View Full Version : Optimization Challenge: Warrick the Warforged Warlock Warmage Warblade...

2012-12-13, 03:35 PM
How would you choose to build the titular character that could only take levels with classes named "War___"?

This can also include prestige classes like War Weaver and War Priest.

2012-12-13, 04:23 PM
Is there some restriction on only taking one class? Warforged Warblade 20 would be good, and Warlock 20 wouldn't be bad.

2012-12-13, 04:26 PM
Is there some restriction on only taking one class? Warforged Warblade 20 would be good, and Warlock 20 wouldn't be bad.

He wants as many classes with war in them as possible. Though he forgets about warrior. Why not expand into battle? Battle mage, battle sorceror. Fighty Mcstabsalot. :D

2012-12-13, 05:04 PM
Other fun ones might be "mage", "monk", "bow", "blade", "rage" and "sword"

Lord Il Palazzo
2012-12-13, 05:08 PM
I'm not sure how I would build it, but you can bet he'd have the War Devotion feat and would skip out on the Warrior NPC class. I don't suppose War domain Clerics count?

Didn't 3.0 have a prestige class called War Mage (not to be confused with Warmage)? Being a Warforged Warblad Warmage War Mage would be a good start.

2012-12-13, 07:49 PM
Warforged Warrior 2/Warblade 5/Warmaster 10/Warblade 6-8

Warmaster gives you +1 to your leadership score every 2 levels and as a class feature you get an expanding tower/keep. If someone can't bend a campaign over backwards on the leadership bonus alone, they aren't an optimizer.

2012-12-13, 08:02 PM
Dwarven Defender? *hides*

2012-12-13, 10:02 PM
Base classes:
Psychic Warrior, Warlock, Warmage, Warrior, Warblade.

Prestige Classes:
Bear Warrior, Deathwarden Chanter, Deepwarden, Dwarven Defender, Elemental Warrior, Eunuch Warlock, Fleshwarper, Heartwarder, Luiren Marchwarden, Nature's Warrior, Orc Warlord, Sacred Warder of Bahamut, Tainted Warrior, Tomb Warden, War Chanter, War Hulk, War Mage, War Mind, War Weaver, War Wizard of Cormyr, Warchief, Warforged Juggernaut, Warmaster, Warpriest, Warrior of Darkness, Warrior Skald, Warshaper, Warsling Sniper, Spinemeld Warrior, Deneith Warden, Hellfire Warlock, Spellwarp Sniper, Holt Warden, Dwarf Paragon.

Plus racial substitution levels and the like.

2012-12-14, 01:08 AM
Base classes:
Psychic Warrior, Warlock, Warmage, Warrior, Warblade.

Prestige Classes:
Bear Warrior, Deathwarden Chanter, Deepwarden, Dwarven Defender, Elemental Warrior, Eunuch Warlock, Fleshwarper, Heartwarder, Luiren Marchwarden, Nature's Warrior, Orc Warlord, Sacred Warder of Bahamut, Tainted Warrior, Tomb Warden, War Chanter, War Hulk, War Mage, War Mind, War Weaver, War Wizard of Cormyr, Warchief, Warforged Juggernaut, Warmaster, Warpriest, Warrior of Darkness, Warrior Skald, Warshaper, Warsling Sniper, Spinemeld Warrior, Deneith Warden, Hellfire Warlock, Spellwarp Sniper, Holt Warden, Dwarf Paragon.

Plus racial substitution levels and the like.

... This is gonna end up a tri-stalt, isn't it.

2012-12-14, 02:08 PM
Is there some restriction on only taking one class? Warforged Warblade 20 would be good, and Warlock 20 wouldn't be bad.
+1 for Warforged Warblade 20.

And Warforged Wizard 20.

Here's my suggestion (using LA buyoff):
Saint Dragonborn Warforged Wizard 7/Wayfarer Guide 1/Wizard of High Sorcery 10/Wizard 2
Familiar: Hummingbird
Specialist: Conjuration
Ban: Enchantment, Evocation, (for WoHS) Necromancy
ACFs: Immediate Magic, Spontaneous Divination
(Flaw: Feeble) Spell Focus (Conjuration)
(Flaw: Noncombatant) Improved Initiative
1 Wild Cohort
3 Sculpt/Extend Spell
6 Leadership
9 Dragon Cohort
12 Quicken Spell
15 Craft Contingent Spell
18 Extraordinary Spell Aim

The bonuses are too great to list. This one-wizard army has 3 cohorts, +8 Initiative before stats, casts spells from inside an AMF, disappears whenever someone tries to attack him, is immune to most things that succeed, has a ton of contingencies for whatever he's not immune to, gathers information like a Spontaneous Divination boss, teleports well thanks to Wayfarer Guide, and gets all the benefits of WoHS for whatever color robes he decides to put on.

2012-12-14, 02:42 PM
+1 for Warforged Warblade 20.

And Warforged Wizard 20.

Here's my suggestion (using LA buyoff):
Saint Dragonborn Warforged Wizard 7/Wayfarer Guide 1/Wizard of High Sorcery 10/Wizard 2
Familiar: Hummingbird
Specialist: Conjuration
Ban: Enchantment, Evocation, (for WoHS) Necromancy
ACFs: Immediate Magic, Spontaneous Divination
(Flaw: Feeble) Spell Focus (Conjuration)
(Flaw: Noncombatant) Improved Initiative
1 Wild Cohort
3 Sculpt/Extend Spell
6 Leadership
9 Dragon Cohort
12 Quicken Spell
15 Craft Contingent Spell
18 Extraordinary Spell Aim

The bonuses are too great to list. This one-wizard army has 3 cohorts, +8 Initiative before stats, casts spells from inside an AMF, disappears whenever someone tries to attack him, is immune to most things that succeed, has a ton of contingencies for whatever he's not immune to, gathers information like a Spontaneous Divination boss, teleports well thanks to Wayfarer Guide, and gets all the benefits of WoHS for whatever color robes he decides to put on.
That's. . . a radical departure from the OP's request of fitting in as manne Classes with "WAR" in their name, by my reading.

2012-12-14, 02:51 PM
That's. . . a radical departure from the OP's request of fitting in as manne Classes with "WAR" in their name, by my reading.
Oh, WAR? I thought it was just supposed to start with W. Whoops.

2012-12-15, 02:58 AM
I don't suppose War domain Clerics count?

Make it a War Domain Divine Crusader and I might buy it. Clerics aren't really defined by a single domain.

And isn't there a warchanter class?

2012-12-15, 04:57 PM
WarWere-Glidewing Dinosaur Warforged LA+3/RHD3/Warlock 1/Warblade 4/Warshaper 4/War Hulk 5, sprinkle Warblade levels around to IL taste.

Warrick's were-Glidewing form has 15' reach, +22 Str/+4 Dex/+10 Con, 2 claws and a bite (+ Morphic Weapons, however your DM balances it). He can also invoke the Eldritch Glaive, for 30' reach. With Martial Stance, Thicket of Blades turns him into an AoO warmachine. Season with Tiger Claw Boosts and Power Attack on the two-handed weapon that requires touch attacks, and it's tasty indeed.

EDIT: You know what, I've been having one of the stupidest days of my life, so forgive me. Eldritch Glaive goes away at the end of your turn, so Thicket of Blades won't work with it.

2012-12-15, 05:41 PM
Eldritch Glaive specifically stays for the round so you can use it for AoOs.

2012-12-15, 06:08 PM
Eldritch Glaive specifically stays for the round so you can use it for AoOs.

Oh. Well, it doesn't matter anyway because I figured out that it was a terrible build over dinner. It gets +7 BAB.

EDIT: Double-anyway. You know what, let's call this my worst day for intelligence, period.

2012-12-16, 01:06 AM
Would Hellfire Warlock be allowed? If not WarHulk could be a solid addition to a melee build though.

Warforged (altered to be Large) WarBlade 10/WarHulk 10

Warforged Warlock 17/ Hellfire Warlock 3 (HW taken ASAP)

Also if you want to do a melee build, Warlock 9/ Hellfire Warlock 3/Warlord 8 focusing on the Eldritch Glaive. Take the Leadership Feat, empower, battle Caster (medium) and quicken and you will be a solid combatant. Battle Caster (medium) allows a zero percent chance of arcane spell failure with medium armors, which Mithril Full Plate counts as. The +4 Leadership bonus and free Castle plus beguiling influence is a wonderful combination.