View Full Version : Seductress Character!

2012-12-13, 11:54 PM
Hi, all!

I decided to make a fun character for a campaign I am starting and this is what I have come up with! I am making a sexy gnome. My DM wants us to start as level two characters and having us take one level of an NPC and then we get to choose whatever we'd like. I want to be a sneaky fighter, but also be... a high end slut. Kind of like a companion in Firefly. Currently my build will be as such Expert 1/Swashbuckler/Rogue and just trade off on levels of SB and R, but I was wondering if there was a class that wasn't homebrew that would help me fine tune my "sensuality". Any feats? Skill tricks? :smallwink:

I also am staying far far away from any spellcasting class. Unless its absolutely diabolically awesome.


2012-12-14, 12:00 AM
Well, there's the Cloaked Dancer PrC in Complete Scoundrel. It doesn't technically require any spellcasting, but does improve existing spellcasting alittle. It's basically a bard PrC. Also, I've always thought bards made good seducers/seductresses.

2012-12-14, 12:02 AM
Something Cha focused is obviously appropriate. Bards are kinda good for that sort of thing. Be... fascinating. :smalltongue:

Have you already gone through the certain books that might cover this subject in detail? I certainly haven't, at least in a while, but I'll bet there's something in them that might perk your interest.

2012-12-14, 12:06 AM
We already have a bard in the campaign and I don't want to step on his toes.. :P

But I am not quite sure which books to look at! I want to see if I can find something that has similar characteristics to the succubus in the MM1... But everything is homebrew so far!

2012-12-14, 12:07 AM
Yeah, in the unlikely event you can get your DM to allow the BOEF (and can aquire a copy,) that would naturally fit a character like you describe.

2012-12-14, 12:09 AM
We already have a bard in the campaign and I don't want to step on his toes.. :P

But I am not quite sure which books to look at! I want to see if I can find something that has similar characteristics to the succubus in the MM1... But everything is homebrew so far!

Well, the BOEF isn't homebrew, but it isn't a WOTC product, either.

2012-12-14, 12:11 AM
We are allowed to use pathfinder things and such.... So my DM is pretty lenient...

Searching like crazy!

2012-12-14, 12:16 AM
We already have a bard in the campaign and I don't want to step on his toes.. :P

There's a joke in there somewhere about your character and getting close enough to step on his toes, but I don't feel like making it. Still, he could Gather Information one way, and you could gather it another way....

But I am not quite sure which books to look at! I want to see if I can find something that has similar characteristics to the succubus in the MM1... But everything is homebrew so far!

Lets see... you could try...

-The Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
-The Book of Erotic Fantasy
-The Book of Neurotic Knowledge

and that's just a few off of the top of my head.

2012-12-14, 12:17 AM
Well, the BOEF isn't homebrew, but it isn't a WOTC product, either.

Yeah... BOEF looks a tad sketch..

2012-12-14, 12:21 AM
Swashbuckler gets a seduce option off of a web enhancement.

2012-12-14, 12:22 AM
Yeah... BOEF looks a tad sketch..

Most groups don't cover Sex and Seduction in Detail. Other than a rather large les-yay focus in the fluff descriptions, it's probably as legit as you can get on the subject from a source book.

Why the Expert Level, if you don't mind me asking? What do you intend to be an Expert in? :smalltongue:

You know, Factotums can do it all... :smallwink:

And Bards have a Knack for everything! :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-14, 12:25 AM
I have a build for a +23 Bluff at level 1 if your interested.:smallwink:

2012-12-14, 12:25 AM
Well... we had to choose an NPC class... and this one had the most skill points...

I've already got swordplay and hilt jokes planned out.
I am so ready.

2012-12-14, 12:26 AM
I have a build for a +23 Bluff at level 1 if your interested.:smallwink:

Perhaps! Whatchya got?

2012-12-14, 12:31 AM
I have a build for a +23 Bluff at level 1 if your interested.:smallwink:

She needs an Epic Diplomacy Check, too. Make every (and I mean -every-) (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenTheGirlsWantHer)NPC she meets... friendly.

I am so ready.

That's what they said! Woooo!

2012-12-14, 12:33 AM
She needs an Epic Diplomacy Check, too. Make every (and I mean -every-) (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenTheGirlsWantHer)NPC she meets... friendly.

Definitely need a bunch of that stuff. Bring on the feats, boys!

2012-12-14, 12:34 AM
Definitely need a bunch of that stuff. Bring on the feats, boys!

You're making this -too- easy. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7_2RZ63L7w)

But yeah, I definitely recommend Bardic Spell Casting. So many spells for making everyone your toys. And there are some good buffs to make you even better at doing what you do.

2012-12-14, 12:43 AM
Well there's the Fiend of Corruption PrC in Fiend Folio, but it's probably not what you want.

Bard is the goto class for this sort of thing, but you might consider a Warlock dip? Beguiling Influence would net you +6 on Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate.

2012-12-14, 12:44 AM
You're making this -too- easy. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7_2RZ63L7w)

But yeah, I definitely recommend Bardic Spell Casting. So many spells for making everyone your toys. And there are some good buffs to make you even better at doing what you do.

I was definitely saying that on purpose.

Thanks! I'll look into it.. Hmmm....

2012-12-14, 12:46 AM
I was definitely saying that on purpose.

Thanks! I'll look into it.. Hmmm....

I almost want to see campaign logs, just to laugh about it.

Here's some info from this very site about Diplomacy. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132073)

.... wow. The page mentions a Diplomancer also making good use of Wild Empathy. I just spat my drink all over everything when I read that and remembered this thread.

2012-12-14, 12:49 AM
The Beguiler class gets Glibness as a spell, so if you're willing to go this full-caster route, she can be a good Face character. 6+Int skill points, and is an Int-based caster.

2012-12-14, 12:50 AM
I almost want to see campaign logs, just to laugh about it.

Here's some info from this very site about Diplomacy. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132073)

Here is my introduction to the army general I am convincing to allow me to join!

Hallo, kind sir,

My name is Dalow Ennchik and I hail from the hilly knolls of Nimperbottom, a gnome community. My name means beloved mistress and beautiful companion. I belong to the church of Sheyanna Flaxenstrand, the goddess of love, beauty and passion. As her follower, I have learned of the more... amorous.. way of life and help those in need in that area. I also offer my services outside of the church for those who desire a more intimate way of doing business (and if you'd like, I'll be at the local pub at around 9 tonight).
I have accumulated some knowledge of fighting, and can hold my own, despite my small size. I currently have a benefactor who doesn't appreciate me trying to get on the front line, so if you please, keep my swordplay a secret! *Wink*

My motto I go by is an old gnomish proverb: Melchaen baruk bar kolen, which means Lure the badger from its burrow. This is not only my dirty joke but also my fighting style.

Not many people know of my standing as a whisper gnome, and their unpopularity amongst the gnomes keeps me from letting people in on my secret.

I would love to join the ranks of the Commonwealth army because I believe my skill set is much needed by the soldiers lacking female companionship... and I am rather good at sneaking into enemy camps if you understand my meaning!

Thank you, sir, for your time...

*She bows, leaving you with a very nice view of her bosom.*

2012-12-14, 12:58 AM
If Pathfinder is OK, how about a PF ninja? They use Charisma to power their ninja tricks, and have all the Rogue skills, so they make great social-monkeys who can also stab things.

2012-12-14, 01:00 AM
I'll check it out! That may be helpful, thanks!

2012-12-14, 01:01 AM
That... that...

You know what, I'm just gonna leave you with this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG9-SCVc-E0)

2012-12-14, 01:06 AM
That... that...

You know what, I'm just gonna leave you with this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG9-SCVc-E0)

Oh my goodness.. so many of them!

2012-12-14, 01:09 AM
Oh my goodness.. so many of them!

Please, haven't even gotten started yet! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfX4c6Z4uwE)

2012-12-14, 01:11 AM
Please, haven't even gotten started yet! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfX4c6Z4uwE)

All of my favorite cartoons... Ruined...

2012-12-14, 01:14 AM
All of my favorite cartoons... Ruined...

Oh please, that's half of what made them awesome! Action and Entertainment that Kids Enjoy, with Jokes that Adults can appreciate.

And trust me: It. Is. Everywhere. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Radar/WesternAnimation)

The Viscount
2012-12-14, 03:37 AM
The aforementioned web enhancement for swashbuckler.

2012-12-14, 03:39 AM
Not to be a killjoy or anything, but you should probably make sure that your group is comfortable with this character plan, that its something you want to be playing in the long run, and that its not a gimmick that will wear off after a session or two. I've seen plenty of players drop groups because their gimmick wasn't lasting and they got bored, even a few running this exact same kind of character.

2012-12-14, 03:43 AM
The aforementioned web enhancement for swashbuckler.

You know what's funny about that article and the one before it?

The monk is the only other core class, aside from the barbarian, that has no dead levels. Players always have something to look forward to with the monk, which boasts the most colorful and unique special abilities of all the character classes.

2012-12-14, 03:49 AM
That... that...

You know what, I'm just gonna leave you with this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG9-SCVc-E0)

Oh, dear. Quoted for further (post-work) viewing.

2012-12-14, 05:18 AM
You should propose this NPC class to your DM as an option http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-npc-classes/4-winds-fantasy-gaming/courtesan. It's a 3rd party Pathfinder class, so your DM might not go for it, but if you are trying to play a companion from Firefly it would be hard to get much closer.

2012-12-14, 06:03 AM
You should propose this NPC class to your DM as an option http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-npc-classes/4-winds-fantasy-gaming/courtesan. It's a 3rd party Pathfinder class, so your DM might not go for it, but if you are trying to play a companion from Firefly it would be hard to get much closer.
Going further with the Pathfinder material, there's a "Seven feats of Lust" pdf available on the Paizo store that may be of interest.

2012-12-14, 03:13 PM
Thank you all so much!

I know, it all seems a little trivial and silly, but we really just want to have fun. Its not a "gimmick", I just wanted to try something new and role play in a more humorous manner.

I really like the Seduction skill and think my DM will allow it. I think that will be perfect for my character as how my goal isn't to go around seducing people for the heck of it, but to glean information and trick my enemies.

I actually like the courtesan class and it would be a great dip just for negotiator! Thank you!

2012-12-14, 09:14 PM
You should propose this NPC class to your DM as an option http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-npc-classes/4-winds-fantasy-gaming/courtesan. It's a 3rd party Pathfinder class, so your DM might not go for it, but if you are trying to play a companion from Firefly it would be hard to get much closer.

Apparently, "Profession" isn't a class skill for practicing members of the oldest profession...

2012-12-14, 10:06 PM
Honestly, I'd have seconded the PF Ninja too. I've seen them in action in similar roles and they do their jobs well.

2017-06-01, 02:42 PM
Could I ask some advice for this as well? sorry for hijacking the thread but I'm trying to make a similar character as well but I need more help with feats I am playing a bard and am focusing on being a spy/assassin who uses her whiles to get into places she's not supposed to. so I need to have feats and spells that either help my combat abilities. also planing on PRCing into clocked dancer.
3.0 and 3.5 materials only please thanks

again sorry for hijacking,

2017-06-01, 03:00 PM
Could I ask some advice for this as well? sorry for hijacking the thread but I'm trying to make a similar character as well but I need more help with feats I am playing a bard and am focusing on being a spy/assassin who uses her whiles to get into places she's not supposed to. so I need to have feats and spells that either help my combat abilities. also planing on PRCing into clocked dancer.
3.0 and 3.5 materials only please thanks

again sorry for hijacking,

Catfolk or tibbit base.
Use a feat to get Handle Humanoid as a class skill

2017-06-01, 03:08 PM
There are two nonmagical seduction abilities in the game, both housed under the bluff skill. One is the dead level swashbuckler 4 option. The other is 3.0.

SEDUCTION (Sword and Fist (3.0) p.10)

Spoiler: Seduction

You can use Bluff to convince members of the opposite sex to believe that your romantic intentions are sincere, persuading him or her to do you a small, temporary favor (such as looking the other way as you climb up the wall and into the window, or giving you the password that allows you to pass safely by the guards.) This action cannot be used during combat.

2017-06-01, 03:23 PM
Catfolk or tibbit base.
Use a feat to get Handle Humanoid as a class skill

I'm all ready a human I needed the feats and skill points.

2017-06-01, 03:25 PM
There are two nonmagical seduction abilities in the game, both housed under the bluff skill. One is the dead level swashbuckler 4 option. The other is 3.0.

SEDUCTION (Sword and Fist (3.0) p.10)

Spoiler: Seduction

You can use Bluff to convince members of the opposite sex to believe that your romantic intentions are sincere, persuading him or her to do you a small, temporary favor (such as looking the other way as you climb up the wall and into the window, or giving you the password that allows you to pass safely by the guards.) This action cannot be used during combat.

okay that might be useful butI only have 3 feats to work with and I need to be able to assassinate people. i need more combat ability.

2017-06-01, 03:29 PM
okay that might be useful butI only have 3 feats to work with and I need to be able to assassinate people. i need more combat ability.

Take unseelie fey template and the charming the arrow feat to use charisma for ranged now attack rolls. Although I haven't read the feat in a while, it may work with a bow blade

2017-06-01, 04:18 PM
Take unseelie fey template and the charming the arrow feat to use charisma for ranged now attack rolls. Although I haven't read the feat in a while, it may work with a bow blade

that would be helpful how ever it would cause me to lose spell casting, and I will also loose a feat which will hurt way more then it would help unfortunately. As I said I only have 3 feats to work with, to up my ability to to kill think assassinate. poisons kinda suck tough if my DM changes them I might take poison use so 2 feats?

2017-06-01, 04:31 PM
Have you looked at the pathfinder vigilante class at all?

Guide (https://docs.google.com/document/d/18z70ARGsGF92VbV0Ithx_4PpwTQXDqUw0Ph1UvqLfVU/edit#heading=h.5ux9clehioik)

Flavor-wise, this might be up your alley. It plays as essentially 2 different people (probably with the stalker specialization) - so you could be a well-known courtesan by day, and be batman (or something) by night (or when you switch your identity). It gets 6 skill points plus int per level, so you should have a decent number of skills to create what you want, and it is charisma-based.

If you go this route, you wouldn't even need to reveal your capabilities or intentions to the army commander. You are just an army camp follower - a courtesan who is looking to make money by following an army. Meanwhile, your alter ego shows up when she is needed and doles out justice or whatever, and can join the party separately. The party may or may not know that the two characters are the same (as a courtesan, you could "know" your alter ego and can pass messages to her). The courtesan can get into places the stalker cannot, and vice versa. Can use your abilities as a courtesan to get information for the party, etc. etc.

Go with the Serial Killer archetype, which will enhance your ability to kill stuff AND give you a charm ability like the witch hex (will save - DC 10 + 1/2 your level + CHA mod)... :D

2017-06-01, 04:35 PM
There is a Submissive and True Submissive feats from boef. Having both feats forces enemies to make a will save to attack you.

Harem Trained feat +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Perform checks


2017-06-01, 05:05 PM
Have you looked at the pathfinder vigilante class at all?

Guide (https://docs.google.com/document/d/18z70ARGsGF92VbV0Ithx_4PpwTQXDqUw0Ph1UvqLfVU/edit#heading=h.5ux9clehioik)

Flavor-wise, this might be up your alley. It plays as essentially 2 different people (probably with the stalker specialization) - so you could be a well-known courtesan by day, and be batman (or something) by night (or when you switch your identity). It gets 6 skill points plus int per level, so you should have a decent number of skills to create what you want, and it is charisma-based.

If you go this route, you wouldn't even need to reveal your capabilities or intentions to the army commander. You are just an army camp follower - a courtesan who is looking to make money by following an army. Meanwhile, your alter ego shows up when she is needed and doles out justice or whatever, and can join the party separately. The party may or may not know that the two characters are the same (as a courtesan, you could "know" your alter ego and can pass messages to her). The courtesan can get into places the stalker cannot, and vice versa. Can use your abilities as a courtesan to get information for the party, etc. etc.

Go with the Serial Killer archetype, which will enhance your ability to kill stuff AND give you a charm ability like the witch hex (will save - DC 10 + 1/2 your level + CHA mod)... :D

not to seem mean but It seems like you didn't read my original post. it is a D&D 3.5 game so pathfinder is automatically out and I have done research and settled on the bard for the class I am looking for feats that would help my combat abilities.

2017-06-01, 05:22 PM
not to seem mean but It seems like you didn't read my original post. it is a D&D 3.5 game so pathfinder is automatically out and I have done research and settled on the bard for the class I am looking for feats that would help my combat abilities.

We are allowed to use pathfinder things and such.... So my DM is pretty lenient...

Searching like crazy!

I was responding to the OP... i.e. the person whose thread you admitted to hijacking :P. She said that she is able to use pathfinder.

2017-06-01, 05:24 PM
Could I ask some advice for this as well? sorry for hijacking the thread but I'm trying to make a similar character as well but I need more help with feats I am playing a bard and am focusing on being a spy/assassin who uses her whiles to get into places she's not supposed to. so I need to have feats and spells that either help my combat abilities. also planing on PRCing into clocked dancer.
3.0 and 3.5 materials only please thanks

again sorry for hijacking,

not to seem mean but It seems like you didn't read my original post. it is a D&D 3.5 game so pathfinder is automatically out and I have done research and settled on the bard for the class I am looking for feats that would help my combat abilities.

Don't necro 5 year old threads. Make a new one.

2017-06-01, 06:42 PM
I didn't realize it was that old sorry

2017-06-02, 02:58 PM
If you have another bard in the party and don't want to step into their swim lane, there are archetypes that can make your bard less obviously a bard. There are a set of third party archetypes at the bottom of the bard SRD page that get rid of bardic music, for example.
I particularly liked the blacksnake and physical exemplar ones.
Plus if you are supposed to be terribly sexy, a bard wears light armor (like leather) and blacksnakes are quite skilled with whips. There's a trope there.

Edit: I also didn't realize this was an ancient post.

2017-06-02, 03:56 PM
There's an article in Dragon 316 about playing spies. One of the archetypes they describe is a Raven(male)/Swallow(female har har). It's basically about using charm and seduction as your primary spy craft.

I don't recall the details of the article but it might be worth looking up.