something we can do to help right? You should always help others when you can. That is something I've always lived by. Count me in!"

2012-12-08, 01:17 AM
“I can’t believe I’m actually being drafted into this madhouse,” Mayonaka can’t help but comment with a quick glance at Damian, Lily, Eddie, and the others save for Albion. They all just accepted this flying brick crashing through reality like it was nothing to them. Perhaps brick flying was normal to them; perhaps there was a flying brick digimon. Gods she hoped not though, that would just be… too silly to understate it. The only person here who even sounded like he made sense was Albion, but perhaps that was due to the fact that he was an adult, or at least the most adult out of all the humans here. “Or that this is the only way to get back to our own world. Hijacking random people is no means of finding saviors or miracles. And I refuse to save any world with a bunch of strangers so this ‘must’ change, and soon.”

2012-12-08, 05:56 PM
"I must say I agree with her, hijacking people, and then asking them to go on what sounds like a suicide mission is... How do you say it... not a good way of earning trust. Although, if we start taking such things into account, I suppose we should show some gratitude to... Marcus was it? He spoke, before pausing for a moment, looking at the brunette who had saved the group some time ago. "And for that, I at least want to return the favor, if possible."

2012-12-08, 08:09 PM
The name's Eduardo mister, he chimed in as he listened to Marcus story. "Wait, if the world's have been closed off... How long have you been stuck here for Mister?" he inquired with a frown, before becoming further frustrated by Jun's comment.

It figured that the two eldest were the ones being obstinate and risking all their lives their. His father had warned him about situations like this, well not exactly like it, but they essence of it all. He was well familiar with the increasingly frustrated expression in their host's faces; he needed to act fast and take a leap of faith.

"I dunno where you are from, but ya'll got a funny definition for rescued," he began as he thought back to his previous entry to this new world, "If these guys had hijaked us I don't think we would've plopped into the middle of a battlefield and almost get eaten a friggin' monster. Not to mention, if they had they probably would've guaranteed that we'd go back as soon as we did what they asked, and well... They all seem to be as confused by us bein' here as we are. Besides if your trip was anything like mine, didn't you accept this little mission when you got the prompt Miss?

Ya know the one that talked about seven shadows looming over the digital world and demon lords rising up? Heck I'm betting that everyone one of us here accepted it. Someone or something asked us to come here and, for better or for worse, we all agreed" he elaborated, gambling on the format of the message having been one sent in mass to all of them. Granted, he was betting they all had paid about as much attention to the Damn thing as he had... not that he was going to mention that now.

"Now I'm not saying you shouldn't be mad; just that all things considered, being so...abrasive to the our hosts might not be the best idea. What with them havin' been so hospitable to us and savin' us from turning into somethings lunch, and us being stuck in a place filled with walking super weapons and no idea how to get back home. Besides as crazy as it might sound, this is happening to us and we have no way to disprove anything that we've been told, and we have no other possible leads on how to get back home or what we were brought here to do, now do we? " he paused for amoment, looking questioningly at the older girl. "We should atleast meet up with those 7 digimon that mysteriously popped up before making any judgment calls, I mean they might have a better idea about why were here and how to get back after all,"

"I know you probably don't think too highly of me right now, atlleas give'm a chance and try to be civil for a bit. Being as stubborn and aggravating as an overworked mule, and alienating to only friendly folk we've run into here isn't going to help us get home. If anything it'll just make things worse for us in the long run," he explained hopping to reason with the older girl while trying avoid sounding like he was being condescending. "Not asking to to do this for me or for them, do it for yourself and the folks you wanna go back home to," he said pleadingly to the older girl.

2012-12-08, 09:02 PM
Renji couldn't help, but crack a smile as he heard Eduardo pretty much verbalize his own thoughts on the situation. He was pleased that at least one other person had given this situation the proper thought the situation merited.

"Well said, Eduardo. I think that we should at least introduce ourselves since for the time being, we will be working with each other. Seeing that Eduardo and our host have done so already, I am Renji Mikage. I hope that from this situation we can create bonds that last a lifetime."

With that said, Renji gave a little bow at Dukemon as sign of respect to the leader and then extended his hand towards his new coworkers.

2012-12-08, 10:55 PM
Mayanoka was stunned into silence by Eduardo’s rather civil tongue for all his gruff talk, or perhaps there was a problem understanding his natural accent as she tried to listen to him. Her eyes seemed to boil at bit as he talked, listening to his logic yet there was still a single thought that worked through her mind. And that thought couldn’t be held back for long after Eduardo finished his long speech.


Did something just rumble or was it her imagination? Perhaps the stress was getting to her. Insanity was still on the table she guessed but better to play it like it wasn’t. Realizing her shout her face reddened and flushed. “Forgive my outburst… I’m just… This is all very new to me. I didn’t even think digimon were any more real than Oni or Goblins this morning,” she tried to produce a laugh but it came out a bit awkwardly forced. “And I’ve rudely forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Mayonaka Toturi… and I am just having a really hard time adjusting to all of this.”

2012-12-09, 12:38 PM
Damian looked at Eduardo with an impressed look as he says, "Wow, you sure have way with words! Yeah I got a prompt to asking if I wanted accept. I choose yes of course. Still I get were your coming from. Your scared, nothing makes sense anymore and you just want it to be over and some kind of bad dream.

Sorry but I'm pretty sure this is real. That said we should all try to stick together and help each other out. Together we stand divided we fall." Seeing Renji extend a hand in friendship Damian grins as he takes Renji's hand and shakes it firmly. It was not a grip that was trying to crush Renji's hand, but just a strong one to show respect and strength of character.

Nice to meet you! Names Damian Rosier. Nice to meet all of you actually. I hope we can all get along."

Marcus looks at Eduardo as he says, "Well me and my group of digidestined came here fight some guy called King Drasil. You see I was once a part of DATS, the organization that kind of acted as digital police and erased peoples memories of digimon. Once we defeated King Drasil Yoshio and Thomas, before you guys ask yes Thomas Noirstein the guy who go a Nobel prize, went back home.

However I decided to stay in the digital world. I thought that if I policed the digital world from the inside I could stop things like King Drasil from rising again. Plus, my dream was to become the ultimate fighter. By the time our journey done I could probably rip most humans in half with my bare hands! Digimon were the only ones who could provide me any sort of challenge any more. So you see Eduardo I've been living in the digital world for about 6 or 7 years now. Plus you got it in one Eddie, can I call ya Eddie?" We we're confused as all h*ll when you guys showed up. Kind of like of the sky suddenly turned green in the real world."

2012-12-09, 05:44 PM
"Cool!" Lilly interjected energized by Marcus's story "When do we get started? Do we need martial arts training? Are there matching uniforms? Secret base?"

2012-12-09, 05:51 PM
"I'll be honest, when I got that mesaage asking for acceptance, I believed either my morning coffee had gone bad, or I was otherwise hallucinating due to lack of sleep. And ever since I got here, I was hoping this was just some kind of bad dream from which I would wake any second, but I quess there's no choice but to face reality, regardless of whether that reality heeds logic and common sense, or not." Albion replied, before sighing in defeat. He then took off his glasses, and pulled out a small piece of cloth from his pocket, and started cleaning the lenses. "I could probably keep going on and on and on about how this makes little to no sense, but that would achieve little, so it would probably be best to just play along." He mused to himself, flicking his glasses back on. "The name is Albion Narrowlane, when do we start?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-09, 06:18 PM
Megan almost let out a giggle when the small kid, Eduardo descirbed the mouthy Mayonaka as a stubborn mule, but when everyone began to calm themselves she put aside her amusement and concentrated on the task at hand.
"I'm Megan, Megan Cross. I didn't really believe the message till I got here. But if there are these digimon then I'd love to meet them. We have no other way of getting home."

2012-12-09, 06:51 PM
Medieval Dukemon nods as he says, "I'm glad that you have chosen to help us. Now then you wanted to meet the digimon, yes? Dukemon turned towards the large humanoid rabbit digimon as he says, Antylamon! Would you kindly bring the digimon that showed up here to the command tent? Tell Datamon we have ascertained their purpose here."

Antylamon nods morosely to Dukemon before she gets up and heads out of the tent without a word. The Pixiemon that was also at the table flies over to the group and says in a slightly speedy manner, "Don't worry about Sasha she doesn't talk much. Oh just so you know Sasha is that Antylamon that just passed by. Basically all digimon's names are their classification, kind of like a genus for animals, or is it species I can never remember. Though most digimon don't tell many people their name. It is considered a sign of familiarity. OR sometimes you just get really formal digimon like Arthur over here." he points at Medieval Dukemon as he finishes of his slightly rushed sentence.

He flitters around the group as he says, "By the by I'm Chrono a Pixiemon. So glad to meet you." Hearing Lily's inquiries he says, "You can have a uniform is you want us to make you one. After all DATS had a uniform. As for the secret base? Your lookin' at it. And you don't have to be a brute like Marcus to be a digidestined so no martial arts training required!"

Marcus gained a tick mark on his head as he says, "Hey! Who are you callin' a brute you d*mn rat with wings!"

Dukemon rubs his faceplate and sighs as he says, "Not again, Marcus and Pixiemon cut it out. Knightmon your dismissed soldier."

"Sir!" Knightmon leaves the tent with a slightly confused look in his eyes leaving just as Antylamon comes back in with a group of rookie digimon with strange devices hanging from their necks. Or wherever they can hang from for certain digimon. A lion digimon that had been glaring at a bipedal dragon digimon looked away from him to lock eyes with Damian. His eyes widened before he ran forward and pounced on him with a loud cry of "Damian!"

Damian caught the energetic lion digimon thankfully being strong enough that he didn't go tumbling.

(OOC: Just in case clarification is needed go ahead and control your digimon guys. You can have them introduce themselves to their partners any way you like. Just know that they already know who we are. Like the digimon is season's 1 and 2 did.)

2012-12-09, 07:45 PM
Eddie was startled by Jun's sudden reaction; for a moment fearing that he'd gambled wrong and said the wrong thing. It was at this moment he suddenly felt everyone's stares upon them and the ensuing tension until Jun apologized, the tension quickly dispersing and replaced by Renji's clapping. All the young boy could do was place his hands in his pockets and chuckle abashedly, not having expected such a response from those gathered; it seemed that all those years dealing with his siblings and classmates were paying off.

"Pleasure to meet ya Jun, and don't worry about it; water under the bridge," he replied with a friendly smile before hearing out Marcus' own story. "Sure no problem, Marcus," he answered, a bit stunned by the young man's revelation.
"Pleasure to meet ya Chrono," he greeted once more, before chuckling at the exchange between the Pixiemon and Marcus; a bit saddened by M.Dukemon's swift intervention. It had been a nice distraction from the growing expectation of their ucomming meeting.

Eddie sighed deeply in an attemt to fight off his growing anxiousness until he spotted the charging lion cub; barely restraining the urge to grab the nearest blunt object and smack the overgrown kitty in defense, until he heard it all but squee at Damien. He blinked dumbly in a mixture of surprise and shock before turning to meet the new arrivals.

2012-12-09, 08:49 PM
Renji was doing his best at containing his eagerness. The group's issues had been resolved, and everyone was in better mode. So the only thing left was meeting his digimon.

"So what kind of creature will I be paired with? Obivously given that Dukemon said they were rookies, it is safe to say that my partner will be at the proverbial level one. So that mean some training may be required on my part.", Renji pondered as he spotted from the corner of his eye something dashing towards him .

He immedately prepared to counter the charge, only for the lion digimon to sidestep him and attempt to "huggle" Damien as it screamed his name. Renji quickly grab onto Damien to ensure he wasn't bowled over by his new partner, despite the fact that it seemed it wasn't needed.

Once he was assured that Damien wouldn't fall over, Renji stared at the rest of the lineup. There was a rather large bee, a bipedal reptile in military gear, a clam, a hawk, and a rather fuzzy looking reptile in what looked like Bushi armor. After counting the lion cub, that added up to 6 digimon. So that meant one was missing. He kept looking at them hoping to see the missing one or one of others would react to him, like the lion had reacted to Damien. As he did, Renji saw it, the "four-eared" pink little thing peering from behind the others.

It was glancing at each one of the other people, looking for its partner. Anxiety was clear on its face as it clutched the Digivice around it neck, until it locked eyes with Renji. It quickly made its way around the other digimons, as it made a beeline towards him. After it arrived in front of him, almost whispering, it said "Umm... Renji-san, would you accept me as ... umm ... your partner?"

Renji knelt down, patted her on the head, and said "I would very much like to be your partner."

2012-12-09, 09:09 PM
Mayonaka narrowed her eyes as Eddie insulted her. Was he egging her on or did he honestly not catch her name. “My name is Mayonaka Toturi… not ‘Jun’,” she gave him the correction with a stiff voice as she forced herself not to mimic his accent. Her attention was soon drawn to Marcus’ story once again and the further information about how digimon were controlled in their ways of connecting to the real world; and then further to Chrono until Antylamon returned with a pack of rookie mons.

At the point where the lion digimon leapt at Damian and shouted his name Mayonaka’s whole body stiffened in preparation for finding cover for herself. “It knows his name?” she asked softly, leaving only those paying attention to her still the chance to hear her words. And then another spoke the name of its partner as it came to Renji. Her eyes looked over the remaining digimon until a fuzzy, yellow dragon no taller than her waist began walking towards her. It was dressed ornately in armor that appeared to belong to a samurai of three centuries ago with only the device hanging from its neck clashing with the armor.

“That he does, as do all digimon partnered with a digidestined know the names of their partners Mayonaka Toturi,” the creature said with a calm voice that almost cracked from its squeaky nature before it bowed to her.

2012-12-09, 10:36 PM
"So just who are you supposed to be?" Lilly said poking at her partners soft body Cavalier's response came in a forced gruff tone "I'm Cavalier the Syakomon I've never been the strongest or bravest of digimon but as your partner I'll...ow that one was too hard" Cavaliers voice rose to a far lighter tone "Your being mean!". Lilly cracked a wide smile "At first I wasn't sure about this whole "partner" thing but now I think it's gonna work out just fine."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-10, 06:16 AM
Megan saw them entered and immediately was filled with excitement: this was it. On the outside she seemed just as shy as normal, and stood quietly whilst the rest of the group made contact with their partners. She scanned the gathered rookie's intently, but was distracted by the four eared white rabbit popping up and approaching Renji in a very formal way. When she looked back, only a large bee creature and a dinosaur wearing combat fatigues remained. She stared at them surprised, not really knowing what to expect but not feeling any link with those two. She quickly looked at the otherss to see who had partnered who, when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
She spun round with a yelp (obviously her nerves had been heightened b this whole experience) and found a large red and white bird hovering just above her head. For a creature with a beak it managed to have a surprisingly wide grin.
"Hey, er are you my partner?" Megan asked quietly, her voice holding tones of awe.
"Of course," the Hawkmon replied playfully, "it's kind of obvious. I'm Palla, and you betta start smiling; I don't want one of those grumpy, too serious humans that come here, plase tell me you have a sense of humour."
Megan started in shock, and just as the Hawkmon's grin began to fade, obviously worrying that she really was as blank as she seemed, she let her own smile free and beamed at Palla. "If you promise to be funny, I'm sure I can promise to try and enjoy it."

2012-12-10, 05:44 PM
Albion watched as the group of Digimon each headed off to meet there companions. Now only a lizard in army gear, and a large bee remained. of the two, the bee looked at group, before approaching him. "Albion... IssssSS that you?" The creature spoke with a low-pitched voice that carried something of a buzz to it. For a moment, the bee seemed confused, but the suddenly, with a wing-aided jump lunged at Albion, who fell onto his behind. Whie the young man was expecting for this thing to try gnawing his face, it was instead snuggling in his lap, rubbing it's fuzzy head against his stomach.

The bee felt warm, and comfortably fuzzy to the touch, and smelled ever so slightly of flowers and honey. After a while the bee gets off, although leaving a strange device it had been carrying in Albions lap. "I've waited for you ssSSssso long, and you're finally here. I'm Feng the FanBeemon. Will you be my Patrner?" The digimon buzzed excitedly. Albion pulled himself back up, now holding the strange device in hand, he stares at the device, before turning his gaze at Feng, a smirk forming on his face. "Gladly."

2012-12-14, 12:03 AM
Eddie watched in quiet amazement as the digimon marched, and sometimes charged, one by one to their partner; doing his best to try and remember some of them from the card games, and finding his memory failing him more than once. It was times like these he wished he'd seen more cartoons.

With that whimsical thought he turned to face his partner, figuring that the last man standing most have been his partner; only to find the mon had vanished from his spot. The young boy muttered something unintelligible, before scanning the area for him; he was about to ask for assistance before feeling a tap on his shoulder. Eduardo turned in time to spot an arm reaching around his neck from the opposite side; hardly having enough time to yelp before being pulled under the Commandramon's armpit, and being placed on the receiving end of a nugie. "Gyaaa!! Maldito! Ya para! Stop!!!!" he cryed out as he struggled and flailed against his captor, memories of one too many unpleasant family reunions resurfacing amid his struggles; his cries meeting only the creatures impish laughter, before it finally let go.

"Hehehe, gotta keep a better eye on your surroundings," the creature suggested with a wry grin as his laughter died down, both hands on his hips. Eddie groaned and glared at it for a moment as he tried to fix he rubbed his scalp. "Aw! Come on Mate, don't be like that. Been waiting so long I had half a mind to hunt all you numb skulls myself; can't blame a mon for trying to have some fun after going a bit stir crazy right?" he explained with a chipper tone.

Eduardo rubbed his scalp a bit longer, before smiling and putting on a friendly smile. "Yeah, 'suppose so," he replied tentively. "That's the spirit!" the commandramon replied before jovially smacking Eddie in the back, almost causing the boy to lose his balance, before wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pulling the boy in close. "Da name's Cyrus, but you can call me Cy; and Eddie my boy, you and me got some epic times ahead!"

"Here's hopping they're mostly enjoyable ones,"Eddie smiled in kind, if only out of habit, as he took it all in; it wasn't exactly the sort of introduction he'd been expecting, but that somehow made it better. "Hahaaaa, don't bet it," Cyrus deadpanned, his smile and merry tone never faltering.

2012-12-14, 06:08 PM
Damian looks down at the lion cub that jumped into his arms. He blinks a few times in confusion. "Who are...you?"The small lion cub jumped from his arms to land on the floor in front of him.

"That's right, you guys don't know us like we know you. I'm Saber, a Liollmon. We're kinda rare so you probably haven't seen one before. It's gonna be a blast working with you!"

Damian blinked a few more times before rubbing the back of his head with a small smile on his face. "Well, you certainly have energy. Alright then! Liollmon we'll help as many digimon as we can then. Okay!" The eager nod from Liollmon showed that he was in full agreement. Medieval Dukemon then cleared his throat to gain the attention of the digidestined.

(Dukemon is red know while Liollmon is dark red)
"I'm glad that we could have your help in this time of distress. Zeke's army is vast in number due to him sweet talking quite a few digimon into it. However Zeke himself is only champion level. So he has holed himself of in the fortress that once housed the 7 Demon lords. We can't touch it because there is a seal protecting it. We have tried everything. We have one last plan, and we need you to help us execute it. We need to find the eight digimental's.

So far we only know the location of two of them. Sincerity and Knowledge. However we are still fighting to claim the territory in which the digimental of Knowledge presides. So I would like for you to head to Palate Swamp and get it quickly. However I can't order you to do anything really. Oh just so you know, the digimental's I mentioned? If you watched the digimon show, the second season, they were the digieggs that allowed the chosen's digimon to armor digivolve. They hold great power, enough to override the programming of material from the Dark Ocean, what you would know as Control Spires. We are hoping that all eight of them together will be enough to over power the seals protecting Zeke's fortress.

If you do choose to undertake this mission I will have Chrono adjust the teleport pad to take you there. That is his job anyway. Also I would like to have Marcus attempt to teach you have to properly use your knew digivices. That is if you would let him."

Marcus rubs under his nose with his index finger in the typical cocky punk way of standing. "Yeah, digivice IC's are pretty awesome. They also let you skip past the whole 'needed to be in danger bit' for your first digivolution. However the step to Ultimate is much harder because if this. So, you want me to teach you?"

Damian looks at the group as he says, "I don't know about you guys, but if we're gonna do this we will need some firepower. Frankly with the war that's going on I don't think rookie's are going to cut it. So what do you say?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-14, 06:30 PM
Megan listened intently, excitement causing her to tremble and shiver despite the heat of the day. As Marcus mentioned their digivices she looked back to Palla and unhooked the machine from round the hawk's neck and clutched it in both hands. So were the shows real? It sounded like it, but there was so much to take in. It also seemed like digivolution was a well known thing here. Talking about Champion levels and all that really brought it home to Megan exactly what she was signed up for but she now began to believe, honestly believe, that this was happening.

She waited for the others to speak up, and then took in the instructions carefully, all the while with Palla fluttering around her head.

2012-12-14, 08:02 PM
"So basically we're sneaking into a swamp" Lilly said with a mild hint of disappointment in her voice "I was hoping our first mission would be a bit more glamorous I mean I know your the boss but..." "Hey it could be worse at least it sounds pretty safe that's good plus palate swamp isn't such a bad place." "Says you Mr slug." "I'm a clam!"

2012-12-14, 09:26 PM
“By all means, if we’re to be risking life and limb of ourselves as well as the lives of digimon such as,” Mayonaka looks down at her own in a small touch of confusion while she took her own digivice from around its neck.

“Musashi,” the ryudamon uttered as softly as his squeaky voice would allow.

“Such as Musashi,” she continues on and turns her gaze upon Marcus, “Then yes, please give us enough skills to succeed in this task.” She tried to appear strong, confidant, but the wholeness of this situation was attempting to bury her down in the corners of her own mind and the stress was evident on her face already.

2012-12-14, 10:39 PM
As Renji picked up the digivice from his new partner, he asked " What should I call you, my little partner?"

"My name is Tsuki. I'm a Lunamon. We have really good hearing." As she played with her moon medallion, she said "I was born from moon watchig data."

Renji could help, but chuckle a bit.

" A rabbit looking creature, named Tsuki, made from moon watching data and partnered with a japanese kid. I think this world is has a sense of humor. "

Much to her surprise, Renji picked up Tsuki and place her on his shoulder. As he turned, he saw everyone had already encountered their partners.

After hearing the dibriefing from Lord Arthur and Marcus's offer to train them on the use of the digivice, Renji spoke "Marcus, I will take you up on the training. It is always good to know how to use all the tools you possess. Given that we will be heading into an active battlefield, any advantage you can give us will be welcome. Lord Dukemon, what can the Digimentals do that the shows didn't cover and how will we know which one is meant for each of us?"

2012-12-15, 01:30 AM
Arther rubbed his chin in though at he said, Well the digimentals are creations of the Sovereigns themselves. Their power was able to subvert the function of the digimon emperors control spires. What makes this so miraculous is the fact that control spires were constructs from the Dark Ocean itself. The Dark Ocean's power is very oppressive and is just as evil as the Demon lords. So hopefully their holy power will be able to overwrite the seven seals of sin. The opposites of the crests the digidestined use. Pride, Lust, Wrath, Gluttony, Envy, Greed, and Sloth. These are the seals that protect Zeke. If anything the show just toned down the intensity of their power and just what their power meant.

As for which ones will be ascribed to you? The digimentals were only able to be moved from their original resting places by their chosen wielders. However now just about anyone can use their power. It is why they were hidden away with guardians. However this war has caused them to be moved a lot. Some of you might identify with a digimental, however it is not mandatory. You just need to gather them. Once you do Marcus here will escort you to Zeke's Castle so that you can defeat him. We will be doing our best here to avoid losing any more territory."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-15, 07:55 AM
Avoid losing any more territory? That really didn't sound like thye were on the winning side...

Megan waited quietly whilst the others pestered Dukemon with questions. She jumped a little when Palla began to nibble on her ear, but she quit doing that after a time and hopped to the ground where she pounced around Megan for a while.

2012-12-15, 05:10 PM
Albion looked at his Digivice for a while, more or less gnoring most of what Dukemon said, before turning his attention to Marcus. "Any training on using this thing would be appreciated, although if we are going to a swamp, I wouldn't mind having a pair of rubber boots.

2012-12-18, 12:17 PM
"So that's what you meant..." Eddie trailed off upon hearing the explanation, starring quietly at his new digivice. "Part of it at least," Cyrus began before turning his attention towards dukemon. "Sir, what intell do we have on the digimental's precise location, and the enemy forces in the area?"

2012-12-18, 02:25 PM
Looking at Cyrus Arthur said, "The digimental's exact location would be near a shrine at the center. We don't have a complete foothold on the swamp. The good thing is that the enemy doesn't have a foothold at all. So there might be some wild digimon that don't appreciate outsiders. The digimental is being held onto by on ally we manged to make. A ShogunGekomon by the name Slips.

However if the enemy does show, I expect that at lest one ultimate will be showing up. I would hope that the wildlife would give them trouble though. It may also be that they will try to attempt stealth. However in a swamp this will not be an easy feat. If they do try the stealth approach I would imagine that the only ones capable of it would be digimon of the Chameleonmon species."

Seeing as everyone understood and was willing to take on the mission Arthur nodded before Marcus said, "All right Then! everyone follow me, we are going to get you your digisouls." Marcus then led the way out of the tent with Shinegreymon beckoning the chosen to follow.

He would eventually lead them to a wide open training field with various training equipment and large boulders about the size of champion digimon.

"Okay then! Time for Marcus' crash course in digivolution. First you need to familiarize yourself with your digivices. These digivices are slightly more convenient than other digivices. You can store your digimon in them for if they rest or there is some kind of stealth mission. However these digivices true power is that they help bring out your digisoul.

As for what a digisoul is, well from what Thomas told me they are effectively human emotion given power, which can affect Digimon even subconsciously. These digisouls are channeled by your digivice ic's to digivolve your digimon. However everyone's digisoul emotion is different. My emotion was my battle spirit and love of fighting. I used to not be able to my Shinegreymon here digivolve unless I had punched a digimon myself to activate my digisoul.

I think Thomas used his need for justice and Yoshino used her natural care for other people. Those partners of mine didn't' really know how to handle someone like me and Agumon." As he says that Shinegreymon glowed with a yellow light and de-digivolved back to his rookie stage, an Agumon with red leather straps around it's hands. He waves at the group as Marcus goes back to explaining.

"So what you really need to do for the evolution to champion you just need to find your strongest emotion and let it fill you to the maximum! However the step to ultimate is a lot harder. Thomas, Yoshio, and I had to each overcome some serious obstacles we had in our lives. It can be anything from an inferiority complex to the feeling of not being able to help someone when it mattered the most."

He claps his hands together as he says, "All right! Now to show you the one thing digisouls can be used for besides digivolution. First observe without a digisoul." Marcus walks over to one of the boulders about the size of a champion digimon. He then punches it hard creating deep spider web cracks in it and a deep fist imprint.

Now observe when I have a champion charge digisoul." Marcus walked over to another champion digimon sized boulder. This time he clenched his fist and a pale orange aura sprang up around it. The aura colored fist slammed into the boulder and this time the only thing left of it were pebbles. Damian's eyes widened in awe as he took his digivice from Saber's neck. It was colored black with gold linings and sides. He clenched and unclenched his fist as he tried to figure out what would materialize his digisoul

Marcus turned back to the group of chosen with a smile as he said, "Any Questions?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-18, 05:02 PM
So it wasn't just a matter of pressing buttons... Well she hadn't thought it would be, but learning what her strongest emotion was? That could take hours, and doing so here, in a vacuum would be pretty hard.

She gathered her courage and piped up whilst the others were deep in thought: "Didn't you say we were in a hurry? Couldn't we, um, try and find the digimentals and get out of there as quick as possible. I don't want to try getting in there once their Ultimate digimon have found a way in. Maybe if we are fast we can avoid fighting altogether!" She was surprised by her volubility and quickly went quiet again, but Palla landed on her shoulder and gave her a supportive nudge as if to congratulate her.

2012-12-18, 07:08 PM
Lilly clapped "Awesome so I won't have to smash a boulder to make Cavalier huge will I? I mean I could try but I'm not sure how well it would work out."

2012-12-18, 07:31 PM
“Yes, a few quick questions… how do we know which emotion is key to each of us?” she looks down at her own digivice and seems to be pressing something on the screen. “If each of us has a different keyed emotion then is there a way we find out? A small test on the device? Something in the instruction manual? Do these things even come with instruction manuals? Or warranties?” She look at Marcus now.

2012-12-19, 07:09 AM
"So you are saying..." Albion spoke, taking a few steps toward Marcus. "...We need to rely on what is perhaps the most capricious thing in the known universe to operate these stupid things?" He continues, holding out his digivice.

2012-12-19, 08:02 PM
Eddie starred awestruck at the feat of strength, even Cyrus couldn't resist an impressed whistle at the sight. "Can, can anyone who uses their....digisoul do that, or is it different for everyone?" inquiered Eddie, if they could master this trick he figured their chances of making it out alive were improved greatly. Ofcourse now the question was, what was his key emotion and how could he use it to the fullest.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-20, 07:37 AM
Ok, well looks like we're going to spend the time asking questions: they don't do this half so much in the TV shows...

Megan sat cross legged on the floor, absently petting Palla whilst she tried to think what her most defining emotion was. At first she thought Intelligence, but there were cleverer people in her class, and much cleverer people in the world.
What are the crests? Maybe Friendship? I'm kind enough. Yet this was crushed by the rather depressing thought that she didn't really have a lot (read: any) close friends. I can't be reliable, since no one relies on me. And I'm the opposite of courageous. Maybe my emotion is fear... That certainly rung true, even if in a depressing way. She seemed to spend most of her days in an anxious mess, hoping to avoid the worst that life would throw at her.

2012-12-20, 06:29 PM
Marcus scratches the back of his head as he says, "Well Eddie, yeah digisouls can grant super human abilities. Especially when you unlock the next charge which is a Full Charge. Then again, digisouls haven't fully be researched. So for all I know one of you might unlock a digisoul that is good at healing. And Lily you don't have to smash a boulder. I just did that so that you could see the effects of a digisoul.

To Albion, I'm sorry that you guys don't have D-Arcs, but isn't this at least better than having to be in life-threating danger so that your digimon will digivolve like the first kids? Plus at least now you guys aren't running round in the dark.

Mayonaka, as far as I know, they don't come with instructions or warranties. Believe me you are not the first digidestined to ask that and you will not be the last. As for how you find the emotion. Well, it just kind of comes out you know? If you don't already know it I could suggest using your memories to find it. Otherwise, your strongest emotions are the ones that you often show once in a pinch. Like the first time Agumon here digivolved I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that some gigantic chicken was trashing my town. Just I gave that Akatorimon a present, a fist in his face! That was the first time I discovered my digisoul.

Finally Megan, I know your type you don't like to fight a lot, your really gentle, and you try not to hurt others. However fighting here is going to be inevitable as much as it pains me to say it. However you at least have a friend in ShogunGeckomon where your going. Also don't look so bummed. Just try thinking of yourself at your very best, what was your best day? Cause if I'm reading you right, your emotion would be Kindness, Love, or Sincerity. However don't take my word for it because emotions are not as clear cut as the crests."

Damian looked down at Saber in curiosity. Feeling his partners gaze he looked up and said, "What is it partner? Something bothering ya?"

Damian shook his head as he said, "No, not really, it's just that everyone seems so...scattered. Like broken glass."

"Well what did you expect? You guys just got here. Plus you guys didn't have the convenience of knowing each other before you ported here so of course your not going to act like a team yet. If you want you guys to eventually become a team someone has to step up and start acting like a team member first. If you don't see some doing that then why not you huh?"

Damian blinking at the lion cub digimon before smiling as he said, "You know, your pretty smart for a beast type digimon

"Of course, you don't avoid near extinction by being a dumb brute.

Damian let out a chuckle at that before looking over the rest of the group. He then laid eyes on Megan and saw the depressed aura that she seemed to exude. He walked over to here, his partner in tow, and sat down next to her as he said, "Hey, you okay?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-20, 06:57 PM
Seeing the tall boy approach her, she immediately stood up and took a step away, mumbling, "Yeah sure, I'm fine." When he wasn't immediately convinced she turned and staring him straight in the eye said: "Honestly, it's just a lot to take in, but I'm ready to go now." Well Sincerity is definitely not my emotion Marcus she thought wryly.

2012-12-22, 11:53 AM
Albion couldn't help but rub his temples, sighing in ever so slight frustration. "What a bother"

2012-12-22, 10:28 PM
She sighed; of course it wouldn’t be simple. Mayonaka pondered for a moment just what Marcus had intended for them. She felt something at her side and upon looking down she saw Musashi. “It may not be helpful now, but all things change in time and the answers you desire will be revealed,” the small monster said to her in his high pitched voice. Mayonaka scratched her arm as Musashi laid his zen down.

“You sound like an old priest I used to know…” the girl told the monster while it lowered its head in a bow. “You sound so sure of yourself, like the universe works like a clock. Something so intricately designed around functionality and so sure that everything will turn out right in the end…” There was a note of distain in her voice as she spoke of the old priest. “Follow,” she ordered the small dragon and began walking towards Renji; Musashi just three steps behind her.

“Can you believe this?” she asked the dark haired boy with the Lunamon. “We’re supposed to… what? Tap into crazy rage and break rocks now? Did I miss something growing up?”

2012-12-24, 01:21 AM
Cavaliers expression turned somber Should have guessed it wasn't going to be that simple. Oh come on don't worry so much Cavalier. Lilly interjected tuning Cavaliers shell so they looked eye to eye You heard him all we have to do is wait until a moment of crisis then we'll know which emotion to use to turn you super. Cavaliers expression turned to an incredulous glance I seem to recall it being a bit more complex then that.

2012-12-24, 05:05 PM
Renji had been deep in thought when Mayonaka popped the question.

Digging deep into what little he knew of philosopy from video games, his grandfather and tokusatsu, the boy pondered some and then cast forth his answer.

"The way i see it, here in this world, emotions and virtue are power. It seems that simply feeling an emotion isn't enough or else we would all be gather digisoul right now. I'm guessing Digisoul react to a core emotion tied to a virtue that defines us. Using Marcus as an example, anger wasn't enough to gather digisoul, but match it up with his detemination and then you get digisoul. It would be safe to say that each person has their own pairing, determinded most likely by personality and maybe background. I would also hazard to guess that focusing on a negative emotion, could result in corruption of our partner and/or ourselves."

"Is this a proper assessment, Marcus-dono?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-24, 09:43 PM
Corrupt our digimon? Megan visibly wilted at that: all she'd thought so far was fear and hoped that being in danger would be enough for Palla to digivolve to protect her. But what if her negativity could have such an impact? Tai's agumon becoming Skullgreymon sprung to mind, and if those were true then she was in trouble.
But she wouldn't give into despair, she would connquer it for Palla's sake, so she didn't turn into a monster!

Megan stood up, Palla immediately beside her and ready. "I'm ready to fight them, and recover these digimentals. No more waiting around, it's time we got going!" Her sudden burst of self righteousness chocked her, and it only lasted for a few moments, but in that time she felt better than she had in years.

2012-12-26, 03:01 PM
Damian looked up at Megan in shock at how she had recovered from her bout of depression. Marcus looked a little surprised as well before he smiled. "To answer your question Renji, yeah it is pretty much what you said. Now then, Megan is right you guys should get going. Just try to keep you heads down and you'll be fine. All right lets go!"

With that Marcus leads the way to the teleportation device motioning for the group to follow him. Manning the teleporting station was Chrono, mapping out the coordinates for their jump. Turning around the small ultimate digimon saw the group and said, "Ah there you are, I just finished putting in the coordinates. It will put you at the edge of the territory that we acquired in the Pallete Swamp. You will then need to head north in order to reach ShogunGekomon's area."

With their destination finalized the group would be teleported to the Pallate Swamp. It was about as much as you would expect, swamplike. Though the gigantic lily pads were something different. Their mission started now!

2012-12-27, 02:06 PM
Mayonaka gazed out upon the swamp, the dark green of what appeared to be decaying vegetation consuming her vision. The lily pads that floated on the water’s surface belonged more to a cartoon than war or spy mission. But then the whole of the digital world made little sense to her, and this included oversized pads. Soon her gaze went overhead towards the sun and trying to use it to figure out which way was north. “Does anyone here have a compass?”

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-12-27, 02:21 PM
Megan felt the jolt as they rematerialized, and clutched onto her hawkmon for support, but once she got the strength in her legs back she glanced around at the strange swamp land.

A compass would have been a smart idea... "Um, no," Megan answered apologetically. "Palla, you can fly right? Could you see which way the temple is? Be careful though I don't want you getting hurt too soon."
As soon s she suggested it Palla nodded and flapped into the sky, eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the temple.

2012-12-27, 05:11 PM
Albion looks around the immediate area for anything which seems immediately hostile, before turning his attention to the bee digimon. "Feng, go and help Palla out." The FanBeemon let out buzz and followed Palla, if somewhat slower.

2012-12-28, 12:32 AM
Lilly lifted her leg survey the muck that had affixed itself to the bottom of her shoe "Good idea the less time we have to spend wandering around in this slimehole the better."

2012-12-31, 09:57 AM
Damian looked around to make sure that they weren't being watched. To his eyes their didn't seem to be any digimon so he relaxed a little, Saber keeping his eyes sharp since there were potentially enemies nearby.

Palla after rising into the air with Feng behind her managed to see a temple to their immediate right. Feng was also able to see it when he finally caught up. As they report back they fly back down to report back they miss something that emerges from the tree line. A Cherrymon moving slowly towards the temple. Safe to say, it was not on their side.

2013-01-02, 02:20 PM
Cyrus stood at the ready upon arrival; riffle primed to fire as he scanned the surroundings along side Eduardo, much to his protests. Once the others had returned and the area immediate area had been secured Cyrus spoke up.
"Okay folks, time to move out! Saber, I want you to take point with me. Long Ears, Palla and Cavi; want you folks flanking the humans. Scaly and Feng, take the rear. With any luck Saber, Long Ear's and Feng should be able to spot any hostiles before they spot us." he called out, pausing for a moment at the end in order to let what he said sink in. "Any questions, critiques or better suggestions?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-02, 03:48 PM
Critiques from me." Palla muttered as she flew down to the group: "The temples to the North, and I'll fly exactly where I like."

Megan looked up at the self-possessed bird with a good deal of admiration. But she also didn't fancy standing out. "Come on Palla. We'll go out on the, er, flanks like he asked." Megan wandered to the side, away from the gun wielding digimon, and let Palla perch on her shoulder whilst they made their way through the swamp land, Palla occasionally taking flight to see further ahead.

2013-01-02, 07:19 PM
“The formation is sound,” Musashi agreed with Cyrus and then turned to his partner, “With your permission.”

“Granted Musashi. Don’t get too far behind though,” Mayonaka informed Musashi as her partner retreated to the back of the group. The brown haired girl stayed with the core of the group though the swamp. She wished she had a change of clothes on hand, going through muck and water in nothing but her running gear didn’t appeal to her in the slightest. Her arms wrapped around her body while walking, a futile gesture to protect herself from the sticky air of decay around them. At one point the ground seemed to grow very attached to her shoe and refused to let go, catching her off her guard and fall towards the swamp below.

2013-01-02, 09:38 PM
Saber looked distinctly agitated at being told what to do by Cyrus, but held his tongue because the formation was sound. So he took point and headed out with Cyrus, keeping his eyes peeled and his nose sharp. Damian walked through the swamp with the rest of the humans running his hands though his chin length hair to try and keep it from getting that sticky feeling. Considering he was in the same clothing that he went surfing in; A t-shirt, shorts, and sandals; he was especially miserable in this place.

The icky feeling between his toes was really starting to gross him out. However everyone else was probably equally miserable in this place so he couldn't start complaining. When Myonaka fell he moved forward quickly, his habit of helping others kicking in almost automatically and catches her before she can face plant in the swamp mud and water. "Whoa, that was close. You okay Myonaka?"

2013-01-03, 04:06 PM
Mayonaka found herself inches from a full organic mud facial that she hadn’t asked for, held back if only for Damian’s quick response. “Y-yes, thank you Damian,” she manages to get out before she relaxes her grip on the boy who saved her from the fall. “You don’t suppose this is going to be the grossest place in the digital world, do you?” she asks Damian while righting herself up and gets her feet onto the ground once again.

2013-01-03, 05:44 PM
Damian gives a shrug of his shoulders as he says, "I don't think so, what could be any more disgusting than a swamp? Well, I guess we could have to go into a sewer or something but I'm crossing my fingers and desperately hoping that we won't have to go into one.

He lifts his leg to shake his foot out away from Mayonaka to clear the gunk from his sandals. He let out a sigh, this place really made him miserable especially since he grew up in the sand and sun.

"So, were going to be a team so we should probably try to learn about each other right? So where are you from Mayonaka, what are some things about you that stick out? If you don't feel comfortable talking about it I could go first."

2013-01-03, 07:47 PM
“No, no, I shall start Damian,” her hand was still on his arm, as if afraid the ground would attack her again. “Before ‘this’ all happened I was actually celebrating with some friends of mine. I had just won a running competition in Yoyogi Park,” a small smile crosses her face. “I also spend my nights looking up at the stars, trying to find new ones,” Mayonaka adds to her introduction before turning back to Damian from the group. “And yourself?”

2013-01-03, 08:08 PM
He hadn't noticed Mayonaka still hanging onto his arm. He was actually starting to relax in the dreary place. Damian was a people person, so walking in silent solitude didn't help matters.

"Well believe it or not I grew up in California, in the USA. According to my mom I was always a beach boy. Finding any excuse I could to play in the sand and sun. As for what I was doing before coming here, I was actually surfing with some friends of mine.

Most of the time they poke fun at me because I work out more than surf. So they make a lot of jokes about how I'm more likely to flex at a big wave than ride it. They're just having fun with me though. I usually get them back by making fun of the wet noodles they call arms. So at the end of the day everyone ends up even."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-04, 10:17 AM
Megan listened to the pair chatting, and glanced about to see what the others were doing. She stood on the outside of the group, both literally and figuratively, and was happy to stay quiet.
Palla wasn't.

The Hawkmon flapped down and bashed Megan on the head with one of her wings. "So what were you doing? Are you a sports girl like those two?"
Megan blushed, and feeling slightly embarrassed mumbled: "Um no, I was having lunch in the park." She decided to silently edit out the bullies part.
Palla frowned at her: "Ok. Well I'm sure you were really good at that." Megan wasn't sure whether Palla had no idea what 'lunch in the park' was, or whether she was just being very positive.

2013-01-04, 10:59 AM
"I'm no man of strategy, so I'll just assume you know what you're doing." Albion replied after a while, before signalling Feng to take his place at the back of the group.

As the group travelled, he sticked to the back and tried to keep his facial expressions in check, all despite the disqusting smell and all the dirt that was already clinging to his clothes.

2013-01-04, 01:44 PM
"Ugh this place is the worst." Lilly muttered as she trudged through the mud holding Cavalier in her arms "How much longer are we gonna be till we get there?"

2013-01-05, 08:18 PM
“The USA? I’ve heard stories of there but I’ve never had the opportunity to visit there. My father rarely even allows me to leave Tokyo, leaving Japan would be impossible for me,” Mayonaka squeezes one of Damian’s muscles that he seemed proud of. “But I’ve always wanted to go to other places. It is why I run, to carry myself under my own power to where I want to go. Is it true that every family there has their own vehicle?” she continues to chat up Damian in an attempt to regain a point of normality in this day of madness.

Musashi kept pace with Feng as the pair of them kept watch on the group’s back. The samurai clad digimon moved lightly over the muddy ground, leaving clawed footprints in the moist earth that gradually filled with dirty water. His eyes darted back and forth across the mire, ever vigilant as he spoke. “Do you see anything worth note from where you are Feng?” the digimon questioned his comrade.

Mayonaka felt her attention turn towards Lilly as the youngest of them voiced her complaint. “It won’t be long Lilly-chan,” she tried to comfort the girl, holding Damian back just enough for her to catch up to them. “And if we talk for the trip it’ll pass in no time. Do you have a favorite game you like to play?”

2013-01-06, 10:36 PM
Lilly perked up "Oh yea Mario the new one I can show you it when-" she paused as she realized what she was saying "Oh yea guess its gonna be awhile before we get home funny how easy it is to forget about that sort of thing."

2013-01-08, 08:10 PM
“Don’t worry, we won’t be here long. When my father realizes that I’ve gone missing he’ll no doubt move the heavens to find me,” she states matter-of-factly, “And when that happens we’ll be back in our world in no time and able to go home. So there will only be a minimum of time we’ll be stuck here,” Mayonaka assures Lilly. “And then you can show me your Mario game,” she offers a smile.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-09, 06:20 AM
"Your father?" Megan was stunned by Mayonaka's confidence, possibly because she had no idea what such self assurance was like. "Who is he? How can he come to the digital world?" Her tone was all innocence and curiosity, even tinged with hope.

2013-01-09, 03:32 PM
Mayonaka didn’t turn to Megan at first. She had just been attempting to put Lilly at ease in all honesty. She did believe her father would come for her, or to be more accurate his men would once they located her eventually though. “This isn’t my first time going missing,” she starts, “There are many people who would enjoy to have leverage over Tokutaro Toturi,” she dropped a name that would no doubt go over the heads of most save for maybe Renji if he knew of some of the darker people who worked from the shadows in Tokyo, “So father often makes examples of those who try to discourage others from trying.”

“If there are indeed organizations like DATS operated in both worlds, as well as the fact that the Shinjuku and other incidents are indeed real than it is a given that this information is known to key individuals in high government positions. And with that it will only be a matter of time before my father accesses said information,” she states with much confidence to Megan. “He has many contacts in high profile positions, people who owe him favors and the like,” Mayonaka explains off handedly. “Marcus and the others stated that the cartoons were based on factual events and humans have forced their way into the digital world before in those shows did they not?” she looks around for someone to counter.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-09, 04:09 PM
"Oh." Megan absently wandered closer to the centre of the group so that she could walk alongside Mayonaka. "I hadn't thought about it like that. I keep thinking, I don't know, that somehow those adventures are still fictional, even if they inform our actions here: or maybe that we've crossed over into the fictional." She blushed then her pale face going a bright rouge colour. "Sorry I'm rambling." She turned to Damian, who seemed to be leading whilst everyone stayed silent: "How long do you think it'll take us to get there, I'm worried, none of us seem to have worked out what will let our digimon digivolve, and if we find anything stronger than a Shellmon, then I don't think even strength in umbers will help us." Megan surprised herself with her outspokenness, a trait she had never exhibited before, but coming here, realising she did have a power to fight back, finding Palla those things had emboldened her.

2013-01-09, 05:56 PM
Damian a hand up to his chin in thought. He spoke addressing Mayonaka first. Well Mayonaka your probably right about most of what you said. However remember that when a human tried to force their way into the digital world they usually had some kind of greater power on their side. In fact the only person in the show who was actively blocked from entering the digital world was that pale creepy dude in season two of the show.

He needed Malomyotismon to break through the protections that BlackWarGreymon sacrificed himself to make. The things that are currently blocking the digital world, based on Aurthur's history lesson, were the right hand mons of the creator of the digital world. I don't want to bring you down but it's not too likely your dad will be able to brake though.

I mean I don't know who your dad is, but I'm guessing he's pretty influential from your confidence. However think about it this way. People who know far more about the digital world than him have been trying to crack the barrier for years now. They have a lot of resources too so I'm not sure how much your dad could do. Way I see it, we get the fetch quest out of the way and then take down the big bad, simple! It's as formulaic as a Legend of Zelda game!"

He turns to look at Megan a little surprised that she joined in the conversation. She had been really quiet up until now, and hearing her concerns he threw her a confident smile as he said, "It's probably not that much farther now. As for the digivolution thing, don't worry about it. After all as long as we don't get swarmed we should be all right. Besides a little faith in situations like these goes a long way. After all, if you convinced yourself that you've already lost then you will. Just try to stay positive!

I know it's not much, but it's all we have right now. Well that and each other.

(OOC: If you guys want your digimon to digivolve in any battle just tell me. So that way if you need me to set up a specific scene for your character to unlock thier digisoul I can do so.)

2013-01-09, 08:04 PM
“One, fetch quests are boring and time wasters that don’t advance a storyline in most games,” she started in on Damian, “Two, Legend of Zelda can stay in Hyrule and in the game realm where a game over kills Link, not me. Three, those ‘right hand mons’ must be pretty weak for us to slip through so if we can do it, by accident or otherwise, the pathway was open for at least a bit. Someone actually trying might be able to force a way from home; especially if they noticed the event we slipped through. And four, perhaps you should have some faith that we aren’t actually going to be stuck here in the digital realm. Unless you ‘want’ to stay here like Marcus.”

2013-01-09, 08:33 PM
Despite how offensively some of Mayonaka's comments could be taken Damian remains quite calm. He and his friends had heated discussions before and it was usually up to him to keep a cool head.

"The thing is Mayonaka we didn't really slip through. We came through by something that even the guys on our side don't know how. I highly doubt it was anything we did or could have done. Also if my comparison offended you, I'm sorry. However fetch quests do serve a purpose. They help you acquire items that make your quest easier. Much easier.

As for your last point, I didn't mean to make it seem like I thought we would be here forever. Just that this threat was going have to be defeated before we can go home. After all that's how it was in the original show right? Plus for all we know the passage of time here could be completely different from in the real world. But perhaps your right and your father will come for you. If so until then the only thing we can do is fight as hard as we can to help these digimon. At least give me that much."

2013-01-09, 09:02 PM
“I’m all for trying to speed getting out of here on our own, don’t misunderstand that. And if helping out these digimon can do that for us, then I’ll help. I’d rather do this than be a helpless hostage,” she concedes the point after a fashion. “That doesn’t mean I have to like it any better though, because I don’t ‘like’ the idea of dying for someone else’s war. And if help arrives to take us home before we finish this long series of ‘fetch quests’ as you put it then I wouldn’t mind at all going back to a cozy home and my friends. But also don’t misunderstand this, I am no hero, I have no plans on being a hero, and anyone who acts like a hero is going to be painting a large target on themselves once the bigger digimon show up.”

“And on the point of fetch quests, argue that collecting fifty rat tails with a terrible drop rate helps you with anything better than the normal application of your time and effort and I will forever concede this point. Because that is one of the worse fetch quests… ever; and they always start you on it…”

2013-01-12, 11:38 AM
Mayonaka, I'll be honest with you on this, even if this isn't your first time going missing, for whatever reason, would your father have any reason to suspect ou are here? This may very well appear as a kidnapping with no ransom note, no motive, and no witnesses. And call me cynical if you will, but even on the off-chance he found out you were here, is there anythin he could do to get you out?" Albion felt necesarry to point out from the back of the group, having just about had it for people speaking of the situation as though it was a video game.

2013-01-13, 12:28 PM
Saber came up short as took a sniff of the air. His fur bristled a little as he said, "I think we're here, but I have got a bad feeling about this. Something is up ahead. I smell bark, not like the tress here, but a lot fresher. More like forest bark." With that he led the group into a thick enough brush for all of them to hide in without being detected.

Looking through the brush the chosen could see what looked like a large cherry tree with a face conversing with ShogunGeckomon and his Geckomon guards. The cherry tree had an entourage of it's own. A duo of horse sized chameleons. Saber growled quietly as he said, "Cherrymon, Ultimate level virus type digimon. Often called the Lord of the Wood for their great intelligence and power. They can even produce a fog from their body that causes illusions." Looking over at the entourage he speaks again, "Chameleonmon, Armor level virus type digimon. Not much are known about them because they don't usually let themselves be observed. What with their camouflage and all."

Cherrymon then spoke up in a whispery voice of an old man, "I ask you this once more as an old friend ShogunGeckomon, hand over the the Digimental of Sincerity. Obviously you can see that siding with MedievalDukemon is a lost cause. The only reason his army hasn't already been routed is because of that human, Marcus Damon and that won't last forever."

With the rumbling voice of a gruff overlord ShogunGeckomon responded, "You know that's not going to happen Cherrymon. I owe Dukemon my life. Not to mention that I will not stand behind that madman Zeke!"

Cherrymon made a noise of annoyance as he says, "You should join the winning side ShogunGeckomon I can't garuntee your safety if you don't. Zeke showed me the light! You should let him show you as well. The digital would could become an utop-"

"It would become a ruin, with destruction brought about by the Demon Lords. I want no part of that Cherrymon."

"Tch! Very well then. I'll just take the digimental by force then. CHERRY BOMB! With that the cherries from Cherrymon's branches shot forwards and detonated with many of the Geckomon that served as guards. The Chameleonmon's tongues lashed forward to do battle as ShogunGeckomon charged Cherrymon.

Damian sweats as he says, "Guh! This is not good, not good at all. We need to do something. I'm not tactician but I would say that our best bet would be helping against those Chameleonmon. Unless someone has a better idea?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-13, 12:51 PM
When she saw the Cherrymon, Megan's heart fell: this was real, and they were up against enemies with lethal powers. She watched silently as their negotiations turned to violence, and winced when she saw friend turn against friend.

"We still don't know how to digivolve! We can't fight an Ultimate level!" her voice was high and panicky, but Palla cut across her.
"No, but Damian is right, we can do something: those geckomon will have the Chameleonmon out numbered once they recover, so we just have to stop those two long enough for our allies to rally. Shogungeckomon will have to deal with Cherrymon for now." With that she soared into the air, accompanied by the others.
Flying above the battlefield she cried out; "Feather Strike!" and hurled the bandanna on her head so that it spun into a circular saw like blade before spinning towards the armor level digimon below.

2013-01-13, 03:40 PM
Mayonaka was about to tell Albion her reasons for expecting rescue when Saber brought the group to a halt. Her eyes went wide as the Cherry Bombs went flying, explosions taking out the Geckomon. Even though they looked positively disgusting she wouldn’t wish explosions on anyone. And then Palla took the initiative to make the choice for them. “I don’t think better ideas will matter soon,” she commented to Damian as a blur of dark armor and yellow fur went past them.

“To battle!” Mushashi squeaked as he cut across the surface of the swamp. He doubted very much the Chameleonmon would bother to dodge the attacks of Rookies, especially while under surprise. He cut across the side before turning his head towards one of the Chameleonmon, “Iai Blade!” he cried out as a blade of hardened iron erupted from his mouth and shot forth like a massive dart to strike his foe.

2013-01-14, 06:49 PM
Albion watched as the situation quickly descended into violence. He looked over his shoulder to see Feng. "Feng, this looks bad. Can you do... Something?" The young man asked the bee, if somewhat hesitantly. The FanBeemon replied with a buzzing noise, before rising higher into the air. It fies toward the two Chameleonmons, and swings his abdomen forward. "Bzzzz..... Gear Stinger!" The bee digimon calls out as it begins firing serrated stingers in quick bursts.

2013-01-15, 11:12 PM
Liollmon shot forward with the rest of the digimon in an attempt to turn the tides. "Save some for me! Lio Claw! The culmination of attacks had caught the two armor digimon off guard.

Palla's Feather Strike caught a Chamelemon upside the headgear he was wearing. knocking him silly and skewing his vision. This left him open to Liollmon's Lio Claw attack. Deep cuts were left upon the digimon's scaly skin as he yelled in pain. The other Chamelemon looked on in shock before he was hit with a Iai Blade that propelled him to the side, a nasty looking bruise on his side, his tongue was then pinned down by several Gear Stingers.

Hearing the commotion Cherrymon turned from where he was battling ShogunGekomon. "What on earth? What it can't be?! Chosen Children! D*mn it!" Cherrymon's lapse of concentration was rewarded by a blast of supersonic sound to his exposed back.

"Don't turn your back on me, fool!" Cherrymon shook off the damage as he grit his teeth in frustration. The battle between ultimate digimon resumed.

However the Gekomon were rapidly starting to realize they were no longer under attack. That they could start to rally the few of them that were left. A Gekomon with a scar across his chest shouted. "Thank you! If you could hold them off just a little longer we can mount a counter attack.

The Chamelemon that had been clawed stood up, a little worse for wear but definitely not defeated. "Annoying pests! Fly away! You sh*tty digimon! Tongue Lashing! His tongue flew forward in a swiping motion. He hit Liollmon in his side and attempted to bring Musashi's feet from under him.

The Chamelemon with his tongue pinned while in a worse situation was also still ripe for battle. "Yesh brother! Lesh ush punish them! Heat Eye!" The Chamelemon's omnipositional eyes glowed with an eerie light before one fired a beam of red light at Palla, with the other firing at Feng.

2013-01-16, 01:50 AM
Lilly Stared wide eyed in shock at the scene that unfolded before her before being brought back by a familiar weight in her arms. "Go Cavalier!" Lilly shouted flinging her surprised digimon towards the fray. Flying through the air Cavalier's shell opened to reveal a torrent of water aimed directly at one of the Chamelemon "Oh man I am so not ready for this. Water Pressure!"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-16, 05:56 AM
Megan saw the Geckomon still panicked, and when one of them cottoned on to her plan, she determinedly gritted her teeth and ran to join them. She hurtled through the battle, terrified that she would be hit by a stray bolt of energy, but she had grown used to running from people, and she could hit good speeds when necessary. She crashed down among the Geckomon and breathed deeply, sparing a glance only to see that the other digimon were still fighting.

"Come on you guys," Megan exhorted, "You have to get up: you are stronger than these two. We can't do it without you."

Meanwhile in the sky, Palla struck mercilessly, laughing as she hurled Feather Strikes at the pinned Chameleonmon, a dark energy filling her as she fought back against this dupe. The creature suddenly turned it's eyes on her, and she only had time to cry out briefly before heat overwhelmed her. She felt as though she was burning, and the scent of charred feathers filled her nostrils. She stopped flapping and plummeted from the sky, only the soft swampland cushioning her fall.

2013-01-16, 04:13 PM
“You are outnumbered and surrounded,” Mushashi announced to the Chamelemon. “Surrender or be dele-” The low standing Musashi was limited in his evasion as the Chamelemon’s tongue that scoured the ground during his run. His first step went over it but his stride was too short and he was caught up and sent up and away before he could safely evade. “So be it,” he mumbled as he rolled in the air, wishing he could fly. He hit the ground with a sticky ‘plop’ before he righted himself up again.

“Musashi!” his partner cried from where the other digidestined were still, holding her digivice close and reading something on it. “There’s an opening due north!”

The Ryudamon looked at the battlefield for a moment and suddenly saw what his partner saw. Moving himself in the direction indicated he turned to line up the two Chamelemons and his comrades were not yet. His aim would target the one that was pinned down and with luck also strike the other past him. “Tera Burst!” he slammed his clawed hand into the ground and a ripple shot forth through the swamp. The ripple was soon followed by bursts of yellow energy coming up from the ground that paced towards the pinned Chamelemon.

2013-01-18, 11:40 AM
"Yeowwzzzzz." Feng cried out as he struggled to wing him self from the beam of heat. Although scorched, the FanBeemon was able to stay in the air.

Albion watched from the side, assesing the situation. Feng wasn't in the best possible condition, visibly smoldering. "Feng, behind it! Get behind it!" the young man instructed his partner.

The digimon shook it's head for a bit, before slowly hovering roughly behind the pinned Chameleomon. "Gear Stinger!" Feng called out as it launched another barrage of stingers, aiming at the chameleons neck.

2013-01-22, 06:42 PM
The Chamelemon that was pinned eyes became fearful as Musashi's Tera Burst closed in on him. The attack hit strongly and launched him upward, ripping his tongue up with him, the Gear Stingers becoming dislodged. However judging by his scream of pain it was not pleasant. To add to his woes more Gear Stingers were lodged into his back while he was airborne, the force from the Tera Burst causing Feng's aim to be a little off. He comes crashing down to the ground, looking a lot worse for ware.

The second Chamelemon brother however dodges the Tera Burst attack that continued on from hitting his brother. However in doing so he put himself right in the path of the Cavalier's Water Torrent blasting him off of his feet. Damian was looking into the data on his Digivice when his eyes widened and he said, "Saber! Now's your chance. He's prone!"

Saber leapt to his feet and his eyes caught sight of the second Chamelemon brother. His eyes sharpened as he ran forward with the quickness of a predator. His teeth glowed with a golden light as he shouted, "Critical Bite!"

He leapt forward and fell upon Chamelemon his teeth sinking into his neck. The Chamelemon let out a strangled yell, before he was deleted, digitized into small particles.

Cherrymon who was now at an advantage in his fight took note of what had happened. He then says to himself, "Che. I need to hold them off a little longer. Time to change the game, Illusion Mist."

Unknown to the digidestined and the Gekomon a subtle mist had started to escape Cherrymon's body. As they inhaled it things would appear to take a turn for the worse.

The first Chamelemon brother who was one good attack away from deletion saw his brothers death. He was silent at first until he let out an anguished cry, BROTHER!! You d@mn Digidestined! I'll kill you all. Chamelemon Digivolve TO!!!"

He was then engulfed in a bright light as those words brought dread to the ears of Damian. The new digimon then roared his name, "Scorpiomon!"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-22, 06:56 PM
Megan turned back to the digimon, and searched the air for Palla, but the Hawkmon wasn't there. It took her a few more seconds before she caught sight of Palla curled up and scroched in a muddy pool. A pool that the Scorpiomon was closing in on...

She turned back to the Geckomon. "Come on: you have to help us, otherwise that digimon will kill Palla. Please." Whether or not they respond, Megan launches herself back acro the battlefield, running towards her fallen digimon.

2013-01-22, 11:03 PM
The Gekomon nod to Megan as the leader says, "Alright boys! Blast Him! Symphony Crusher!" With that cry sound waves from dozens of Gekomon impacted the illusion-nary Scorpiomon, causing an explosion. This allowed Megan to get to Palla. Meanwhile celebratory whoops were had by the Gekomon, for surely even an ultimate could not stand up to attack of that magnitude. However with a roar, the Scorpiomon emerged from the smoke cloud that surrounded it...and it was about to attack Megan and Palla.

Damian saw this, and his eyes widened. It's just like before.' *ba-bump, ba-bump* Someone is going to die, and I can't do a thing' *ba-bump, ba-bump* 'No...NO! I can't let that happen!" *ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump*

The rest of the digidestined would be able to see Damian recklessly charge forward towards the Megan and Palla. As the Illusionary Ultimate came down on them they would be able to Damian skid to a stop in front of them as if to protect them as he screamed, "NEVER AGAIN!"

Golden pix-elated light emerged from Damian's hands as he crossed his arms in front of him. To his surprise a golden barrier in burst to life around him, Megan, and Palla. Scorpiomon's claws scrapped against the barrier severely cracking it. However the sound of the barrier almost falling was enough to jar him out of his revere as he turned and grabbed Megan and Palla, lifting them and carrying them back to the rest of the group as the barrier fell.

He fell to his knee's in front of the group weezing as he gently set the two down. As he tried to regain his breath he stared at his hands, amazed at the glowing light encircling them.

((OOC: Is everyone okay with this? Or did someone else want thier digisoul to be shown first? Also Al, were you about to have Megan get hers? Cause what she did right there was pretty courageous. I'm asking to make sure that I don't step on anyone's toes. As a GM with a character in the game I try to work extra hard to avoid doing that.))

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-23, 04:22 AM
Fine by me. I was just going to have this be a moment of realisation for Megan that she could be courageous.
I'm still fine to wait a bit before he gets it right.

Megan yelled as the light enveloped them, and again as the Scorpiomon began slashing at it. But suddenly she was in Damian's arms and being carried away, and her stifled screams became sobs of relief. She clutched Palla to her and shook as Damian laid her down on the ground.

Palla began to wriggle and squirm: "I-am-all-right!" She yelled before pulling herself free and standing shakily in front of Megan, beside the glowing Damian. "Let's do this!"

2013-01-23, 11:53 AM
“It can digivolve without any aid?!” Mayonaka questioned the Scorpiomon’s appearance before it came towards Megan and Palla. But her train of thought was suddenly cut off as Damian threw himself in front of the Scorpiomon’s claws and produced a golden shield of light before she reflexively averted her eyes from the light. In the madness of the rapidly changing battlefield the subtle mist continued to envelope her senses. “Something isn’t right,” she fought against the conflicting information her eyes and ears provided her mind and looked around the battlefield for the Cherrymon. Musashi quickly moved back to the group, taking a defensive position in the path the Scorpiomon would need to take for a direct charge. “The Gekomon acted with such surety that the Scorpiomon should have been finished. None of this is making sense, at least by the information we were given and the reactions of the normal digimon. I think we’re being made fools of,” Mayonaka continued as she moved in front of Damian after he landed with Megan and Palla.

2013-01-23, 12:21 PM
"Mayonaka! Damian! Get out of there! Are you trying to get yourselves killed?" Albion cried out, a hint of distress in his voice. He tried thinking up some kind of counter-measure together, the beast was massive, and looked more like something that got stuck in the production line of a arms factory, then something hit him, in the proverbial sense. "Feng, the eyes! Go for the eyes" The young amn called out to the bee digimon, who in response took some height, and fired another barrage of stingers. "Gear Stinger."

2013-01-24, 10:14 PM
Cavalier hit the the ground with a thud "Could you warn me next time you pull a trick like that!" "Yea sorry reflex look I think we have a bigger issue now!" Lilly replied digging him out from the mud he had become embedded in on impact. As Cavalier came free from the muck he caught sight of his teammates launching their assault on the newly risen Scorpiomon "Well that is quite bit of a problem lets see if we can do something to help clear it up. Black Pearl!"

2013-01-29, 01:53 AM
Scorpiomon raised it's claws to block the Gear Stinger and Black Pearl attacks that had been sent it's way. The attacks detonate on it's claws but seem to do no damage. Damian gritted his teeth as he says, "It's too much! We can't even scratch it like this!"

Saber looked up at his partner with determined eyes as he said, Well then we just need more firepower don't we?! Time to fire it up Damian we can't let everyone down!"

Damian answered with a fierce nod as he glared at the large Scorpiomon that was advancing forward. "Your right Saber. Lets do this! DIGISOUL! CHARGE!" As he shouted those words Damian slammed the palm of his hand onto the top of the digivice, the pix-elated golden light being absorbed into it before shooting out the the devices screen and straight towards Saber, infusing him with the power he needed!"

"Liollmon DIGIVOLVE TO!!!!" A bright golden light enveloped his form and started changing him. He grew bigger, stronger, his mane growing from a bit of fuzz on his head into the proud mane of a real lion. The light faded as his new form roared it name, "Liamon!"

With his new form ready for battle Saber steadied himself as his mane started cackling with electricity. He let out a roar as the electrical energy shot forward in the face a lion and with the call, "Thunder of King!" The attack manged to get through Scorpiomon's defenses but after the resulting explosion, the only thing that was managed was that it was pushed back. Saber growled as he said, "This is ridiculous, with the attacks that it took from those Gekomon and my own, this thing should have been deleted by now!"

Meanwhile Myonaka as she attempted to look towards Cherrymon's fight found herself compelled not to do so. Maybe it was the threat of impending doom? The same impending doom that she had been quite rightly ranting about for a while now. Yes, why would she worry about Cherrymon's fight when she should be focused on her own life? At least that was the reason that seemed to drill itself into her brain whenever she tried to look at Cherrymon. Though why did that reasoning sound rather...off? Weren't they here for something?

(OOC: Sorry about the delay, I was trying to get Assurau and Regalus time to post. They are having some RL troubles but they are both still interested.)

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-29, 10:33 AM
Megan covered her eyes as the light pulsed in front of her. She could barely see with the tears, but the blazing light extended from Damian and filled Saber as well.
Palla hopped back as the Liollmon suddenly grew, but once he had his new form, she wasted no time in joining him. Palla cast one regretful glance back at Megan, before speeding into the sky once more, and unleashing a number of Feather Strikes on the Scorpiomon.

Megan sat their, shielded by her fellow digidestined, and she watched as her wounded companion flew into the battle regardless. She was conflicted, but she had no time to dwell on it, and instead watched her companion anxiously.

2013-01-30, 06:29 PM
Lilly watched in awe as Saber was sheathed in a brilliant light only to emerge as the far more formidable Liamon "So this is the power of that digisoul stuff, no wonder everybody's around here has been so interested in it this is amazing."

2013-01-31, 02:24 AM
Why had she moved to the front? That was a stupid move! Now she was closer to the fighting and this crazy Ultimate Level monster. She had been so sure just a moment ago though. Mayonaka’s heart was racing, her legs screamed at her to run. Gods, what was she doing here in all this madness? She should be home, in her bed, resting after a long run. She wanted to run now, that simple primal part of her that every human had, that fight or flight, was screaming for flight from the corner of her mind it was quickly spilling out of. But her legs were suddenly not her legs but wooden posts stuck in the ground. She didn’t want to look at the monstrous Scorpiomon, she wanted to put as much distance as she wanted between him and her. She didn’t care about finding Cherrymon in this battlefield; she just wanted to go home where it was safe! She just wanted to be safe damnit! It was taking all of her will just to stay standing and not resort to curling up in a ball and hiding. “This… this isn’t real, none of this is real, it can’t be real,” she uttered softly to herself as she watched the Scorpiomon ignore the Gear Stingers and Black Pearl that crashed into it.

But she wouldn’t be safe so long as she was here she thought to herself as she continued to fight against the terrible fear that sought to cripple her. She had to make herself safe; she had to make the decisions that would save her own life for once. She had the find the truth that would set her free from this terrible illusion she found herself in. Hiding wouldn’t save her, nor would it save the people she found herself fighting with. And it wouldn’t save these Gekomon any better. And then Damian was doing so much to help them, that sort of spirit should move worlds right? It looked like it should have it to Mayonaka as Saber digivolved and unleashed a furry of lightning upon the Scorpiomon. But still the Scorpiomon continued to stand, as if the attacks were but an afterthought. “This can’t be real, this can’t be true,” she continued to chant, her mind slowly devolving into gibbering madness and she began to shake where she stood, her eyes rolling up into her head.

“THIS ISN’T REAL!” her voice cracked finally as a pixilated, purple light shined from her eyes, lancing through the mind clouding mist and the illusionary Scorpiomon before her and her comrades.

2013-01-31, 10:34 AM
Mayonaka's words rang strong and true. Damain looked towards her in shock as he had shouted suddenly and without warning. However he also noticed something. A pulse of pixelated purple light spread out from Mayonaka onwards dispelling what looked like mist. The pulse continued until it hit Scorpiomon who started to gradually phase from existence. The group could see clearly now. Chamelemon hadn't digivovled! He was still heavily injured and was actually 20 feet back from where they had been attacking.

Chamelemon was sweating heavily as all eyes turned on him, "Uh-oh, I think I'm in trouble!"

The lead Gekomon pounded his flippers together as he said, "Your darn tootin'! All together boys! SYMPHONY CRUSHER!"

This time the dozens of attacks hit their mark as Liamon added in his Thunder of King. Chamelemon didn't even have a chance to speak before he was deleted.

Cherrymon hearing the explosion turned to look once more towards the fight, now heavily injured. "Chamelemon! D@mn it! Do I have to do everything myself!

ShogunGekomon then said, "You don't have to do anything anymore old friend. Samurai Tone!" A victory tune emerged from ShogunGekomon's horn and slammed into Cherrymon. The high frequency attack hit as Cherrymon let out a loud scream his data being shaken apart by sound waves.

"J-Just remember. You made your choice Slips! Zeke will kill you all!!!!!!!" With that Cherrymon was deleted.

The ShogunGekomon, apparently named slips, let out a sigh of relief as well as sorrow. He limped back to his throne and gingerly sat down. He looked over the group of digidestined with a critical eye as he said, "I suppose you are the Chosen Children Author sent me a message about? I must thank you, if it had not been for you that conflict might have turned out a lot worse than it did."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-01-31, 12:16 PM
Mayonaka had had such strength: she'd broken whatever illusion they'd been seeing. Megan watched in awe as the others resolved the battle and defeated the evil digimon without her help. She'd tried but in the end she had only risked Palla's life: what good was she as a digidestined?

She stood up shakily and moved to Mayonaka: "Thanks, you saved us all. You and Damian, thank you." Palla fluttered onto her shoulder and nodded sagely, before sagging into Megan's arms.

2013-01-31, 02:39 PM
As the events began unfolding, Albion could only stand on the sidelines and watch in awe, the parts of his mind that still clung to logic refusing to believe what he was seeing. He simply stood there until it as all over, before stepping orward, toward Mayonaka and Damian. "That... was incredible." Was all he could say as he began pondering the situation, and what Marcus had earlier told them about Digisouls.

2013-01-31, 05:12 PM
The purple light faded from her body, slowly receding to her eyes before it finally vanished. Her body felt limp as her muscles released their tension and stopped shaking. She just wanted to sleep and the ground looked as good a spot as any, but something held her upright. Musashi kept her standing, despite his knee height he steadied her. She looked weakly at Megan and Albion before nodding silently.

Musashi was not having an easy time righting someone who more than doubled his height. Maybe it was just their recent battle but the small dragon was sweating bullets right now as he fought against the forces of gravity that wanted to send his partner to the earth below. "A little help please," he squeaked out to the others.

2013-01-31, 05:26 PM
Damian, seeing that Musashi was in a little bit of a bind went over and relieved him of Mayonaka's weight. He helped her right herself and if need be supported her if she could not make the effort. He then looks at Slips. While he was kind of gross looking (what kind of Gekomon isn't?) he was also very intimidating since one of his feet was about as big as two of them.

"Umm, yes we're the Chosen Children. Um, Arthur sent us here to get the digimental of Sincerity? You do still have it right?"

Slips bellowed out, "Of course! Maybe now I won't have to worry about intruders in this otherwise non interesting swamp of mine." With that Slips motioned at one of his Gekomon guards. Said Gekomon saluted before heading inside the shrine that Slips throne was in front of. A few minutes later it returned with the digimental. He walked over and placed it in Albion's hands as he looked the least shaken by the events that happened here.

"Now, was there anything else?"

2013-01-31, 06:53 PM
"For me?" The young man said, holding the Digimental, a small glimmer in his eyes just visible. That glimmer vanished as he shook his head, opening his eyes with a much more serious look, and a cold proclamation. "No."

Albion holds a brief pause, before continuing, with an even, unflinching voice. "I could do nothing but stand on the sidelines, unable to contribute in any way. meanwhile Damian and Mayonaka here saved us all. He explained, gesturing at the two as he mentions them. "One of them, if any of us, should have the right to safeguard something as important as this Digimental."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-01, 07:08 AM
"Damian is the one who found his digisoul," Megan adds "So Saber can digivolve if need be."

2013-02-01, 07:56 AM
She felt like she had no control over her muscles at first, Mayonaka was almost completely limp in Damian’s arms. Her strength though slowly returned and by the time Albion tried to gift the digimental to the two of them Mayonaka had enough control to at least stand on her own. “Your humility doesn’t suit us well in this situation. Take it with the honor it no doubt deserves,” she chides Albion, as if for a moment he wasn’t her elder. Her voice was weaker than it normally was; perhaps she had damaged something when she shouted.

2013-02-02, 05:06 PM
"She's right Albion theres no need to try and be all dramatic goody two shoes about it, as far as I can tell you're more than qualified to guard the Digimental."

2013-02-03, 09:57 AM
Albion was rather obviously conflicted with this, his face showing his uncertainty. The young man takes a deep breath before nodding. "Alright, I'll do it." He said, a hint of determination in his voice. "Although, if Zeke learns we have the digimental, I'd imagine he would begin targetting us, so even if Saber can digivolve, we're still rather vulnerable."

2013-02-05, 10:42 AM
“Our window of vulnerability is closing, and rapidly,” Mayonaka counters weakly.

“Indeed,” Musashi takes over for her. “We have already overcome our first hurdle, and our power and ability have grown from it. And Zeke does not yet know we have the digimental so that will grant us more time to grow still before facing him. Take faith in yourself and your comrades, and that faith will manage great miracles.”

2013-02-06, 01:23 AM
Slips nods to Albion as he says, "Very astute young man. However at the very least while you are here there won't be anymore harm coming to you. I am the lord of this swamp. The only reason Cherrymon made it through unscathed is because of his illusions and familiarity with it. However no wild digimon will attack you on your way out."

Damian nodded as he looked to Albion and said, "Musashi's right you know. Mayonaka unlocked her digisoul too. All she needs to do is call upon it again and Musashi can digivolve too. Plus at the very least Arthur's camp is a safe haven for us."

Saber spoke up as he said, Plus the rest of your digisouls pretty soon!"

2013-02-06, 08:00 AM
"Musashi, Mayonaka, I will say, I find your faith in those around you an admirable trait, but no matter how impenetrable of a fortress you construct around yourself, it will all be worth exactly nil if you leave the back door wide open. Clumsy figures of speech aside, all I wanted to say was we had best keep up our guard until we've successfully delivered the Digimental to safety." Albion replies in defense.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-06, 10:41 AM
Megan nodded at Albion's words, she knew all too well the dangers of not being observant, if she had only been watching Palla she would have seen the attack coming, maybe she could have warned her...

"Ok. Mr Slips, how do we get back? Should we walk to the point we arrived at and get extracted form there? It would be too much to hope you could teleport us out right?"

2013-02-08, 12:05 AM
“But of course Albion,” Musashi replied to the tall man, “I would never intend to leave our guard dropped or ourselves vulnerable,” he offers a fanged smile. “And I have no doubt that even in the worst of situations you will be able to keep this digimental safe as we return to camp.”

“Many thanks Slips-sama,” Mayonaka bows to the Shogungekomon in thanks for the promise of safe passage. “And many blessings upon your domain.”

2013-02-16, 06:53 PM
Slips nods towards Mayonaka as he says, "Many thanks young lady. Many blessing upon your journey as well. Now go with my authority. This is my swamp and the digimon within it will not bother you. As a matter of fact take some of my Gekomon as escorts. There should be a marker on your digivices that indicate where you entered my swamp at. This will be you pick up point. I've already sent word to Arthur that you will need pick up soon. The transfer should only take a few seconds once you get there.

Damian waves in appreciation at Slips as he says, "Thanks Slips, We'll set things right hopefully." With that the group headed towards their entrance point with their digivices to guide them. Along the way Damian looks at Megan and Mayonka as he says, "You two pretty awesome out there. Megan it was really brave of you to help Palla like that. And Mayonaka you blew that overgrown piece of driftwood's illusion away like it was nothing."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-17, 03:33 PM
Megan frowned at being called brave: what she'd done was dumb and reckless, it had endangered Palla, but then again she had done it to help the rest of them: without the geckomon they might not have been able to win the fight... Well not until Saber digivolve obviously and Mayonaka defeated the illusion, however she did that.

Palla flew alongside Megan, and with wordless glances conveyed the full force of her contempt for Megan's self pity: for the first time Megan was involved in a group, part of a circle of friends, and she had a partner, something every kid wanted, so why did sh need to be upset?

"Thanks Damain," Megan said, brightening, "it's amazing that our digimon will actually be able to digivolve. i bet Musashi is next, didn't Slips say you'd unleashed your digisoul Mayonaka: that must have been how the illusion was defeated."

2013-02-17, 04:46 PM
Mayonaka walked along with the others, seeming to have regained much of the strength she had lost earlier. She held herself lightly, with her eyes cast down lightly, watching her step as they walked through the swamp and kept an eye on the map her digivice produced for them. Her attention only stolen from their path when Damian and Megan began speaking.

“Yes, that follows. But it was very draining, I’m not sure I want to experience that again in the middle of an encounter Megan,” she admits as they journeyed to their exit point and muttered something under her breath, the only discernable word sounding like ‘Igaku’ before she regained her composure. “But my actions were not as grand as your own Megan or yours as well Damian. You both showed great courage in the face of danger to protect others. I just… I’m not even certain what I did to cast that illusion away and invoke my digisoul,” she admits. “At least it seems obvious what Damian’s is empowered by.”

Musashi followed wordlessly besides Mayonaka, silently offering his support to her as he touches her gently. He offers her a soft smile that holds a calm faith in his partner. Mayonaka looks down at the small dragon touching her and a bit of her stress seems to lift from her shoulder.

“With actions like yours Megan, I wouldn’t be surprised if you found your own digisoul soon,” Mayonaka attempts to shift subject. “It’s obvious you care a great deal for Palla, willing to put your own life in danger despite the terrifying fear that the illusion was producing just to save her. And apparently here in the digital world great acts can lead to great power.”

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-18, 05:33 AM
"Great acts?" Megan blushed, embarrassed, but carried on walking. Hoping they would reach the transfer point without any incidents.

2013-02-19, 08:35 PM
“Yes,” she walks next to Megan now. “Great acts, which we can do as long as we are together and work with each other.” Mayonaka puts a hand gently to Megan’s arms, as if her confidence in her comrade could be felt through the touch. “Don’t you think we can do it?” she asks Megan

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-20, 11:48 AM
"Well, er, I guess we will. We were picked for a reason, and it always turns out that the digidestined have what it takes. I'm just not very used to thinking like that, it's strange." Megan was having a hard time reconciling the two worlds; the real world and this strange magical world that was a fairy tale come to life, where she was one of the heroes.

2013-02-21, 04:45 PM
Albion stayed to the back of the group, lost in thought. he recalled the events of the previous battle, where not one, but two people had found their Digisoul, while he had stood there, useless, unable to contribute in any meaningful fashion. The emotions he so tried to close away were on the warpath to break free, and even as a sliver of guilt grasped hold of him, the young man raised his gaze toward Mayonaka and Megan.

He watched, he listened, and as hard as he found it to accept, he could tell these two were strong, far beyond what Albion had in him. His attention shifted to Damian, the boy was still young, but brave, finding the courage to protect others even if it meant putting himself in harms way. This boy brought back memories, ones Albion had buried deep in his subconscious, memories Albion wished he simply could forget. A somber smile crept onto his face, his lips moved as if though he was trying to say something, but no voice came.

2013-02-21, 06:13 PM
Eventually the group found it's way back to the point where they teleported in. Thankfully there had been no encounters with any other digimon. Upon stepping into the marked circle on the ground there was a sensation of vertigo before they were being teleported back to MedievalDukemon's camp again. The sensation of vertigo settles as they find themselves free of Slip's mucky domain.

Chrono the Pixiemon quickly flitters over to them as he says, "We got the good news! Really impressive perfromance out there guys. So that's one digimental down. The others are still being located so why don't you guys go on ahead and take a rest? Besides you must be tuckered out from your adventure. Wouldn't want you guys to burn out oer anything. So consider this a little bit of free time! Well seeya! Gotta report in to Arthur!" With that the tiny digimon quickly flits over to the command tent.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-21, 06:26 PM
Free time? Megan hadn't really expected to be sent into warzone after warzone, but she'd also expected there to be a non-stop adventure, she hadn't imagined sleeping in safety, though it was welcome.

"Come on Palla," she found she wasn't tired and led her partner towards the command tent, following Chrono.

2013-02-22, 09:28 PM
As Chrono fluttered away and into the command post or whatever it was that Arthur lead from Mayonaka looked a bit confused and began to look around. Something was off, something just didn’t seem right. While Megan and the others disembarked from the teleport zone she began counting off on her fingers. “This… this isn’t right.” She counted again, “Did everyone get out of the swamp?” she turned to the group.

2013-02-23, 11:35 AM
It was just as Cyrus had told him, the walk back had helped him clear his head a little; the scene wasn't constantly replaying in his mind, though he still couldn't, wouldn't, stop thinking about it. His own stupidity astounded him. He should've known better. This wasn't some game, yet he'd still gone and done it. It mattered little that he seemed right as rain now, that he'd been right and just walled it off. Cyrus assurances could only soothe his guilt ridden heart so much. They'd barely known one another for what, a few hours, and he'd done something so horridly foolish; and Cyrus had gotten hurt because of that mistake.

He'd stuck to the tail-end of the group for some peace of mind, thankful for Albion's own distraction. Recent events had taught him how to hide how he felt quite easily, even if it took some doing at first. The gleeful patting-on-the-backs and retelling had filled him in on what he'd missed after Cherrymon had used that attack on them. If it hadn't been for Damian, they might not have made it out in one piece. However, it seemed that Mayonaka, that stern yet excitable gal, she was the one he was thankful for the most. If she hadn't done what she did... Eddie shooked his head, it was best not to think of that. How his little mistake might've gone so...wrong without her.

The boy was so engrossed in his thoughts he had barely registered Chrono's departure let alone that Mayonaka had stopped and turned. "Oof!" grunted the absent minded boy as he bumped into the older girl, blinking several times in confusion before realizing what had just happened. "Ay!Hehehe, Sorry about that Mayooonaka!" he replied abashedly, struggling a bit to remember her name as he swiftly backed away to give the girl some space.

Trying to ignore the concerned glance Cyrus shot at him for half a second, Eddie focused his sights on the flying pixie,"Oh, Uhm, Chrono! Is Marcus still around, or did he head out whole we were gone?" eagerly inquired Eduardo.

2013-02-23, 09:43 PM
Renji walked back with the group. Covered in mud, he looked at the group. He was glad that they had succeeded in recovering the Digimental. However, he couldn't partake in their joy.

His mind took him back to when he was waiting for Tsuki to appear. He remembered how he had thought that he would have to train Tsuki. It now seemed down right arrogant and presumptuous. How could he, a snot-nosed brat who had never been to war, pretend to teach this creature to fight? Tsuki may be naturally timid, but in the face of actual danger she jumped to his defense. On the other hand, with all of his martial knowledge and all the scenarios he had played through, he locked up. All of his skill rendered useless, because he blanked out. Even the youngest member of this group had reacted better than he had.

To his greater shame, by the time he could reacted the others were already deep inside the myst cherrymon had created. Then there was what happened to Eddy and his partner, which easily could have happened to him and Tsuki.

Renji looked at his digivice, and for the first time. He could feel the actual burden that it carried. He had grossly underestimated it. He had been fortunate enough that he hadn't caused anyone harm.

"If Gentaro saw me now, he would punch me clear across the room.", he said to himself, almost lost in his thoughts. At least it was so, until Mayonaka's question snapped him out of it.

"We are all here, Mayonaka-san.", said Renji, hidding behind his cool demeanor yet again.

2013-02-24, 12:02 AM
With the bump of the bumbling Eduardo, Mayonaka was almost sent to the ground. At the elongated pronunciation of her name her gaze shifted to bitter cold as she glared upon Eddie. She continued her harsh gaze as Eduardo retreated towards Chrono before she returned to trying to put her finger on the oddity about her. Was it just something about the digital world that she still hadn’t adjusted to yet or was it something else? The brown haired girl looked back to the teleporter again and made it a point to stand off the main path that the others were walking just in case someone else would try to move through her.

Her attention was caught by Renji now as he spoke with his normal cool demeanor. Her gaze went from hard to perplexed as he spoke in way more familiar than she would expect from him or perhaps it was more with the fact he was covered with far more mud than any of the others had been. “Well that’s good at least,” she nodded with a note of relief, “But when did you fall off the path and into the mud?” she had to ask him.

2013-02-25, 01:27 PM
"Much to my dismay, I froze in battle.", said the mud-covered boy as he pet his similarly filthy rabbit/partner. The timid little thing hugged him in response, as a small sigh left his lips.

"If not for Tsuki's sharp reflexes, there would be one less digidestined. Unfortunately, her rescue knocked us off the path. By the time we managed to pry ourselves from the swamp water, you were all caught in the illusion mist. "

2013-02-26, 04:12 PM
Chrono stopped having hear Eddie's question and turned to him saying, "Marcus, that knucklehead? Nah he's at the training grounds. Probably sparring with a few of the Knightmon." He then saw Megan heading the same direction him. Shrugging he guided her to the command tent since he was going there as well. Upon entering the tent she could see that Aurthur was in conversation with his lieutenant the Antylamon known as Sasha. Both of them looked up at Megan's entrance but Arthur was the only one who spoke up. "Hmm? Oh Megan, was there something you needed?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-02-26, 06:20 PM
"Well, I didn't really know what to do, and, er, I think we need to learn about what's happening. I'll just watch, it's all right, I don't want to boter anyone." Megan was meek as usual, but her words were the truth as she saw it. Palla was still feeling a bit weak from their battle and Megan didn't want to tax her.

"Do you know where we'll be going next?"

2013-02-27, 08:07 PM
“Mmm,” came from the digidestined, perhaps annoyed or disbelieving. But it was clear from her look that she disapproved of how Renji presented himself right now. “In any event, clean up, the two of you are a terrible mess and I do not tolerate such messes during tea,” she says in a very matter of fact voice that left no doubt in anyone’s mind that there would be, somehow, somewhere in this base, tea. Mayonaka soon turned from the muddy pair with Musashi following within three steps of her, the two going into the camp to find a mess hall and someone that looked smart enough to carry out some simple orders.

2013-03-03, 05:40 PM
Damian blinked in confusion as he glances down at Saber. "Did she really say that we're going to be having tea?" The small lion digimon shrugged as best a quadruped could and said, "Well it would be a good way to unwind after everything that has happened today. After all you guys can't be heroes of justice all the time." Damian put a hand to his chin and thought before following after Mayonaka. Eventually the two of them found a competent looking Knightmon that looked to be off duty.

Meanwhile with Megan Arthur tapped his chin while he pondered. "Hmm, I truthfully don't know. We have a few leads but nothing quite concrete yet."

Sasha spoke up as she said, Windy Valley. New data from the troops there. Digimental of Friendship."

Arthur looked at Sasha as he says, "Are you sure?" Reciving a nod from Sasha Arthur looks to Megan and says, "So that will be your next destination. In the meantime try to get some rest. While you probably are our only hope you are still human. You need rest in order to be at your best. After all we also have to do our part."

2013-03-03, 07:02 PM
"I guess some tea could do us some good. So what do you say, Tsuki?", said Renji.

The littel Rabbit digimon looked at Renji as he spoke. She was glad that he was feeling better, despite the close call they had shared a few moments before.

"I think we should clean ourselves first, Renji-san"

With that, the partners began to search for a place where they could get clean.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-03, 07:09 PM
Megan nods dutifully, pleased that they'll have a purpose, although she is feeling nerves and anxiety settling in; what if she can't sleep at all?

She heads out of the tent in search of beds, and suddenly the weight of the days activities weigh heavily on her, and she realises that sleep won't be hard to come by at all.
"You need to rest as well Palla," Megan warned, "I don't want you staying up watching me, this camp is perfectly safe, and you need rest."
Palla only gave a dissatisfied humph, but Megan took that for assent, albeit grudgingly given.

2013-03-03, 08:57 PM
“Quiet right,” Musashi replies to Damian, “And it will help calm nerves and sooth the soul. An age old technique that will hopefully be appreciated.” The yellow furred dragon smiled a fanged smile to the two of them before he turns to just behind his partner as she approached the Knightmon.

“Sir Knightmon,” Mayonaka calls the attention of the off duty Knightmon. “I’m sorry to interrupt you but I’d like to secure some tea and a quiet place myself and my allies can enjoy it. Would you be able to help me?”

2013-03-04, 05:35 PM
"Rest.... yes, rest is good." Albion responds to the Pixiemon, although he was barely paying attention around him. He then started looking for a tent where he could get some shuteye. While the young man stumbled away, Feng the Fanbeemon had decided to stay with the group, and it took a while for the submissive bee to muster enough courage to spak up. "Guys, I think there is something wrong with Albion, he seems so distant all of a sudden."

[OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting lately, a bad wisdom tooth infection has been tiring me out]

2013-03-10, 02:54 AM
The Knightmon looks Mayonaka and salutes as he says, "Of course ma'am! I'll go get your tea right away. As for the quiet spot? Um there is an area that is usually used for botanical digimon as a sun soaking spot. It's mandatory to not disturb the peace up there so it's about as quiet as you can get."

Damian looked at Feng while Mayonaka was speaking with the Knightmon about refreshments. He thinks about it for a moment before he says, "You know, he did seem a little out of it. Maybe he's a little bummed because of how the fight went down? I mean Megan is already kicking herself over how it happened. Maybe Albion is doing something similar?"

Meanwhile Renji and Megan's destinations lead them to the same place. They come to the barracks, which is where most of the digimon rest. There were showers for Renji and beds for Megan. Not to mention a whole host of for them to interact with if they wanted too.

Finally Eddie came to the training grounds Pixiemon pointed him to in order to find Marcus. And find him he did as Marcus knocks down a Knightmon he is sparing against with a wicked right hook, his digisoul flaring around his fists as he says, "Okay, good practice Knightmon. Take five and we'll pick up where we left off."

2013-03-10, 02:29 PM
The young digidestined speaks with the Knightmon for a while still, getting the finer details down for tea time with the rest of the digidestined, including having messengers sent to them at the proper time. She also planned with him to ensure proper gifts of thanks for the digimon whose space they would be sharing, “Yes, that should be more than adequate Sir Knightmon,” she finished up with the Knightmon, “If the botanical digimon won’t mind our quiet presence then we’ll meet you at their sun spot.”

Mayonaka dismisses the soldier and then turns back to Feng and Damian, “Are they going to be so self-involved for the whole time we’re here?” she asked in regards to Megan and Albion, “I certainly hope not, the group won’t be as effective as we could be if they don’t snap out of their depression.”

2013-03-10, 05:42 PM
Eduardo thanked Chrono, before parting ways with the group; promising to meet back with them later. For a time the pair walked with a pregnant silence as they made their way through the camp,"You should rest," muttered Eddie eyeing his partner once he was sure they were out of ear shot.

Cyrus met his gaze, "Same goes for you mate; 'sides I told ya I was fine," he replied with a toothy grin that came out a bit more half-hearted than he would've liked. "Mierda es," quipped Eddie, having long since noticed the lack of Cyrus' previous vigor and the slower pace he moved at now that they where away from the others.

"I'm not stupid you know. I know what..."
"Never said you were," interrupted the militant mon, "You might think you know, but you can't count on TV teaching ya everything. I'm a lot tougher than you think,"

Eddie sighed averting his gaze as he admired the trail before them, "Listen; ya didn't mean for things to go pear-shaped back there, especially not like that, and it was your second close encounter with a killer digimon. So stop beating yourself over the head little man; it ain't gonna make anythin' better, and it sure as hell ain't gonna change what happened. We all got out in one piece, the bad guys got beat and we got the Egg; that's what's important." explained Cyrius, placing a hand on his partners shoulder.

Once Eddie looked up at him again Cyrus grinned, "Don't let it eat you kid, we'll do better next fight;and hey you're atleast doing better than most recruits! You're atleast tryin' to do somethin' about it so more power to ya kid," he offered cheerfully, managing to get the boy to crack a light grin of his own.

"Yeah...I guess your right," Eduardo stated as he straightened his posture a bit. The two continued their walk in silence until arriving at the training town; witnessing Marcus take on a Knightmon as much to Eddie's surprise. It took his brain a few moments to remember that Marcus was actually strong enough to take on digimon; the ensuing ass-whooping delivered by Marcus served as a solid reminder though. Eddie watched with awestruck eyes as he watched the older digidestined take down the Knightmon with his bare hands. The sight of his star-struck partner brought a earnest smile from Cyrus.

Once the session seemed to have gone to an end, Eddie slowly approach Marcus with mounting nervousness; unsure of how to approach the matter, eventually settling on tackling it head on. He wasn't good at dancing around the bush after all. "H-hi Marcus, that was amazing!" beamed Eddie before receiving a nudge from Cyrus and collecting himself, "Uhm, do you have a minute?" inquired the young lad nervously.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-03-11, 05:34 AM
Megan crashed out on the bed exhausted and Palla crept in beside her.
She stared up at the ceiling wondering what had happened, but everything was sucha jumble it was hard for her to think logically. In the end she rolled over and shut her eyes, drifting off into a slightly anxious sleep.

2013-03-14, 12:24 PM
Renji and Tsuki continued their march to the barrack in silence. Entering the structure, he looked around and approached one of the mon there.

"Hi. Sorry to bother you, but could you tell me where can i get some clean garments as well as where i can wash the ones i'm wearing?"

2013-03-18, 01:11 AM
Marcus looked over at Eddie with a quirked eyebrow as he said, "Sure I got time for sure. Besides if you look at closely I'm kind of your mentor. So I gotta do my best for you guys when your here. After all a little advice never hurt anyone. So what did you need?"
__________________________________________________ ____________
Meanwhile Albion had managed to meander into the barracks of the town. His tired feet carried him there because of the exhaustion that was evident in his posture. He could surely find a comfortable enough bed there. After all Megan did. As for Renji a passing female Persiamon looked at him and gave a playful chuckle before she responded. "The baths dear? Oh their just down the left passage way. And if you ever need help scrubbing your back you give ol' Nygus a call kay?" She finished her sentence with a flirty wink in the young man's direction before she continued on her way.
__________________________________________________ _____________

Damian gave thought to how scattered their little group was at the moment before he said anything. "While it's true that they need to snap out of their depression people deal with it in different ways. It probably doesn't help that today was really exhausting. I'm actually kind of surprised that your still up and about instead of trying to get some sleep. I mean I've always had lots of energy but I was sure everyone else would scoot off to bed. So maybe all they need is a good rest?"

2013-03-20, 09:06 PM
Mayonaka didn’t seem tired, perhaps she was just better at hiding fatigue than the others or she just had more energy than Damian believed she did. “Exhausted? Perhaps for our digimon, they’re the ones who fought against the Cherrymon and his minions. Compared to them all we’ve done is maybe run around in the mud,” she states with a matter of fact voice. The brown haired girl put her hands on her hips and could have perhaps looked more commanding if she wasn’t half covered with smears of mud.

“And after a second round of running in mud, I’m ready for a proper change of clothes and a refreshing drink. These stains are going to never come out are they?” she complained with an abrupt shift of conversation, looking down at her once white running shoes before looking back at Damian. “So what about you Damian? Are you going to bed or go do something else?”

2013-03-26, 03:06 PM
Blushing slightly, Renji noticed that Tsuki pretty much clung to him as if stating to the Persiamon that he was hers and hers alone.

Thanking her, Renji and his partner headed down the passage that had been pointed out to them. A nice bath is just what the doctor ordered.

2013-03-29, 02:56 PM
Eddie smiled nervously, "Yeah," he simply replied as he tried to organize his thoughts. "Things...didn't quite go that well for me back in the swamp; I got too close to a chameleonmon, and I panicked and I did something so stupid. Then everything... things went bad. Cyrus got hurt, and I'm pretty sure things would've gone completely pear-shaped if Damian and Mayonaka hadn't stepped up," he added, trying hard to keep himself together and focused.

"I told you, I'm just fine; nothing a little rest won't fix..." repeated Cyrus at the mention of him being harmed, Eddie eyed him from the corner of his eye before sighing, and gathering his nerves to finish. "I, I don't want that to happen next time. I'm just a target right now, I'm useless these fights, I can't even keep myself safe, and if..." he trailed off for a moment swallowing and tightened his fists slightly, "If I screw up like last time again...I know something horrible will happen; and there might not be a next time for any of us," he elaborated trying to keep his gaze focused on the older digidestined, and his voice from quivering.

"I got lucky last time, we all did. I don't want that to happen to me again! I don't want to hurt anyone because I panicked and did something stupid, or got too close to something I shouldn't have. So...I was hoping that you, could, maybe teach me how to handle myself in these fights, and maybe tell me what it was like for you and other digidestined when you start it out. Even if my digi-charge doesn't turn out anything like yours, and I'm never able to Actually fight; I think it might help me keep my wits, and make Cy's job a bit easier. Maybe even help the others a bit if I'm lucky, and keep anyone from dying because of me," he explained ,lowering his gaze for a moment trying to keep his eyes from watering, before looking back up.

"I-I don't want to be a burden," he confessed, a slight quiver in his voice near the end.