View Full Version : Lost my first Pathfinder Character Tonight

2012-12-15, 10:37 PM
Played in The Race for the Runecarved Key during our monthly Society meeting. Played with my 2nd level rogue, Khair ibn Shiran, instead of my 7th level Druid due to not having enough higher level characters to run a table. We're in the final battle against the boss that has stolen the Key (and led us on the titular chase) and I'm the first one to get there. I manage to hold out fine until the others are able to catch up. Too bad her backup arrived at the same time as well... Badly wounded by a magic missile, Khair continued his attack only to be felled by the boss one round later after a critical hit landed exactly on the amount of damage that would kill him dead. The GM asked me if I was dead-dead and I responded by tearing my character sheet in half and showing it to the Venture-Lieutenant that was overseeing all of the sessions.

We managed to win the fight with one additional casualty but now I'm at the point where I'm wondering what my next low-level character shall be. At the moment, I'm thinking of a Taldan knight played kinda like a centurian. I'm going to do a little bit more research on the Byzantine Empire in the meantime before the next session. Any suggestions?

2012-12-15, 11:01 PM
Played in The Race for the Runecarved Key during our monthly Society meeting. Played with my 2nd level rogue, Khair ibn Shiran, instead of my 7th level Druid due to not having enough higher level characters to run a table. We're in the final battle against the boss that has stolen the Key (and led us on the titular chase) and I'm the first one to get there. I manage to hold out fine until the others are able to catch up. Too bad her backup arrived at the same time as well... Badly wounded by a magic missile, Khair continued his attack only to be felled by the boss one round later after a critical hit landed exactly on the amount of damage that would kill him dead. The GM asked me if I was dead-dead and I responded by tearing my character sheet in half and showing it to the Venture-Lieutenant that was overseeing all of the sessions.

We managed to win the fight with one additional casualty but now I'm at the point where I'm wondering what my next low-level character shall be. At the moment, I'm thinking of a Taldan knight played kinda like a centurian. I'm going to do a little bit more research on the Byzantine Empire in the meantime before the next session. Any suggestions?

Tearing up the character sheet is a tad dramatic...

2012-12-16, 12:40 AM
It's a fine ritual. Burning the sheet or burying it are also traditional.

2012-12-16, 10:00 AM
We managed to win the fight with one additional casualty but now I'm at the point where I'm wondering what my next low-level character shall be. At the moment, I'm thinking of a Taldan knight played kinda like a centurian. I'm going to do a little bit more research on the Byzantine Empire in the meantime before the next session. Any suggestions?

First step: realizing that centurions are (Western) roman, and not knights. (They were footsoldiers.) If you're going for a Byzantine (i.e.: Eastern Roman) thing, you want yourself a kataphract, which were fully-armored, relatively unstoppable tanks who happened to be hairless primates riding horses. Some resources to check out:



I love the idea of a kataphract-inspired character in PFS. Good luck!

2012-12-16, 11:01 AM
Tearing up the character sheet is a tad dramatic...

I wanted the visual of it, especially after the GM asked if my character dead-dead.

Also, thanks for the suggestion of the Kataphract, BrickSteelHead.

2012-12-16, 11:16 AM
It's a fine ritual. Burning the sheet or burying it are also traditional.

Personally, I've always wanted a burial at sea for my characters, but I've been told that's "littering".