View Full Version : Dynasty Warriors

2012-12-12, 12:37 PM
I feel like hacking and slashing my way through the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Haven't played any of the DW games before, but am familiar enough with the characters and setting through RoTK to be excited about the prospect.

I was thinking about getting Dynasty Warriors 7, it being the latest. Would that be a good idea?

If it makes any difference, the things I'm most impressed with about Dynasty Warriors as a franchise from general impressions are the rocking music, the grand scale of the battles and the larger than life characters shouting at each other. And the storyline of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, of course.

PS3 would be preferable, but PS2 is all right as well if the newer games are dumb.

Hunter Noventa
2012-12-12, 01:04 PM
I think I rented that from Gamefly. It was pretty fun for the short time I had it, and had some pretty good customization. I'm more of a fan of the Gundam version of Dynasty Warriors though.

2012-12-12, 05:47 PM
I think each version of dynasty warriors had added something to the franchise, so 7 would be a good start indeed. admittedly small things change from one game to the other, and i like some of the old mechanics, but to be honest, you just cant beat having even more choice of characters which which to the play the game and 7 has the most diverse choice as it includes characters from the jin dynasty too which have never been included before.

2012-12-12, 08:46 PM
This is for PC, but mount and blade has an amazing mod for Dynasty Warriors (I don't actually know what Dynasty Warriors is, but the mod was awesome).

2012-12-12, 09:51 PM
I really enjoyed playing 3, 4, and 5, back on the PS 2 (I've never owned the games, but played them with a friend) so I imagine that the later ones are still a blast. Mowing your way through huge groups of soldiers is rather enjoyable.

Just remember to run from Lu Bu. :smalleek: Dude's terrifying.

2012-12-12, 11:51 PM
Buy the newest Warriors Orochi or wait for Dynasty Warriors 8, also look into Oine Peice Musou and Ken's Rage 2. The first Ken's Rage has probably the deepest combat system in a Musou game to date made by Koei.

Brother Oni
2012-12-13, 06:49 AM
I would suggest 7 as the campaign tells a far more cohesive story based than the previous ones, which tended to wander off into 'what if' scenarios.
The maps in 7 are significantly smaller than the earlier games, so there's less grand sweeping battles and more on small scale set pieces within the historical battles.

If you want something a little more freeform, then one of the Empires series will be suitable.

There are a number of other games by Koei with the same gameplay but with different backstory or more freeform (Samurai Warriors, Orochi series, Warriors:Legends of Troy, Bladestorm).

Edit: And I agree with Battleship789 - run from Lu Bu at Hu Lao gate. Dude will slaughter you if you're not levelled up (and in DW2, will slaughter you even if you are).

2012-12-13, 02:17 PM
And I agree with Battleship789 - run from Lu Bu at Hu Lao gate. Dude will slaughter you if you're not levelled up (and in DW2, will slaughter you even if you are).

I took him on in DW3 once, beat him, and he only dropped food. Disappointed this Cao Cao player was.

I also find it to be far more satisfying to beat Lu Bu in RoTK 7 with a sole, intelligence based character, using only confuse and fire.