View Full Version : Frenzied Berserker

2012-12-09, 06:41 PM
I would like to make a barbarian/frenzied berserker. Any advice on optimization and how to not tpk. Just assume I have the source book you want to use.

2012-12-09, 07:25 PM
Bewary that a lot of people are going to give you funny looks for such a class choice, and not completely without reasonable concern. There are ways for a Martial Character to get decently high damage without it, such as Charging.

If you can get your Dm to go along with it, the Righteous Wrath feat essentially changes your issues from (Potential Party TPK) to (Must Be Gooder than Good). For many, that's a pretty good trade, and not completely an unreasonable or overpowered reading, but Rules as Written, it doesn't work, since it only identifies Rage, not Frenzy.

One of the best standbys is the Calm Emotions spell, especially on an Arcane Caster with access to Celerity. A Wand of it might be useful for another party member to use on you. Slightly stronger is a higher level spell, Pacification, which offers -no- save against Calm Emotions.

If you can find ways to pump your Will Save, it's a DC 20 to end yor Frenzy during your turn as a Free Action. If you can manage to keep making that save consistently, you'd probably be fine.

Seen by some as a slightly metagamey (though I personally think it makes perfect sense) option is to go to a region where no one else might be hurt at the start of the day, and exercise yourself out of your Frenzies.

Otherwise, the party needs to be ready to take down the Berserker just as the battle is almost over. Grease (since he can't make Dex Checks while in Frenzy) or other such ways to immobilize an enemy would work, but you'd have to be sure you go befre the Berserker has a chance to slay a party member, and you'd have to stop him right then and there.

The biggest thing is that your party should be aware of and accepting of what you want to do, and the DM should approve as well. This is key in D&D in general, but even more so for something like this.

2012-12-09, 07:32 PM
It's not worth the headache. Don't use that PrC.

Fable Wright
2012-12-09, 07:34 PM
The Suggestion spell, if your party caster uses it on you at the start of the day with the reasonable Suggestion "Don't attack any party members" and you willingly fail your save, may take the TPK out of it. There's the risk of it being dispelled, but it's as good a safeguard as any.

2012-12-09, 07:36 PM
Bewary that a lot of people are going to give you funny looks for such a class choice, and not completely without reasonable concern.

It's not worth the headache. Don't use that PrC.

"Abridged Cooler: Well, I sure hope somebody picks up that phone...

...BECAUSE I ****ING CALLED IT! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Aqxa4HN8KBE#t=67s)"

2012-12-09, 07:39 PM
Make sure someone is carrying a wand of calm emotions.

2012-12-09, 07:47 PM
I understand that it's a headache but it sounds fun. As well those suggestions are nice. But I do need help optimizing the barbarian/frenzy berserker build.

2012-12-09, 07:51 PM
The thing is, that class should really only be entered into by one with the mutual consent of everyone at the table. Do you have that? It is a seriously fun-disrupting, game disrupting class...

2012-12-09, 07:52 PM
Yes consent was given.

2012-12-09, 07:57 PM
I understand that it's a headache but it sounds fun. As well those suggestions are nice. But I do need help optimizing the barbarian/frenzy berserker build.

It depends a bit on what else you want to do. Is this a pre-existing character, or are you trying something new? What guidelines are you under for charater creation if the later, and what do you have so far for the former?

Steadfast Determination to get your (should be) healthy Constitution to Will Saves is worth a passing glance once you've gotten everything else you wanted.

Most people simply optimise Charging when using a Berserker. Power Attack is a no-brainer Feat Tax. From there, Improved Bull Rush into Shock Trooper to be able to Power Attack Max without risking accuracy, Leap Attack for more damage, and Improved Sunder into Combat Brute for more damage might interest you.

If you've got the stats for it, taking Fighter Levels rather than Barbarian Levels (beyond the first for Rage and either Fast Movement or (preferably) Pounce) helps you with more Bonus Feats, and if you can take Zhentarium Fighter Levels, gives you a new way to fight: Intimidation.

Make sure someone is carrying a wand of calm emotions.

Called that, too.

The thing is, that class should really only be entered into by one with the mutual consent of everyone at the table. Do you have that?

And that.

It is a seriously fun-disrupting, game disrupting class...

That opinion doesn't quite hold true universally, and in light of the challenges the class provides, especially since the op is specifically asking for it, assisting with tips over minimizing problems is just as, if not more so, important than just poo-pooing the concept.

2012-12-09, 07:57 PM
Informed? Do they know that they may have to change major things about their character-- tactical, equipment, and character build-- in response to this one choice of yours? Do they know the sorts of changes that would be relevant?

2012-12-09, 07:59 PM
Yes they have been informed of all potential dangers of this prc