View Full Version : [3.P/PF]Ranger Build for New Player

2012-12-09, 05:51 AM
I have a new player coming into my campaign next week, and it's her first time playing D&D, and interest in the Ranger came up. So, uhm, I was thinking of how I should build her Ranger for her, because she's new. Not being familiar with Ranger past basics, I'm gonna need some help. Here's the char creation details:

Allowed material: Pathfinder/3.5e except Deeds/Darkness, templates, and 3rd party.

Level: 7
Class: Ranger (duh)
Race: Elf/Drow, Catfolk, Human, or Kistsune.
Starting Gold: 23,500 gp.
Combat Style: Archery, Crossbow, Mounted (depending on animal companion), Two-Handed Weapon, Two-Weapon.
Point buy (Direct): 38 points, 10 base. 2 min, 10 max. (Pre racials and 4th level bump.)

Spell selection would also help, although there aren't *many* spells she'd cast as a ranger.

Ideally, something easy for her to get to know how to play the class/game in.
Also, she did express some interest in crafting.

Thanks in advance for even reading it~ <3