View Full Version : Regarding Sneak Attack

2012-12-16, 09:36 PM
I was wondering if there was any way to increase the range at which one could sneak attack.
more specifically if One could use it for an archer type Rogue.

Any and all help is welcome :smallsmile:

2012-12-16, 09:44 PM
Sniper's Eye and Sniper's Shot spells (Spell Compendium)
Goggles, Sniper Goggles (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/e-g/goggles-sniper-goggles) (Pathfinder: Advanced Players Guide)

2012-12-16, 09:51 PM
As much as i'd like the Goggles, i cannot use pathfinder content.
The Spells however, Help immensely.

2012-12-16, 09:56 PM
The Crossbow Sniper feat from PHB2 increases your sneak attack range with a crossbow to 60 feet.