View Full Version : Need help getting into character!

2012-12-13, 02:21 AM
Here's my situation,
I've created an Aasimar Archery Paladin, and I'm struggling with deity choice. I've got her currently set on Iomedae, but I don't know enough about Iomedae to consider if this is even possible. Her backstory is that of a clergy of Iomedae within a Kingdom that resides over a city of NEUTRAL vampires. The Clergy and the vampires' council pretty much made a deal saying neither would destroy the other as long as they followed the rules set by the treaty.
My character knows vampires like the back of her hand, but she will not outright smite-on-sight a vampire without first determining alignment or the situation at hand.
My question is; Is it possible for a clergy of Iomedae to reside over a city of non-hostile vampires without being compelled to murder them? Or must I switch to Pharasma? (Pending DM's approval)

2012-12-13, 08:26 AM
Ok, first:
Why not play a Paladin of a Cause? Cause being peace between vampires and "humans"?
Why didn't you post this in the DnD3.5 subforum? PF is commonly accepted there.
Although she had a few encounters with Undeads, the only real encounter with any vampire seemed to be a honorary contract that when broken by the vampire ended with his unlife being ended by her sword. She is more in the terms of Honor and such things and not against Undead directly. Although she is against evil and as thus you should be able to be a Vampire-friendly-Paladin.

Hope this helps.