View Full Version : Ray wizard help

2012-12-05, 03:36 AM
Hello guys :)

We are playing a campain where I am going to make a wizard, there have a focus on 2 ray spells, and it is important for me I dont Optimize to much ;)
I am going for the Prc. Mage of the Arcane Order (complete Arcane). (I know its not a good Prc. but I like it).
which makes I need to use to a feat there have no relation to this build. I am going Human Wizard (level 4 as start) and the campain is set to go to at least level 9 (we might stop getting exp there but not sure)

the two spells I wanna focus on is:

Ray of Enfeebeltment
Scorching Ray

what I have been thinking is:
Empower metamatic (1)
Feat for prc. class (human)
Split Ray (3rd)

I was considering on the next feats take Arcane Thesis on one or both of them.

my question is based on:

do I miss any feat (maybe chain and twin) and is there any gear I should get?

say anything even if it is like in your world something you always get (like Cloak of Resistence +X)

2012-12-05, 03:49 AM
You're going to want some way to get Precise Shot. I believe there's a rod somewhere that can help with that, but you can also get heroics (spell compendium), and there's also true strike. Also, a Warlock's Scepter will give you pluses to the to-hit rolls for your rays.

You will want some means of Energy Substitution for your Scorching Ray, either the metamagic feat (which goes well with Arcane Thesis) or a metamagic rod. Searing Spell (Sandstorm) is also a good contender.

You can also pick up an empowered spellshard (MIC) to help spare you some spell slots.

Edit: Chain spell is almost completely useless for a ray specialist, as I think there is only a single ray in all of 3.5 that actually has a target line (rust ray).

2012-12-05, 03:59 AM
I am going for the Prc. Mage of the Arcane Order (complete Arcane). (I know its not a good Prc. but I like it).

It's a great PrC. With this you don't have to buy or prepare utility spells, ever. Or buy (Sor/Wiz) scrolls. And you get the feat back.

Ray of Enfeebeltment
Scorching Ray

I'd add Enervation and Ray of Exhaustion to the list.

Scorching ray will be weak. If you really, really want to use Scorching Ray get energy substitution. Because a lot of things are resistant or immune to fire damage.

Fell Drain (Libris Mortis) will give 1 negative level to any creature damaged by the spell.

Split ray is a good feat.

2012-12-05, 04:00 AM
just looked up the spellshards, I really like them :) thanks so much =)

considered wand Bracelet, and maybe some of those Metamagic Rods, and some Eternal wands.

for instance.

Eternal Wand of Mage Armor + Lesser Metamagic rod of Exstend so I dont have to waste spell slots on buffing Mage Armor.

2012-12-05, 04:03 AM
Eternal Wand of Mage Armor + Lesser Metamagic rod of Exstend so I dont have to waste spell slots on buffing Mage Armor.

Thiswill get you only 2 hours of Mage Armor, which is (probably) not enough. Use one slot and pearls of power (1).

2012-12-05, 04:07 AM
cant you buy a eternal wand for level 3 and make it a 3rd level mage armor then its 6 hours two times a day = 12 hours, that should be enough

2012-12-05, 04:13 AM
Eternal Wand of Extended Mage Armor would work, but the first level pearl of power will be more useful and cheaper.

2012-12-05, 04:16 AM
cant you buy a eternal wand for level 3 and make it a 3rd level mage armor then its 6 hours two times a day = 12 hours, that should be enough

No you can't. Well except maybe you can. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207103) And besides you can use metamagic rods on spells you cast (not on spells that come from items).

Why a single 1st level slot bothers you so much? If you really want it I think you are better of buying 4 Pearls of Power than spending the same amount of gold for metamagic rod and eternal wand.

2012-12-05, 04:26 AM
but with pearl of power I you need to prepare the spell (right?) and on this level (4) I have better use for spell slots then mage armor

2012-12-05, 04:34 AM
but with pearl of power I you need to prepare the spell (right?) and on this level (4) I have better use for spell slots then mage armor
Yes, you need to prep the spell. But, if you buy four pearls of power with the money for an equivalent Eternal Wand, then you can put two to use with mage armor (giving you 12 hours of duration total) and the other two with Ray of Enfeeblement. Ultimately, you gain a spell slot. Then, by level 6, you only need a single pearl of power for mage armor, for another usage of a first-level ray.

Also, you do not need to buy all the pearls of power at once, while at level 4, an eternal wand that gives you the necessary duration is more than your expected wealth by level. It's just not a good buy.

Also, your 4k+ gp eternal wand becomes obsolete once you invest in a +1 twilight mithral chain shirt, or once you get some free spell slots for greater mage armor at level 3.

2012-12-05, 04:43 AM
but with pearl of power I you need to prepare the spell (right?) and on this level (4) I have better use for spell slots then mage armor

And better use for your gold than Mage Armor :smalltongue:

2012-12-05, 04:43 AM
agument is valid :) it will be pearls :)

any other items I should consider?

2012-12-05, 04:48 AM
Not to mention a Pearl of Power (1) can be used for any 1st level spell based upon your needs in a given situation, whereas buying an Eternal Wand limits you to only that spell. So not only is it cheaper, but it gives you greater versatility.

2012-12-05, 06:31 AM
I suggest humbly that the feat Sudden Empower is never amiss, and neither is Quicken Spell. The first lets you pump up your top spells even further, and the second lets you spam more rays every round.
If you think you're going to be spamming the same spells over and over, then the pair of tactical feats Spell Rehearsal (Races of the Dragon) or Residual Magic (Complete Mage) might be of use as well. Spell rehearsal increases the chance that a spell you keep casting against the same target will effect it with cumulative bonuses, and Residual Magic lets you use the lingering power of your spell to reapply the metamagic feat used in the last round to the same spell cast this round for free, or to cast the same spell as last round from a scroll, staff, or wand as if you had cast it yourself instead.

Of course, you might just want to go full-on Ray wizard, rather than limit yourself to only two spells.