View Full Version : dwarven ranger help

2012-12-12, 04:29 PM
Im playing a campain set in the underdark. Only dwarves, gnomes, and halflings need apply. I was thinking of running a dwarven ranger that specializes in crossbows but im not sure if thats a viable build or if i should just go 2wf. And if i do go 2wf what would be the best way. We have access to any official pathfinder or 3.5 sourcebook.

2012-12-12, 04:42 PM
You could go TWF and take levels in the Cavestalker PrC in Drow of the Underdark to get Underdark Affinity for your ranger abilities and TWF with the Spiked Chain.

2012-12-12, 04:45 PM
The only problem I see from a rules perspective is that on the SRD Manyshot (granted by your combat style path) doesn't explicitly say it works with crossbows, but it does say that you can fire multiple "arrows" which are fired by bows not crossbows.

Other than that you'd need to use either a hand crossbow or light crossbow and pick up the rapid shot feat.

Then someone's going to tell you to play a scout or a rogue instead and use a bow and greater manyshot because for archery to really shine you need lots of missiles per round and a reliable source of bonus damage (like sneak attack or skirmish). But I wouldn't do that, because you said you wanted to play a ranger who uses crossbows.

2012-12-12, 04:56 PM
You also need Rapid Reload, adding an extra Feat to the chain by virtue of choosing crossbows over regular bows.

2012-12-12, 05:26 PM
I was thinking of using repeating crossbows

2012-12-12, 05:32 PM
I was thinking of using repeating crossbows

Those are Exotic Weapons (meaning you're exchanging one Feat Tax for another) and only hold 5 bolts. That said, if this is the Character in your head, go for it.

2012-12-12, 05:42 PM
Then someone's going to tell you to play a scout or a rogue instead and use a bow and greater manyshot because for archery to really shine you need lots of missiles per round and a reliable source of bonus damage (like sneak attack or skirmish). But I wouldn't do that, because you said you wanted to play a ranger who uses crossbows.

1: Rogue is better then scout for bonus damage, Ranger doesnt have to jump through a single hoop to get sneak attack damage online, they just need to throw out the Animal Companion class featurefor the Distracting Strike ACF in PHB2
2: manyshot is useless if you cant get Greater Manyshot.

You also need Rapid Reload, adding an extra Feat to the chain by virtue of choosing crossbows over regular bows.

It replaces Manyshot typically, the extra feat is normally Crossbow Sniper

Realistically, you should go Two Weapon Fighting crit fishing with your reference crosssection (you need Dragon Content to truly bring power to Archer characters)

2012-12-12, 06:21 PM
Realistically, you should go Two Weapon Fighting crit fishing with your reference crosssection (you need Dragon Content to truly bring power to Archer characters)I saw nothing in the OP to indicate that the power level you describe is the power level the OP prefers, expects to play at, or desires, personally.

2012-12-12, 06:49 PM
I saw nothing in the OP to indicate that the power level you describe is the power level the OP prefers, expects to play at, or desires, personally.

let me translate that for you:

In order for Archery to be competitive, you need to be in a party which allows you to take specific Dragon Magazine content that, when combined, allows you to be as effective as the barbarian is with just his rage ability.

2012-12-12, 08:57 PM
Im not lookin for a damage hose, just trying to make an interesting and fun support character. Really im lookin for interesting feat options and alternate class features to make it really shine in an underdark campaign

2012-12-12, 09:08 PM
I think Dungeonscape had good ACF for underground campaigns. Worth checking out, and more generally accepted than Dragon Magazine content (some of which is kind of...dunno how to put it...).

Dark Hunter from Complete Warrior is nice pickup for a ranger; full BAB, half the pre-reqs are bonus ranger feats. Anything that adds to darkvision range is pretty cool for a character that is likely to fill a scouting role in the party.

If you go TWF, then I think Deepwarden from Races of Stone is very, very good. Lots of HP.

Consider whether you want to keep animal companion or not. ACF from PHB2 for ranged rangers is pretty good for support archer, particularly if there is a rogue in party. On the other hand, limited mobility due to tunnels and such may make this less appealing.

Hmm, half my suggestions are PrC. Well, good luck.

2012-12-12, 11:56 PM
You can bypass the TWF/Ranged thing by taking alternate weapon styles. PF has them on their SRD, and the identical ones are also in a dragon mag. It includes a two-handed weapon.

I'd say that dual crossbows is a bad idea without any bonus damage. Multiclass to rogue for a level (or sneak attack fighter), then take Craven for level to your SA. If you go fighter, you won't take multiclass penalties. Deepwarden is a good thing too.

Beyond that:
Dwarf paragon. Add your level to your craft checks with metal/stone, and you still keep the general dwarf +2 for those checks I think.
Need dwarf/gnome? Could be a little silly, play a nondwarf/gnome, and take the Stoneblessed PrC, which lets you be a dwarf and take dwarf PrC's.

2012-12-13, 07:12 AM
And if i do go 2wf what would be the best way.

Twin Dwarven Waraxes with Oversize TWF. I'd suggest looking at some sort of Swift Hunter build.

Race: Jungle Dwarf (UA variant)
1) Ranger 1. Feat: Travel Devotion, Bonus: Track
2) Ranger 2. Bonus: TWF
3) Scout 1. Feat: Oversize TWF. Skirmish 1d6
4) Scout 2.
5) Scout 3. Skirmish 1d6AC+1
6) Scout 4. Feat: Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe. Bonus: Swift Hunter. Skirmish 2d6AC+1.
7) Ranger 3. Bonus: Endurance. Skirmish 2d6AC+2
8) Exotic Weapon Master 1. Uncanny Blow.
9) Ranger 4. Feat: Power Attack
10) Ranger 5. Skirmish 3d6AC+2
11) Ranger 6. Bonus: Imp. TWF
12) Highland Stalker 1. Feat: Improved Skirmish. Skirmish 3d6AC+2/5d6AC+4
13) Highland Stalker 2. Skirmish 4d6AC+2/6d6AC+4
14) Ranger 7. Skirmish 4d6AC+3/6d6AC+5
15) Ranger 8. Feat: Travel Devotion.
16) Ranger 9. Skirmish 5d6AC+3/7d6AC+5
17) Ranger 10.
18) Ranger 11. Feat: Travel Devotion. Bonus: Gr. TWF. Skirmish 6d6AC+4/8d6AC+6
19) Ranger 12.
20) Ranger 13. Skirmish 7d6AC+4/9d6AC+6

Favored Enemy: Undead (1st), Constructs (2nd), Elementals (3rd)
ACFs: Spiritual Companion (1st, Complete Champion), Distracting Attack (4th, PHBII)