View Full Version : Best low level Wizard scrolls?

2012-12-13, 06:41 PM
What are the best low level Wizard scrolls to have? I'm thinking about not getting a Hat of Disguise after all, which will free up some money. The usual advice is to pick up a bunch of cheap scrolls for situational spells which aren't worth learning but may come in extremely handy someday.

But which scrolls should I get? Currently, I just have a scroll of Sculpted Invisible Caltrops. I also have wands of Nerveskitter and Inflict Light Wounds (since I'm a Necropolitan).

My planned spellbook list is
1st level:
Mage Armor
Silent Image
Summon Monster I
Benign Transposition
Enlarge Person
Persistent Blade
Charm Person
True Strike
Ray of Enfeeblement
Disguise Self

2nd level:
False Life
Arcane Turmoil

2012-12-13, 07:01 PM
I'd replace Arcane Turmoil with Kelore's Grave Mist (PHBII,) myself. Inflicting no save, no SR fatigue on abunch of foes is quite effective.

2012-12-13, 07:20 PM
The thing you have to remember is your scrolls are being cast at the lowest caster level, backed by the lowest mental stats. So, summon monster I is only going to last 1 round, and charm person is going to allow a DC 11 Will save. Neither of these should be consigned to scrolls. That also rules out Arcane Turmoil, which gets the worst of both worlds with only a +3 to the caster level check for dispelling, and a DC 13 Will save against a group of targets that tend to have high Will saves.

2012-12-13, 08:09 PM
The thing you have to remember is your scrolls are being cast at the lowest caster level, backed by the lowest mental stats. So, summon monster I is only going to last 1 round, and charm person is going to allow a DC 11 Will save. Neither of these should be consigned to scrolls. That also rules out Arcane Turmoil, which gets the worst of both worlds with only a +3 to the caster level check for dispelling, and a DC 13 Will save against a group of targets that tend to have high Will saves.

No, those are all the spells in my spellbook. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

I'd replace Arcane Turmoil with Kelore's Grave Mist (PHBII,) myself. Inflicting no save, no SR fatigue on abunch of foes is quite effective.

I picked it because I figured I should at least have some form of Dispell. But I'm not too familiar with what levels you're typically expected to start dispelling stuff at. If you think it's not important at low levels, I can wait and grab it at level 4 instead.

Edit: Unless you meant getting a scroll of Kelore's Grave Mist instead, in which case, good idea.

2012-12-15, 12:30 PM
1st level
Obscuring Mist
Endure Elements
Protection from Evil (temp. shuts down mind control on the big stupid fighter)
Unseen Servant
Ray of Enfeeblement
Ray of Clumsiness*
True Casting^ (I'd get a wand, though)
Silent Image (use for illusions the foe won't try to interact with)
Expeditious Retreat
Enlarge Person
Reduce Person
Benign Transposition*
Ebon Eyes*

2nd level
See Invisibility
Gust of Wind
Command Undead (use on nonintelligent undead for no save)
Spectral Hand
Alter Self
Ray of Stupidity*
Whirling Blade*

*Spell Compendium
^Complete Mage, iirc