View Full Version : Elf Ranger PrC Advice?

2012-12-13, 11:58 AM
I'm sure threads like this have popped up often, but I know this community to be helpful, so here goes:

I am currently playing an Elf Ranger - he is basically the ranged killer, with a sub-role as the tracker. As a long term goal, I wish to take a level in a prestige class. Could you guys give me advice as to what prestige class would work well with the role he has to play? Core Prestige Classes would be ideal (i.e. Arcane Archer or Horizon Walker), but any other 3.5 PrC's would be more than welcome.


I'm assuming the following is important information that you all will need to help give me constructive advice:

Elf Ranger (3rd Level)

Str: 15
Dex: 20
Con: 10
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 11

Rapid Shot (from Combat Style)
Endurance (Ranger 3rd Level)
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Listen +10
Move Silently +11
Search +8
Spot +10
Survival +8


If you all need any more information to make a more informed decision, please let me know! Thank you!

2012-12-13, 12:26 PM
Seeker of the Misty Isle in the Complete Divine. Easy pre recs, you'll get there by level 7 without an issue. Two good saves, medium BAB, 8/10 casting, 6+Int skills, Travel and Magic domains by level 5. And needs to be an Elf or Half-Elf.

Also if Ebberon is on the table Cyran Avenger and Reverent Blade are both top notch. Both out of Five Nations if I recall correctly.

2012-12-13, 12:30 PM
SotMI is good, but better if you can dip a divine casting class first.
Druid or Spirit Shaman are obvious choices, as is Cleric.

2012-12-13, 03:22 PM
Nentyar Hunter from Unapproachable East is fantastic. In 5 levels, it gets 5 levels of spellcasting from an excellent list (Righteous Might/Control Wind/Freedom of Movement-caliber), tracking abilities and its CL stack with Ranger CL..

2012-12-13, 07:10 PM
With Ranger builds I love taking a dip into scout -- Skirmish and Trapfinding - so you can not only do your rangery things but can fill in for rogue things too. Even just one lvl in Scout gives you those and it isn't prestige so you don't need and pre-reqs.

2012-12-13, 08:40 PM
I am partial to Justice of Weal and Woe (Champions of Ruin, FR supplement). Not super optimized, but some cool flavor, unless you are good aligned. Nice spell list, too, and some other goodies.

As an avowed elf fanatic of old, I fully approve of elven executioner of non-elven threats. Can add in some desirable/undesirable racial elements to party dynamics, though.

2012-12-14, 11:13 AM
Thanks everyone! I've looked at all the sourcebooks and now have a better idea of what resources I have access to. You have all been very helpful!

2012-12-14, 12:58 PM
With Ranger builds I love taking a dip into scout -- Skirmish and Trapfinding - so you can not only do your rangery things but can fill in for rogue things too. Even just one lvl in Scout gives you those and it isn't prestige so you don't need and pre-reqs.

I like to take 'Shot on the Run' feat as a scout so my skirmish ability can be used while moving through combat.
Also the class order of the bow(complete warrior) initiate has the 'ranged precision' feat which adds a d8 of damage against living creatures with discernible anatomy which can be very useful. That stacked with Skirmish is *bow strength*+d6(if moved 10ft)+ d8(if you have focus with the bow being used) so essentially a really good finisher.

Hope I could help!

2012-12-14, 02:05 PM
If you do dip Scout, make sure to look at the Swift hunter feat. It'll make your scout levels improve favored enemy, and your Ranger levels improve skirmish