View Full Version : [PF] See in Darkness on PCs

2012-12-08, 02:53 PM
Basically this is a question on how to get ahold of the ability on a player character. I'm aware that tieflings can take Fiend Sight twice for it, but is there any other way to do so besides playing a tiefling?

2012-12-08, 06:58 PM
Do you mean see in magical darkness? Because darkvision allows for seeing in normal darkness.

2012-12-08, 09:00 PM
Does it have to be see in darkness specifically? Most arcane spellcasters can get a familiar with blindsight, and there are spells to grant it also. Echolocation (Sor/Wiz 5) & probably some of the polymorph family.

2012-12-08, 09:02 PM
There are quite a few races that have Darkvision. Ratfolk, Tiefling, Aasimar, Fetchlings, Catfolk, etc.

2012-12-09, 04:16 AM
You can make a race, using the rules from the Advanced Race Guide, that has it.

Apart from that, it would be tiefling only. Or you could find a way of highjacking a creatures body that has it?

2012-12-09, 11:31 AM
Do you mean see in magical darkness? Because darkvision allows for seeing in normal darkness.

Note that in Pathfinder, Darkvision also works on magical darkness. "Supernatural darkness" is where DV stops working - to get there, you need a spell (like Deeper Darkness (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/deeper-darkness)) capable of lowering the light level one step below total darkness/two steps below dim light. (Note: the regular Darkness spell cannot do this - it stops at total darkness.)

2015-07-27, 05:19 PM
That is a good point. The Deeper Darkness spell is what is called "supernatural darkness", which means even darkvision doesn't fly. The See in Darkness monster ability allows you to see in supernatural darkness, as evidenced by Dark Creepers and so forth. What spells or items allow someone to see in supernatural darkness?

2015-07-27, 05:26 PM
Fanglords (weretiger-kin skinwalkers) have it as one of the bestial features they can get. For a magic item, Greater Eye Piercings are 32,000 gold, and are (basically) slotless. They are Shadow Piercings, found in Champions of Corruption. Just make sure your Con modifier plus your Wis modifier is positive, since that sets the limit for how many shadow piercings you can get.

2015-07-27, 05:41 PM
I just found Eyes of the Void. Darkvision, but also in deeper darkness. So it's see in supernatural darkness, the "see in darkness" monster ability.