View Full Version : Lexin-Colosseum of Blood

2012-12-04, 01:18 AM
The crowd cheers and jeers at you as you step forth, the newly minted champion-to-be.

The presenter turns to you, in his plaid purple suit and much to large fully brimmed hat, smiling he starts to speak "AAAAAaand we have a new comer ladies and gents! I present to you: NARGTH!"

Turning to look at you again he whips back to the crow "Let's see how long he can last!"

With that you see a flash and you are suddenly standing inside a cavern, molten lava roils below a cliff face to your right, and before you sits a large tunnel, presumably where the creatures will be coming form.

You have 1 round to act, please roll initiative.



2012-12-04, 05:51 AM
Nargth focuses quietly... and a lot of things happen.

Swift action- Temporal acceleration

Swift - Belt of Battle (for standard)
Standard- Metamorphosis (Astral Deva) [Do I get the supernatural parts of Subtype when manifesting Metamorphosis? ... for now I assumed 'no']
Standard- Schism
Move- Careful look around to see entrance... where the enemies would appear

(Does schism penalty to ml affect Psi-like abilities?)
Schism Standard- Animal Affinity (+4 Cha) [Or +4 Cha/Int/Dex if Schism doesn't affect Psi-like abilities ml)
Standard - Inertial Armor
Move- flying 15 ft up and hovering there

Initiative - [roll0] (+2 if I managed to boost dex too)

2012-12-05, 02:57 AM
After you finish a lifetimes worth of self buffing several kobolds come running into the cavern with murder in their eyes.




Top of Round 1
Your action

2012-12-05, 05:32 AM
Okay, so I will assume that there is no loss of ml then...

Schism Standard- Vigor
Swift Action- Temporal Acceleration

Swift Action- Energy Adaptation
Full Round - Astral Construct 7th (placed just below the 'special kobold')

Special Abilities:
Extra Attack
Power Attack

Standard- Energy Missile (Electricity) DC 32 reflex [roll0]
vs 3 kobolds to the right
Move - flying 6 squares to the west

Construct- one hit at each enemy around him (special kobold, and the two south from him)

PA (-5/+5)

Slam 1 (special kobold) [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Trip [roll3]

Slam 1 (south-west kobold) [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Trip [roll6]

Slam 1 (south-east kobold) [roll7]
Damage [roll8]
Trip [roll9]

If any lives, Concussion Blast (free action)

2012-12-11, 02:41 AM
we'll go with no on the ML reduction for pla's

You send your ball of energy out smashing the three kobolds with ease disintegrating them where they stand as your construct destroys the others, sending their puny forms flying from its mighty strikes.

As they fall to the floor, more of them come rushing out of the tunnel.

3 kobolds mounted on wolves charge the astral construct.

Longspear charges vs AC 27
AC 7 - Miss
AC 2 - Miss
AC 3 - Miss


2012-12-11, 05:28 AM
Construct one hit at each enemy (kobolds)

PA -5/+5
Slam 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Slam 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Slam 3 [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Random enemy who is alive


Schism - Energy Missile (Up to 5 enemies ... there probably aren't as many at this point...)
[roll7] DC 32 Reflex

Standard- Freedom Of Movement