View Full Version : Preapred Spells and Unconsciousness

2012-12-07, 05:06 PM
Greetings! I believe I may have read in the PHB or DMG that prepared casters (druids, cleric, wizards, any caster who prepares spells in advance) have a certain percentage chance of losing all prepared spells if they drop to the negatives and are brought back by healing (by dropping to the negatives, I don't mean dead at -10, I refer to any point between -1 and -9). It may be an obscure houserule or it may be an official rule that got scrapped. If anyone could have clarification for this, I would appreciate it very much.

I believe the only spell that was not forgotten after such an event was Read Magic.

2012-12-07, 05:11 PM
All I know of is the Prepared Spell Retention (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/arcaneSpells.htm#preparedSpellRetention) rule, which really just covers character death.

2012-12-07, 05:19 PM
Thank you. It may have been a houserule from many years ago, then.

2012-12-07, 09:27 PM
I'm pretty sure that was an artifact from 2E. It may have also been present in 3.0, but I don't have a PHB handy to reference.

2012-12-07, 09:54 PM
Negative levels have an effect which is similar

Energy Drained

The character gains one or more negative levels, which might permanently drain the character’s levels. If the subject has at least as many negative levels as Hit Dice, he dies. Each negative level gives a creature the following penalties: -1 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks; loss of 5 hit points; and -1 to effective level (for determining the power, duration, DC, and other details of spells or special abilities). In addition, a spellcaster loses one spell or spell slot from the highest spell level castable.