View Full Version : Dungeon Crawl!

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Centaur Hero
2012-12-09, 12:18 PM
You all begin in area 15 in a nearby Tavern named "The Drunken Walrus"http://www.whenthesungrowscold.com/FRmaps/pages/Suzail_gif.htm

The six of you are all sitting at a table in the corner of the room, waiting for the man who called upon your little band two days passed. Although you may all be a little nervous, you are also very excited, for the man seemed as though he had plenty of money, which means he most likely will make good on the payment he promised.

The letter that he gave your group had said:

To the Noblest of adventurers,
It is with great pleasure that I have decided to include you all in my grandest endeavor. Meet me at 6 o'clock at the drunken walrus, to hear what I have to say.
Sincerely yours
Richard Nugglesworth

Centaur Hero
2012-12-10, 03:22 PM
An elderly man walks into the bar, and looks to the barkeep, who in turn looks toward your table, and nods. The elderly man, dressed in exquisite finery's, looks your way, and signals a companion in from the door, and in pops an orc, also dressed well though less so than his comrade and Clearly the older mans servant, follows the old man over to the table, and pulls up a chair for the old man. "Jolly nice to finally meet you all, Richard Nugglesworth at your service." The man said as he sat in the seat and nodded to his servant. "Ralgor, would you be so kind as to grab me a brandy, as well as whatever these good folks are drinking."

2012-12-10, 03:55 PM
The young priestess with pale blonde hair replies first to Richard's offer, "Water is quite sufficient for my needs, but thank you." She glances at the orc servant slightly apprehensively, before turning back to the man. "Aleidra Moonsea, of the church of Istishia." She smiles brightly as she meets his eyes.

2012-12-10, 04:12 PM
Tilden had been sitting quietly, shoulders hunched, feeling quite uncomfortable in the big city, and somewhat moreso now, sitting with a bunch of strangers. He had never been the most sociable type. He had realized roughly ten seconds after walking through the gate that he hadn't thought this plan through. Still, he was determined. He needed resources, though. And contacts. And information. Hopefully this job would be a good first step. "Tilden," he introduced himself simply, giving the elderly man a nod.

The Squirrel
2012-12-10, 04:24 PM
The tall wood elf speaks up with a smile, "Hi! Thunkar happy to meet Richerd Nhugglezwurth. Can Thunkar have brand-ee too?"

2012-12-10, 05:30 PM
An odd gaggle he'd found himself a part of, for sure. Skip was still finding the transition from a pretty carefree life as part of his "gang" to being essentially alone pretty tough; not only for the individual friends lost but the complete lifestyle change.

And yet, here he was... in the same tavern where he and his friends had shared many a night, now with a diverse group. Given that the muscles on some of them were bigger than him, and the cultural mix was pretty extreme, Skip definitely felt a lot more comfortable talking to Tilden than the rest.

Still, the money promised to be good, and if he played his cards right he could set himself up for a while. His current job as what essentially boiled down to a tourist guide - Thunkar having been his latest client - wasn't really doing anything for him, and he kept having this niggling urge to fleece these clueless yokels out of their coin. So far he'd kept fairly honest, and it was easy work - reading a letter for the barbarian was nothing short of a comically simple job - and his priority was on trying to get a few people around him to stop any backlash from his recent run-in.

Seeing the rather affluent looking individual enter, his interest was definitely piqued. "I'll have a half of ale." There was something to be said for being a fraction of the size of a human; nights out were cheap. "Name's Skip."

2012-12-11, 12:36 AM

As the broad shouldered man sat at the table, he seemed lost in his own thoughts. Until of course they were approached. He had an empty cup in front of himself, formerly filled with a sweet summer wine that he had become fond of since arriving in Suzail. He was glad to hear it would be refilled.

He waited for a turn to speak, and a hand came up through his brassy hair and he gave the man a polite nod.

"I am Davos, friend. May the scaled ones watch over you and yours."

2012-12-11, 03:21 AM
Ach is glad to see a fellow Orc come in. Taking on this adventure with a group wasn't the first thing that crossed his mind when he decided to start adventuring. Especially since folk haven't treated him very open-hearted, but learning a few tricks before taking on jobs on his own wasnt a bad idea Ach thought. He isnt a dumb Half-Orc after all..

Greetings, my name is Ach Joh. I would like to have an ale, thank you.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-11, 10:32 AM
Richard replies to each of your names with a polite nod, and a grumbled "ah pleasure to be sure." The Orc manservant walked over to the bar upon receiving all the orders. Returning a few minutes later with all your drinks. Meanwhile the Older man Richard, begins to tell you all a story. "When I was younger, but still old when compared to you young folks, my family had a grand estate, just south of The vast swamp, Out on the way of the manticore." He pauses a moment and cough's into a handkerchief before continuing. "However, while I was away, my family came under siege by one such beast or another, the story's were always differn't. My older brother was found dead with my parents. My younger brother's were found partly eaten a few miles away. My sister was never recovered, none but an old cook lived through the ordeal. Slept through the whole thing in the larders. My family is and was very well to do you see. Now, I'm sure you are wondering what all of this has to do with you. It has come to my attention, that my family also owned another piece of property, which I will smartly withhold from you now. I know how to find the place, I have been there many times over the years. But you cannot open it without a key. This key was never found in the mansion. Therefore, it must have been stolen with the rest. It is quite ornate, gold with rubies inlaid. I would never have been able to go into the swamp and fight whatever it was. Even were I in my peak of youth. Now that is where you come in. I need you to track down the fowl beast or beasts, and find the key!"


2012-12-11, 11:07 AM
Ruby key? Fine. Guy with lots of money still? Great. Swamp? ... ew. If for no other reason than the fact that he'd never gone far beyond the city's limits, Skip was visibly uncomfortable with the notion.

For the two hulking barbarians, no doubt they'd be right at home. The dracophiliac probably wouldn't have too many complaints - if the stories he'd been told as a child held any truth, dragons could be found living in all sorts of places - and the water priestess was probably more suited to swampland than a city anyway. With that in mind Skip cast a glance at Tilden, the only other one at the table who could fully appreciate the possible issues people of their stature might face chasing unknown monsters down in what could well be water deeper than they were tall. They'd likely make a tempting morsel for some of the creatures out there.

"Just how close to the swamp are we talking?" he piped up. "I don't much mind getting my feet wet, but if I've got to go swimmin' you'll have a hard time getting me out of Thunkie's rowboat." Nicknames were something he'd always dealt with, and though he didn't really know these people yet he had no problem trying a few out. "If you just want some swampbeast tracked down, why'd you pick us rather than some of the rangers out that way? I'm not saying we can't do it," he backtracked a little, not because he had any idea if they could or not, but out of pride, "but just a bit odd, is all."

Centaur Hero
2012-12-11, 11:37 AM
You are not exactly the first people I have hired to fulfill this task. He begrudgingly reveals.

2012-12-11, 11:54 AM
Sense Motive roll, trying to discern his general mood about having to have had to hire several groups (embarrassed, frustrated, worried):

(And no, I'm not looking at the result, other players shouldn't either. :smallwink:)

2012-12-11, 12:02 PM
Aleidra feels a mixture emotions: sympathy for the man who had also lost his family, excitement at the prospect of adventure, curiosity about the dangerous swamp, and concern the key might not be in the swamp at all. So many questions start to form in her mind, but she funnels them down to the points that will most affect their mission.

"If we undertake this mission for you, understand that it's possible the key is not to be found. It could be lost in the waters of the swamp. It could have been sold for its gold and rubies. It could even have been stolen from the mansion in a completely unrelated theft, as unlikely as that may seem."

She says this in what she hopes is a businesslike tone, just listing through some of the possibilities. She briefly wonders how trustworthy the cook may have been, but lets that thought slide. The mission sounds exciting, but the terms will need to be set so that they are compensated even if the key does not turn up.

The Squirrel
2012-12-11, 12:24 PM
Thunkar takes the brandy as politely as he can and imitates their host, drinking when he drinks, setting it on the table when he does, etc.
"Thunkar thank Richerd for brand-ee. Thunkar sorry for Richerd family. Key taken, Thunkar and new friends get key back, Richerd give gold to Thunkar and new friends? Was other things taken with key?"

2012-12-11, 02:39 PM
Tilden had to admit, he felt for the guy. Part of him wondered how critical the key really was - surely, there had to be other ways to get into the building, right? - but it was idle curiosity at best. Tilden's own experiences led him to figure, the main point of this mission was dispatching the monsters responsible for his family's murder. Poor guy didn't seem the type who would quickly admit he was out for vengeance and blood. A correct assumption or not, given Tilden's own reasons for coming to Cormyr, it was a mission he could get behind. "I'm in."

He noticed Skip's look, and when he spoke, caught the intent behind it. Swamp. Yeah. He gave the other halfling a stoic shrug. Maybe the trail wouldn't lead to the swamp. If it did? Well, they'd just have to find a way to deal. Truth was, he expected he'd find the swamp more comfortable than the big city.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-11, 03:13 PM
Sense Motive roll, trying to discern his general mood about having to have had to hire several groups (embarrassed, frustrated, worried):

(And no, I'm not looking at the result, other players shouldn't either. :smallwink:)

You can clearly tell that he has a hint of despair in his voice.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-11, 03:23 PM
Ah yes the terms, he says answering Aleidra's question. Well, I'll give you're group 100gp now. 100 each when you return, and if you succeed, one tenth share each of the treasure, which is quite rich I assure you, that the key hides. Minus the item that I so greatly require. Do these terms seem acceptable to everyone?

2012-12-11, 03:36 PM
Tilden wasn't much of a negotiator, honestly didn't even know what the going rate was for a dangerous mission against an unknown foe. Two-hundred gold sure sounded like a lot to the small-town halfling, though. And the mission had worth on its face, didn't it? "No complaints here," he said, though he was attentive to how the others would respond, Skip in particular. The other halfling sure seemed a lot more worldly than he was.

2012-12-11, 03:45 PM
A hundred Lions was nothing to sniff at, that much was certain. By Brandobaris, all they had to do was make a half-decent attempt at it, call it quits and come collect. Skip wasn't sure he'd be able to convince the rest of the group to just bimble along, there were a few that seemed like they valued honesty and loyalty, but on the bright side as long as they didn't get lost in the middle of nowhere they'd be fine. Skip was small enough to avoid attention, and the barbarians could no doubt scare off anything big enough to cause a problem.

Knowledge (local) roll to see if Skip knows of any local adventuring groups who'd been hired by this guy, or to go out into the swamp, etc. Depending on the roll, information I'm looking for is: did he pay (if they returned)? Did they return? How competent were the group?

Roll below, again, I'm not looking:

EDIT: Huh, so I guess I did something wrong with the dice roller? Another roll below, let me know if this one mucks up as well, or just roll it for me:

The Squirrel
2012-12-11, 04:01 PM
Thunkar takes in this information and starts looking off in the distance and scrunches his face.
Hundred gold... hundred coin is small handsack, handsack of gold is two season of food! And if Thunkar get key, one tenth of treasure! If treasure was ten oranges, Thunkar get whole orange all to himself! If treasure was big axe... maybe Thunkar could get part of handle?

2012-12-11, 05:34 PM
While the group was discussing the matter concerning the retrieval of the key for Richard, Ach had finished his ale and promptly let a small burp come out. His odeur wasn't the best around already, so who knows what his breath is like now.

The idea of the swamp sounds alright and the gold is a better motivator for Ach to join in. He is looking forward taking on this adventure, but he is a bit wary though about the fact more groups have tried and assumingly have failed (since he is asking this group now). Ach isnt dumb you know.

I like what im hearing, but I am curious about the story of the previous attempts.

2012-12-11, 07:35 PM

Listening carefully to the various chatter around the table, Davos noted several things. A swamp that was vast could possibly entail a evil dragon, something he hates but would easily jump at the chance to strike down if possible, as well as the idea that this man is looking for a certain item. If this item is rich enough that Richard was willing to give a large portion of the treasure...what could it be? What purpose could it serve for him? Interesting indeed.

He sipped from his cup of wine and then nodded.

"I am intrigued. I'd be honored to undertake such a journey...though like my companions I would enjoy hearing more details about what has already been attempted and by whom."

2012-12-11, 07:49 PM
Aleidra nods as Ach and Davos speak. "Yes, tell us more about these other adventurers!"

She is curious about why he's needed to hire more, but she's also hoping the story will be entertaining. A good story's a great prelude to adventure!

Centaur Hero
2012-12-11, 10:18 PM
Richard clears his throat, and signals his servant to gather some more drinks before he answers. "Well, first I went to a ranger who lived near Wheloon, he had a lot of experience in tracking, and was well known for his knowledge of the swamp. He was never heard from again. Multiple others have disappeared, or returned empty handed. So now, I traveled farther, and found what appears to be a very formidable group, which is surely up to the task." The servant returns with fresh drinks for everyone. "So what do you say?"

2012-12-12, 02:20 AM
Ach nods when he receives a refill and says "When do we leave for this swamp?"

2012-12-12, 02:37 AM
Tilden hadn't actually been all that concerned of the previous attempts, believing in the arrogance of inexperience that they'd be able to handle the task just fine, regardless of previous failures. When he mentioned the ranger, though, Tilden raised an eyebrow in surprise. Rangers, he respected.

Still, Tilden wasn't about to back down. He had confirmed that he was in, and saw no reason to change his statement.

2012-12-12, 10:18 AM
Aleidra had been hoping for more of a story out of it, but it's just as well. "We must be mindful of the dangers, respecting the waters of the swamp. But the terms seem agreeable. I have no objection."

As she finishes speaking, she adds a silent prayer to the Water Lord: guide your humble servant through your labyrinth.

The Squirrel
2012-12-12, 11:11 AM
Objekhuion? Oh! Fancy word for ship!
"Thunkar in too. Aleidra need no worry about swamp water. Thunkar have big objekshun that fit everyone! Skip tell Thunkar to leave objekshun at inn but we get it with other Thunkar things before swamp." Thunkar says proudly taking another drink of brandy.

2012-12-12, 02:28 PM

"Your story is adequate...it would seem you've exhausted other options and now need help from a larger, group, and now you've found it. I'll go, and Dragons willing we will be successful."

Davos kept mostly quiet after that, enjoying the wine provided him...a nice thing since it wasn't the cheapest drink in the place.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-12, 05:36 PM
The old man seems elated. "I shall pay for you all to shack up here for the night, and in the morning my driver will drive you all as far as the ruins of my familys mansion. It will take three days to get there so be sure and take care of him will you?" After sharing another round with you all and engaging in small talk, he makes his way(helped by his servant) up the stairs and he goes to his room. A little while later the innkeep shows you all to your rooms. In the morning breakfast is splendid. You all are told by the driver to meet him outside the inn when you are ready to depart. Giving you one last chance to buy anything you all feel is necessary.

2012-12-13, 03:19 AM
It had been a while since Skip had been in a proper bed - he usually found himself a comfortable spot in an out-of-the-way alley - and given that it was made for a human he sprawled on it in content bliss.

Breakfast is a meal much loved by halflings and Skip was no exception, eating a miraculously large amount of food for someone of his stature, also discreetly hiding away a few bread rolls for later.

Maybe he could get used to this adventuring lark? He'd been doing it for no less than 24 hours, and already Skip had certainly enjoyed himself and had profitable prospects ahead.

Over the years he'd gathered together quite an array of equipment, plenty enough for most situations while still being light enough to carry easily, and didn't feel like he'd need much else - particularly given that he wouldn't even have to walk most of the way - so while he was all ears for anything others suggested he had no intention of leaving the meal early.

During breakfast he brought up a few topics that he thought needed sorting out.

"So what's the plan with the loot? Even split? Also, has old Nuggles sorted out our adventurer's charter or are we getting that on the way out?" The laws of Cormyr were something Skip made sure he knew, even if he strayed on the wrong side of them quite often.

2012-12-13, 03:42 AM
Well, alright, Tilden had to give the big city some credit. The accommodations were several steps above what they had in the small village he grew up in. To say nothing of sleeping out in the forest, as had become the norm for him for the past few years. It was almost a little too comfortable; Tilden wasn't used to it being bright out when he first woke up.

He ate a light breakfast, and was ready to go when the rest of the party was, comfortable with his supplies.

"Sounds fair," he agreed when Skip mentioned distribution of loot. "Charter?" he asked curiously. Boy, there were a lot of things to think about when you joined an adventuring party, weren't there? He thought it over, trying to come up with something useful to contribute.

"Should we come up with some sort of battle plan, or something?" he asked, though he immediately felt kind of silly doing so, since his main tactical contribution was pretty much "charge the bad guy and cut it up". He didn't have much experience coordinating with others, and none at all fighting as part of a whole team.

2012-12-13, 07:21 AM
Getting out of bed Ach does a good morning stretch, this was the best night since, what seem to be, ages. That followed by the breakfast the parties received Ach already starts to like the whole idea of adventuring. He surely can get used to this life.

Now to get ready for a long journey Ach looks through his Backpack and thinks he will do some shopping first.

He walks over to the barkeep and asks for 3 loafs of bread and 3 chunks of cheese to buy. He also informs where he can buy a spade and some special items like vials of antitoxin. Ach has heard poisonous stories about certain swamps.

The Squirrel
2012-12-13, 05:12 PM
Thunkar shows up outside the inn carrying a small rowboat that seems packed to the brim along with an absolutely huge axe. Thunkar himself looks a little worse for wear than everyone else and a little smellier than the day before.
The wood elf had already paid for a night at a different inn, didn't want to offend their host by declining his kind offer, but also didn't want to offend the innkeeper at where he was already staying. To satisfy both parties, Thunkar thought it would be a great idea if he spent half a night in each inn - that way no one would be slighted. He woke in the middle of the night and snuck out of a window at the inn everyone was staying at and made the short walk to his original inn - which of course was already locked (being the middle of the night). Not wanting to wake anyone, Thunkar returned to the new inn, only to find that it was also locked (since, again, middle of the night). Not wanting to wake anyone at either location, Thunkar simply curled up in an alley and waited for morning, at which point, he returned to his original inn, retrieved his belongings, thanked the inkeeper, and showed up at the meeting point for breakfast.
How the city guard didn't catch him is anyone's guess.

2012-12-13, 07:39 PM
Aleidra arises early to pray to the Water Lord for her daily spells. After this, she eats a moderate breakfast with the others. To the discussion of loot, she responds, "That sounds fair to me, too." Aleidra does not have anything to say about strategy, but she's eager to be on their way.

Not having any purchasing to make, the priestess just waits outside the inn for the party to assemble.

Spells prepared:
Level 0: Create Water, Light, Resistance
Level 1: Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Longstrider (Travel domain)

2012-12-13, 08:11 PM

In the morning Davos ate his breakfast in silence, and then went about readying his gear. He seemed to have quite the backpack, filled with adventuring gear, strapped with ropes and his bedroll and many other odds and ends. His powerful shoulders heft the load and once everyone is ready, he takes his place to the group, ready to depart.

He only comments once, when things are asked about treasure.

"As long as things are done fairly I think everything will be fine. I think we should worry about keeping ourselves safe first and foremost."

Centaur Hero
2012-12-14, 02:07 PM
In the morning, after breakfast. The driver pulls up in front of the inn, introduces himself as Shep, and tells you all to load into the back or up on the bench with him whenever you are ready.

The Squirrel
2012-12-14, 10:10 PM
When Shep introduces himself, Thunkar seems to remember something and starts hesitantly reciting in the driver's direction, "Hello and salutations to you, Sir. My name is Thunkariasam Galanoriere and it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."
Having sounded out the big words, the wood elf looks proud. "Thunkar sit with Shep in front? Shep have wagon songs? What horses names? How much horses eat? Horses have horses songs?" Thunkar continues excitedly as he climbs up on the bench, still holding the rowboat.

2012-12-14, 10:24 PM
Aleidra barely manages to stifle a laugh at Thunkar's salutation. As he climbs onto the bench, she can hold it in no longer, and lets out a peal of her cheerful, musical laughter.

Beaming with amusement, she addresses the driver. "Pleasure to meet you, Shep. I'm Aleidra," she begins, interrupted by her own giggling. "Church of Istishia. I'll just climb in the back."

As she climbs in, Aleidra playfully calls to Thunkar, "Are horses great singers? I never knew!" She's not quite sure if Thunkar is entirely serious, or playfully silly. Either way, it seems they wouldn't be in danger of dull, boring hours as long as they journeyed together!

2012-12-14, 10:35 PM
Tilden went to retrieve Che from the stables before meeting up with the group outside the inn. He just nodded to the driver, started for the carriage, but changed his mind and instead decided to mount up on Che. Would make sure he didn't go running off unnoticed, and also let Tilden serve as perimeter scout as they traveled. Could never be too careful.

That this decision was made just after Aleidra had named herself as being from a church was almost certainly entirely coincidental.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-15, 12:02 AM
Shep at first seems unsure of Thunkar, but when Aleidra breaks the ice a little, he says, "Sure thunkar, ask away I'll tell you all you need to know!" And he enjoys a good chuckle to himself.

2012-12-15, 12:45 AM

As he piled his pack into the wagon, he greeted their driver.

"My name is Davos. A pleasure to have your wagon for this part of the journey Shep."

With that he hopped up into the wagon and took a seat. It seemed they would be off soon, and he was eager to see the lands they meant to travel.

2012-12-15, 03:36 AM
After Ach finished his shopping he returned finding the wagon already parked in front of the Inn. Most of the party was already sitting in the wagon, Ach picked a spot at the side so he could get out quickly if needed.

"Goodmorning all"

2012-12-15, 06:50 AM
Skip had never been in a wagon before; he hadn't needed to, as getting around the city was easy enough on foot. There wasn't much appeal to him for sitting inside a bouncing wooden box, so instead he clambered onto the top where he had a much better view and grinned, looking forward to being above the pedestrians whose legs he often had to dart between.

For dramatic effect, and to see if I get how this roller works properly:


Centaur Hero
2012-12-15, 10:26 AM
Skip had never been in a wagon before; he hadn't needed to, as getting around the city was easy enough on foot. There wasn't much appeal to him for sitting inside a bouncing wooden box, so instead he clambered onto the top where he had a much better view and grinned, looking forward to being above the pedestrians whose legs he often had to dart between.

For dramatic effect, and to see if I get how this roller works properly:


You passed your climb check

Centaur Hero
2012-12-15, 10:39 AM
Once everyone is loaded in (or on) Shep checks everything once more before rolling out. While he is checking, Richard, escorted by his Orc servant, ambles out to see you off. Waving in the street as the wagon drives off. On the way out of the city, you notice nothing out of the ordinary. After several miles the road enters The kingswood. Where the king hunts for wild game. It is an ancient forest, with many great oak trees, and redwood trees. Occasionally you may see a deer. But it is a great fine to hunt in the Kingswood without a proper permit. The ride seems quite pleasant with the birds chirping, and the sun shining.

@Thunkar, Tilden, and Skip.

Make me a spot check!

2012-12-15, 10:41 AM
DM only:

The Squirrel
2012-12-15, 02:23 PM
"Are horses great singers? I never knew!"

"Thunkar not know. Thunkar ask! Lake ducks not sing, but tree ducks sing! Horses Thunkar know not sing, but Thunkar not know these horses, so maybe these horses sing? These Boots or Born to Run? Good horses songs."

Thunkar is full of questions, excitement, and songs. The wood elf is excited to see deer and goes for his javelins, but accepts when explained that he is not allowed to hunt these animals. After holding the rowboat for many miles, but puts it in the back/top/side if/when someone suggests that he need not carry it the entire time (though Thunkar keeps his axe with him).


2012-12-15, 02:51 PM

Spot (Tilden): [roll0]
Spot (Che): [roll1]
Che also does have Scent, if that matters.

2012-12-15, 05:26 PM
Ach feels good being back into a more natural habitat. He takes his time taking in the scenery and plucks a straw on the way, putting it in his nose before putting it in his mouth. He takes a few deep breaths and get even more excited about heading to the swamps.

2012-12-15, 07:49 PM
Aleidra answers Thunkar, "Well, let me know if you hear any singing, then!"

Otherwise, she is quite content to just sit in the wagon, making small talk and thinking ahead to their upcoming adventure. She makes a mental note to ask around in Wheloon to see if anyone has mapped out any of the swamp.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-15, 11:52 PM
From atop the wagon you have an exceptionally good view, and with your sharp eyes it is easy for you to spot several shapes darting off the road readying, you assume, to ambush you.

2012-12-16, 06:07 AM
This whole "wood" thing smelled funny to Skip, though he soon got bored of peering up like a meerkat at all of the sights that simply didn't exist in the city. It was, for the most part, quiet and boring, and he contented himself with being entertained by Thunkar, scrambling around inside his boat on occasion, playing Thunkar's drums, or juggling a few stones.

Decide how impressed you want to be by Skip's juggling based on the roll below (as per Sleight of Hand being able to be used as a Perform check):


DM only:
Skip's actions depend on two factors: how far away he thinks they are (combined with how fast the wagon is moving) and how many of them he thinks they are. Convenient table below.

{table]|1-3 rounds|4+ rounds
1-3 people|Telling the driver not to stop unless people drop, simultaneously alerting Thunkar (1 round), peer over the edge of the wagon to say "trouble ahead" fairly quietly to its occupants (2 rounds), while keeping a low profile to ready a stone throw (3 rounds)|Same as 1-3 rounds, plus also brief discussion of whether it's worth having Thunkar just stand up and roar at them and, if possible, alerting Tilden in Halfing.
4+ people|Same as above, except replacing "not to stop unless people drop" with "get some speed up in X seconds" (where X is such that it's a round out from the potential bandits).|Same as above, except replacing "not to stop unless people drop" with "get some speed up in X seconds" (where X is such that it's a round out from the potential bandits).[/table]

Centaur Hero
2012-12-16, 10:16 AM
This whole "wood" thing smelled funny to Skip, though he soon got bored of peering up like a meerkat at all of the sights that simply didn't exist in the city. It was, for the most part, quiet and boring, and he contented himself with being entertained by Thunkar, scrambling around inside his boat on occasion, playing Thunkar's drums, or juggling a few stones.

Decide how impressed you want to be by Skip's juggling based on the roll below (as per Sleight of Hand being able to be used as a Perform check):


DM only:
Skip's actions depend on two factors: how far away he thinks they are (combined with how fast the wagon is moving) and how many of them he thinks they are. Convenient table below.

{table]|1-3 rounds|4+ rounds
1-3 people|Telling the driver not to stop unless people drop, simultaneously alerting Thunkar (1 round), peer over the edge of the wagon to say "trouble ahead" fairly quietly to its occupants (2 rounds), while keeping a low profile to ready a stone throw (3 rounds)|Same as 1-3 rounds, plus also brief discussion of whether it's worth having Thunkar just stand up and roar at them and, if possible, alerting Tilden in Halfing.
4+ people|Same as above, except replacing "not to stop unless people drop" with "get some speed up in X seconds" (where X is such that it's a round out from the potential bandits).|Same as above, except replacing "not to stop unless people drop" with "get some speed up in X seconds" (where X is such that it's a round out from the potential bandits).[/table]

Skip only
You think 6-7 in 2 rounds

2012-12-16, 10:19 AM
DM only:
Then his plan is as mentioned.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-17, 09:16 AM
The driver looks at you suspiciously. Six seconds passes.(one round.

2012-12-17, 10:43 AM
DM only:
That's his issue. Carry on with the plan for round 2 (i.e. telling the people inside).

EDIT: I should add that you're of course more than welcome to look at the other spoilers for the different characters, though I assume you'd do that anyhow. :smallwink:
Skip says to the driver "Don't stop unless people start dropping," while giving Thunkar a meaningful look before scrambling over to one side of the wagon roof to say something to those within.
Aleidra, Ach and Davos:
Skip's head appears over the edge of the wagon and he gives a quick warning. "Possible trouble, brace yourself."

2012-12-17, 11:24 AM
Aleidra quickly responds to Skip, "Which way?" She hopes he hears her before disappearing over the wagon edge. Either way, she grabs her crossbow, nods to her companions, and peers out the side of the wagon.

Hopefully whatever the trouble is will be scared off when they see how armed the wagon is.

I'm assuming we don't need to put everything in spoilers, just things that need to remain secret.
Spot: [roll0]

The Squirrel
2012-12-17, 06:53 PM
Thunkar is genuinely amused by Skip's juggling. He's not quite sure what the look meant, but he thinks it means trouble, so Thunkar draws a javelin and waits for the halfling to come back.

2012-12-17, 07:13 PM
Tilden didn't catch Aleidra readying her crossbow, since his vantage to the inside of the carriage wasn't great. Thunkar taking a javelin out he did see, and that put him on edge. Bringing Che around to Thunkar's side and closer to the wagon, he asked quietly, "What goes?"

The Squirrel
2012-12-17, 07:25 PM
"Skip worried," Thunkar replies, stuggling to keep his voice to the same level as Tilden. "Wolves?" the wood elf guesses.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-17, 10:39 PM
Aleidra quickly responds to Skip, "Which way?" She hopes he hears her before disappearing over the wagon edge. Either way, she grabs her crossbow, nods to her companions, and peers out the side of the wagon.

Hopefully whatever the trouble is will be scared off when they see how armed the wagon is.

I'm assuming we don't need to put everything in spoilers, just things that need to remain secret.
Spot: [roll0]

You notice movement to the sides of the wagon, as goblins pop out of the woods around you.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-17, 10:45 PM
The woods around you erupt into woots and screams as goblins and hobgoblins pour out of the woods, surrounding the wagon. A picket-fence-like object is drawn up across the road barring the path. One particularly big and strong Hobgoblin, with a couple of hobgoblin guards flanking him, Yells " 50 gold to pass this toll!"

2012-12-17, 10:55 PM

Davos looked to Skip with some concern. He hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary, and that was another part of what worried him. He trusted the man so far though, he hadn't done anything to make Davos think ill of him. He reached into his quiver nearby and grasped up a javelin, turning it in his hands as they proceeded.

When the goblins came out of the bushes though, he instantly moved to a window near Ach Joh. He held his javelin calmly in his hand, his large spear strapped his back still. The quiver at his side held plenty of javelins to throw...and he waited for what his new friends would do before attempting to impale the closest goblin.

2012-12-18, 02:46 AM
No idea what the trouble meant, Ach reaches for his trusted father's Greatsword.
One moment he asks "What have you seen?" and the next moment a few Goblinoids have blocked the path and are asking for a payment in gold.

Ach is willing to pay, but does not say so directly. He looks around to the others to see what their reactions are. He just hold on to his sword in a non-threatening manner, but ready to fight instantly. This day just might become the day the first goblinblood touches his sword.

He looks around to see how many are around


Centaur Hero
2012-12-18, 09:44 AM
@ Ach Joh As you look out the opposite window from Aleidra.
You can see that there are five goblins on your side.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-18, 09:49 AM
@ Davos
Are you looking out a window, if so, on Ach Johs side or Aleidra?

2012-12-18, 01:30 PM
As the scene unfolds, Aleidra responds to Ach's question. "Goblins. Five on this side; one's a hobgoblin."

She's not sure what the wisest course of action is. If there were fewer goblins, they could force their way through. But even if they pay, will the goblins really be satisfied at 50 gold? Or will they take everything they can get? A fight may happen either way, and striking first is better than striking last.

"Fight or parley?"

She keeps her crossbow trained on the hobgoblin as she also waits for someone to make a decision. Maybe someone has a trick up their sleeve.

The Squirrel
2012-12-18, 01:45 PM
Thunkar pauses for a moment while both sides stare at each other. Finally it dawns on him that these are probably not the king's toll collectors. At the realization, the wood elf stands up and bellows out, "This Kingwood, not Goblinwood. Goblin go home!"

Thunkar's trying to be nice, but firm; I was aiming for diplomacy, but it might be intimidate. Either way the modifier's the same :)

2012-12-18, 02:14 PM
Edited my post a tiny bit. Ach Jonhs side.

2012-12-18, 02:18 PM
From his spot on top of the wagon, Skip can see most of the what are essentially bandits. However, he keeps his head low, near the centre of the wagon, trying to make sure none see him. He's not entirely sure how the group will react, and on the off-chance that they go the combat route he'd like to have the element of surprise.

Rolling for Hide skill below, have kept it in a further spoiler tag so I don't know how well I did.

DM only:
Of course, once Thunkar bellows out - and, to be honest, he's damned scary - Skip realises that this is very quickly going to go one way or the other, and readies one of the stones he was juggling with to throw at one of the goblins nearest to him. The others could no doubt deal with the hobgoblins, he'd help take care of those more on his size if it came down to it.

Of course, these being goblins, he wouldn't be surprised if there were a few more lurking out of sight.

2012-12-18, 02:32 PM
Boy, Tilden thought. This would have been a great time to know an Entangle spell. Oh, bar it. They were adventurers, right? An elite team of skilled warriors! Out came Tilden's greatsword, and the previously quiet halfling's voice rang out with ferocious excitement, "You want to go? 'Cause we can go!" He was staring down the apparent leader (the big guy with two guards) as he made his challenge, a fierce grin on his face, Che baring his teeth with a low growl that rose into a loud bark.

2012-12-18, 05:24 PM
Ach Joh looks back at Alreidra and whispers in a soft voice "i think its gonna be a fight, everyone is holding on to their weapons"

His hand slowly goes to the door ready to open it any moment to leap out, awaiting the reaction of the goblins to Thunkar's statement.

2012-12-18, 08:25 PM
Aleidra winces a little at Thunkar's proclamation. She double-checks that her morningstar and shield are in easy reach. "They are many. Keep close together, lest we each be surrounded." She looks to see if the door on her side of the carriage can be locked or barred. If so, she decides to lock her side of the carriage.

She then turns to Ach Joh's side with her crossbow out, ready to cover him and then follow him out.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-18, 09:29 PM
@ Aleidra- Yes it locks.

@ Skip- None of the enemy seem to have noticed you.

@Everyone- The big hobgoblin seems unrattled by your threats, and proclaims now it is "seveny five" for the inconvenience

The Squirrel
2012-12-18, 10:18 PM
Inkonveenyense? Fancy word for ship!
"That not fair! Why Thunkar pay more for ship!? Thunkar not even in ship now!" the elf proclaims with annoyance.

2012-12-18, 10:27 PM
So, negotiations weren't going so well. Not entirely surprising when they mostly involved yelling. As tensions flared, Skip made sure to get an accurate count of how many there were, as well as taking careful aim at the leader. Gangs came in two types: those loyal to their leader, and those who just did what they were told. Goblins, Skip felt, would fall in to the latter of the two. Take out the leader and the rest would be significantly easier to deal with. He tossed the first stone while keeping low, ready to follow up with a second.

Damage, if it hits:

2012-12-18, 10:28 PM
Okay, so the roller doesn't like it when I put brackets in the description of the roll. Fair enough.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-19, 07:58 AM
The leader begins arguing about sinking ships with Thunkar. When in mid-sentence a stone claps him in the face. Everything goes silent for a second. Then the leader yells, "Charge!" His forces begin to converge on the wagon.

2012-12-19, 08:06 AM
At the words charge Ach feels a shiver go up from his spine all the way to his head. His hand lets go of the doorknob and he seems like to be nailed on the floor. All these years of wandering about, seeking a goal and now making a start realizing them... It gives Ach a sort of cold water fear, but after a few moments he mans up, snaps out of it, and notices he missed a few things.

2012-12-19, 08:47 AM
Snipped due to turn order:
Skip's never one to not take an opportunity when presented to him, and he figures the lead hobgoblin could you another rattling. That first stone landed with a good thump that would have stunned a lot of people, but Skip wasn't overly surprised that he was still standing - burly hobgoblin, and all - and so was ready to follow it up with a second, making sure to stand up properly after doing so while grasping his longspear so as to repel any who tried to climb up.


And yes, I realise that I'm tempting fate with the whole "rolling both attack and damage at the same time" thing. :smallwink:
If the lead hobgoblin is downed before Skip's turn, redirect the throw onto the goblin nearest Skip.

2012-12-19, 02:32 PM
Charge you say? Well, if you insist! Tilden and Che launched for the lead hobgoblin, Che going for his throat with a vicious bite, trained to bring his target to the ground for Tilden to attack with a powerful blow from his sword. The halfling gave out a gleeful battle whoop as he charged.

Che's Attack (includes +2 for Charge): [roll0]. If it hits:

Damage: [roll1]
Trip: [roll2]
Tilden's Attack (includes +2 for Charge): [roll3]. If it hits:

Damage (Doubled for Spirited Charge): [roll4]

*Target will be at -4 AC against Tilden if Che hits and trip succeeds.
*Tilden and Che have -2 AC for remainder of round.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-19, 04:41 PM
Charge you say? Well, if you insist! Tilden and Che launched for the lead hobgoblin, Che going for his throat with a vicious bite, trained to bring his target to the ground for Tilden to attack with a powerful blow from his sword. The halfling gave out a gleeful battle whoop as he charged.

Che's Attack (includes +2 for Charge): [roll0]. If it hits:

Damage: [roll1]
Trip: [roll2]
Tilden's Attack (includes +2 for Charge): [roll3]. If it hits:

Damage (Doubled for Spirited Charge): [roll4]

*Target will be at -4 AC against Tilden if Che hits and trip succeeds.
*Tilden and Che have -2 AC for remainder of round.

If you both attack you need to make a ride check.

2012-12-19, 04:45 PM
Huh, thought that was the DC 5 one, my mistake.

Now watch, I'll get a 3 or something.


Centaur Hero
2012-12-19, 04:49 PM
Huh, thought that was the DC 5 one, my mistake.

Now watch, I'll get a 3 or something.


Nope, and you passed. You do get to attack the leader, Skip went out of turn.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-19, 04:52 PM
Tilden's mighty sword blow takes the hobgoblins head right from his shoulders. Scaring his guards visibly. The rest of the band continues to charge.

2012-12-19, 09:25 PM

Davos bursts from the wagon doors his javelin flying at the first goblin he sees.

Move and Attack!

Move action to exit the wagon and stop soon as I am out, attack to throw the Javelin in hand at the nearest Goblin.



Possible Crit?

Extra Damage

And Aura surrounds Davos, emanating out from his person. It seems almost like a warm radiance around anyone close by.


Davos normally has his Energy Shield aura active, anyone within 30feet of him that has line of effect to him deals 2 fire damage to any attacker that harms them in melee.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-19, 09:47 PM

Davos bursts from the wagon doors his javelin flying at the first goblin he sees.

Move and Attack!

Move action to exit the wagon and stop soon as I am out, attack to throw the Javelin in hand at the nearest Goblin.



Possible Crit?

Extra Damage

The goblin taunts you mercilessly!

2012-12-19, 10:36 PM
Aleidra aims for any hobgoblin within range that she can target unobstructed. If all she sees are goblins, she instead picks one that is near her allies but not yet engaged in melee. She opens fire with her crossbow, but as the carriage shifts from Davos's leap, the bolt flies harmlessly into the trees. I'm shooting from a wheeled platform... She quickly tosses the crossbow onto the seat and instead draws her morningstar.

Standard action to attack, free action to drop a weapon, move action to draw a weapon.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm (if needed): [roll2]
Crit Damage (if needed): [roll3]

2012-12-19, 11:07 PM
Skip's never one to not take an opportunity when presented to him, and though he was about to throw another stone at the lead hobgoblin he saw Tilden practically gallop in and do a much more brutal job of it. Instead, he takes the opportunity to throw at one of the approaching goblins while he still had the element of surprise.

After his throw he picks up his longspear so as to repel any goblins who tried to climb up, electing to move to one side of the cabin (the one with the locked door) so he had a clear chance to jab at them.

Assuming you want re-rolls:

Note that Skip has a longspear (and Combat Reflexes) so should get an attack on any goblins coming his way.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-20, 08:39 AM
One of the goblins that skip hits with his stone stops dead in his tracks, and shakes his head a couple times.

The Squirrel
2012-12-20, 02:21 PM
Thunkar scrambles down the seat and stands in front of the driver. During the repositioning, the elf drops the javelin he was holding and draws his huge greataxe, threatening to embed it in anything that gets close enough. "Golblins go home!" The elf reiterates threateningly.

Move while drawing, ready an action to attack any enemy that gets close enough (unless they are clearly retreating past Thunkar, which would be odd, but maybe some of these goblins also have low int scores :) )
[roll1] (includes 2 damage from Davos' aura)

Centaur Hero
2012-12-20, 03:27 PM
@Thunkar- A goblin in front of the wagon charges Thunkar, thrusting a spear at the elf. Thunkars mighty blow misses.

Take two damage Thunkar.

@Davos- A goblin throws a spear at you narrowly missing. However a big hobgoblin with a Sword and shield charges you

Take 5 damage.

@Skip- The goblins see your spear, and a couple see you're intent. However two do charge the wagon. Three, throw spears. One connects with you.

Take three damage, then make your two attacks of opportunity.

@ Tilden- The two guards begin to run, as well as the goblins nearby.

2012-12-20, 05:18 PM
Attacks of opportunity on the two goblins below. I'm not an expert on how Dragon Shamans work, but I believe I would get an extra 1d6 to damage rolls?



EDIT: Based on the rolls I've taken a bit of liberty with the IC stuff below. Feel free to correct if I got my numbers wrong.
Skip winced hard when the javelin hit. Honestly, he was surprised; 3 goblins picking on him when hulking barbarians wait, particularly as he was far from being able to chase them down afterwards while the two barbarians and mounted halfling were more than capable of pursuing the survivors until caught.

Regardless, he jabbed at the two foolish enough to come close, one hit connecting and dishing out more than he took.

2012-12-20, 07:33 PM
The goblin that hit me takes 2 points of fire damage, and if any other people who were hit are within 30 feet of me and have line of effect their attackers also take 2 fire damage.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-20, 10:43 PM
Upon seeing the flames explode outward from everybody. The Next biggest hobgoblin sounds the retreat.

Skips spear goes right through the chest of a goblin. Adding another body to the ground.

2012-12-21, 03:42 AM
At that moment Ach jumps out of the wagon he hears the sound of retreat. They must be really scared by me he thinks while he raises his greatsword as if he is celebrating victory. He pauses a moment to think about going after the goblinoids, but decides his posture must have done the trick scaring these creatures. Besides there is a task at hand.

HA! Run and do not even think about crossing our path again! Ach shouts after them.

He looks around to see if anyone is injured badly, but that doesnt seem to be the case. Shall we continue our trip everyone?

2012-12-21, 04:15 AM
There was a not-so-small part of Tilden that wanted to chase the fleeing goblins down, but wisdom prevailed. It would be pointless, and put his team at risk. Still, didn't stop him from yelling a few taunts of his own after them. "Yeah! Get out of here! Try picking your fights a little more carefully next time!" he shouted. Did they even speak common, the leader aside? Eh, who knew?

He wasn't off his guard, though, wouldn't sheathe his sword until he was sure they had departed. If any of them still threatened him or one of his allies, he'd rush them.

Readied action to partial charge anyone that doesn't flee...I assume the battle's done, but just in case.

2012-12-21, 12:23 PM
Aleidra readies her shield and maintains her place in the door of the wagon, scanning the scene to be sure the goblins are all retreating.

Move action to ready her shield; standard action to ready a melee attack against any goblin that approaches her side of the wagon instead of retreating.

2012-12-21, 12:25 PM
Oh no, you don't get to hurt Skip and get away quite so easily. Holding his spear in one hand he kept a watchful eye on the goblin directly below him, seeing that he was out of their reach, he drew a dart from his bandolier and lobbed it at one of the fleeing goblins - preferably the one who he'd hit with a stone earlier - before grasping his spear firmly again and looking down at the goblin at the wagon's base.

"Run," he stated, trying to sound menacing but it paled in comparison to the years of roar-training the barbarians seemed to have gone through.

Ranged attack on whichever goblin:

If you'll let me have Intimidate as a free action, if not (or the roll is crap :smallbiggrin:) don't bother.

The Squirrel
2012-12-21, 03:00 PM
Though just a scratch, Thunkar's wound seems to anger him and he takes another swing at the goblin that dared attack him. "Goblin not run! Goblin attack Thunkar? GOBLIN DIE!"


The Squirrel
2012-12-21, 03:06 PM
At the outburst, Thunkar's huge axe cleanly connects to the top of goblin's head and looks like it might continue through his torso, bisect the goblin in two.

2012-12-21, 07:41 PM

Pulling another Javelin from his quiver he gives a mighty hurl, aiming for one of the fleeing goblins, further incentive for them to continue on their way.


Attack Roll


Possible Crit?

Bonus Damage

Centaur Hero
2012-12-21, 09:48 PM
The goblins all run! Leaving their wounded and dead. Including the injured one which skip stuck with a dart.

Attacks of opportunity please, as well as one round of ranged attacks if you really with to mess them up.

2012-12-21, 10:20 PM
Skip lunged at the goblin which fled, sharply jabbing him though he didn't feel like it'd be enough to down the bandit. He followed up with a thrown dart even as the other made some ground.

I just realised that doing one load of rolls first, seeing the result, then adding the flavour text before the ranged attack will probably break the dice roller. If so, see the broken rolls in the OOC thread. I also assumed that the damage done wasn't enough to down the goblin; if it was, let me know and the follow up attack will be on any other goblin on Skip's side instead. I've added a -2 penalty to the ranged attack due to range (funnily enough darts don't have a great range increment).

[roll="Dart attack"]1d20+4

2012-12-21, 11:13 PM
Tilden and Che would strike out at any goblin who tried to flee past them...

AoOs, if any:
Che - Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]
Tilden - Ride: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]

Damage: [roll4]

And he'd drop his sword, draw his bow, and loose one final parting gift.

If I'm understanding the intent right, this is a new round (round 3), Che is not attacking. If the 'one round of ranged attacks' was meant as round 2, ignore this, since Tilden spent that round readying his partial charge.

Attack: [roll5]

Damage: [roll6]

That done, he'd gather his weaponry, and head back towards the party. "Everyone alright?" he asked, followed by, "And who did the awesome thing that set us all on fire without burning us? They were all like, 'Charge!' and we went 'Whoosh!' and they said, 'Run away!' and it was glorious!"

2012-12-22, 01:37 AM
Aleidra coolly chimes in, "Yes, fire's very flashy."

It will be some time before she will have sufficient mastery over the element of water, but with it will come deeper powers, all the more deadly when underestimated.

2012-12-22, 07:07 AM

Shaking his head, Davos checked to see if any of his misguided javelins were still serviceable, returning with them and checking their quality as he spoke.

"The power of my gods is deep in my soul, brothers. I can call forth many blessings from this power, given to me by the greatest of the metallic gods. The fires of the brass burn deep in me, and I can put their fire to use in many ways. Stay near me friends, for the power will surround us all. Powering our blows, damaging those who would dare strike at us, and even helping mend those whose wounds are great."

Centaur Hero
2012-12-22, 09:42 AM
Now that all the foes are vanquished, The driver tips his cap saying, I think you folks will do just fine. Skip having just finished off the last straggler, you all get the feeling you are being watched however. The driver makes ready to drive off again, whenever "the looting" is over he says.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-22, 09:53 AM
Two hobgoblins and three goblins litter the field.

The Squirrel
2012-12-22, 01:35 PM
Thunkar's version of looting consists of lecturing to both halves of the goblin's head with his huge greataxe in one hand and the goblin's spear in the other, "Goblin spear SMALL! Thunkar axe BIG! Goblin see Thunkar have big axe, Thunkar tell goblin run, goblin want die? Goblin dead! Thunkar not dead! Thunkar have big axe! Goblin dumb!"

Centaur Hero
2012-12-22, 01:47 PM
Most of the treasure to be found is on the leader. There is a small bag full of coins1pp 35gp 72sp 145cp
As well as a broach, and a very fine gem encrusted Greataxe. Also there are three gems, and two very finely made daggers.

2012-12-22, 02:22 PM
Skip glances around for any lingering goblins before lowering himself down off of the wagon to go and retrieve his darts. He's a bit winded, and the adrenaline that's pumping through his veins is slowly subsiding, causing him to go a little pale. He didn't think he'd killed any of the bandits; he wasn't big enough to do so, surely?

As he looked at the three goblins who'd been dropped by him, he made a rather quick attempt at binding their wounds with whatever they had that counted as clothing. He wasn't a murderer, after all... right?

Heal checks until 3 successes (DC 15) for the goblins he downed, based on the damage dealt I don't think many others would still be above -10.

As he bound each goblin, Skip said a quick prayer in the Halfling tongue. "Brandobaris has not smiled upon you today, little one, but he is as fickle as he is sly. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and tomorrow give it another try."

While the little victory talks and looting were going on, Skip was carefully making sure the goblins were off to one side but in clear view, should their companions return looking for them. Only then did he pay significant interest in whatever the goblins had, fully aware that a large amount of their equipment would be appropriately sized for him, if somewhat shoddy. Still, having an array of spears on top of the wagon to throw wouldn't be a bad thing, and he collected up those that he could find.

The goblins' armour nor shields were of much use to him, and though Skip considered taking it to find a buyer whenever they stopped off, it likely wasn't worth the hassle of bothering with too much. He made sure that each of the wounded goblins had their armour left on, a shield and a spear before collecting up whatever he could off of the fallen.

Truth be told, the mighty blows inflicted by the elf barbarian and even his fellow Strongheart made him feel both safe and worried. What kinds of misadventures would they get in to together?

The Squirrel
2012-12-22, 02:43 PM
His verbal thrashing completed, Thunkar suddenly looks worried and wanders over to Skip, who had been so helpful to him in town.
"Skip, king say Thunkar pay many gold if Thunkar kill deer here. How many gold Thunkar pay king for goblin kill?" the elf asks the halfling.

2012-12-22, 03:18 PM
"Nah, Thunkie, you're all good. I'm pretty sure the king dun't care too much about a few goblins." The halfling chuckled a little. "Come on, we'd better get moving."

Because I forgot to add it in last time, the Spot roll for when Skip checked around:


2012-12-22, 03:32 PM
When the driver mentioned loot, Tilden quickly said, "Oh right, we're adventurers, we're supposed to take their stuff," and went to help with that. Just so happened that this new course of action came right after Davos mentioning he used "the power of his gods" for the pyrotechnic displays. Another meaningless coincidence no doubt!

He watched Skip tend the injured with some surprise. Thought hadn't even crossed his mind. After several moments, he went to join him and Thunkar. "Shouldn't we take their weapons?" he asked. "I mean, if they're still armed, won't they just wake up and go back to trying to rob people?"

2012-12-22, 04:03 PM
As Tilden asked Skip about what he was doing, Skip looked almost a little confused. "Their line of work might not be to your, or my, liking, but who are we to judge? Yes, no doubt they'll go back to robbing others, but keep in mind who you're talking to, here. I give them Brandobaris' blessing such that one day, when it's me in their shoes, Brandobaris will smile on me."

Skip simply shrugged. "If you'd rather kill them then it's on your conscience, I've done my bit."

As talk went to loot, Skip looked over. He'd handled a few items that he'd "forgotten how he acquired" in the past, though he often left that to one of the others in his gang, so cast his eye over the assorted items.

DM only:
Appraise rolls below. I'm not sure how many you want, so I've done half a dozen. I'm not looking at them, so let me know if I mucked up the roller. If you could let me know what Skip thinks they're worth, whether or not that coincides with what he tells the group is another thing entirely. :smallwink:


2012-12-22, 04:24 PM
Tilden nodded slowly. That sounded...fair, he supposed, and there wasn't much point in slaying defeated foes, that he could see. Fact was, Skip struck him as a lot more worldly than he, living in the big city and all. He deferred to the other halfling's judgement.

2012-12-22, 04:33 PM

Shaking his head as he took stock of what they had gathered, he didn't mind at all how the treasure was handled, the items were no interesting to him at all. The money would be helpful later but he was sure that he would get his share. He had no reason to distrust any of the party so far.

He helped get the bodies off the road, and if any were still alive he made sure to treat them a bit more carefully. He had no interest in killing them, in fact if they bled to death or not was not his concern. They were evil and had decided their own fate by attacking goodly travelers.

Once the wagon was ready to go again he climbed back inside, but this time kept a watch out of one of the windows as they went.

2012-12-22, 09:56 PM
The combat had gone so quickly, and Aleidra barely had time to feel the adrenaline before it was over. A sudden downpour, quick but deadly.

Aleidra quietly observes the actions of the others, noting their philosophical musings and respectful instincts. Diverse opinions in this group, but the scattered drops will coalesce into one pool.

She assists the others in gathering what gear they decide to collect, though she'd really rather just continue on their way. It seems ironic, how the party was now collecting the toll from the goblins who demanded that a toll be paid.

After everything is collected and stowed, she takes a place opposite Davos, also keeping a vigil through the window. Fire guards one side, water the other. We are in balance.

2012-12-23, 03:32 AM
Ach didn't even think about looting or aiding the fallen. Seeing the others do so made him realise that lotting is off course a part of adventuring. These moment it becomes clear how new he is to this.

Ach directs himself to Davos: "It's good to know that your gods give you these powers, I'm sure they will come in handy. That was proven today already"

After that Ach looked at the loot that was acquired and said: "I have no use use for any of these weapons. I say we take the gold and the shiny axe to sell."

Then he goes to the wagon, taking in the same spot as before, but this time he promised himself to be more ready the next time.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-23, 09:56 AM
As Tilden asked Skip about what he was doing, Skip looked almost a little confused. "Their line of work might not be to your, or my, liking, but who are we to judge? Yes, no doubt they'll go back to robbing others, but keep in mind who you're talking to, here. I give them Brandobaris' blessing such that one day, when it's me in their shoes, Brandobaris will smile on me."

Skip simply shrugged. "If you'd rather kill them then it's on your conscience, I've done my bit."

As talk went to loot, Skip looked over. He'd handled a few items that he'd "forgotten how he acquired" in the past, though he often left that to one of the others in his gang, so cast his eye over the assorted items.

DM only:
Appraise rolls below. I'm not sure how many you want, so I've done half a dozen. I'm not looking at them, so let me know if I mucked up the roller. If you could let me know what Skip thinks they're worth, whether or not that coincides with what he tells the group is another thing entirely. :smallwink:


@ SKip only!

You believe the gems to be worth about 50gp as they are well cut bloodstones. The daggers you believe are at least masterwork, same with the axe. The brooch you believe to be a minor trinket, hardly worth the trouble.

2012-12-23, 10:28 AM
After Skip looked over the items, he let out a low whistle. "Must be 'bout a thousand Lions' worth o' stuff. Six ways, that's around one-fifty each, but I doubt you'd get that for 'em. You could probably haggle just shy of 200 gold for this massive thing," he pointed to the axe, "And a little less for the daggers. Bloodstones'll fetch maybe thirty, by the time the moneychanger's talked 'em down, and this trinket's pretty but cheap."

"If we want to split it six ways and no one wants to actually use any of this stuff, you're lookin' at about a hundred Lions each once we're done sellin' it. I can't stand all of that damned coin..." Each of their shares worked out as about two pounds of gold; maybe an insignificant weight for those with treetrunks for arms, but for Skip his adventuring gear was verging on bulky as it was. "Tell you what, I know a guy back is Suzail who'll give me a fair price on the bloodstones, I'll take the slightly smaller share of them which I can probably get a little over a hundred for, all told. It's not what you know, it's who you know, after all. Besides, I might actually be able to carry these rather than that." Again, he gestured at the axe. "Thing must weigh half as much as me! He wasn't far off.

DM only:
For the most part, Skip has been entirely truthful. He might have undersold the gemstones a little, but not significantly and they are definitely more of a hassle than straight coin to exchange. If any of the group want to try a Sense Motive, I've made a Bluff roll below. Feel free to give it some sort of circumstance modifier for being pretty much completely honest. :smallwink:


I should add that I based the sales prices for the weapons as between 50% and two-thirds of their actual value, given that their "book price" is what merchants and tradesmen would sell them for rather than what they're "worth". Gemstones would probably keep most of their value, but lose a little of it. In most of my previous games, the DM used the 50%-2/3rds rule for gear and shaved 10% off for gemstones if you tried to trade them for coin (they kept their full value otherwise, and could be used in lieu of coin for any serious purchases). Let me know if you have significantly different ideas, as otherwise I may have valued the items poorly.

2012-12-24, 12:03 PM
Aleidra is impressed by Skip's knowledge in this area. "As you say. I can carry something small, but that axe would be too much. However, we could stow it on the carriage, and try to sell it in Wheloon," she offers. "Unless someone else wants to use it." Her eyes dart to the others at those words.

We're kind of a little out of order due to summary posts followed by detail posts. So this conversation would take place before Aleidra re-embarked. Aleidra could maybe carry the daggers, but that's about it.

2012-12-24, 02:59 PM
"I'm not seeing anything I can use. Doesn't look like anything I could hold comfortably is worth swinging," Tilden said. The thought of lugging all this stuff around, or even that amount of gold, drew a frown. He needed to stay light. "Hey, wait! That's what the boat's for, right?" he asked, looking to Thunkar. "To drag all the stuff around in?" He seemed quite proud as he had said so, quite pleased with having "figured out" the purpose of the boat.

Centaur Hero
2012-12-24, 09:53 PM
"I'm not seeing anything I can use. Doesn't look like anything I could hold comfortably is worth swinging," Tilden said. The thought of lugging all this stuff around, or even that amount of gold, drew a frown. He needed to stay light. "Hey, wait! That's what the boat's for, right?" he asked, looking to Thunkar. "To drag all the stuff around in?" He seemed quite proud as he had said so, quite pleased with having "figured out" the purpose of the boat.


The Squirrel
2012-12-28, 03:05 AM
Thunkar looks confused. "Ship can carry axe and Thunkar and Thunkar friends on lake. Thunkar not see lake. Wagon carry axe and Thunkar and Thunkar friends and ship. Ship not carry wagon, wagon too big. If wizard come and make wagon small, ship carry wagon. Axe not carry wagon or ship or Thunkar, Thunkar carry axe and ship, not carry wagon. If wizard come and make Thunkar big or Thunkar read magic and make Thunkar big, Thunkar carry wagon, not on lake, carry wagon on not-lake..." The elf continues to list what can carry what and under what circumstances, clearly having lost his original point as well as what the conversation was about, however, while musing on the nature of transport, Thunkar had gotten up on the wagon to sit, still holding the new axe.

2012-12-29, 07:59 PM
Tilden just stared at Thunkar for several long moments. His mouth opened, closed, opened again. Nothing came out. He blinked several times. Then he just turned Che back the way they were going and started riding on.

2012-12-29, 11:42 PM
Aleidra listens to Thunkar's speech, and she considers interrupting. Then she catches a glimpse of Tilden. Suddenly quite amused, she just watches the pair: Thunkar continuing his enumeration of potential carrying arrangements, and the dumbfounded Tilden gaping helplessly. Amused, Aleidra climbs into the cabin, quietly giggling to herself. She does not, however, lose her focus. They must be alert to future dangers.

And at some point, she'll have to make an effort to help educate Thunkar. If I can teach him some small things, then he may look to me for clarity when his understanding is murky, rather than diving in blind. And maybe then I can coax tact out of him. ... Or at least a silent, thoughtful expression.

2012-12-30, 01:04 AM
"Damn, Thunkie's a bit odd..." Skip idly thought to himself while gathering up his things before hopping back up to his spot on the wagon, a couple stray goblin spears set next to him on the off-chance they met any more trouble on the road. He also grabbed the gems for the time being, unless anyone complained, and studied them idly while they travelled.

"Come on then, you lot, I'm looking forward to lunch."

2013-01-02, 06:28 AM
When Skip was done evaluating the gems and weapons it appeared that the daggers must be of considerable craftsmanship being worth that much.

"Can I take one dagger as my share? Then there is no need to sell it. It apparantly is manufactured better than the current one I am wielding. Next time we come accross goblins I WILL cut them".Ach emphasises 'will' to let the others know that he will fight, but that this time the others were quicker to respond and intimidating enough to scare the goblings away before Ach had a chance.

As Thunkar and Tilden get into a conversation, Ach thanks his parents for giving him a good set of brains and a somewhat education.

Centaur Hero
2013-01-06, 02:33 PM
As the wagon rumbles down the road, the bloody battle behind you. All of you get this feeling that you are still being watched. After a few hours, the driver stops to rest the team and grab some lunch. Afterwards he drives on until a half hour before full dark.

You are now outside the kings forrest. He desides that a large hilltop looks best to make camp.

"We'll be in Wheloon mid-day tomorrow. Then it is two days to the old mansion." He says while cooking up dinner. "I'll leave you able folks to deal with the nights watch."

The Squirrel
2013-01-06, 03:21 PM
Thunkar gratefully wolfs down as much food as he is given then starts looking for an appropriate spot to set up his tent. (Survival [roll0])
"All Thunkar friend sleep in Thunkar tent! Tent is nice and keep bities out, and sky water out, and tree kitties out, and..." Thunkar continues to enumerate the benefits as he sets up the shelter. Near the end of the process, he surveys the layout, compares it to the size of the group, compares the size of the group to the layout, and starts imagining people in various configurations inside the two person shelter. "Thunkar need bigger tent..."

2013-01-06, 05:54 PM

Once they had stopped for the night Davos gave a chuckle at Thunkars enumeration of the benefits of his tent. He had never bothered to get a tent, used to sleeping under the stars. His tribe did build structures, but when weather permitted his people would normally sleep in the open. It felt more free.

He took a look around the camping area they had decided upon before settling in to eat a sparse meal. Once it was done with, he took a seat near the fire and took out his whetstone and began to sharpen the point of his spear.

"We should have two on each watch. There seem to be enough of us..we could all get a good nights rest and keep two sets of eyes on the woods in case any more goblins take notice of us."

2013-01-06, 07:42 PM
"Good plan," Tilden agreed. "I can take a middle shift," he added. In his time out in the wilds, he'd gotten fairly used to waking up in the middle of the night and falling asleep again later.

He assisted with setting up camp as needed, and once that work was done, tended to Che, getting him fed, groomed, ensuring he had water. Didn't go play with him any; the hound had put in a long day of travel, and had earned a good rest. Following that was full maintenance of his gear. Only then did he stop to eat, a healthy portion for his size, but a small plate considering the iconic appetite of halflings.

Once they were starting to turn in, he rolled out his bedroll, not particularly concerned with the "bities and sky water and tree kitties," what with his time among the druids. He leaned back against the significantly larger dog's side, seeming quite relaxed...but his greatsword was never outside of his not-particularly-significant reach.

2013-01-07, 12:22 PM
After a, for Ach, long ride he flexes his muscles and takes his time to stretch. Ach is abit stiff and enjoyes the freedom to walk around in the open. Taking in the environment he starts gathering firewood. For some odd reason Ach prefers to sleep udner the stars, all the twinkly lights make give him a feeling of comfort. The others should be gratefull for that, for his smell would be a nucleargasattack in the tent.

"I like the idea of being with two keeping watch. I'm fine taking either one, but prefer the last one"

He will find a nice place to sleep, not to fas away from the other, but not too close either. Ach is still unsecure about his looks. Especially to these people who he met not too long ago. Also the fact he couldnt quite contribute in the last encounter enhances this feeling.

The Squirrel
2013-01-07, 06:47 PM
Davos have good plan. Need two people 'on watch'. Tilden middle, Ach last. Noone first! Need two people first or Davos good plan not work! Thunkar's eyes grow a little wide with the realization.
"Thunkar first watch!" he offers forcefully with a hint of desperation.

Centaur Hero
2013-01-08, 12:00 AM
Once everyone had settled in, the driver graciously excepts the tent with Thunkar, being afraid of tree kitties himself. All the watches go by without incident, although the feeling of being watched never leaves you. A hearty breakfast is prepared in the morning and by mid day you all reach Wheloon having a quiet countryside drive.

Does anyone wish to stop here? Answer in the ooc.

2013-01-08, 02:49 PM
"I'll nab middle watch, though back in Suzail we'd still be up!" Skip joked while setting up his bedroll and getting settled. Truth be told, he didn't fancy spending too much one-on-one time with any of the bigfolk; they were nice enough, sure, but he was still a little wary of them, even if they'd given him no reason to be. Having to socialise with non-halflings was not something he was overly used to. Besides, Tilden and he had plenty of things to talk about; no doubt he could learn something about the great outdoors, and in turn share something about city life. He was more than happy to have a chance to recount his "grand adventures" with a fellow halfling.

After dinner - during which he obviously ate far more than his body size should be able to accommodate - he quietly made his way over to Aleidra, looking up at the young woman. "I don't mean to be a bother, ma'am, but I was wondering if you might be able to have a look at where one o' them goblins managed to stick me. I 'eard Istishia's a nice enough fella - even listened to a couple of sermons if I was passing by. I wouldn't normally fuss, but given that we'll be on a bumpy cart for the next couple of days I dun't think it'd do much good fer the healin' and all."

2013-01-08, 03:34 PM
"Tonight, the Water Lord smiles upon you." Aleidra places her hands over the halfling's wound and chants a short phrase in Aquan. Skip feels the energy of the spell heal him.

She spontaneously casts Cure Light Wounds, dropping Sanctuary (this is from last night's spell list): [roll0]
Did anyone else need healing?

Centaur Hero
2013-01-09, 09:31 PM
After leaving Wheloon, you all have an easy rest of the day. I'ts beautiful out, and the sun is shining. Not until almost dark are there even any clouds in sight. The next day is much of the same.

As night falls on the second day, You see a decrepit looking mansion in the distance. A low rock wall surrounds the place, and the driver will go nowhere near it. He tells you that he will stay the night with you, then depart back to Suzail.

He seems quite nervous being around the area and tells you how to find the old cook who survived the battle. He tells you he lives in a shack a mile to the south of the mansion. He seems to think perhaps you should go there first.

When you all go to set watch and the sun is fading, the mansion seems quite ominious, almost glaring at you it seems.

The Squirrel
2013-01-11, 11:57 AM
Thunkar is very proud of his new acquisition and starts setting it up with gusto. During the difficult parts, he often stops, looking at the components and starts counting out on his fingers, "Head bone connect too-da neck bone, neck bone connect too-da chest bone, chest bone connect too-da gut bone... GUT BONE! That it!" and continues as if the song had reminded him how to continue.
After a very long time, the tent's set up and Thunkar has a fire inside, burning the 'firewood from home' as well as bringing out a jug of ale for all to share.
"Shep, why Shep go home? Shep come have adventures with us! Shep take Thunkar old tent - too small for Thunkar and Thunkar friends. Old tent protect Shep from tree kitties."

2013-01-11, 12:38 PM
"Got it," Tilden said when Shep informed them of the cook. "You going to be okay heading back?" he asked, the encounter with goblins still fresh in his mind.

Centaur Hero
2013-01-11, 12:45 PM
Shep chuckles as he graciousy excepts the gift from Thunkar, but politely declines the adventures.

I feel that you guys pretty much scared those goblins off. They won't likely attack this vehicle again.

2013-01-11, 05:15 PM

Giving a light chuckle at Thunkars gift, he bid Shep farewell and set about getting their camp ready. He took first watch again and when it was time to bed down for the night he sat with a good view of the mansion. His spear lay across his lap and he worked a stone along the tip, making sure it was sharp as could be. He felt he would surely need it on the morrow.

"Get some rest friends...That place doesn't look inviting."

The Squirrel
2013-01-11, 05:37 PM
On watch with Davos, Thunkar breaks the eerie silence prompted by the distant mansion; "Why Davos eyes look like shiny gold?"

2013-01-11, 07:01 PM

Turning to Thunkar he rested his spear next to him and gave the barbarian his attention for a moment. As he spoke he made sure to keep his eyes scanning the wilderness around him, as well as taking a look at the mansion every now and again.

"Well Thunkar, I had an interesting experience with a dragons spirit. I was left with my different hair and eye color, as well as my abilities that I employed in our battle with the goblins. I actually travel in hopes to find a benevolent dragon. My people worship the scaled beasts and to be able to pose even one question to their kind would be a humbling feat."

2013-01-11, 07:15 PM
"Your people worship dragons?" Tilden asked. He sounded rather incredulous at first, but then added, "Huh. That actually makes a lot of sense."

2013-01-12, 04:19 AM

Turning to Tilden he nodded and leaned back against the rock he had been sitting by.

"I understand that many do not follow the same beliefs as my people, but yes we worship Dragonkind as a sort of living gods. Their ties to the magic that weaves the world cannot be questioned, and that makes them special indeed."

2013-01-12, 07:59 AM
While eating Ach turns to Shep for a talk.

Did you also drive the other adventurers to this place?

The Squirrel
2013-01-12, 09:14 AM
Sitting at full attention, Thunkar is clearly worried at Davos' revelation."Dragon!? Dragon eat goats and burninate countryside and thatched roof cottages! It take mighty warrior to save Thunkar village! Why Davos worship god that want to burninate Thunkar village?!"

2013-01-12, 10:51 AM

Davos shook his head slowly, putting together Thunkars story he clapped the Barbarian on the shoulder.

"Well Thunkar, just like the regular gods, there are good dragons, and bad dragons. I'm sorry your people were burninated, but the evil dragons work in terrible ways. I revere good dragons, Brass colored ones especially. So be sure to let me know if you ever see one."

2013-01-12, 01:47 PM
"Except with dragons, you can actually theoretically meet them and talk to them and ask what they think and see if they're shiny or not," Tilden pointed out. "With gods you pretty much just have to rely on their priests," he spat the word like a curse, "to tell you what's what."

The Squirrel
2013-01-12, 03:40 PM
"Not all dragon green? Some dragon braahs... braahs same as shiny gold? Like Davos hair?"
Looking at Tilden, Thunkar asks, "Tribe shaman tell Thunkar gods speak to anyone if anyone listen hard - even Thunkar! - and tell to good thing. Thunkar listen to gods very hard but gods not say many things to Thunkar. Tilden not have god?"

2013-01-12, 10:39 PM
The halfling visibly clammed up. "Eh...not really. I mean, the druids say that what we do is in accordance with Silvanus's teachings, I guess," he said with a shrug.

2013-01-12, 11:06 PM

Listening to Tilden for a moment he shrugged his shoulders a little.

"I have always found some religions much more confusing than my own. Like you say Tilden, we can see our gods from time to time...which is good and bad. The evil dragons can do much harm with their presence in the mortal realm. It is nice to have something tangible to devote yourself too though, I must admit."

He turned back to Thunkar as well.

"And yes Thunkar Brass is similar to gold. Gold is a little more shiny."

Centaur Hero
2013-01-13, 12:35 AM
While eating Ach turns to Shep for a talk.

Did you also drive the other adventurers to this place?

Nah, He never seemed so sure of anyone until you folks.

2013-01-13, 05:12 AM
It seems that Ach cannot get extra information about the previous attempts with the answer the driver gives him, so he decides to tuck in early for the last watch.

After unrolling his bedroll, he goes to the others.

That is a nice new tent you got there Thunkar. It will provide a good shelter for all of us. I am going to sleep now, but please wake me up at the threath of trouble. Goodnight.

Centaur Hero
2013-01-13, 10:44 AM
The first two watches pass quietly. The only sounds being the occasional Owl.

Ach and Aleidra
Listen checks.

2013-01-13, 02:24 PM
Aleidra rises for her watch, takes a drink of water, and sets up to keep an eye out around the camp.

Listen: [roll0]

2013-01-14, 03:20 AM
After waking up for his watch with the human priestess he first takes a good stretch, flexing his muscles.

"Good morning, are you ready for this exciting day?" His excitment comes from the fact that, for him, whis will be his first step into stepping in his farther's footsteps.

After his stretch, he starts making a meal. "Want some?" he asks Aleidra.


2013-01-14, 10:40 AM
"I feel ready," replies Aleidra. "It is exciting, isn't it?" She is eager to expand her horizons and explore the world before her.

When Ach offers her a bite to eat, Aleidra quietly declines. "I will eat after my prayers."

What time is it? Aleidra plans to pray at dawn, which is probably towards the end of the last watch...?

2013-01-14, 02:54 PM
Yes, I am really looking forward to this day. It is quite an adventure to investigate the house, I mean with previous attempts failing and people not returning. I wonder what it is that we will find inside.

But I have faith in this group, you guys really made mincemeat of those goblins. I am sure we are ready to face anything together.

When Aleidra says she will eat after her prayers, he just puts out a quick ok and starts eating like he didnt eat in three days. The food is gone in no time.

2013-01-14, 11:07 PM
"Yes, the goblins. ... All I managed was to fire a crossbow bolt into the trees. It was over so quickly! You're right, this is a strong group to set out with."

Centaur Hero
2013-01-15, 09:57 PM
When the night is at its darkest, just before dawn, you see a few figures moving into your camp. Your conversation contributed to you not hearing their approach. They shamble towards you at a slow pace.

2013-01-16, 03:36 PM
Ach gets up grabbing his sword with a firm grip.

Aleidra, should we wake the others or check out what is approaching us?

My gut tells me that this is not a welcome party. Who would be wandering about in this eerie place at this hour.. I say we should wake the others, i'll stay here in case you're going to wake them.

2013-01-16, 09:38 PM
"Got it!" Aleidra quickly turns back to the tent and starts shaking the nearest sleeping party members. "Wake up! Trouble coming!" She speaks in a loud voice, but not so loud as to be a shout, and is sure to speak towards the end of the tent opposite the entrance.

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-01-19, 07:37 PM

Becoming Roused by Aleidra, he gets up and grabs his spear. Luckily his armor was light enough to not disturb his sleep, and he felt the power surge through him as he awoke, his aura flowing out to envelope those nearby.

"Up! Everyone Up!"

Get up, get his spear ready and start helping rouse others.


AC:16 (Touch:12 FF:14)
Fort+4 Ref +2 Will +3
Aura: Energy Shield (2 Fire damage to Attackers)


2013-01-19, 11:50 PM
Having woken the others, Aleidra turns to face the slowly approaching creatures, readying her shield and drawing her morningstar. As she does so, the priestess recognizes the figures entering the firelight. She utters a brief, but audible gasp. Then Aleidra immediately regains her composure, calling to her companions, "Zombies!" She suddenly feels the weight of Istishia's holy symbol around her neck. It is almost as if it were beckoning to her.

Move action to ready shield; move action to draw morningstar, 5-foot step to l8. Assuming that the fire produces light at least as a torch, figures 7 and 8 are within 20 feet of it and are therefore clearly illuminated. I'm rolling knowledge checks to identify them; use whichever apply.
Knowledge (religion): [roll0]
Knowledge (arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (the planes): [roll2]
EDIT: Given the result of the rolls, she's taking an additional free action to speak. This post is now edited to reflect the result of her knowledge.

HP: 8/8
AC: 17 (Touch: 10, Flat-footed: 17)
Fort: +2, Ref: +0, Will: +5

2013-01-20, 03:46 PM
As if he was waiting for the starter giving a signal Ach charges the closest zombie at the cry from Aleidra. With a deep roar he raises his greatsword and swings at the zombie


charge zombie #7


HP: 14/14
AC: 14 this round (Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: -1

Centaur Hero
2013-01-21, 04:24 PM
As if he was waiting for the starter giving a signal Ach charges the closest zombie at the cry from Aleidra. With a deep roar he raises his greatsword and swings at the zombie


charge zombie #7


HP: 14/14
AC: 14 this round (Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: -1


You gut one good with your mighty blow, but it keeps coming at you.

Centaur Hero
2013-01-21, 04:35 PM
@Ach- The two enemys nearest you attack!

They both miss.

Centaur Hero
2013-01-21, 04:39 PM
@Aleidra- A magical missle comes flying out of the darkness at you!

Take 4 damage from a magic missle It was fired from the creature number 2

@Everyone- The creatures begin closing on the camp.

2013-01-21, 05:28 PM
Aleidra staggers as she is struck by the missile of energy. "Ngh!" She lets out an involuntary moan. Her expression is pained, yet resolute.

HP: 4/8
AC: 17 (Touch: 10, Flat-footed: 17)
Fort: +2, Ref: +0, Will: +5

2013-01-21, 08:18 PM
Updated Map

2013-01-21, 09:23 PM
Having not long gotten to sleep himself, Skip wasn't too hard to stir, standing up and grabbing his longspear while he appraised what was actually going on, rubbing sleep from his eyes and glancing about.

Stand up: move action
Draw/pick up longspear: move action
Step into N8: 5-foot step

If you'll let me have a Spot for free, as Skip hasn't got darkvision I'm rolling to see if he can see where the spell that hit Aleidra came from, or at least what direction. Spellcasters tend to be squishy to sneak attacks. :smalltongue:


HP: 6/6
AC: 18 (14 flat-footed, 15 touch)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2

Centaur Hero
2013-01-22, 01:18 AM
Having not long gotten to sleep himself, Skip wasn't too hard to stir, standing up and grabbing his longspear while he appraised what was actually going on, rubbing sleep from his eyes and glancing about.

Stand up: move action
Draw/pick up longspear: move action
Step into N8: 5-foot step

If you'll let me have a Spot for free, as Skip hasn't got darkvision I'm rolling to see if he can see where the spell that hit Aleidra came from, or at least what direction. Spellcasters tend to be squishy to sneak attacks. :smalltongue:


HP: 6/6
AC: 18 (14 flat-footed, 15 touch)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2

It came from creature 2

The Squirrel
2013-01-23, 01:00 PM
Tossing and mumbling something about giant ducks, Thunkar awakes with a start, though dream seems to blend with reality, "Duck zombies! Thunkar not asleep!"

move action: grab greataxe
move action: stand up
on the far side of the tent, so Thunkar's still inside

HP: 13/13
AC: 11 (Touch: 11, Flat-footed: 11)
Fort: +3, Ref: +1, Will: +0

2013-01-23, 01:30 PM
Tilden was foolishly up late, so he gathered his wits rather groggily. Still, heard Aleidra's call of zombies loud and clear, and that spurred him to action. He stood up...

Need to see the results of this roll before continuing.

Ride: [roll0]

EDIT: ...and actually, that was stupid anyway, since I'd be at -5 since Che's bareback at this point.

...and clambered up onto Che like some first-year squire rather than the awesome "halfling mongol" he was sure he was supposed to be.

Standard: Stand up.
Move: Mount up.

Che not moving 'cause, ya know, still gotta pick up my sword.

HP: 12/12
AC: 13 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 11)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +2

2013-01-23, 07:20 PM
Seeing the zombies converging upon the camp, Aleidra takes action. She drops her morningstar and clutches her holy symbol, intoning in Aquan. The symbol glows with a blue light, and a wave of positive energy emanates from the priestess. Her intonation rises into the sound of rushing water. The nearest of the zombies visibly falter in their shambling steps.

As she recovers from the trance-like effect, Aleidra ducks down and takes up her morningstar once again.

Free action to drop morningstar, standard action to turn undead, move action to pick up the morningstar. Since the holy symbol is hanging from her neck, I'm assuming she can easily use it whenever she has a free hand.
Turning Check: [roll0]
Turning Damage: [roll1]
Result: Up to 8 total HD of undead creatures (of up to 2 HD each) are turned. The nearest undead are counted first, continuing within 60 feet until 8 HD are affected.

HP: 4/8
AC: 17 (Touch: 10, Flat-Footed: 17)
Fort: +2, Ref: +0, Will: +5

2013-01-23, 08:47 PM

The Dragon Shaman made his way out of the tent brandishing his spear, and moved immediately to the first zombie he saw in the flickering campfire light.

Move to K4, Spear at Zombie 6.




AC:16 (Touch: 12 FF: 14)
Aura: Energy Shield (2 Fire damage on successful melee attacks against allies)
Fort: +4 Ref +2 Will +3

Current Positions
Zombies with opaque Red are Turned and fleeing.

2013-01-24, 03:34 AM
Skillfully evading the blows of the zombies, Ach retaliates. And with a good swing he strikes again. All those years of training with his father as a young boy could finally be put into real action. Ach showed no sign of fear, he was in a strange way enjoying himself.



Attack the gutted one, if he's dead i turn to #4 making a 5-foot step to j6


HP: 14/14
AC: 16 (Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: -1

2013-01-24, 05:28 AM
Skip couldn't say he knew much about zombies... other than the obvious, that is. Honestly, the sheer number of them was initially terrifying to him, particularly as they closed on the camp, but Aleidra's reassuring words (nevermind that he had no idea what they meant) gave him the courage to stand firm. Combined with the barbarian happily slicing away amongst them, Skip almost didn't have the piece-of-mind to take a jab at the one closest to Aleidra as it seemed to visibly cower.

(Working rushed on a mobile, so can't be bothered to check the modifiers, sorry!)
Not sure if it applies this time as well?

Centaur Hero
2013-01-24, 09:47 AM
The first zombie that ach swung at is dead. The other three closest to Aleidra run. The rest however, continue to attack.

@Davos, the one based to you attemps to slam into you. But misses horribly.

@Ach , three of the ones nearest you limp their way up to you and mob you. Two of them are easily evaded, however, the last one managed to clock you a good one!
Take 7!

@Aleidra, the creature in the back fires again!
Take three from another missle.

Status Creature 6 has taken 1 damage from spear. Creature 3 takes 2fire from swinging at Ach.

You all notice, that the piercing dosent work as well as slashing.

The Squirrel
2013-01-24, 01:59 PM
"Thunkar help Thunkar friends!" the elf exclaims while running into the cool night air in his skivvies. Seeing hostile forms near the fire, he runs up and attempts to embed his axe in the figure marked by a tinge of fire.

Move to K8, attack #3 [roll0] for [roll1] damage

Status: HP: 13/13
AC: 11 (Touch: 11, Flat-footed: 11)
Fort: +3, Ref: +1, Will: +0

2013-01-24, 03:19 PM
Tilden would lean down to scoop up his sword, guide Che out of the tent, and bear down on the zombies attacking Ach. He'd take the swing while Che bites.

Move action: Pick up weapon.
Che Move action: Move into flanking position with Thunkar.
Ride - Guide with Knees (DC 5): [roll0].
Ride - Mounted Combat (to negate a presumed AoO): [roll1].
Ride - Attack with Mount (DC 10): [roll2].
Che - Attack (Flanking): [roll3]. **NOT flanking; total result of 20**

Damage: [roll4].
Trip: [roll5].
Tilden - Attack (if both previous Ride checks succeed; Flanking): [roll6]. **NOT flanking; total result of 18**

Damage: [roll7].

HP: 12/12
AC: 13 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 11)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +2

HP: 13/13
AC: 16 (Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14)
Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +1

2013-01-24, 11:07 PM
Current Positions

**This map does NOT contain Thunkars moves for this turn.**

2013-01-25, 11:39 AM
Leaving the hulking warriors to do their thing, Skip focussed his attention on the source of the spells he'd seen hitting Aleidra. He was by no means an expert at magic - a couple of his former companions had managed a handful of cantrips - but there was no mistaking the jolt the priestess exhibited and their source was equally clear. Though he'd known them for but a few days, Skip's sense of camaraderie established over the years with his previous party was already building within this eclectic group.

With a speed which his small frame seemed almost incapable of, he dashed quickly down past the wagon and ended up standing standing a mere five feet away from him. Zombies he'd heard tale of before, and he didn't feel confident that he knew them well enough to be as precise as he'd like. Surely this spellcaster was something more familiar... more vulnerable.

"Come on then, ya' ugly sonofawh*re, let's dance!" Skip yelled as he got close to his target. He was aware he was leaving himself somewhat open, but damned if he wasn't acting as loud as possible to try to get the other to back off a little.

Double move through squares M9, L10, K11, J11, I11, H11, H10, H9, G8 (10 squares total). @DM As the wagon is shown I have assumed it impassable with respect to normal movement (i.e. difficult terrain). If this isn't true for Skip (keeping in mind his height) his path would be slightly different, but the end square the same.

As he has a longspear he does not threaten Creature 2, but does threaten Creature 1 and Creature 5. He also flanks Creature 1 as far as Tilden and his mount are concerned. I'm working on the theory that the spellcaster won't like being so close and will back off, which may result in an AoO. If not, at least he's presented a much more immediate threat than Aleidra, so some of the damage can be shared around. Skip would rather our source of healing didn't end up unconscious (I am aware that Davos' healing aura may be of use, but Skip doesn't know about it at all as he's not been affected by it yet)

If the DM will allow, Spot check to see what this Creature 2 is all about. I've gathered from the other folks' posts that these are zombies, but the concept of a mindless spellcaster doesn't sit well with me. :smallwink:

HP: 6/6
AC: 18 (Touch: 15, Flat-Footed, 14)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2

2013-01-25, 12:09 PM
Aleidra begins to feel faint, as the two magical attacks sapped most of her strength. Once more she drops her morningstar to the ground, starting to re-think her decision to carry a shield. The water priestess traces a pattern over her heart while chanting, and she can feel the life energy flowing through her veins. Rejuvenated, Aleidra crouches to recover her weapon, and stands at the ready.

Free action to drop morningstar; standard action to cast Cure Light Wounds, dropping Obscuring Mist; move action to pick up morningstar.
Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

HP: 5/8
AC: 17 (Touch: 10, Flat-Footed: 17)
Fort: +2, Ref: +0, Will: +5

2013-01-25, 07:29 PM

"We've got them, drive them back! Protect the wagon!"

His spear lashing out again at the zombie in front of him, he made sure to keep close to his comrades, knowing his aura would be able to reach them all from here, and they were making a good line to protect their camp site.


Spear at zombie 6




AC:16 (Touch: 12 FF: 14)
Aura: Energy Shield (2 Fire damage on successful melee attacks against allies)
Fort: +4 Ref +2 Will +3

Centaur Hero
2013-01-25, 11:52 PM
Thunkar dropped the zombie he swung at with a crushing blow from his axe. As well as the zombie that Tilden and Che maul.

@ Skip Knowlege religion check.

Davos, another poke from your spear hits. 3 more damage, for a total of 4

2013-01-26, 01:26 AM
His companions are awake and dropping the zombies like freshly cut timber. Ach takes a step to his right getting into a better position hitting the last one standing next to him.


move 5 foot step into i6
standard action attack zombie 5



HP: 7/14
AC: 16 (Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: -1

2013-01-26, 01:29 AM
And he swings his sword with extra force


2013-01-26, 04:55 AM
@ Skip Knowlege religion check.

Skip's not got skill ranks in it, so it's untrained only. Quoting from the SRD:

"An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower)."


EDIT: Haha! Okay, so maybe Skip doesn't know much about undead.

2013-01-26, 06:55 AM
Current Positions
**This map is current as of the end of the DMs turn. Tilden is next**

Centaur Hero
2013-01-26, 09:57 AM
Ach almost fells another with his sword, he swings back however!He hits! take 5 and you do 2 fire to him totaling 15

@Davos The zombie still has trouble connecting with you solidly!

@Skip, the seemingly ordinary zombie steps back and casts a spell at you!
Make a will save!

Centaur Hero
2013-01-26, 09:59 AM
Current Positions
**This map is current as of the end of the DMs turn. Tilden is next**

The only difference is that the "Perfectly ordinary zombie" Five foot stepped back away from Skip

2013-01-26, 10:13 AM
First things first, then, Skip's AoO! (the "perfectly ordinary zombie" stepped back into Skip's threat range, and spellcasting provokes an attack of opportunity). If you've already taken care of that (e.g. covered it by casting defensively or whatever that Concentration skill thing is called) feel free to ignore.


[roll="Extra critical damage?"]2d6+2

If that doesn't stop him spellcasting for whatever reason:


If I get some sort of grotesquely huge roll on the Will save I'll go ahead and post Skip's actions on the assumption that he made the save (can edit later if necessary), otherwise I'll wait to see which wonderful spell it was (in hindsight it probably isn't Cure Light Wounds).

2013-01-26, 10:15 AM
It doesn't like question marks? Seriously? Well, given that the attack roll was crap anyway, on to the Will save!


EDIT: Skip is totally on top form for his rolls. Oh well. Bring on the mind control I say!

Centaur Hero
2013-01-27, 12:03 AM
@ Skip, you become dazed.

2013-01-27, 04:13 AM
Blinking a few times, Skip's eyes couldn't quite seem to focus. The figure in front of him, previously so clear, was now a blur. Indeed, the battle raging behind him - of which the warriors were doing a sterling job - became nothing but background noise for the halfling.

"Guys, can you..." he mumbled, trying to form a coherent sentence. "There's a... He just..."

Giving up, Skip held onto his longspear tightly to help balance himself. Right now, that seemed about all that he could manage.

2013-01-27, 05:31 AM
As the zombie swings at Ach he screams in pain. A quick thought goes through his mind "What are these creatures? I swing at them with all my force, but they show no signs of pain and keep coming at us." Ach is clearly hurt, a big cut in his left arm and right leg are visible. In the light of the campfire the stream of blood going down his body colours bright red.


HP: 2/14
AC: 16 (Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: -1

The Squirrel
2013-01-27, 03:03 PM
Thunkar steps up bellowing, "Zombie duck no hurt Ach" while trying to enforce his opinion.

Step to J5 and attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2013-01-27, 03:19 PM
Figuring anything caught facing both Ach and Thunkar was basically dead, Tilden brought Che around to back up his fellow Strongheart. He plied Che's superior mobility to come from an opposite angle, the hound biting while Tilden tried to balance without his saddle well enough to swing.

Che Move: Move into D8. I think it means Che provokes, but since Skip has a longspear, it should also give us flanking. I don't know if I benefit from flanking while Skip's dazed, but if this thing isn't a perfectly ordinary zombie, he'll be able to Sneak Attack if I can't drop it.

Tilden Free - Mounted Combat: [/roll]1d20+1[/roll].

Che Standard: Attack - [roll0] for [roll1] + trip [roll2].

Tilden Standard: Ride ([roll3] vs. DC 10) to Attack ([roll4]) for [roll5].

Note: If Tilden fails Ride check, will use his move action to dismount. I presume this happens after wasting his attack.

HP: 12/12
AC: 13 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 11)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +2

HP: 13/13
AC: 16 (Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14)
Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +1

Centaur Hero
2013-01-27, 11:27 PM
Thunkar Killed the zombie with his blow.

And the Spellcaster Zombie gets destroyed by Che and Tildens flurry.

The only remaining creature is based to Davos.

2013-01-28, 01:11 AM
Aleidra sees the zombies falling, one by one. But then she notices how bloodied Ach has become. These warriors are powerful, but they can only take so many blows. Seeing only one zombie remaining to threaten the group, the priestess steps forward, dropping her weapon. Once more she holds aloft the symbol of Istishia, the Water Lord, her patron and the source of her divine power. Once more, she begins her incantation, and once more the symbol glows blue. Once more the sound of rushing water, once more the wave of energy, and once more their undead opponent jolts as if struck by a blow. Without lowering her eyes from their intense gaze, she loosens the mace from her side pocket.

5-foot step to k7, free action to drop morningstar, standard action to turn undead, move action to draw light mace (because she's tired of stooping to pick up the morningstar; probably should've just abandoned the shield)
Turning Check: [roll0]
Turning Damage: [roll1]
Result: The zombie is not turned, but I'm still leaving in the jolt. Something happened, just not enough to make the zombie flee.

HP: 5/8
AC: 17 (Touch: 10, Flat-Footed: 17)
Fort: +2, Ref: +0, Will: +5
Turn Undead: 2 out of daily 6 used

2013-01-28, 01:42 AM

Davos gritted his teeth and plunged his spear forward. They were nearly done with this rabble of undead, and it would be good to get his friends healed up with the vigor of the dragons so they would not be in danger of losing any more blood.


Swift action to change my Aura to Power: +2 Melee damage
Spear at zombie 6




AC:16 (Touch: 12 FF: 14)
Aura: Power (+2 Damage with melee attacks)
Fort: +4 Ref +2 Will +3

2013-01-28, 04:03 AM
After Thunkar came to help him and dropped the zombie and the magical zombie down Ach looks down and realises he is covered in blood.

Wheter it was the fact that the realisation kicked in that he was holding onto a straw or the fact that he had more scars going on him (Ach wasnt to proud on his looks and got mocked for it very often), making his physique even less appealing, no one knows. But the outcome was it got him going in ways he didnt feel before. All his muscles swole and the vains were clearly visble pumping blood even faster. What an adrenaline rush, what a kick!


Ach turns around spots the last standing zombie and start pounding his feet determined as ever stomping his way over, raising his sword as he charges.


enter a rage
charge the zombie


HP: 4/14
AC: 12 (Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +1

Centaur Hero
2013-01-28, 08:48 AM
Ach, in his fit of rage, cuts the zombie clean in half with his incredible swing.

2013-01-28, 09:14 AM
As the zombie falls to the ground Ach heads back to the campfire, limping a little from the cut in his leg. Does any of you know how to treat wounds? he asks sitting at the fire looking at his cuts.

He feels good taking three major blows at the zombies and is confident the others will know that he is a good asset to them seeking the key that Mr. Nugglesworth required.

Is any of you intending to follow the fleeing ones by the way? Know that I will assist any of you taking them on. He puts his sword upright, so he can lean on it while standing up in case they group will follow the fleeing zombies.

2013-01-28, 03:22 PM
"I got some scrolls that are supposed to provide healing, if we need 'em." Tilden said...with some emphasis on "supposed to". He still couldn't actually get them to work...

"Think we should go after 'em? Che and I could probably run a couple of 'em down."

2013-01-28, 03:52 PM
"Let me see your wounds," says Aleidra. She approaches Ach and realizes just how hurt he is. "I can heal you. Probably not all at once, though," she adds with a small sigh. Aleidra is well aware that her spells won't last all day. She turns to face Tilden, replying to his comment, "I have a few healing scrolls as well. And I am trained in using them, if we need to use them."

2013-01-28, 05:42 PM

Resting his spear back across his shoulders he turned and grinned at his companions.

"That went well, all things considered."

He returned to the camp fire and began to inspect Achs wounds for a moment, and upon seeing that they were indeed rather serious a warmth spread out from him and enveloped those present. It persists for some time, and seems to absorb straight into the skin.

[Aura changed to Vigor. Anyone below 50% HP gains Fast Healing 1 until they reach 50% HP]

The Squirrel
2013-01-29, 12:21 AM
Thunkar gave a slight shiver as he paused regarding the unmoving forms. This not duck zombie. This man zombie. Who told Thunkar duck zombies attack?
The line of thought broken by the discussion on healing, Thunkar interjected, "Thunkar have heal magic! Shaman give Thunkar many things for Thunkar adventure!"
Rushing into the tent, he continued to narrate, "Shaman teach Thunkar how to use magic, write everything down for Thunkar."
Returning to the side of his fellow barbarian with a scroll case, the half naked elf proudly pulled out a parchment and squinted at it in the firelight with a hand on Ach's shoulder. "Ach, who is Ach god? We try Gilligan first.

Pull a scroll of Lesser Vigor, attempt a use magic device on it (need a 21 for a success): [roll0]
If successful, should grant fast healing 1 for 11 rounds.

2013-01-29, 12:36 AM
Aleidra observes as Ach's wounds begin to heal, and looks at Davos. His powers of the flame are intriguing. At least he does not appear to worship Kossuth, but rather the dragons.

Aleidra then quietly chuckles as Thunkar attempts to cast from the scroll.

"Save your scroll, kind Thunkar. I can cast a healing spell for now."

She then traces a pattern over Ach's wounds while chanting a prayer of healing, a prayer in Aquan to the Water Lord. He can feel refreshing coolness flow through his veins as the wounds heal more fully. The priestess smiles as she sees the result.

Casting Cure Light Wounds, dropping Cause Fear. I'm assuming enough time has passed for Davos's aura to complete its work on Ach.
Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

The Squirrel
2013-01-29, 01:02 AM
There's a brief flash of frustration directed at the parchment, as if somehow it was the scroll's fault for not working, but Aleidra'a soothing suggestion quickly dissipated any disappointment. Listening intently to the water priestess' chant, the barbarian silently mimicked the sounds he heard, as if attempting to remember them for later analysis.

2013-01-29, 01:36 AM
Tilden cast Thunkar a commiserating look. "They do that to me, too..."

The Squirrel
2013-01-29, 10:32 AM
The elf considers his halfling companion and looks impressed, "Tilden cast magic? With writings like Thunkar or Tileden know magic like Aleidra? Thunkar need shaman writings and have to ask Gilligan many time before Gilligan help Thunkar. Gilligan very busy, have to watch many things. Isstishea(?) also very busy, world have many water, but Aleidra good at listening and good at ask for help."

Centaur Hero
2013-01-29, 12:45 PM
The driver comes and helps with breakfast when the fighting is over, tells you all what a great, and scary, time he has had with you. But all this being out of the city was getting to him. Fare you all well, and may Lathander watch over you all. Tell me of your adventure when you get back to Suzail!

2013-01-29, 12:57 PM
Tilden just gave a somewhat-bitter chuckle, and deeming anything resembling a full night's sleep officially a lost cause by this point, started gearing up. "Currently? Neither. I'm trying to learn, though."

The Squirrel
2013-01-29, 06:40 PM
With the excitement of the morning fading fast, Thunkar gets dressed, eats a healthy breakfast, and takes down the tent and bunches it into a rather haphazard pile which he then shoves into the rowboat and lashes it all together.
Ready for the day, Thunkar waves to the driver as he deaprts, "Bye Shep! Bye Shep horses!"
Heading south, the elf smiles at the sun upon his face as he starts to sing, "To the South Shack, is little old place that, Shep tell Thunkar... South Shack baby... "

2013-01-30, 08:20 AM
As Thunkar rushes to him with some parchments and asks about his god, Ach replies Kord is my god, but in his excitment Thunkar already started to pray to Gilligan. That is probably his own god Ach figures.

Then the waterpriest steps up and inspects his injuries. He feels a little ashamed of his condition, but that doesnt show. He feels uncomfortable when others are taking a good inspection of him and he generally distruts those people. In this case it is different, but it still makes him feel uneasy.

As Aleidra starts chanting in an unknown language he feels rejuvanated and his wounds start to heal. Thank you Aleidra, that feels so much better now. Please thank your god for giving you the power to help me.. At the same time he thanks Kord for the strenght he gave him finishing off that last zombie.

As Shep is about to leave Ach asks him: Will you be alright on your own on the return? We do have some weapons from the goblins you could take to defend yourself. He makes this offer without consulting the others, but figures if they disagree they will speak.

Centaur Hero
2013-01-30, 08:58 AM
Shep declines politely, stateing that, if his tongue cant win the battle for him, then his crossbow should do the trick.

2013-01-30, 12:11 PM
Aleidra responds to Ach's thanks, "Certainly! I have been favored by the Water Lord, and now his power has touched you!" With a smile, she walks off to the edge of the trees and traces her hand over heart once more, chanting. Less than half a minute later, fully refreshed, she comes back to the fire and picks up her dropped morningstar.

Casting Cure Minor Wounds three times successively, dropping Create Water, Detect Magic, and Read Magic.
Now at 8/8 HP

"You have all fought bravely. This is a strong group! I am grateful to have such capable companions." She smiles warmly at them all. "Now, if you'll excuse me, it is time for my morning meditations. Enjoy your breakfast!"

While the others break their fast, Aleidra sits off to the side. She pours a puddle of water into her hand. With a few words of prayer, she dips her finger into the water and touches her eyes, her ears, and her chest. She quietly meditates, holding both of her hands out, in turn, to hold the small reservoir of water. Sometimes she splashes the water, or traces patterns in it. At several points she dips her holy symbol in the water with an incantation (always in Aquan), and it glows blue with mystical power. At the end of the hour, Aleidra drinks the last of the water from her hands. Rising, she returns to the group, breaking her own fast from her stowed rations.

Prepared Spells
Level 0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
Level 1: Cause Fear, Shield of Faith; Obscuring Mist (Water Domain)

2013-01-30, 01:18 PM
"Good travels, Shep. Take care," Tilden told the driver as he finished gathering his gear, then going to eat.

Centaur Hero
2013-01-31, 09:46 AM
The trip to the south is completely uneventful, after a few hours you come across a little shack with smoke coming from the chimney.

2013-01-31, 02:15 PM
Tilden nodded as he noticed the smoke. Guess that means the cook's still there. Not seeing any particular reason not to, he advanced towards the shack.

2013-01-31, 07:10 PM

As they traveled south he kept his eyes peeled, making sure to watch for anything approaching. It did seem like a rather dangerous piece of land they traveled. Seeing the smoke from the chimney of the little shack he figured perhaps someone was there, but was still cautious. They hadn't found any friends so far in this place.

"We should still be cautious. This land hasn't been friendly so far."

2013-02-01, 06:26 PM
"Wise words," agrees Aleidra. The water priestess had been alert, and for the most part in good spirits, as they traveled. This is it! We're out adventuring! Exploring the world! The always present dangers of the wilderness were a little frightening, but the excitement was undeniable. They'd already made it through a goblin ambush and a zombie attack, and Aleidra was feeling confident in this group's abilities.

Aleidra follows behind Tilden as he advances, looking out over the halfling and training her eyes on the area around the shack.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Centaur Hero
2013-02-02, 12:15 AM
@AleidraYou hear nothing but the birds chirping.And cant even see them.

2013-02-02, 07:53 AM
Being the curious sort of person that he was, Skip had given the zombies a few tentative pokes with his spear, mumbling to himself something about "how do we know they're dead?" before getting distracted by something else and shortly after heading back to bed.

As the camp began to stir, Skip packed up his things without a fuss and moved along with the group as they headed for the shack. Just how open the area was made him a little uncomfortable - he was entirely used to narrow streets and high buildings - but as a lot of the group seemed fairly at ease he put it down to it just being a different environment.

"So we're looking for the cook, right? Makes sense he'd be inside cookin' up breakfast about this time, how 'bout we go knock and see what's up?"

The Squirrel
2013-02-02, 11:36 AM
Thunkar had a very nice walk and had cycled through almost all the songs he knew about shacks, heading south, shacks that are south, and southerly shacks.
When Tilden moved toward the structure, Thunkar followed. "Bang, bang, bang, on the door Tilden," Thunkar whispered helpfully.

Centaur Hero
2013-02-02, 03:29 PM
Thunkar had a very nice walk and had cycled through almost all the songs he knew about shacks, heading south, shacks that are south, and southerly shacks.
When Tilden moved toward the structure, Thunkar followed. "Bang, bang, bang, on the door Tilden," Thunkar whispered helpfully.


2013-02-02, 03:35 PM
Well, assuming nothing jumped out at them while they closed the distance, Tilden would indeed knock solidly on the door.

Centaur Hero
2013-02-03, 12:32 AM
You hear a crotchety old man respond "Go away!"

2013-02-03, 12:39 AM
Tilden gave the door an affronted look. People were more friendly in his home town. "Richard Nugglesworth sent us!" he called in, a touch of annoyance in his voice.

2013-02-03, 12:47 AM
Aleidra speaks up, "We're sorry to disturb you, good sir, but we were hoping you could help us with a few questions." Her voice is bright and cheery, in contrast to Tilden's. They can use any leads this man might be able to give them.

The Squirrel
2013-02-03, 01:39 AM
"Thunkar have elk jerky! Shack-man want jerky? Thunkar share!"

Roll to aid another in diplomacy [roll0]

Centaur Hero
2013-02-03, 02:55 PM
The door opens after a minute, and a gnarled old man opens the door a little. Nugglesworth you say? Whaddayouwant?

2013-02-03, 09:00 PM

Standing among the party with his arms crossed over his chest, he looked the man over for a moment before speaking.

"We're sorry to disturb you, but we were indeed sent by Mr. Nugglesworth. Our destination is the mansion nearby and we were wondering if we could talk to you for a bit about the place."

Centaur Hero
2013-02-03, 11:05 PM
Nothin to say bout nothin, you all can get off my property!

2013-02-04, 02:24 AM
"Please sir," begins Aleidra, "we won't take long. I'm sure it's not the most pleasant subject to reminisce about, but we would consider your assistance..."

While talking, the priestess has pulled out a couple of gold pieces. Now she clinks them together. "...to be of some value."

Diplomacy: [roll0] + whatever the bonus is for offering payment :smallcool:

Centaur Hero
2013-02-04, 09:06 AM
"Please sir," begins Aleidra, "we won't take long. I'm sure it's not the most pleasant subject to reminisce about, but we would consider your assistance..."

While talking, the priestess has pulled out a couple of gold pieces. Now she clinks them together. "...to be of some value."

Diplomacy: [roll0] + whatever the bonus is for offering payment :smallcool:

I reckon I ain't got much use fer money.

2013-02-04, 10:02 AM
"Oh for the love of Brandobaris..." the halfling piped up, bored. "Look, we didn't get dragged all of the way out here just to be turned away because you're a damned xenophobe. Fact o' the matter here is, we ain't 'ere to trash your house, we're 'ere 'cos ol' Nugglesworth is payin' us to go find some... what was it? A key or something, right? Anyways, so far we've been jumped by goblins and woken up by undead. Much as I don't like it, us bein' around might solve you a few problems." The halfling halted his tirade to examine things a little more carefully.

Spot roll to see if there's any signs of anything trying to break in. As it's been described as a "shack" I'm assuming it's not really a sturdy building, so anything like scratches, splintered wood, or boarded up windows etc.


Regardless of what Skip sees, he's carrying on as if he's seen some damage. If he didn't spot any, I'll go for a Bluff roll to make out that he's telling the truth (if he is telling the truth, so much the better).


And, for this whole tirade, I'll throw in a Diplomacy check.

"Looks like your happy little home has been dinged up a bit. Whether that's part o' the charming locale or something else, I figure the longer we're in the area the more nasties we can off, which means less of them knocking at your door. Now, if you ain't gonna 'elp us, well, we'll just 'ave to set up camp right here for a while so we can think o' summat else. Might get a campfire goin', it's chilly out 'ere, right lads?" Skip glanced around (and admittedly up) at his companions.

"I ain't worried 'bout my own skin, 'cos I've got Thunkie and Joey-boy close by. Anything that comes by 'cos of our camp might not even go for us, 'cos let's be honest... you ain't no barbarian, mister. Way I see it, us bein' around's an inconvenience, and all you've gotta do to get us on our merry way, smackin' a few of your unruly neighbours in the process, is spend maybe half an hour tellin' us what you know about Nuggles and his ol' house and we'll be off before lunch."

2013-02-04, 10:37 AM
Ach had been silent all the way to the shack and stood around the corner to see how things would unfold. Getting something done from people wasn't his trade. If the cook refused to cooperate he would need to come up with a different kind of approach. That would probably be bursting in the house and turning over the whole place looking for the key. For now he let the others handle it.

The Squirrel
2013-02-04, 12:13 PM
Thunkar just stands there holding a big stick of jerky. Shack-man not want gold? Shack-man crazy!

Centaur Hero
2013-02-04, 04:36 PM
I'll tell ya what you spunky half o man, if you go to the old estate and return an old book to me, I'll tell ye what I know. It'll be in the kitchen. Called cooking for kings. If you can bring me that, I would be most greatful. Don't steal any recipes now!

2013-02-04, 04:50 PM
"Fine, you daft twice-a-hobbit, point us in the right direction and we'll get your book," Skip retorted, good-naturedly. It was a fair enough deal, after all, and for all they knew they'd find the key while rummaging about on bookshelves. Realising he'd spoken for the group when they may not all be of the same mind, he glanced around to gauge their general impressions.

"That all right with Tiddles and the bigfolk?" Some progress had been made: he'd come up with Tilden's nickname.

2013-02-04, 05:19 PM
"Fine by me," Tilden replied, still just kinda glaring at the chef.

The Squirrel
2013-02-04, 05:44 PM
"Thunkar understand! Thunkar and Thunkar friends find shack-man's book in house and bring book to shack-man and shack-man tell Thunkar and Thunkar friends stories about house!" Thunkar replies, confident that he understands what is going on, but looking still a slight hesitation as if looking for conformation.