View Full Version : Wanna make a seer

2012-12-16, 11:07 AM
I was talking with my group and i said, mostly as a joke, that I should play a diviner to make the DM tear his hair out. Now i have been challenged to do it. My question is how do i do that? I know the Fatespinner is pretty decent but thats not what i want, i want a "I can see the future!" seer. any ideas?

2012-12-16, 11:16 AM
Spontaneous Divination and Divine Oracle could be useful. Note that actually specializing in Divination is a waste, since it means a lot of useless spellslots.

As far as actually seeing the future, I think that's mostly higher level spells. Eyes Of The Oracle, Moment of Prescience, Foresight, etc.

You can get "20 questions" spells at lower level, like Augery, Divination, Contact Other Plane, and Commune.

2012-12-16, 12:05 PM
i think ill take the Divine Oracle prestige with a Sorcerer as base, any suggestions for feats?

Piggy Knowles
2012-12-16, 12:27 PM
If you're allowed Eberron material, I highly recommend the Medani Prophet.

It's a 5/5 casting class that focuses on turning the Mark of Detection into Augury and Divination SLAs. You can get five or six of each as SLAs (meaning no long casting time and no expensive components). You also get the ability to sacrifice uses to essentially look into the past, as well as the future.

The downside/fluff requirement is that the DM can hit you with random prophecies at any time, which daze you. However, if you qualify for Medani Prophet, you also qualify for the Mark of the Dauntless feat, which makes you immune to dazing. So, go crazy!

If you check my sig for "Parsifal the Fool" you'll see a Medani Prophet build that I used for an Iron Chef entry a while back. That particular build was Half-Elf Divine Bard 5/Medani Prophet 5/Death Delver 10, but if you wanted to focus more on casting and less on the Death Delver mechanics, you could pretty easily.