View Full Version : Solid Blaster for a High-Ridiculousness Campaign

2012-12-17, 09:37 AM
So, I'm in a campaign where we regularly do outrageously silly things. For example: our monk is a grapple specialist that murders every foe by grappling, then pinning, then vigorously humping everything to death. Now, I was playing a Wu Jen (I know, they're terrible, but it was for flavor) and got dragon'd so I'm looking for a solid blaster with a good bit of fluff on the side outside of the normal "I'm a wizard and imma kill EVERYTHING." Think warlock or some such. My biggest hangup is finding a good race; in this world Monsters are reviled more than normal so we, of course, began the game with a Skullcrusher Ogre and a custom Goblin in the party. (The goblin was me). Keeping that in mind, we've done a few things to endear us (sort of) to the population to make them hate us a little bit less. I still want the feeling of being a monster and trying to earn acceptance, but since I don't have the history of proving myself worthy now, I'd also need to be able to get by amongst humans, dwarves, and/or gnomes without really being noticed. I was considering lycanthrope, but that +3 LA kinda threw me off. DM has no particular restrictions other than "run it by me first." I'd like to keep the LA to no more than +1 unless the racial bonuses outweigh losing caster levels; which would have to make them REALLY impressive.
Level 8 with standard 4d6 drop lowest stat rolling rules.

2012-12-17, 09:43 AM
What level?

Gnome [focused] illusionist/ shadowcraft mage are quite flavorful. Cheesewrought kobold sorcerer could be flavorful too. Both could blast effectively.

2012-12-17, 10:01 AM
As far as "feeling" like a monster goes:
-Changeling. Yes, you could make yourself look like a normal human. But, you could also make yourself look like the most hideous mutant-orc-thing to walk the planet.
-Lesser Tiefling, which looks slightly demon-ish. Possibly with the Otherworldly feat if you want to gain the Outsider type.
-Hellbred also looks slightly demon-ish
-Instead of taking 1 LA, for ~3k XP , you could go for Necropolitan, which grants useful immunities (and might improve the HP) on an otherwise squishy caster.

2012-12-17, 10:59 AM
-Instead of taking 1 LA, for ~3k XP , you could go for Necropolitan, which grants useful immunities (and might improve the HP) on an otherwise squishy caster.

I really like this, just give the character enough CHA to bluff and disguise himself effectively and you have a character that can effectively hide amongst the living. Maybe a Victor Frankenstein type guy who is dedicated to mastering the necromantic arts because he believes there HAS to be a way to create true life from death?

2012-12-17, 11:20 AM
I really like this, just give the character enough CHA to bluff and disguise himself effectively and you have a character that can effectively hide amongst the living. Maybe a Victor Frankenstein type guy who is dedicated to mastering the necromantic arts because he believes there HAS to be a way to create true life from death?

Or a hat of disguise :smallwink:

2012-12-17, 11:23 AM
Or a hat of disguise :smallwink:

Or be a Changeling Necropolitan. :smalltongue:

Fouredged Sword
2012-12-17, 11:34 AM
If you can find some way to get your party to heal from ether cold or negative energy damage (there is a feat for this, see about a custom magic item that grants it) you could be a very effective ubercold assult necromancer as your undead and allies would be immune to the damage from your AOE spells.

Get them immune to cold and healed by negative energy and you can heal as you blast and blast as you heal:smallbiggrin:.

2012-12-17, 09:07 PM
This is less of a blaster and more of a battlefield controller, but it's funny to me anyway.

Mongrelfolk (RoD) Dragonfire Adept (DM) with the Deformity: Obese feat. Take Sickening Breath at level 2 and Acid Breath at level 5, and grab Entangling Exhalation at some point. For added fun, Mongrelfolk count as being human, so you can take Jotunbrud (RoF) and be a HUGE fat ugly dude with vomit control issues.

You're a fat ugly dude who vomits a sticky, nauseating substance all over every enemy you encounter. Bonus points if you can trick the Skullcrusher Ogre into eating some.

Swami Monsoon
2012-12-17, 10:09 PM
This is less of a blaster and more of a battlefield controller, but it's funny to me anyway.

Mongrelfolk (RoD) Dragonfire Adept (DM) with the Deformity: Obese feat. Take Sickening Breath at level 2 and Acid Breath at level 5, and grab Entangling Exhalation at some point. For added fun, Mongrelfolk count as being human, so you can take Jotunbrud (RoF) and be a HUGE fat ugly dude with vomit control issues.

You're a fat ugly dude who vomits a sticky, nauseating substance all over every enemy you encounter. Bonus points if you can trick the Skullcrusher Ogre into eating some.

...just be sure to run away from the guy with the Wafer Thin Mint.

2012-12-17, 10:31 PM
...just be sure to run away from the guy with the Wafer Thin Mint.

Very funny, lol.

2012-12-18, 12:05 AM
Something that involves the Chicken Infested flaw.

2012-12-18, 12:17 AM
Psion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psion.htm) (Kineticist) is one of the best dedicated blasters you can get. Take Anarchic Initiate (CP) for better HP and actual class features. If your group is ok with dubious interpretations based on poor wording, the last line of Wild Surge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/wilder.htm#wildSurge) (which you get from Anarchic Initiate) implies that you never pay any augmentation costs at all with a wild surged power, as only the power's base powerpoint cost is subtracted from your total. Be sure to pick up Quick Recovery (LoM) to mitigate the drawback of Psychic Enervation.

Take Psicrystal Affinity and learn Share Pain, and use that on the psicrystal every day. Keep it in a compartment so opponents won't have line of sight/effect to it and cannot target it directly, and it won't get hit by AoEs. You'll take half damage from all sources, and its Hardness 8 will reduce every instance of damage it takes from Share Pain by that amount regardless of the original attack's damage type. You can even put a Healing Belt (MIC) on it and it can spend its own actions to heal you with it. Learn Vigor as well and you can share it with the psicrystal like any other buff and it will give you a nice hp cushion.

2012-12-18, 12:37 AM
Wow, thanks for all the suggestions everyone! I like the idea of being a Necropolitan, though vomiting ... substance ... all over my enemies does sound oddly satisfying. Throw in chicken infested and I have a fat zombie guy that obsessively eats chickens to the point he hurls and zombie vomit composed of chicken, as we all know, is a horrid substance that traps and (amazingly) nauseates all opponents. Somehow I have no doubts that this would be ok with my DM.

Beautiful. This is why I love this site.

2012-12-18, 01:47 AM
Chicken-Infested Obese Jotunbrud Mongrelfolk Commoner 1/Dragonfire Adept 7. DOOOO IIITTTT. He shall be known as... The Colonel.

2012-12-18, 01:55 AM
This is less of a blaster and more of a battlefield controller, but it's funny to me anyway.

Mongrelfolk (RoD) Dragonfire Adept (DM) with the Deformity: Obese feat. Take Sickening Breath at level 2 and Acid Breath at level 5, and grab Entangling Exhalation at some point. For added fun, Mongrelfolk count as being human, so you can take Jotunbrud (RoF) and be a HUGE fat ugly dude with vomit control issues.

You're a fat ugly dude who vomits a sticky, nauseating substance all over every enemy you encounter. Bonus points if you can trick the Skullcrusher Ogre into eating some.

BOOMER!!! I hated those guys so much.

Now just get a way to explode when you die. Necrotic Cysts? [left4dead reference]

Seriously: If you take a Willing Deformity feat, take Insanity, because a) it's awesome flavor which actually fits the theme of being a crazy monster, and b) it's immunity to Mind-Affecting, which is pretty darn strong (includes lovelies like the whole Enchantment school, some Illusions, Intimidate, morale effects, and Frightful Presence), c) the few times you do have to make a Will save, you won't be too bad because of the 1/minute boost.