View Full Version : [3.5] Help with an Archer build.

2012-12-04, 06:52 PM
Hey there Playgrounders.
I have a small request to make. Some friends and I are going to be doing a small adventure while we try out the sub-systems in ToB, ToM and MoI as I've only just gotten my hands on them in the last couple of months.
I'll be running the game so this character isn't going to trying to take center stage so I decided to be an archer.
While the PC's will be going mostly straight ToB, ToM and MoI characters, I'm sticking to the more traditional PHB/Complete classes. We also only use PHB and Complete Races (though for MoI, we'll be bringing in those races.)
All official (non-Dragon mag or web enhancement) material is acceptable (except Psionics).
We will be out in a wilderness setting but will occasionally be going into urban areas.

So far my basic idea is an Elven Ranger going to a modified Deepwood Sniper, but I'm not against a level dip or two (though I do like to keep dips to a minimum so as not to lose focus on what the character actually is.)
The game will be starting at level 1 but I'm looking for a full 20 level build.
As I said before, this is a support DMPC so massive damage/blocking out the sun with shafts isn't the priority (though not completely out of the question.)
One of the house rules I do use is that Imp. Critical and Keen/Impacting Do stack (hence the modified Deepwood Sniper part of my original idea).

So far my stats (pre-racial bonuses) are: 18/17/15/13/11/10 (non-assigned).

Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. If you need any more information please just ask.

2012-12-04, 07:10 PM
Too bad you won't take online material. Ranger AnC sucks.

Swift Hunter. Master of Poisons. Rapid Shot - Travel Devotion or Improved Manyshot. Poison your arrows, move, shoot a bunch at your targets, dealing skirmish and poison.

Poison is a good option to debuff for the party without killing things in general.

For poison, play a Greensnake Naga, for a weak (1d3 con/1d3 con), scaling (DC=1/2 HD + con mod) easy to apply poison (won't need master of poisons). Or use your Animal companion, which is weaker.

MoI: Sighting Gloves. Shape soulmeld feat.

Buy/work towards a Splitting Bow (Champions of ruin). It's just better.

2012-12-05, 02:20 AM
While Skirmish damage is all well and good, and Swift Hunter is the most often Feat advised for an Archer build, it's not the direction I was looking to take for this character (though I will take it if no other ideas fit better) as having to move more than 5' (thus losing full attack) renders alot of the re-vamped DWS abilities useless.

Guess I should have explained how the DWS has been altered... It's nothing too major or game breaking (IMO).
It keeps everything the the original DWS has except for the following:
Loses True Strike.
"Keen Edge" which has been changed to Penetrating Arrows (doubles crit range again).
Has been given Weapon Specialization (and the Greater version as well) as bonus feats.
"Keen Arrows" and "Penetrating Arrows" are only usable during a full attack.
"Take Aim" now progresses every second level after it is gained at level 4 (8/day for a level 10 DWS).

So with the above, and the DWS's range increment bonuses in mind, does anyone have anymore build advice?

2012-12-05, 08:56 AM
Buy some a bow/arrows that debuff on a crit, like Enervating, or Prismatic Burst.

Or buy stacks of Lucky Arrows, which let you reroll your attack to try for a critical.

2012-12-05, 09:17 AM
If you are going to be using ToM, you should take a look at the Dark Creature template. For only +1 LA it is one of the best templates for a stealthy character you can find. The rule info is on p.161. Basically you get +10 ft to all movement modes, +8 hide, +6 move silently, darkvision 60 ft, superior low-light vision, hide in plain sight, resistance to cold 10 and you pick up the extraplanar subtype when away from the plane of shadow. It can be either an inherited or acquired template, so you have some flexibility in determining a back-story to fit.

2012-12-05, 07:23 PM
Buy some a bow/arrows that debuff on a crit, like Enervating, or Prismatic Burst.

Or buy stacks of Lucky Arrows, which let you reroll your attack to try for a critical.

Those sort of things are already on the shopping list :smallbiggrin:

If you are going to be using ToM, you should take a look at the Dark Creature template. For only +1 LA it is one of the best templates for a stealthy character you can find. The rule info is on p.161. Basically you get +10 ft to all movement modes, +8 hide, +6 move silently, darkvision 60 ft, superior low-light vision, hide in plain sight, resistance to cold 10 and you pick up the extraplanar subtype when away from the plane of shadow. It can be either an inherited or acquired template, so you have some flexibility in determining a back-story to fit.

I'll take a look into it. Don't normally use templates for PC's or DMPC's.

Anyone else have any build advice?

2012-12-06, 07:19 AM
I'd begin by checking this: http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=642.0

And see what you can fit in considering the books and other limitations you have.