View Full Version : Help me build a gunslinger, please! [PF]

2012-12-14, 08:25 AM

We're starting a new campaign and i want to play a gunslinger. All that i have played until now was a druid, so i don't really know much about other classes.

I want him to be a vanaran pistolero and we start with 30k.

Any ideas or tipps on what kind of Items i should get for the start?

Thankful for any advice!

the clumsy bard
2012-12-14, 10:08 AM
Well what are your limitations books wise?

That is usually good place to start.

Also what level are you starting at?

2012-12-14, 10:22 AM
Oh sorry for that. Forget mentioning it, dumb me =)

We start at Level 10 and can use everything from the core rule book.

the clumsy bard
2012-12-14, 10:26 AM
OK so no Ultimate equipment guide?

Are you allowed things from the Pathfinder SRD?

Core only makes it easy, but would that not eliminate guns? :P

2012-12-14, 10:57 AM
Well we are allowed to use the firearms from Paizo, but only the early ones.

Not quite sure about the SRD, but i guess we'll have to stick to the core.

the clumsy bard
2012-12-14, 01:18 PM
Well let's get the obvious stuff out of the way.

Dexterity is your most important stat.

It helps you hit. It helps you do damage as of 5th level. I helps you dodge etc.

which means...

a belt of incredible dexterity (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/belt-of-incredible-dexterity) is always a good investment. Choose the one that is the most affordable for you.

+1 pistol of your choice. Do not go above this. You are better off taking the additional +1 or higher equivalents. You are hitting touch AC, which coupled with your high DEX and your full BAB , means you will more then likely hit all the time consistently, which means the more extra damage you have the better.

Suggestions for magical abilities Red = terrible, orange = mediocre, green = average, blue = above average, purple = too good to pass up

+1 abilities
Bane - depends on the campaign, but always a solid choice
Called - situational again, but the moment someone tries to steal or disarm you, or if lord forbid you end up in melee! you can call your dropped weapon to hand as a swift action or if you for some reason did not take quick draw.
Corrosive, Flaming, Frost, and Shock - X element damage on command, so it can be turned off if you realize the person you are shooting is enjoying it or they are not as hurt as they should be.
Cruel - wasn't going to mention this one, but then remembered you regain grit for killing things and with a reliable way to make your opponents scared of you, you could benefit greatly (circumstances permitted) from this.
Ghost touch - I am only rating this green because if you do buy this it is because your dm is being a mule.
Limning - This is for when your DM is throwing high level wizards and casters who are hard to hit. At higher level it is sure to come up. Even if its not on your main weapon its useful for a side arm.

+2 abilities

Anarchic, Axiomatic - There are 3 parts to alignment Chaotic, Neutral, and Lawful. Your enemies will be one. Unless you are attacking the neutral planet from Futurama one of them will apply.
Corrosive, Flaming, Icy, Shocking burst -
Holy, Unholy - There are 3 parts to alignment Evil, Neutral, and Good. Your enemies will be one. Unless you are attacking the neutral planet from Futurama one of them will apply. Most enemies are Evil unless you are playing an evil campaign.
Negating - Very situational. It is nice to lower DR by 5, but only for 1 round... could help other characters, but really depends on your party.
Phase Locking - Again useful, especially considering you are hitting a touch attack, but unless you know you are going up against an enemy that is going to try and run via a teleport type spell it is not worth the cost.
Stalking - again this seems very situational. Very cool for an assassin / hitman style character, but otherwise it will not come up often.

+3 abilities

Nullifying - I like this one a little bit more. It works when you run into monsters with higher Spell resistance. With touch attacks and multiple attacks your spellcasters will love you for this. You can probably convince them to chip in for this. Without spellcasters its kinda useless though.
Speed - Another attack? at my highest attack bonus? Yes please! Not purple because let us be honest, a spellcaster can give you this with haste.

+4 abilities

Brilliant energy - Useless to you seriously. You can already hit touch ac and you can also hit everything these weapons don't let you.

Protection wise you can use light armor, but not shields, so I would suggest the following things:

mithral shirt (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-armor/specific-magic-armor/mithral-shirt)
ring of protection + x (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-protection)
cloak of resistance + x (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items#TOC-Cloak-of-Resistance)
ring of grit mastery (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-grit-mastery) - while not great it's kind of neat, so hey why not!
ring of invisibility (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-invisibility) - Because hey someone who appears as they are shooting you and then disappearing... is a little scary... kinda pricey though, might wanna use the party caster for it instead. Depends what your plans in character are!

Random Items

Bag(s) of holding (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/bag-of-holding) - always useful.
Alchemical Cartridges - These are key, always have them.
Bandoliers - You are a gunslinger you should have 2 and have all of them filled with alchemical cartridges.

Your pistol
Pistol - your starting gun. You can make it masterwork yourself. Afterwards you will need someone to enchant it or find new guns. It will serve you well, but the guns below have a little bit more kick to them.

Double barreled Pistol - 2 barrels means its been loaded twice.
Pepperbox - Loaded with 6 bullets, or cartridges at once... yes please!
Dragon Pistol - This can be good depending on how you use it.

Do not fall for using the coat pistol or any of the "hidden" pistols, they have very short range and are only useful if you are trying to hide your gun a lot (campaign dependant)

I hope this is helpful.

2012-12-14, 05:25 PM
Thank you alot, kind sir!
I hope i can use your wisdom to my advantages :D

Any tipps for feats?
I thought about two weapon fighting using 2 double barreled pistols?
Or would the pepperbox be better?

2012-12-14, 06:09 PM
If you're looking for broad-scale advice on how to structure a build with a particular class, a good start is to either check the handbook index (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=399.0) on minmaxboards or Google "[class name] handbook," throwing in "D&D" or "Pathfinder" if the results aren't specific enough.

In this case, you could check out the Gunslinger Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11719683) to get started on your feats. There might be some slight tweaks based on the Advanced Races Guide, which came out since the handbook's last update, but it should give you some help narrowing down your interests, so that we can give some more structured advice.

2012-12-14, 06:35 PM
I think by "core" your GM might mean the published PF books like CPG, APG, and UC, because the actual Core Player's guide does not have guns or the Gunslinger class, and it seems a bit odd he'd allow guns and 'slingers but none of the items and feats that go with them.

2012-12-14, 10:05 PM
I think by "core" your GM might mean the published PF books like CPG, APG, and UC, because the actual Core Player's guide does not have guns or the Gunslinger class, and it seems a bit odd he'd allow guns and 'slingers but none of the items and feats that go with them.
Even the Vanaran race isn't in the core rulebook. Definitely check allowable sources!