View Full Version : Online map making tool.

2012-12-04, 03:18 PM
I'm looking for a (free and supports pathfinder, if they exist) 3.5 mapmaking tool for the PC that will allow others to view the maps made, and see changes being made to it live. I play in a campaign over Skype, and it's really hard to keep positions in battle/obstacles etc in order.

For example, if a player moves somewhere, I want to be able to move an icon on the map, and the other players be able to see it. I looked at FantasyGrounds, and it looks like it does what I need, other than the license costing 150 bucks. Any others?

2012-12-04, 03:59 PM
The hot new one (came out earlier this year) is roll20.net. It's got a relatively easy learning curve compared to most of the other free VTTs (Virtual Table-Tops), and it runs in-browser so people don't even have to install a new program.

2012-12-04, 04:15 PM
I will echo roll20. Short (10 minute?) intro video and you're set to start making maps. Very easy to pick up and use.

Fable Wright
2012-12-04, 06:13 PM
I play a regular online game via Maptools, and I like the system. It's good for backgrounds/objects, it has built in illumination, and templates for area effects. It's a fairly high learning curve, but some of the maps I have seen made in there are of astounding quality, though it has a learning curve.

If you want to have something to use while you Skype, though, Roll20 is probably the better option.