View Full Version : [PF]Best PF Society legal "caster-focused" Oracle Mysteries?

2012-12-05, 01:11 PM
As the title asks. I am thinking about joining the PF society and was thinking about making my first character a Kitsune Oracle. Since Kitsune get a strength hit, I was thinking about making the character more of a "caster" type then a battle Oracle but I'm not sure what mystery to take. I know Lore is an excellent mystery for this type of thing, and I was toying around with the idea of a Kitsune lore oracle with the haunted curse, fluffing her knowladge and insight being a result of the ghosts that haunt her giving her their knowladge/"speaking" with the ghosts.

However, there are other mysteries out there and some of them(like dark tapestry) look quite fun as well. So, since I'm having trouble deciding, I am turning to you. Which PF society legal oracle mysteries would be good for a oracle not focused on melee? Which ones would be the best?

2012-12-05, 01:29 PM
Flames is good for blasting, especially if you go pyromaniac gnome. Heavens is great for control.

2012-12-05, 03:29 PM
Yeah. I said in the OP the race would be Kitsune, not gnome. As for heavens, looks fairly interesting. Kinda like the "good equivalent" to dark tapestry fluff-wise. Crunch-wise both it and dark tapestry look like lots of fun. Probably would go with Dark Tapestry over Heavens if evil was allowed in PF society but since there is no evil, it's kinda a toss-up. Lore and Bones are my usual default mysteries for Oracles, but with Necromancy receiving a major hit with PF society rules Dark Tapestry looks like a far more attractive "dark" option for an Oracle.

I do however, LOVE the idea of a flame-using kitsune. However, without the gnome stuff I'm not sure if Flames would be all that great...

2012-12-05, 03:47 PM
Yeah. I said in the OP the race would be Kitsune, not gnome. As for heavens, looks fairly interesting. Kinda like the "good equivalent" to dark tapestry fluff-wise. Crunch-wise both it and dark tapestry look like lots of fun. Probably would go with Dark Tapestry over Heavens if evil was allowed in PF society but since there is no evil, it's kinda a toss-up. Lore and Bones are my usual default mysteries for Oracles, but with Necromancy receiving a major hit with PF society rules Dark Tapestry looks like a far more attractive "dark" option for an Oracle.

I do however, LOVE the idea of a flame-using kitsune. However, without the gnome stuff I'm not sure if Flames would be all that great...

Well, look at the original fluff of Kitsune in Oriental lore...

Kitsune were tricksters. Among their many favorite pranks, one was creating illusionary flames which would throw towns into panic. Hence the term "Fox Fire."

So while it may not seem to make a lot of sense, if you are planning on a PFS blaster, Fire is a good call both mechanically and flavorfully. And remember: you still get Oracle's rather nice list.

And just a question, but which Curse are you planning on taking?

Morbis Meh
2012-12-05, 04:03 PM
I didn't know Kitsunes were allowed in PFS I just read the guide two weeks ago and the only monstrous races allowed are aasimar and tiefling? I must have missed something...

2012-12-05, 04:11 PM
I didn't know Kitsunes were allowed in PFS I just read the guide two weeks ago and the only monstrous races allowed are aasimar and tiefling? I must have missed something...

To explain, at Gen Con, you could draw a card that lets you play a more exotic race. My wild guess is that Geigue drew the Kitsune card and decided to run with it.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-05, 04:35 PM
To explain, at Gen Con, you could draw a card that lets you play a more exotic race. My wild guess is that Geigue drew the Kitsune card and decided to run with it.

That is a possiblity but he said he was thinking about joining the PFS meaning he doesn't have a preexisting character to gain the bonus from at the end of an encounter path...

2012-12-05, 04:56 PM
I didn't know Kitsunes were allowed in PFS I just read the guide two weeks ago and the only monstrous races allowed are aasimar and tiefling? I must have missed something...

I think there's a perk (or whatever they call those reward things) where you can use a more exotic race if you restart from 1. Stuff like Sylphs and Dhampirs.

2012-12-05, 06:40 PM
Depends a lot on your focus. I don't think there are any really bad mysteries, most get some good stuff and some meh stuff thrown together.

I'm partial to anything that gets swift-action wings at level 7 - like Dark Tapestry, Flames and Wind. I'm playing a caster-focused Wind oracle at the moment. He's a little lackluster at the early levels, but I think level 7+ will change the game a fair bit.

Flames is probably more powerful, though - and arguably gets better mystery spells early on. It fills in offensive spells, which the cleric list lacks at low levels.

Dark Tapestry also looks promising. Many Forms can be useful for utility, though it's hard to get spellcasting in the early forms (being Deaf can help here, but unfortunately hurts so severely in other areas that I wouldn't recommend it). Decent spell list too.

2012-12-05, 07:05 PM
Haunted and Lame are the best curses. Tongues' drawback can be entirely negated by having the party take 1 rank in Linguistics and avoiding language spells.

2012-12-05, 07:33 PM
Yeah. I was thinking about using the perk. I already have my first character planned. The Kitsune thing is for later on when/if that perk becomes avalible.

2012-12-06, 12:55 AM
The Time mystery is pretty good. Nice spells and class skills. For revelations, you get Su teleporting (grapple escape; grapple concentration DCs are impossibly high for spells and Sp teleporting); ability to roll multiple d20s and take best for initiative; get some abilities to mimick blur/blink and haste/slow; reroll knowledge checks; and gain true seeing and foresight effects albeit at levels beyond where PFS plays to.

Juju is nice for undead-related stuff, but is probably banned in PFS....for exactly that reason.

2012-12-06, 01:17 AM
I don't think there are any really bad mysteries, most get some good stuff and some meh stuff thrown together.

There are no bad ones, but there are plenty of "less caster" ones.
Battle and Metal are fairly Combat/Melee focused.
Ancestor is a close 3rd for most Combat/Melee.
So _don't_ pick one of those three.

2012-12-06, 01:58 AM
Battle is actually surprisingly good for a caster oracle, I'd argue. Only 2-3 revelations are solely directed at martial types, most of them are equally useful for casters (War Sight, Battlecry, Battlefield Clarity, Combat Healer, Resiliency, Surprising Charge (or surprising retreat, as the case will be for a caster:smallsmile: )can all be used equally well by a caster). The spell list is also very focused on buffs, offensive spells and battlefield control - only righteous might is personal only and thus likely useless.

Time has very nice powers, but a crappy spell list. I would prefer to use it with something like Ancient Lorekeeper for this reason, but that's out if you're set on Kitsune.