View Full Version : Marilith "Samurai" Gestalt BBEG 3.5

2012-12-05, 08:21 PM
You might remember from my previous post about a low magic campaign world: we have been tasked with coming up with several high level enemies that will be our parties opponents eventually at all levels. Now, with it being low magic, this means no turning/banishing extraplanar creatures, no magic circles, etc. This goes for monsters; so no spell likes etc. We are all human, with Dragon allies, while the baddies are Devils and Demons, with the Humans and Dragons caught in the middle; Devils, Demons and Dragons all lose some of their magical abilities, but keep some; like Breath Attacks, etc.

We do have Magic Items; but only limited availability; no big bags if holding, or overtly magical things; even the magical items like Flaming Swords aren't appearing as magical; they look like normal swords, but cause Burning damage without massive showy explosions.

We ourselves are all gestalt, and we have a "party" of an indeterminate number of adventurers (the players are all currently creating their own now, but between work etc, we aren't all able to catch up all the time).

So my BBEG suggestion is a Marilith; a Blademaster obsessed with learning the forms of combat of the foes she has defeated or turned to her cause.

So; immediately, this rings up as a cross between a Samurai (Using the Rokugan version as the base; without magic resistance to Fear, etc, it might be a bit stupid to have a mass AoE intimidate scare away the fighters), Monk, obviously Tome of Battle, as well as the Prestige Classes. So; what to do with those 6 arms?

I am currently a Crane Courtier//Samurai 1 - with the intention of ramping up my Iaijutsu and Sneak Attack as well as my Charisma to out the wazoo to be party face; challenging opponents before piling on as many boosts as possible. Or that is the intention. I'm thinking here a Bastard Sword, wielded two handed? Due to Advancing the size of the Marilith to huge, would a huge Bastard Sword deal 3d8 damage?

So it has 3d8 damage+(strength bonus x2)+iaijutsu blah blah; it makes sense to add in rogue levels; or simply ways in which I can increase its Lethality against Flat footed targets; how is the best way about going ahead with that - bearing in mind I am Gestalt so have effecitvely 40 levels of class features to use up.

Another of the Samurai is doing Niten 2 Swords style mixed with the TWF Maenuvres; so perhaps ways to buff that; while another is maxing out as much rogue as possible.

Would somebody help me to create such a character?

It is at minimum a 21HD Marilith with 20 Gestalt Non-Caster levels having lost its SLA and Summon abilities. Classes with Caster Levels can be taken; but bear in mind that with their being no casting, taking say Wizard levels is a bit useless.

Second slightly related question; say a Marilith was equipped and refeated/reassociated ability scores to maximise its Ranged Potential with Bows; how many bow attacks would it get? Is it 3 at Max BAB, 1 at -5 BAB, 1 at -10, and 1 at -15? And what about a Flurry of Blows Monk-Ilith? Sorry about the long question guys, I really appreciate your help.

2012-12-05, 11:10 PM
First, there is a 3.5 subforum where this stuff is supposed to go. If you flag your post (exclamation mark thingy), you can get the mods' attention and they can move it.

Huge bastard swords do indeed deal 3d8.

I don't think you mentioned how you guys are treating monster HD and CR with respect to gestalt, this has a pretty dramatic effect on the final output. Or do you mean you've got a 21HD marilith, and then are adding 20 fully gestalt levels on top, ending up with 41HD? Because if so, this is maybe a bit too powerful a foe for a low-magic campaign, you simply won't get the numbers to best it until well past the point when the campaign stops being fun.

A Marilith's Multiweapon Fighting allows it to attack with all its arms at no penalty. Looking at the statblock, it looks like that means that it can make one extra attack with each arm at full BAB without the -4 penalty for TWF with non-light weapons. This does not allow it to do things you can't do with TWF at all: you can't use it to use two-handed weapons, without an additional special ability like those of Arrow Demons or Diopsids.

Flurry is more feasible. You get your extra flurry attacks just like any other Monk, just make sure that you're making your off-hand attacks with Monk weapons. It might be possible to make them with unarmed strikes as well, but that is a vast can of worms and you are better off researching the issue on your own and then asking your DM.

2012-12-06, 04:58 AM
Assuming it's 21 levels with RHD on one side and no La (being an npc):

Outsider 16 / Paladin of slaughter 5 / // Lion totem barbarian 1 / Warblade 20, with a strong tiger claw focus.