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View Full Version : Advice please?

2012-12-06, 01:12 PM
Hi Playground!

I've got a dilemma. I'm looking into running a one (long, probably around 10-12h breaks included) session of RPG with some friends of mine, but I'm unsure about the details. Our group consists of myself (DMing/GM/STing for this time) and an old friend, both of us 3.5 veterans who have dabbled into a few other systems as well. Two more players I've introduced to PnP RPGs through two games of Paranoia, and the rest have never RPed before.

So I guess my first problem is what system to run. I wanted to shake it up from Paranoia, so I though about it and here are the options I'm considering (but if you have another suggestion that would fit very well I have no problems learning new systems.
-D&D 3.5: Pros: I know the system (except grapple rules) by heart.
Cons: Very hard system. Same thing I usually do.
-D&D 4.0: Pros: All the dragon slaying of 3.5, but the better balance means the different levels of RPG experience wont matter as much.
Cons: Still very similar to what I am used to, not as simple as systems bellow.
-Vampire: The masquerade: Pros: Both me and another friend have played Bloodlines and really like the setting and style.
Cons: Lots of background lore for everyone to learn. Also, writing/preparing a good session seems like it would be a lot or work.
-New World of Darkness: Mortals:Pros: I have a little experience in this system as a player. Also, really easy to pick up, and absolutely no special lore to learn.
Cons: I'm not sure everyone would love playing slightly above regular humans.

Things to keep in mind: Most of the players are "noobs" to RPing or almost. We'll probably only do one session, so not having to do an excessive amount of preparatory work is very nice, for me but MOSTLY for my players. I love RPGs, but I don't want to tell them "yeah you have to read this this and this book front to back". Best would be if I could tell them everything they need to know in person, but some reading up isn't so bad. Finally I'd rather shake things up from my usual RPG habbits. My last two sessions where Paranoia, which (while it turned out great) it's not on the list, and 3.5 is also something I've done a whole lot of.

So, after this wall of text... any insight? System suggestions, but any good ideas are welcomed.

tl;dr: Looking for system suggestion for a group of new players: D&D 3.5, 4.0, V:tM, OWD:Mortals.

2012-12-06, 02:29 PM
Ask your players, not the internet, would be my suggestion.

2012-12-06, 02:43 PM
Agreed, go with the players opinion.

However, I'd like to add that if you're playing 4e, especially with new players who need to learn things, the battles are going to drag and you'll probably find those 12 hours won't go as far as you'd hoped.

2012-12-06, 02:54 PM
My inclination would be to run the system I know best, but streamline it as much as possible.

2012-12-06, 02:55 PM
I agree with the others...that being said how about TMNT or Ninjas and Superspies...I realize they may be hard to come by, but if you can get a hold of one or the other, the background should be farely well known to most.

Basically something modern in the world they are familiar with (RL) or a fantasy setting most people are at least passingly familiar with (Star Wars...LOTR..)

2012-12-06, 03:24 PM
Vampire: The Masquerade requires not a lot of lore to be able to play it. Let them start as humans and let them learn the lore as a part of the story. That should make for a unique experience that is more interesting than reading it up.
Also ask your players. An easy system bears no benefit if the players don't like it, whereas they might be more willing to put some effort into when they like it.

2012-12-06, 04:07 PM
Good advices has been given unto yous alreadies. Let me try this on ya:

Think long term. What game do you all want to play? Even if it's one that's rules or lore heavy, choose that, because you'll want to learn and teach this some time soon anyway.