View Full Version : Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma; who else is excited?

2012-12-11, 03:49 AM
So, I don't think I've seen any Blazblue threads here on the Playground, and I am a pretty big fan (even if I suck), so I figured I try to get one started, especially with Chrono Phantasma about!

I guess I'll just start by saying: I am extremely pleased to see a character like Azrael in the roster. Hard hitting, flash steps, and a sheer awesome factor that is akin to one of my favorite anime characters, Kenpachi from Bleach. And after having found a video with an English dub of his Arcade mode, it has made him sound only badass. I am particularly excited to see Valkenhayn vs Azrael matches, with the gentle beast butler being my current favorite character.

So who, and or just what, are you looking forward to in the next expansion? And who are your current favorites? And just keep up discussion! Maybe somebody who actually is good with the technical aspects of the game can bring that up as well.

2012-12-11, 05:32 PM
Very interested in it, been a BB player for awhile, helps I lived in PNW and got to play with players like Spark, Huey253, and Kaigu constantly to name a few and players like Dacidbro, Vineeth, adn Orion every now and then. Liking how for the most part everyone seems strong as hell, no one seems to weak except for maybe Bang but people are flip flopping on saying he worse or better than his BBEX incarnation. Loving Nu right now, having 5DD Jump Cancel on block is a godsend and Face Lift to change between Lambda and Nu modes is great. Still iffy about Overdrive and the high abare due to Blue Beat combos being stronger but the game is looking pretty good.

Out fo the new crew most interested in Amane, like his design and god that chip damage when you get drills setup is intense.

2012-12-11, 05:34 PM
No kidding on Amane. I saw someone not escape the drill, and I was thinking it was going to nearly be a 1 move finish! That thing can only spell trouble for those caught blocking it.

2012-12-11, 05:47 PM
Amane forces you to be smart with your Barries usage which I like alot. Check out Dustloop if you already haven't, an amazing resource for BB, GUilty Gear, and Vampire Saivoir.

2012-12-11, 05:51 PM
We did have a BlazBlue thread way back when Continuum Shift first came out, which actually lasted to 50 pages. Haven't managed to keep a fighting game thread going more than a few pages since then, though.

But yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to Chrono Phantasma. BlazBlue is the series that got me into fighting games, and it's still one of my favorites. I'm looking forward to seeing where the story mode goes, and of course trying out the new characters and gameplay changes. I haven't actually watched many videos of the arcade version, so I don't especially know which of the new characters will most appeal to me, but I'm guessing Azrael won't, since I pretty much never like big bruiser characters, and judging by his appearance that's what he is. Then again, I wound up maining Labrys in Persona 4 Arena, so you never know.

As far as characters I already play, well, for most of my time with the game I mained Jin, but I was drifting away from that last time I played. I think I'm just not feeling the kind of generalist play style he represents anymore. Instead I was playing mostly Lambda and Platinum. I was definitely better with Lambda, but was having a lot of fun with Platinum if only because of how damn goofy she is (love the Carousel win animation :smallbiggrin: ). I was also trying to learn Relius somewhat, to mixed results, so maybe I'll try him further.

I used to play Hazama in CS1, but I never really re-learned him after the big changes in CS2.

I will say that one of the few things I have seen is that Nu is a mode-change character now, and I'm kind of worried about that. I don't generally do well with "stance" characters. Maybe she'll be an exception, but if not, that might end up making me drop her.

2012-12-11, 06:11 PM
Don't know if I will get the game, because while I love theseries, the story, and the characters, I'm terrible at the gameplay. I actually went ahead and both the limited edition version of Continuum shift way back, but I haven't been able to bring mysef to play it after failing to play through Arcade Mode. (Got stuck on Unlimited Hazama, gave up after losing about 20 times) :smallsigh: And now the thing just sits there gathering dust.

The new characters are cool, Really liking Izayoi and Azrael, although Bullet seems kinda generic, and Amane just creeps me out.

2012-12-11, 06:22 PM
Don't know if I will get the game, because while I love theseries, the story, and the characters, I'm terrible at the gameplay. I actually went ahead and both the limited edition version of Continuum shift way back, but I haven't been able to bring mysef to play it after failing to play through Arcade Mode. (Got stuck on Unlimited Hazama, gave up after losing about 20 times) :smallsigh: And now the thing just sits there gathering dust.
Oh, don't worry if you failed at Arcade Mode there. In the original version of Continuum Shift the Unlimited characters always played at the difficulty of Score Attack mode, which was higher than the highest difficulty you could set the other modes to. There was no point in playing Arcade Mode unless you could beat it on the highest difficulty. And that's on top of Unlimited characters being deliberately unfair boss characters to begin with.

Plus, playing against computers is a totally different experience from playing against humans, and the one won't really help you with the other, aside from with very basic things like hitconfirming and combos - and you can learn those type of things in training mode anyway.

I think I never managed to finish Arcade Mode when I tried using it as a warm-up to get back into the game before going online last time I played, either, but I still did alright online. I'm far from being ready to go win tournaments or anything, but I am (or was - I'm always really rusty coming back to a fighting game after not playing for a while) good enough to put a fight against most players, which is good enough to enjoy myself, and it's always fun learning and getting better.

2012-12-11, 07:04 PM
I mostly was playing through Arcade mode trying to get some experience after doing most of the tutorials, but I sucked at all the more complex inputs, and most fights just devolved into button-mashin (I blme years of playing Tekken). I should really try getting back into this if I manage to get a PS3 of my own.

2012-12-11, 09:28 PM
Wow, I didn't know that about the unlimited bosses in Arcade Mode. Makes beating them feel a bit more like an accomplishment! :smallbiggrin:

Then again, it was with Tager and Hakumen, who both just feel like incredible "botstompers". I certainly can't claim to be very good at the mechanics, even something as simple as the ABCD combos.

That actually is a reason I am looking forward to Azrael. He seems to be able to get by without too heavy of combos, although the ability is still certainly there.

I definitely want to know more about the story. We actually have some rather major spoilers already, but... I won't spoil them unless asked! :smalltongue:

Also, heads up: from what I have heard so far, the remixes of the old music seem to involve bumping up the jazziness and electronica. It is working for some, not so much for others. I think Lust SIN is sounding great, but Rebellion lost some of its edge, that feeling that it belongs to an extremely screwed over, bitter, powerful antihero who will stubbornly defy fate until the end. Your Mileage, of course, May Vary.

2012-12-11, 10:08 PM
Then again, it was with Tager and Hakumen, who both just feel like incredible "botstompers".
From what I understand, Tager very much so is - if you're good at abusing his command grab at the right times, computer characters just plain lose to you. Unfortunately, I'm awful with grapplers, so I could never pull that off.

Don't know about Hakumen in that regard, but I could see it. That sword of his gives him huge reach on some of those normals, which I could see messing up computers hard.

I definitely want to know more about the story. We actually have some rather major spoilers already, but... I won't spoil them unless asked! :smalltongue:
:smallsmile: Please don't. I avoid spoilers for anything I'm interested in like the plague. I'm already slightly annoyed that the article I read when Mu and Nu were confirmed spoiled how Mu still exists in the story, even though that seems minor in the grand scheme of things.

Also, heads up: from what I have heard so far, the remixes of the old music seem to involve bumping up the jazziness and electronica. It is working for some, not so much for others. I think Lust SIN is sounding great, but Rebellion lost some of its edge, that feeling that it belongs to an extremely screwed over, bitter, powerful antihero who will stubbornly defy fate until the end. Your Mileage, of course, May Vary.
To be perfectly honest, I don't know if I'll notice changes to the music. It's good and all, but I never got particularly attached to any of the tracks, and wouldn't necessarily recognize them if I heard them. Well, except for Active Angel, which was great and one of the reasons I was playing Platinum. And the CS1 theme, but that was ditched in CS:EX anyway.

On the subject of non-gameplay changes though, anyone else not a big fan of the art style changes? There's just something about them that bugs me, though I can't put my finger on what for all of them. For Noel it's her new outfit, which is more stripperific, that one's clear at least. For Ragna it's that he looks frighteningly skinny. For the others though, I can't be that precise, but I do find most of the ones I've seen bother me in some way, especially Nu.

On the other hand though, it bothers me much more in the concept art than it does in the screenshots of gameplay and the couple of gameplay videos I've seen, so maybe I'll be fine with it in the end.


2012-12-11, 11:42 PM
From what I understand, Tager very much so is - if you're good at abusing his command grab at the right times, computer characters just plain lose to you. Unfortunately, I'm awful with grapplers, so I could never pull that off.

Don't know about Hakumen in that regard, but I could see it. That sword of his gives him huge reach on some of those normals, which I could see messing up computers hard.

Both also have great single hit damage (I believe the best two in the first two games), which makes it easier to cruise control through the AI.

:smallsmile: Please don't. I avoid spoilers for anything I'm interested in like the plague. I'm already slightly annoyed that the article I read when Mu and Nu were confirmed spoiled how Mu still exists in the story, even though that seems minor in the grand scheme of things.

Done and done! Admittedly, it really DOES seem like way too much was given away before it even came out.

To be perfectly honest, I don't know if I'll notice changes to the music. It's good and all, but I never got particularly attached to any of the tracks, and wouldn't necessarily recognize them if I heard them. Well, except for Active Angel, which was great and one of the reasons I was playing Platinum. And the CS1 theme, but that was ditched in CS:EX anyway.

To quote Ragna in Rachel's gag reel in CS: WWHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!

Okay kidding. I believe it is amazing music, but I am aware that not everyone has to feel that way. That said, I REALLY hope that Howling Moon is as good or better. I have heard enough to know it is different, but I can't hear past the intro, which is much more... violin-y, really. And best game theme was totally Ao Iconoclast from CT. :smalltongue:

On the subject of non-gameplay changes though, anyone else not a big fan of the art style changes? There's just something about them that bugs me, though I can't put my finger on what for all of them. For Noel it's her new outfit, which is more stripperific, that one's clear at least. For Ragna it's that he looks frighteningly skinny. For the others though, I can't be that precise, but I do find most of the ones I've seen bother me in some way, especially Nu.

For Noel, I can accept it IF and ONLY if they actually play it out as significant to the plot. I think it would be interesting if they explored her finding some courage and some "spunk". Otherwise, the new outfit would be pretty disappointing.

For Ragna... he actually is really skinny in most of his other art, which is kind of weird. I overall personally belief that the current style is an improvement, but it is definitely different. Actually, if we are talking about someone looking skinnier, check out Valkenhayn... who was already skinny in the first place.

On the other hand though, it bothers me much more in the concept art than it does in the screenshots of gameplay and the couple of gameplay videos I've seen, so maybe I'll be fine with it in the end.


Yeah, I honestly kind have been struck by how the different art styles never seem to mesh up. Cutscenes vs pre-battle dialogue vs character art all can be very different. Kind of funny, really.

A Rainy Knight
2012-12-11, 11:52 PM
I got Extend a while back and I've been having a fair amount of fun playing it, but I don't know if I'm a big enough fan to get a whole new game just for a new storyline and a few new characters that don't look quite as interesting as the existing cast. Am I mistaken? I guess I just don't really know how much is being changed in Chrono Phantasma.

Milo v3
2012-12-12, 12:26 AM
Is it still only planed for PS3?

2012-12-12, 01:41 AM
Is it still only planed for PS3?
That's all it has been announced for, yes. I hope it will get a 360 version, but it does look less likely the longer we go without an announcement of such. Fortunately I have good reason to believe I'm getting a PS3 for Christmas, so I'll be set if it does turn out to be an exclusive, but it'll suck for 360-only fans if the series suddenly switches to PS3-only.

For Noel, I can accept it IF and ONLY if they actually play it out as significant to the plot. I think it would be interesting if they explored her finding some courage and some "spunk". Otherwise, the new outfit would be pretty disappointing.
Eh, I don't know that anything they do with her character will make me like the outfit. Like I said, too stripperific. I'm kinda the same way about Makoto's outfit - though obviously Makoto's is much worse in that regard.

For Ragna... he actually is really skinny in most of his other art, which is kind of weird.
Not as much so as in the Chrono Phantasma art. Checking the two now, I admit the original looks skinnier than I remember, but I think there's a very noticeable difference, with the new one's tiny waist just jumping out as ridiculous from a first glance, especially compared to his shoulders and thighs.

Original Ranga art:

Chrono Phantasma Ragna art:
http://images.wikia.com/blazblue/images/b/b9/Ragna_the_Bloodedge_(Chrono_Phantasma,_Character_S elect_Artwork).png

Actually, if we are talking about someone looking skinnier, check out Valkenhayn... who was already skinny in the first place.
Hm, checking that now... well, it doesn't jump out at me the way it does with Ragna, but I can see what you mean. Comparing his waist to his shoulders, it does look like he's in a similar situation there. It just doesn't jump out as immediately as it does with Ragna because of how he's built, and probably because his outfit doesn't draw attention to it the way Ragna's does.

Original Valkenhayn:

Chrono Phantasma Valkenhayn:

I got Extend a while back and I've been having a fair amount of fun playing it, but I don't know if I'm a big enough fan to get a whole new game just for a new storyline and a few new characters that don't look quite as interesting as the existing cast. Am I mistaken? I guess I just don't really know how much is being changed in Chrono Phantasma.
Well, aside from the new story mode, there'll be quite a few mechanical changes. Characters gain new moves, lose old ones, have alterations to the way certain moves work, etc. For instance, Nu-13 (who replaces Lambda-11) is now a two-mode character, whose moves can change drastically depending on which mode she's in. Kind of like Litchi, only less complicated.

There are also new and removed gameplay mechanics. Gold bursts have been replaced by a system called "Overdrive," which is basically a comeback mechanic. I'm not clear on all the specifics of how it works, but it bestows a different benefit to each character - for instance, when Jin uses it, many of his attacks will cause a freeze state, kind of like his Unlimited form does. When Nu uses it, her sword projectiles fire two at a time, also like her Unlimited form. I do know that the Overdrive lasts longer the less health you have when you activate it, which is what gives it the "comeback mechanic" feel, rather than just being a power-up.

There's also a new ability that lets players spend 25 meter when the opponent blocks certain attacks to break their guard, like if they ran out of guard primers in Continuum Shift. I believe this one replaces guard primers, actually. It can be stopped by barrier blocking, however, which will make it important to know which attacks each character can get that off of, and will make judicious use of barrier more important.

There might be other changes I'm unaware of - there are certain to be plenty of character-specific ones I don't know about, as I haven't looked up what's known about everyone - but that's the gist of the changes.

Oh, you can also bet that much of the online community will move to the new game when it comes, if you're playing online. Though if it does only come out on PS3, some of the X-Box community will likely remain on CS:EX.

2012-12-13, 07:28 PM
I think the real question will be if Hazama is going to not look completely different throughout his different portrayals...

Also, didn't catch the whole Overdrive being kind of like X-factor before. That sounds interesting.

And yes, guard primers are gone, and I was wondering what the replacement mechanic was.

2012-12-14, 02:15 AM
I think the real question will be if Hazama is going to not look completely different throughout his different portrayals...
Googling his new art, he seems pretty much the same.

Anyway, watched some videos of the new characters tonight. Bullet seems just as rushdown as I expected, but she's also stranger than I thought. The way she moves and some of her attacks kind of remind me of Jill from MvC3 - though I am just comparing them in animations there, since I've never bought MvC3's DLC characters myself. Oddly, I find myself more interested in her than I usually do in such characters, and I'm not sure why.

Amane seems more my style though, with those long-range attacks in spades. Kinda reminds me of how Mitsuru looks in Persona 4 Arena when using her persona a lot, or Ghost Rider from MvC3 if he were more effective. And that chip damage he gets when his drill gauge is at 3 is absurd by BlazBlue standards. Definitely want to try him out.

Azrael... eh. He does seem more mobile than I expected, but that's probably because Tager is my only real base-line for a big bruiser character in this game. Other than that, yeah, as expected, doesn't look like he'll be for me.

Izayoi, wow, there's not much video of her yet. And most of what there is is of pretty poor quality. From what I did see though, I'm actually quite interested in her. Like the look of her normals, she's got a solid-looking projectile for keepaway, and most surprisingly of all, what appear to be MvC3-style tracking teleports. That could be nasty.

So, yeah, three of four that I'm interested in now that I've seen them in action, two of which more than a little - not bad at all. :smallsmile:

2012-12-14, 07:38 PM
I think the most interesting part is that Bullet is a actually part grappler. Except she also seems very combo heavy. Seems like she will take grappling a different direction than the million Zangief clones before her.

As for Hazama, I just mean that, if you notice in Continuum Shift, he really is depicted in so many different ways in the same game. It is kind of offputting, at times.

I've seen no Izayoi clips, so I'll try to keep that a surprise. Not that they kept her a surprise, mind you... :smallsigh:

2012-12-16, 03:30 AM
I think the most interesting part is that Bullet is a actually part grappler. Except she also seems very combo heavy. Seems like she will take grappling a different direction than the million Zangief clones before her.
Huh, that definitely is weird. Couldn't tell from the videos that some of those moves of hers were grabs, honestly. Don't know how I'll feel about her, then. I typically don't like grapplers, but grapplers are also typically big guys with poor mobility and combo potential, and she very much so isn't.

As for Hazama, I just mean that, if you notice in Continuum Shift, he really is depicted in so many different ways in the same game. It is kind of offputting, at times.
Probably just because he's so damn nuts.

Also, watched more videos tonight, and holy crap, Platinum's ground hammer item causes guard break on block now?! I mean, I know it used to take off 2 primers, but I wouldn't have expected them to go in that direction with it now that primers are gone. It's basically a meterless version of the new guard crush mechanic! Also, she has a new item, which sets a present on the ground that acts as a trap, which looks awesome. Kinda reminds me of one of my favorite MvC3 characters, Trish.

I am so going to be playing even more Platinum in CP now :smallbiggrin: .

2012-12-16, 09:17 AM
Like I said, she definitely is no Zangief clone. It only takes a short time watching her play to tell she is not the usual grappling type.

Basically, she grapples off of anytime an opponent is hit by the ring, where she teleports above and slams them down. Which means that for her to grapple basically involves keeping close enough to keep that ring on them. She also has a lock on so she can end a combo with it.

Granted it is not like she has a whole slew of grapples, but this IS her drive, so it likely will be an important part of how she plays. The reason we aren't seeing it more often is prob because people are getting used to her.