View Full Version : Bag of holding multi access

2012-12-05, 09:47 PM
Is there some kind of item that is like a bag of holding but it has multiple access points to the plain holding your stuff?

2012-12-06, 12:04 AM
Is there some kind of item that is like a bag of holding but it has multiple access points to the plain holding your stuff?

That's how it works in Hackmaster, colloquially referred to as "Bag World (tm)". You can find the "J-Doc (http://www.kenzerco.com/Operiodicals/kodt/jackson_document.pdf)" for it online.

In D&D, the closest thing like that would be a Bag of Devouring, which may eat things and then randomly spit them out into a non-space or a random plane. I don't recall the exact particulars, but in the older editions it may have been one plane (I want to say the ethereal? not sure) where there was a slim chance you could hunt down your stuff, assuming the DM was feeling charitable.

2012-12-06, 12:18 AM
There is no item that i know of that does this. Unfortunately, because that would be very handy.

there might be a way with a 'handy haversack' and a few ring gates attached to the top (on the outside). When someone whats an item they reach through the ring and into the bag. As long as the 100 lb limit is not reached it should work.

Ring Gates work up to 100 miles on the same plane that's why you need to attach them to the outside of the bag. You are using a haversack, instead a bag of holding, because that way the item that you want is always on top.

i don't really understand what would happen though if there are multiple rings stacked in succession.
Ring Gates have an "entry side" and an "exit side" so you could stick your hand through the wrong side and nothing would happen, but what would happen if you grab an object and try to pull it through? :smallconfused:

2012-12-06, 12:38 PM
You may be able to get what you want with a custom item, but it may be expensive...