View Full Version : Stating Up A Character for MM2E

18th Avenger
2012-12-05, 06:10 AM
Hey Giants in the Playground,

I'm stating up a character for an incoming game of Mutants & Masterminds character. I downloaded the second edition core rulebook and it looks easy.

It bit me on the bum. And now I turn to you guys for a bit of help. People do say this neighborhood's good for the help.

Okay, so the Power Level is 5, so I've got 75 power points to spend and I'm stating up (or trying to) a time-displaced costumed adventurer-type of character, something out of the pulps I've come to love. He'll specialize in hand-to-hand combat, sneaking around and paranormal investigation. Just like Daredevil from Daredevil: Noir

The lads on the 'traditional games' board told me where to spend the points, but I'm a little lost on how much I should spend on my attributes, skills and features (like 25 for attributes, 20 for skills and 30 feats). And can I spend points to improve my Attack and Defense?

2012-12-05, 07:22 AM
I haven't played in a long time, but I kinda remember you being able to spend point on your attack modifier and your defence modifier, or get a better 'deal' spending them on a specific _melee_ attack roll rather than all attacks, since that's your schtick for this character.

Don't be afraid to dump a bunch of points into skills, too. For the Paranormal Investigator angles, there's a bunch of skills you want, and they often get under-bought by 'traditional' superheroes, so you'll have a niche.