View Full Version : New Campaign Intro

2012-12-14, 01:40 AM
Hi. I'm new!
New to D&D, new to GitP, and new to being the DM. I've only played in as many sessions of D&D 3.5 as I have fingers on my left hand, and yet my thirst for more has lead me to persuade my two siblings to play in my campaign. They have no experience at all, but we are also bringing one friend each who at least have some experience. However, in spite of my own lack of experience playing D&D, I am a compulsive optimizer and character creator, and I love to write stories, which is why I feel ready to DM. That said, I still feel nervous about my lack of experience with all the rules and I am seeking advice.

My plan for the first session is for each PC to get thrown into a small, simple dungeon to learn the basics of combat, get them to problem solve, and roleplay with each other. I want each member of the party to have a different specific reason for ending up in the dungeon, which will be an oubliette just beyond the town square.
1. Wakes up already in the oubliette and feeling woozy. This is because the drink they had last night was poisoned for reasons unknown, and they were deposited in the dungeon. Poison symptoms could be identified by a check, but I'm not sure what sort of check that would be, or what poison would be used.
2. Gets conned into performing a crime. I'm thinking a bard or rogue will trick them into attempting to steal some item from a wizard who is wearing a Robe of Eyes. "That man stole my [valuable spell component]! You have to steal it back for me. We can't alert the authorities because he is actually a high ranking official and none of the guards believe me." Etc...
3. Accidentally breaks a ridiculous law. I happen to know with a fair degree of certainty that one of my players will put ranks in Perform [dance] and will probably try using it in the first session. I plan on using this as an opportunity to hook this player by alluding to the plot of the musical Footloose.
4. Is the victim of racial profiling and gets accused of having committed some sort of crime for which they are completely innocent. For this reason they are arrested and thrown into the dungeon at the same time as #2 and #3.
5. Is accidentally pushed into the oubliette while the guards are struggling to throw #2, #3, and #4 into the dungeon. Something valuable of theirs will be stolen from them in a crowd, but they will recognize a figure leaving. Investigation will find that a figure matching that description was seen yelling for help from within the oubliette earlier. Turns out that #1 woke up having the stolen item planted on them by agents unknown and did not in fact steal it.
These seem like sufficient opportunities to introduce basic role playing and social skill mechanics like Bluff and Sense Motive.

Also, I have many ideas for encounters for the dungeon, but I'm wondering what memorable ideas the playground can give me. I want to make sure I hit all the bases on combat. Tactics, initiative, stealth/scouting, and attack actions besides attacking.

EDIT: And if it is relevant, I'm using Core 3.5 + Tome of Battle + approved variants only.

Ranting Fool
2012-12-14, 04:23 AM
Ah the great "You all wake up in a dungeon!" :smallbiggrin: personally I think it's a good way to start people off who haven't played much before mainly because they can't really wonder off.

First off: 1, it can be any kind of poison you want, you're the DM so feel free to chuck in new items or effects BUT anything you make can and will be used by the PC's so avoid making anything too powerful that might mess things up later. Also if your PC's are low level Drow weapon poison causes sleep. Or just have it a magic potion of sleep mixed in rather then poison.

Also, I have many ideas for encounters for the dungeon, but I'm wondering what memorable ideas the playground can give me. I want to make sure I hit all the bases on combat. Tactics, initiative, stealth/scouting, and attack actions besides attacking.

Second: Will you have Non-Hostile NPC's around? Other "Wronged" prisoners? or will it be one big monster bashing session ?(Which can be fine) you want to take into account what your PC's are playing and their abilities. Got a Bard heavily focused on diplomacy and no chance to chat = might not have much fun. Place is full of traps an no one with any trap finding skill = frustrating (That said I like a few traps that a bit of lateral thinking can get around)

Third Ecology!!!!!:smallbiggrin: If you have living creatures (Kobolds/Goblins) in your dungeon what do they eat? Do they leave to raid, if so then the PC's can get out that way. Do they eat some generic sort of fungus / molerats, if so then there has to be SOMEPLACE where this is shown (Some Players won't care about this, others will just get bugged by the lack of detail) do they just eat poor criminals who get chucked down here (Do a LOT get chucked down? Enough to feed everyone?)

alternatively magic items of create food sort out this problem (though if they are small the PC's could get their hands on it and never go hungry again :smalltongue:)

I've never felt the need to go into great detail on this sort of thing, but when I've totally ignored it the PC's started pointing out problems which ruined "The willing suspension of disbelief":smallbiggrin:

Undead/Summoned Creatures/Slimes/Constructs all avoid these problems by just being happy to sit in a room for 215793 years waiting for some poor hero to come along and kill them.

Forth-Ly: As for silly ideas that people remember. I once saw a comic strip (but can't for the life of me remember where) and it had Three Guards before doors (I just made them magic talking doors when I did it) One Guard speaks only Truth. One Speaks only Lies. And One Stabs people who ask it Irritating and Smartarse questions :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-14, 05:31 AM
I was planning on an enigmatic NPC being in the dungeon. If they kill the NPC, then he becomes important to the plot in some powerful way and they get a little piece of treasure. If they help him escape, then he informs on them to the evil overlord and promptly gets thrown back in jail to die in obscurity.

I was thinking of tossing one Ghoul and a Skeleton or two at them, since I know one of the players will be playing a Sorcerer and will spam Sleep unless I use something immune to it. It also seems tactically interesting, and I can introduce grappling with the Ghoul.