View Full Version : Help needed with my story.

2012-12-03, 08:42 PM
Hello all :)
Needless to say i am new to this forum and to d&d in general. Well, i live in a small town and one thing brought another and i ended up doing the dm to a group of 3(possibly 4 or 5 in the next session). My eyes have popped out because i am reading to learn all that i can until the next session(which will be the second). I am a noob dm. Really noob. But we were not content with our previous dm(and our only choice) so i enden up taking this part.

The main point is that they really liked it, so i have to continue the story. (I secretly LOVE IT by the way).
The help i need is with a god that is long dead and gone(he who was or the god of baator). Master of Asmodeus. I can't find info for him anywhere exept a single article in wizards.com. I would like to put him in the story because the PCs are quite skilled and played many times before, i want to make something special.Something they haven't seen yet. So if anyone has more info please be kind enough to share them with me!

Thanks in advance,

2012-12-04, 10:37 AM
I haven't heard of him, but as a DM, I make stuff like this up all the time.

If he is to be a dead god, one responsible for the creation of the nine hells, I would go lal the way and make him responsible for the abyss too. Responsible for evility in general. So far as a name for him, I would have that be some impossible to pronounce ancient knowledge, something the archdevils speak only in a whispered hush to each other. Have him be referred to mortals as some vague power, like the Dark.

So long ago, the Dark was slain by the gods of good and his own infernal creations. His blood spilled on the astral plane that day, and his chaotic energies ripped a hole in reality, casing the infinite layers of the abyss. His blood dropped nine times upon baator, exalting nine devils to have the power to rule. His blood dripped upon the earth, and from it all evil came forth. His blood dripped on the gods, corrupting all it touched.

The world would never be the same after the Darkness fell.

that, for me at least, would set up the plot. You have to collect his fallen bits of blood, hugely evil and powerful artifacts, and resurrect the Dark. Then, you must seal him away without killing him, lest he spill his blood everywhere again. That would be a huge undertaking, easily to level 20, though you could shorten it to taste.

Sorry if this doesn't really help much, but I hope it does :D

2012-12-04, 01:20 PM
Most of what I have seen of Asmodeus is in Fiendish Codex II and Book of Vile Darkness.

2012-12-04, 05:12 PM
Thank you very much! You ve been a great help both! I ' ll look the books and i might add some of the story :) Thanks again !

2012-12-04, 05:23 PM
Also, if you are thinking about an NPC cult centered around him, the Ur-priest PRC (complete divine) might be interesting.