View Full Version : Materials that support a biomancer concept? (3.5, some Pf)

2012-12-11, 08:34 PM
I'm interested in making a character, probably off of the wizard chassis, who is fascinated by the energies of life and essentially a less manic take on the kinds of people who end up making owlbears and monkeybees. Well, actually fascinated with both death and life, but I'm fairly familiar with the necromancy angle, less familiar with what materials there are that work with the biomancy/white necromancy angle aside from finding a way/negotiating with the DM to co-opt spells from the druid list and the fleshwarper prestige class.

I know I've seen this come up before and that there's not a whole lot of material beyond third party and homebrew, but if it's good homebrew I feel I'd at least have a fair chance with the DM.

Not quite sure on the fleshwarper PrC or if we'll get to the point where I'd be able to enter it without getting Heal as a class skill either. Worth a dip?

2012-12-11, 08:45 PM
Wyrmgrafter and various other manifestations of Graft Flesh feats are some of the broadest support.

An wizard>druid>arcane hierophant would be cool. I've always been interested in the possibilities surrounding the awaken line of spells. You'd have to swing your dm on an evil druid or one not interested in the normal druid stuff (some variant Blighter PrC, maybe).

As for mutating creatures, I would say the gold standards are wish/miracle and a lack of concern for your subjects. I guess we could throw polymorph any object in there. Kind of wish for half-polymorphing something.

Ooh. MAX RANKS IN HEAL. Cut the animal in half, preserve the part without a brain, use magic to maintain the other half for a few moments while you polymorph any object on the other half, then quickly stitch it back together. Follow it up with some cure and regeneration spells...*raised pinky* Dr. Frankenstein, I presume?

2012-12-11, 08:51 PM
The vivisectionist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/archetypes/paizo---alchemist-archetypes/vivisectionist) archetype for PF's alchemist is what you're asking for, I think.

Even if that's too much PF for your campaign, you may want to talk to the DM about ways of stealing some of the extracts like anthropomorphic animal.