View Full Version : [3.P/PF]Prestige Classes for PCs

2012-12-07, 11:15 AM
I've got a fairly large party (7 PCs), and I was wondering what, if any, PrC options they have down the road that beat their base class in usefulcool.

I don't have their sheets in front of my right now, but I do know that the builds are: (In no particular order)

-Kistune, Sorcerer7
-Ratfolk, Oracle7
-Half-Orc, Rogue7
-Lycanthropic Owl-Human, Gunslinger5/Monk1 (Bought off the level adjust with an XP penalty, player probably has the build planned out anyways)
-Orc, Barbarian7
-Aasimar, Paladin7
-Human, Bard7 (Going with Sublime Chord, suggestions related would be about spell selection, mostly.)

2012-12-07, 12:30 PM
"...down the road that don't beat-"?
Think there's a bit of this that didn't get posted, so sorry if these don't meet your intended criteria, but

Kitsune Sorcerer? I'm guessing trickster/illusionist or enchanter? Fey Enchanter or Nightmare Spinner.

Ratfolk Oracle might want to look into Void Disciple if they want an eastern-flavored seer of sorts.

Half-Orc Rogue; I'm guessing brutish, combat focused? Assasin, either 3.5 for the spells or PF version for class feature preference. On the off-chance that they went stealth focus, or social, Spymaster in PF always struck me as a fun play-style, though diminished unless you're getting WBL for UMD past 10th level.

Lycan-Owl Gun-Monk: Like the concept, guessing flurry of bullets? Or are they just dipping Monk for Wis/AC?

Aasimar Paladin: Grey-guard, Knight of the Sacred Seal, Holy Vindicator.

Bard/Sublime Chord.
They've got a couple levels they could use to jump into Lyric Thaumaterge to grab some extra spell slots and sorc/wizard only spells. If they want to delay SC, they could go 5 levels into LT and spend a use of Bardic Music to add 1d6 damage per spell level to sonic-damage spells.

All of these would be easier to guess at with more detailed info about the PC's. What bloodline sorc? What mystery oracle? Rogue Fighting style? Paladin fighting style? Lycon's methodology?

2012-12-07, 01:28 PM
Why do they need one? Nothing wrong with going into a prestige class, of course, but why do you feel they must go into one?

If they have interest in multiclassing a prestige class can facilitate the concept. If they want to enhance a particular specialty a prestige class can help or perhaps a Pathfinder archetype. However, if they want to stay single class in a base class that's fine too.

Darth Grall
2012-12-07, 01:50 PM
I'm with Navar; typically prestiging in PF just plain isn't as good as taking a class to full level for the capstone.

That said are you in a homebrew game or using PF's Golarian setting? Cause while mechanically they suck, being able to become a Hellknight or one of the dozen other really awesome flavor wise PrCs Paizo's put out for their setting can be totally worth the levels.

2012-12-07, 03:32 PM
Original setting (with the narrative set up so I can enfold stuff easily enough).

The Kitsune Sorcerer has a variant of Starsoul, (It's void-something, specifically, his character's father is a CR 20 scary thing.). I think he has some illusions (Silent Image, possibly Major Image), but I know he picked up some evocation stuff (Magic Missile, Ice Dagger, and some kind of stormy spell.)

The Oracle is Metal Mystery. She doesn't carry a weapon, since she can just make them with Iron Weapon. It's pretty cool.

The Rogue is stealth-focused, primarily.

Yes, the gun monk does flurry of bullets. He traded monk proficiencies for it. He's also Lawful Evil, which is kinda nifty.

On the Paladin: What are the books for the first two suggestions from?
Note: The Paladin has an Earthbreaker.

And with the Bard (Played by me): I don't think I'll need Lyric Thaumaturge, but elaborating on it would help me make that call.

3.5e Prestiges are fine. xD I'm using a bunch in NPC building.

The Barbarian could probably get away with straight barbarian, but Barbarians probably get cool PrCs. Relatedly, he's got a +1 Morphing Greatclub.

The Redwolf
2012-12-07, 05:18 PM
I'm with Navar; typically prestiging in PF just plain isn't as good as taking a class to full level for the capstone.

That said are you in a homebrew game or using PF's Golarian setting? Cause while mechanically they suck, being able to become a Hellknight or one of the dozen other really awesome flavor wise PrCs Paizo's put out for their setting can be totally worth the levels.

Wait, what's so bad about Hellknights? They look fine to me, quite fun even.