View Full Version : Question about Search check

2012-12-09, 03:36 AM
I'm in the process of designing a dungeon, and I was wondering how search checks worked if something was covered up by an object too heavy for the players to move.

If the object's too heavy for the players to move unaided, then they couldn't find the the thing under it with just a search check, right? They can't look underneath the heavy object because the heavy object's in the way. They would have to make some kind of strength check to move it before they could look under it. But I'm afraid the players won't realize that, and will get annoyed or angry when they find out they missed something important even after thoroughly searching the room with the "Search" skill.

2012-12-09, 04:18 AM
Search is not a real substitute for common sense. Overuse of skill checks can lead to blurred vision, inflamed social glands and atrophy of brain matter.

But seriously, have the search turn up that there's a huge block of stone in the room (DC 0) - which doesn't seem to be nailed down, glued tight or in any other way stuck to its surroundings (DC 15, say). If they make DC 25 (again just an example), maybe they deduce that the thing has been moved at one point, from scratches on the floor.
If they don't try to move it now, it's their own fault.

Have you ensured, by the way, that failure is an option?

2012-12-09, 04:20 AM
In this case, the Search check should reveal that the large heavy object is not actually anchored to the ground, and might be movable. You should also add a few tell tale marks that it has been moved repeatedly in the past (e.g. drag marks) indicating that there might be something of interest underneath it.

2012-12-09, 12:45 PM
Thanks. I like the ideas about searching for scratches; I hadn't really thought of that. That's probably what I'll go with.

Have you ensured, by the way, that failure is an option?

I haven't actually set the DCs for this part yet. I'm just planning the environment. But when I do, I'll be sure to keep that in mind. :smallsmile: