View Full Version : In need of clarification for perfect and good flying.

2012-12-16, 08:23 PM
In an upcoming session, friend of ours is using a petal psion, and it has good flying. At first the DM told me she was going to need to get Hover feat because in the MM 3.5 the text shows us that only creatures with perfect need not take this feat.

Then I referenced the DMG p20 where the chart says good has hover.

Then he referenced the all about movement article by wotc and seems to think that you need to use a move action to stay hovering and when I read it again it doesn't sound this way.

What is the difference between perfect and good flying and is it worth taking improved flight for a good flyer like a petal?

In terms of strictly speaking hover can the both just move and stop mid air and stay there until they want to move again.

2012-12-16, 09:01 PM
Here's the SRD entry for flight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/movement.htm#movingInThreeDimensions). It has a table with differences between maneuverability levels. The only differences are: creatures with Good maneuverability must spend 5ft of movement to reverse their movement, need to spend 5ft of movement to "turn in place" (not sure if that has any meaning with Omnidirectional Facing in effect), may only turn 90 degrees with each 5ft of movement taken, and flies upward at half speed. Neither have a minimum forward speed or need to spend actions to hover.

According to the SRD, creatures with Good or Perfect maneuverability do not need to spend any action to hover in place. The Hover feat (Monster Manual) does require a Move action to stop moving, but no further action to remain hovering.

If you could link this article, that would be great. It appears to have at least 7 parts, which I'm not in the mood to dig through right now.