View Full Version : Remove Muteness?

2012-12-11, 09:37 AM
What are the ways to cure muteness in D&D 3.5? The muteness can be aphemia or aphonia (both as permanent conditions).

2012-12-11, 09:38 AM
Acquire telepathy. Moving your mouth to communicate? So...common.

2012-12-11, 03:34 PM
First, so we have our terms defined:

aphemia (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/aphemia)
aphonia (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/aphonia)

In either case, it depends on what caused it I'll list some possible causes (the list will be to the best of my knowledge and imagination.)

If it's from some sort of disease (saw an equivilant of lockjaw) then remove disease, heal, greater restoration, or any other effect that cures diseases should handle it, when combined with any additional stat-restoring spells needed.

If it's due to permenant damage to the jaw or vocal chords, then a regeneration spell should fix it.

If it's from some sort of curse, then a remove curse, break enchantment, or Bardic Song of Freedom should fix it.

If it's because of some sort of aquired mental condition then a heal spell should fix it, since it explicitly fixes both brain damage and insanity.

In all cases (save perhaps a curse), death followed by a reincarnate, ressurection, or true ressurection would fix it, since those effectively give the recipient a new healthy body.

Also, Limmited Wish, Miracle, and Wish should be able to fix it either directly or by emulating or more of the above effects.

And yeah, telepathy would work too, at least for the purposes of normal communication (and assuming the problem wasn't with the victim's mental processes.) It wouldn't help with things like spellcasting, though.

Morph Bark
2012-12-11, 03:53 PM
In case you're talking about a Buomman, possibly nothing short of reincarnation, since it is a racial feature.

2012-12-11, 03:55 PM
In case you're talking about a Buomman, possibly nothing short of reincarnation, since it is a racial feature.

If I remember correctly, Buommans can speak, they just get gimped if they do.

Darth Stabber
2012-12-11, 04:25 PM
If I remember correctly, Buommans can speak, they just get gimped if they do.

Bahamut offers help. Simple dragonborn ritual and all of a sudden buomen can talk again, and fly.

2012-12-11, 04:32 PM
I have found talking is a good way to remove muteness

2012-12-11, 08:16 PM
Hmm, not sure if resurrection could/should get rid of all congenital birth defects. "Healthy" seems poorly defined.

High level Heal checks have been allowed in some campaigns to fix some mechanical problems, remove burst appendixes and such. If it's damaged vocal chords, then maybe surgery is a good answer (certainly accessible).

I think the Planar Handbook introduced a feat called Nonverbal Spell, I think. Maybe it was from a different book, but I remember that it exists (sign of age...*sigh*). Doesn't cure muteness, but it could certainly take away some of the drawback.

I like awakening stuff. I wonder if a mute person who knows languages (but can't speak them, but not because of non-comprehension) awakens a tree if the tree can speak said languages. I guess "know" is the key word in awaken. Maybe have sign-language among languages known, awaken a monkey to interpret for you.

And the winner for least practical solution is.....