View Full Version : Rise of Guardians

2012-12-07, 04:32 PM

Didn't see any thread about it other than a pre-release thread, so thought I'd make a thread now the film has actually been out

Saw this film the other day and I thought it was pretty great. I loved the characters, liked the story, thought it was some good fun and it has some really strong touching moments that really made the whole thing worth it

The more emotional moments with Jack are what really made it worth it too me, most notable him discovering his memories and making the one kid believe. Those moments along with a few others got to me

Though to get a bit more nit picky, one thing I did feel was off was the children being able to see them when they believed; I mean I know it was really important plot point for both Jack and Pitch Black, but it just throws it off a bit because seeing is believing... it is so much easier to believe in something when you have actually seen it in front of your eyes; Heck that one kid was the last believer and a large part of that is because he actually SAW them. If he didn't see them, would have held on believing? That's what I mean... its rather a conflicting problem I have with that; on the one hand i can't ignore thaat detail, on the other hand it was REALLY important for both plot and character development

Also might have liked to see a more sympathetic end for Pitch. If Jack's origin is any indication to how these childhood characters are brought about into this world, Pitch may have never asked to have been the embodiment of fear, and yet he's rather shunned for what he does.

Though disappointingly, looking at the box office though, it seems like this movie is not getting the attention it deserves. For that I might put some blame on the marketing; a bit too much focus on how epic it was without really noting the lighter elements which might be enough to make parents question whether or not to take their kids... plus the title is terribly generic; would have preferred they would have named it "Guardians of Childhood" after the name of the series.

Really its a shame since this IS something I would love to see become a franchise as it feels like there is a good amount of potential in this world for more stories... however Its doubt Dreamworks will pick up on it more if it doesn't do well. Would have been better if it were pixar since they are more concerned with telling a good story rather than just doing what's profitable

2012-12-09, 06:13 PM
I'm honestly feeling fairly conflicted about this film. I enjoyed it a lot, it was great fun. The characterisation was brilliant and the jokes were fun.


The storytelling, especially towards the end, seemed odd and disjointed. There was nothing big and startling, but it was more a case of numerous little things constantly adding up. They seemed to constantly hint towards moving in one direction before being jerked away and forced to go another. There was so much that could have been fleshed out that wasn't; themes that were never fully explored.

It's a fun film, but it just feels wrong.

Kitten Champion
2012-12-10, 01:25 AM
I think, at this point you need to be far more ambitious with your animated films. This, Brave, Arthur Christmas, and Hotel Transylvania -- all have issues of simply not exceeding our expectations. The fact that they were animated ensured a market for them a few years ago, I don't think it's nearly as safe now.

I enjoyed it, Chris Pine's work in particularly.