View Full Version : A scavenger hunt, I'm trying to find somethings :P.

2012-12-16, 10:00 PM
I just have a small list of things I'm trying to narrow down. If you can find it in any 3.0, 3.5, wizards books, dungeon, and dragon, I can use it.

Is there anyway to negate the movement reduction in medium or heavy armor? Any feats, skills, classes?

Is there any feats or spells, or anything that allows you to gain a class skill or make something a class skill besides the Able Learner (which I did find).

What would be the most helpful class, for a psion to 1 dip into, just to gain handle animal if they can't obtain handle animal as a class skill.

Is there anyway to be able to draw a potion, move, and administer it to someone in the same round?

This psion is also focusing on diplomacy and the skills in the telepath skill set, what is the best way to also focus on animals, is it wild empathy or is it handle animal?

I'm also looking for a Pavilion Tent, but the last time I saw it in a book as 2nd edition has it been moved to 3.0 or 3.5?

If I am a scout, with the crescent knives from the dragon magazine, does the skirmish damage apply to each and every attack roll?

Are there any half-dwarf templates that would carry over the move in full speed in any armor racial trait?

Sgt. Cookie
2012-12-16, 10:32 PM
For the first one, Mithral is your best bet. Lowers the weight catagory by 1, down to light.

2012-12-16, 10:36 PM
I just have a small list of things I'm trying to narrow down. If you can find it in any 3.0, 3.5, wizards books, dungeon, and dragon, I can use it.

Is there anyway to negate the movement reduction in medium or heavy armor? Any feats, skills, classes?

Is there any feats or spells, or anything that allows you to gain a class skill or make something a class skill besides the Able Learner (which I did find).

What would be the most helpful class, for a psion to 1 dip into, just to gain handle animal if they can't obtain handle animal as a class skill.

Is there anyway to be able to draw a potion, move, and administer it to someone in the same round?

This psion is also focusing on diplomacy and the skills in the telepath skill set, what is the best way to also focus on animals, is it wild empathy or is it handle animal?

I'm also looking for a Pavilion Tent, but the last time I saw it in a book as 2nd edition has it been moved to 3.0 or 3.5?

If I am a scout, with the crescent knives from the dragon magazine, does the skirmish damage apply to each and every attack roll?

Are there any half-dwarf templates that would carry over the move in full speed in any armor racial trait?

If I give you answers, am I helping you cheat? If so, do not open this Spoiler. If this isn't cheating, you can open it. Deal?

The movement reduction question is interesting. Honestly, the fastest work around to the problem is to take 1 level in Barbarian. Since movement reduction is largely a -10ft to move speed, adding +10ft to movement speed is pretty darn handy. Playing a Dwarf (or turning your self into a dwarf can work). Ceremonial armor (dungeon magazine) does not reduce speed, but is also half as useful as the normal armor of the same kind. Vassal of
Bahamut PrC can create Platinum Armor that is an improved version of Full Plate. It has a +8 armor bonus, but the rest of its stats are the same as a chain shirt (+4 dex, -1 armor penalty, no movement reduction, etc.).

2. [B]
Q: Is there any feats or spells, or anything that allows you to gain a class skill or make something a class skill besides the Able Learner (which I did find)?

There are a lot of feats that can do this. It really depends on the specific class skill that you want to gain access to and which class you want to have access to that skill.

There are a ton of Cleric domains that make skills a class skill for clerics (Trickery, Knowledge, Animal, City, etc.)

There are a bunch of magazine feats that give class skills. I'm going to list some of the official feats.

City Slicker = Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, and Knowledge (local) are always class skills
Draconic Heritage = pick a dragon, get a class skill
Ecclesiarch = Gather Information and Know (local)
Education = All Knowledge

I'll post more answers soon

2012-12-16, 10:39 PM
lol nah, I'm just a Goliath cleric who doesn't want to be slow and really wants to be able to get the most out of travel devotion so I can keep my party protected haha.

2012-12-16, 10:47 PM
lol nah, I'm just a Goliath cleric who doesn't want to be slow and really wants to be able to get the most out of travel devotion so I can keep my party protected haha.

Hmm. Okay then....

For the first one, Mithral is your best bet. Lowers the weight catagory by 1, down to light.

Damn. I can't believe I forgot that one.

3. What would be the most helpful class, for a psion to 1 dip into, just to gain handle animal if they can't obtain handle animal as a class skill?

The Body Leech (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040925a) PrC is pretty awesome and has Handle Animal as a class skill. Barbarian is good for increasing your land speed at the same time. Fighter 1 can give you all the proficiencies you'd ever want and a feat of your choice. Imp Initiative is always good.

Ranger is probably the most helpful because it will allow you to get into Slayer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/slayer.htm), which is just awesome.

4. Arms and Equipment Guide (3.0) has a Pavillion tent in it for 100gp.

5. If I am a scout, with the crescent knives from the dragon magazine, does the skirmish damage apply to each and every attack roll?

I'd like to say yes, but there's a caveat for this sort of thing in the Rules Compendium

• A form of attack that enables an attacker to make multiple attacks during an action other than a full-round action, such as the Manyshot feat (standard action) or a quickened scorching ray (swift action), allows precision
damage to be applied only to the first attack in the group.

Whether this would change if you attempt to do it while doing a full-round action (in this case a full-attack) isn't as clear.

2012-12-16, 10:49 PM
Is there anyway to be able to draw a potion, move, and administer it to someone in the same round?

This one should be doable by normal rules as long as the potion is accessible. As long as you have bab +1 or greater you can "draw a weapon as part of a move action". Since retrieving a potion would be the same as retrieving a flask of acid, I would assume you could retrieve it as part of a move action the same way. If your DM insists otherwise, travel devotion can get you the free movement, or you can get the hustle power assuming that this one refers to your psion.

2012-12-16, 11:20 PM
Dwarves can move at their full top speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load. Unfortunately, their full top speed is 20'. The psionic feat Speed of Thought grants +10' as long as you're psionically focused and wearing medium armor or less.
EDIT: Also, Knight 4 lets you ignore move speed reduction for medium armor. Knight 9 lets you ignore move speed reduction for heavy armor.

One level of Human Paragon lets you treat one skill of your choice as a class skill forever. Aereni Focus gives any one skill and a +3 to that skill, but you need to be an Aereni Elf. There are a number of options for each specific skill -- many Initiate feats grant class skills. Draconic Heritage gives you class skills that depend on what dragon you pick. (I can't find anything for specifically Handle Animal, if that's what you're looking for.)

Because there appear to be no classes, base or prestige, that both have Handle Animal and grant bonus manifesting, I'd recommend a 1-level Factotum dip. It has all skills as class skills, and also would allow you to, 2/day, add your Intelligence modifier (which should be high anyway because you're a psion) to any attack roll, damage roll, or saving throw.

Potions are a waste of money and precious combat actions. Healing potions, doubly so. Consider the options in this guide (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871786/A_Players_Guide_to_Healing_And_why_you_will_be_Jus t_Fine_without_a_Cleric_to_heal) for other healing options.
Actually answering your question: you might be able to convince your DM that a potion counts as "a weapon" for the purpose of the Quick Draw feat, in which case that would make it a free action. You could also, by the same reasoning, convince your DM that the "if you have a BAB of +1 or more, you can draw a weapon as part of your movement" rule applies to potions. (I allow both of those things in my games.)
You could also use Unseen Servant shenanigans (or, like, a pet monkey) to administer a potion for you.
AFAIK, there's no way to administer a potion to an unconscious person as anything less than a full round action. Using practically any other method to deliver any spell effect will generally be a standard action.

If you have an easy way to get wild empathy, it works just like a diplomacy check, which is notoriously overpowered. On the other hand, if you want to communicate to an animal that you want it do something specific, you'll probably need Handle Animal. On the gripping hand, Wild Empathy is harder to get, requiring a dip in something that grants it. (A level of Ranger or Druid will do less for you than a level of Factotum would, but would grant both Handle Animal as a class skill and Wild Empathy.)

I don't think I've seen a pavilion tent, but if it's anywhere in 3.x, it'd probably be in the Arms & Equipment Guide.

I believe precision damage (such as skirmish) applies to every attack you make in a round, but the rules for that confuse me, so I could be wrong.

As far as I know, the only half-dwarves published are from the third-party Technomancer Press Player's Companion. I don't know if any of them carry over the move speed thing.

2012-12-17, 04:07 AM
Its cheap, easy and pimped.

Tooth of Savnok: You move at your normal speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations). Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Price 2,000 gp.


2012-12-17, 11:03 AM
Instead of Using Quick Draw the Masterwork Potion Belt in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting pg. 96 lets you Retrieve a potion as a free action once per round.

2012-12-17, 01:27 PM
Is there anyway to negate the movement reduction in medium or heavy armor? Any feats, skills, classes?

Mithral has already been mentioned. Darkleaf (A&EG or Eberron Campaign Setting) is cheaper and druid-friendly. Sentira (Magic of Eberron) is even better: same stats as mithral, but non-metallic.

Tooth of Savnok was also mentioned, but worth noting: You show the sign of the vestige, and are automatically under Savnok's influence as if you had failed a binding roll. This means if you ever take off or remove a defensive item for any reason, you suffer a -1 penalty on attacks/saves/checks. The only way to get rid of this penalty is to remove the tooth, re-attach it, and then wait 24 hours until it takes effect. (Note: the editors probably screwed this one up, as "Dwarven Step" is one of Aym's powers, not Savnok's.)

The best way to counter a movement reduction is to pick up a speed bonus somewhere. The MIC has a several affordable options: Quickness property, Boots of the Unending Journey, Boots of Skating, Crystal of Alacrity. Celerity Domain also grants +10'. You'll need to pay attention to the *type* of bonus: an enhancement bonus to speed won't stack with other enhancement bonuses.

Another method would be the Half-Weight property (from the Forgotten Realms Underdark book). It's pricey (+3 enhancement), but it may be the only way to treat heavy armor as light armor.

Is there any feats or spells, or anything that allows you to gain a class skill or make something a class skill besides the Able Learner (which I did find).

Try here (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=6832.0). Although it would help if you mentioned which skill.

The Apprentice feat (DMGII) can generally get you most of the desirable ones. There's also Skill Knowledge in Unearthed Arcana, but it's part of an alternate skill system, and although it works just fine with the default skill system, you'll probably want to run it by your DM first.

What would be the most helpful class, for a psion to 1 dip into, just to gain handle animal if they can't obtain handle animal as a class skill.

Maybe Human Paragon (Unearthed Arcana)? Otherwise, Factotum or Ranger.

Is there anyway to be able to draw a potion, move, and administer it to someone in the same round?

Quickdraw may or may not allow you to draw a potion as a free action (bottle = splash weapon?). If the DM allows this, then consider buying a bunch of Least Crystals of Return (300 GP, MIC): attach to a potion bottle, free action to draw. Otherwise, Kaustic mentioned the MW Potion Belt. The hustle power or Tempo Bloodspike (Magic of Eberron) can give you an extra move action in a round.

This psion is also focusing on diplomacy and the skills in the telepath skill set, what is the best way to also focus on animals, is it wild empathy or is it handle animal?

If you're interested in optimizing Handle Animal, then Bubs the Commoner (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7097263&postcount=38) might be worth a look.

As far as Wild Empathy... I've never been particularly wild about it, but since it's based on your class levels, which I assume are mostly going to be psion, I'd steer clear of it.

I'm also looking for a Pavilion Tent, but the last time I saw it in a book as 2nd edition has it been moved to 3.0 or 3.5?

Check out Sandstorm for a Personal Oasis (18600 GP, 5' x 10' tent). Frostburn version would be a Instant Igloo (11000 GP, 10' radius). I'm also quite fond of the Cloak of Shelter (12080 GP, A&EG).

If I am a scout, with the crescent knives from the dragon magazine, does the skirmish damage apply to each and every attack roll?

This isn't really clear, so you'll have to check with your DM. The Rules Compendium doesn't allow precision damage on anything other than the first attack unless you are making a full-round attack. However, this rule is confusing, and many groups just adopt a simpler "Volley" rule: you get full precision damage on each individual attack roll. If multiple attacks use a single attack roll, then that's a "Volley" attack and only the first one would get precision damage.

Are there any half-dwarf templates that would carry over the move in full speed in any armor racial trait?

Not that I know of.

2012-12-17, 02:54 PM
If you have high int, Factorum would be a great dip for getting skills you need. It has every single skill as a class skill, plus x/day bonuses to skill checks.

2012-12-18, 12:24 AM
Thanks guys after some major scouring of my own, I found these armor addons you wear on your body: Chahar-Aina and Dastana. Gave a +1 ac for each that stacks.

So i went chain shirt for now, so I am sitting at 40 speed, (quick trait).

Not too bad. When I can afford better armor I'll decide if I should stay light or go heavy. my dex is only 10 :(

Also, the potion questions were not for my cleric, that was for a petal psion who wanted to utilitze the fast flying speed she has.

Agent 451
2012-12-18, 01:34 AM
Is there anyway to be able to draw a potion, move, and administer it to someone in the same round?

Ready-Drink Helms from Dragon 294 (I think) hold several potions and let you drink one a round as a free action. Doesn't help with administering to others though.

Chahar-Aina and Dastana.

Don't forget that in OA these only work with a small number of specific armor types (unless they have been updated somewhere in 3.5).

Edit: And I see that you are already wearing a chain shirt :smalltongue: