View Full Version : Sublime Chord Spells

2012-12-05, 10:33 AM
So, I'm making a Sublime Chord PC, with Bard 8/ Virtuoso 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ Virtuoso +8, but I'm struggling with spell selection. I'm starting at level 10, and this is what I have so far:

0 (6 spells)
Detect Magic
Read Magic

1st (4 spells)
Silent Image
Invisibility, Swift
Inspirational Boost

2nd (4 spells)
Alter Self
Whirling Blade

3rd (3 spells)
Alter Fortune

Now, I'm playing a buffer bard with DFI and WoC, so Haste synergizes well with that concept. I'm not too sure of the other 3rd level spells, though. As a Bard that will be attaining his first Sublime Chord level, I'll soon get Greater Dispel Magic, so I think I can pass Dispel Magic with very little trouble. But I don't know about Summon Monster III. I'll also be getting Shadow Conjuration next level, but does that safely replace SMIII? Regardless, any advice on this list will be appreciated.

On a related subject, I think I'll get all the Shadow spells, but is Greater Shadow Conjuration worth it? What about Shades?

2012-12-05, 01:07 PM
Be sure to get all the cool bard spells earlier!
Greater dispel, Otto's irresistible dance, Greater Bestow Curse, Song of Discord. Animate Objects too, for some fun :P

for the rest, make sure you get some useful stuff. one Orb spell, Overland flight maybe, since you don't get the regular one... Enervation if you can afford feats to give it (Arcane thesis, split ray and empower spell give you an average of 7 negative levels with no save from a 6th level spell)..
Oh, also Flesh to ice!

2012-12-05, 09:13 PM
Thanks for the input! Greater Dispel and Irresistible Dance were a given, but I didn't think about the others! Good idea!

I'm also considering the Summon spells full of SLA goodies, though I probably won't be able to fit VIII and IX. And of course, the Shapechange family, though I'm not so sure about exactly which! Any ideas here?

2012-12-07, 03:37 PM
So... Could anyone help? Pretty please? :smallfrown:

2012-12-07, 04:01 PM
Shadow Conjuration is excellent for battlefield control and flexibility, but the summons are hopeless — they only have 20% HP.
The spell does have two saves, so your DC's better be solid.

2012-12-07, 04:10 PM
Shadow Conjuration is excellent for battlefield control and flexibility, but the summons are hopeless — they only have 20%.

Summon Monster iii summons have some decent out of combat utility, like you can use them for a flying mount, etc.

2012-12-07, 06:40 PM
Depending on the nature of your perform skill, Telepathic Bond can be great. If you've taken oratory, poetics, etc, you can inspire courage telepathically, without announcing your presence.

2012-12-08, 08:35 AM
Thanks for the help, guys!

Hmmmm, I'm just considering if it's worth it to get SMIII now, since at level 10 it's 5 levels late. I think it may be better to get SMIV or V instead.

And I don't think it would be much worth it to get Telepathic Bond. The creature does need some kind of language for this to work, right? Too many pets in the party. :smallfrown:

I'll definitely be getting the Shadow- spells, though. I really need the versatility, even if at the cost of two saves! Likewise for the SLA-heavy Summon Monster V-VII (Movanic Deva ftw!). I don't think I can afford Shades or SMVIII-IX, though. Too little spells known, and I think I'll be getting Wish and Time Stop. I'm not dead set on it, though, so if you have better ideas, let me know.