View Full Version : The stereotype party

2012-12-17, 03:20 PM
I need help I want to make a party of adventures that my party runs into , they will be 100% steryo type of anything DND or other midevil related.

The #1 that comes to mind is the Ranger TWF Drow with an animal companion. Ill make it a jaguar instead or something. Of course he is good and "on the run from his past"

Anyone else got anything to help with ive read tons of books but its all meshing together in my head.

2012-12-17, 03:24 PM
The problem is, there's a lot of stereotypes out there.

Meathead Fighter or Gallant Hero Fighter? Backstabbing underhanded thieving rogue or charming lady's man rogue? Wise mentor wizard or condescending butthole wizard? Obnoxious Celtic Guardian Paladin or smart and understanding Paladin?

2012-12-17, 03:29 PM
This should help you find things. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FantasyCharacterClasses) And potentially be lost forever in the void! >:)

2012-12-17, 03:57 PM
You'll need a dwarf who wears armor 24/7, lives entirely off of ale and roast meat, doesn't trust elves, hates orcs, goblins and giants, loves gold and speaks with a heavy Scottish accent.

Scowling Dragon
2012-12-17, 04:00 PM
A Paladin that uses smit evil 24/7 and murders anything with a braincell that even has the LETTERS Evil written on it.

Lord Il Palazzo
2012-12-17, 04:11 PM
The rogue is a thief through and through and is only in it (for any definition of it) for the money. He doesnt' get along with the paladin. If this is not true (and maybe even if it is) he will be Bilbo Baggins with the serial number filed off.

The fighter (or maybe barbarian) has no relevant skills outside of combat and no mental ability above 10. He basically has to be pointed at enemies and told "go kill that" at which point he swings his sword until "that" is dead.

The party must include a snobby elf with a name like "Moonblossom" who for some reason deigns to adventure with these "lesser races" he's clearly (and aloofly) superior to. He fights with a longbow (or a pair of shortswords on rare occasion) and can't stand the dwarf.

The bard is very, very spoony.

2012-12-17, 04:21 PM
A mage (human or elf) focused on blasting things, or at least believes that launching fireballs is the demonstration of ultimate arcane power. As for the rogue; make him believe he's there to find and disarm traps, and open locks.

Sword and board fighter, naturally.

Actually, make the party fighter, mage, rogue, and cleric.

Lord Il Palazzo
2012-12-17, 04:43 PM
Actually, make the party fighter, mage, rogue, and cleric.If there's anyone else, it's probably a bard.

2012-12-17, 04:58 PM
The stereotypical party (tm):

Saint Julius Pureheart
The fearless leader of the party. He has lots of con and is very brave, but is also lawful stupid. He never breaks his oath...ever...he doesn't even come close to it! He always parades around as the good guy, forces the rest of his party members to donate some of their gold to an old women's knitting club, always loudly announces the party's entry in dungeons (to announce their presence), always offers the enemy a fair chance to retaliate and always offers his opponents a chance to surrender and redeem themselves. Yes, even that one pit lord that just burned down an entire continent.

Kralin McUdun
The dwarven cleric. He wears heavy armor, heals, buffs, drinks ale and speaks with a Scottish accent. Don't insult his beard.

Ithrandiel Stickuparselin
The elven wizard. Very arrogant, very obsessed with power, very verbose. He casts blasty spells, and nothing else.

Urandiel Pickpocketis
Elven ranger or rogue, uses a bow, probably female. Is Chaotic Dumb (I had to push the king down the stairs, making him break his hip and turning us into national enemy #1! I'm chaotic neutral!). Likes to steal everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING. Shoots stuff with her arrows, does all the skillmonkeying.

Voilą, a stereotypical party is born. Is the party you want to send them out against good? Don't worry, the paladin is probably so delusional and so obsessed with being good and wholesome, he probably won't even notice that his smite evil and detect evil won't work. He will probably scoff it off with "bah, they're hiding their alignments but I know they're evil!" or "Ah! Impressive! It seems these fiendish beings are resilient to my divine strikes!".

2012-12-17, 05:03 PM
I've even got some names for you! Roy Greenhilt, Haley Starshine, Durkon Thundershield...

2012-12-17, 05:21 PM
I've even got some names for you! Roy Greenhilt, Haley Starshine, Durkon Thundershield...

Hey, niether Roy nor Belkar are sterotypical! :smalltongue:

2012-12-17, 05:25 PM
Belkar may not fit the "halfling stereotype" but he's a perfect example of the Token Evil Teammate.

2012-12-17, 05:27 PM
Check out the PhB PSAs by Creative Juices, just about every stereotype you can think of.

2012-12-17, 05:52 PM
Hey, niether Roy nor Belkar are sterotypical! :smalltongue:

You're right, Roy's more of a parody of the stereotype than anything else. Still, rename them and you're good to go. You could even keep the "I'm an INTELLIGENT fighter!" vibe going as long as your party hasn't read order of the stick. Actually, scrap that. If they haven't read oots, make them read oots.

2012-12-17, 05:57 PM
The "Savage savant" is another stereotype (Conan, Tarzan, etc)

The "tormented" good guy yet another (I want to do good, but life has put me in a situation where to do that I need to break my vows!!!). Trivialize for comic effect.

2012-12-17, 06:04 PM
Ithrandiel Stickuparselin
The elven wizard. Very arrogant, very obsessed with power, very verbose. He casts blasty spells, and nothing else.

Wouldn't this work better as a human (Sorcerer or Evoker)? You've got two Elves in your party, and those traits are also pretty stock fantasy human (aside from maybe the "verbose"-trait but you could replace it with "flirts and sleeps with everything").

2012-12-17, 07:15 PM
The "Savage savant" is another stereotype (Conan, Tarzan, etc)
Was going to suggest this myself. For more Comedy make him the half naked Arnold version.

A mage (human or elf) focused on blasting things, or at least believes that launching fireballs is the demonstration of ultimate arcane power.

Name him... Tim.

2012-12-17, 07:53 PM
The Barbie who runs trough every trap killing the entire party over and over again?

2012-12-17, 08:06 PM
Where is the obligatory venerable human wizard leaning on a staff with his white beard tucked into his belt?

Amidus Drexel
2012-12-17, 10:47 PM

Name him... Tim.

Does he, perhaps, call himself an enchanter?

2012-12-17, 11:25 PM
laughs rear off and subscribes

2012-12-17, 11:40 PM
I think the most stereotypical party is dwarven fighter, human cleric, elven wizard and halfling rogue. Mix and match with racial and class stereotypes and that's all you really need.

If you want to go a little deeper, go to tvtropes and look up a couple of subversions, aversions and invertions. But that's not really needed, if you ask me.

2012-12-18, 12:03 AM
So rather than an actual stereotype party, it looks like you want a party of stereotypes. Here's a good start:

Galstaf, Lesser Aasimar Sorcerer (of light). Loves to cast flashy evocations, especially Magic Missile, and hates darkness to the point of actually trying to battle it. He's seldom caught off guard thanks to his signature spell Mordenkainen's Faithful Watchdog:
(I just now made this up)
Mordenkainen's Faithful Watchdog
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: Phantom watchdog
Duration: 2 hours/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates an invisible, immaterial watchdog that is inaudible to all but the caster. The watchdog follows the caster unerringly for the spell's duration, but it cannot travel across planes except between the material and ethereal planes. It cannot be attacked, but it cannot do anything but sniff and bark. A Detect Magic, See Invisibility, and similar effects reveal the faint outline of the watchdog. It is clearly visible to creatures on the ethereal plane.

The watchdog's only sense is its scent special quality, which is capable of detecting creatures on both its current plane and the ethereal plane, and whenever it detects a new creature it barks loudly for one round. Only the caster and creatures on the ethereal plane can hear the barking, and anyone hearing is automatically awakened by it if sleeping. Harmless creatures such as rabbits, squirrels, and birds can trigger the barking. There is no way to stop the watchdog from barking apart from dismissing the spell. If the watchdog starts barking while the caster is casting another spell or doing anything requiring concentration, he must make a concentration check (DC 12) or fail the action.

Material component: a bit of dog fur.

2012-12-18, 11:53 AM
Make sure the rogue only uses daggers, had a utility belt of obscure/useful items, and makes even impressive feats sound trivial to him (even if he barely made the check by 1 point). He can even say, "I need you all to turn away, for I am about to demonstrate the lost and secret arts of the ancient (insert name here) Thieves Guilde taught to me by the High Master many years ago before the guild's collapse." before attempting anything.

For the spellcaster, even though it is not stereotypical to most, I gotta say...go Richard. He is a warlock from the Looking For Group Comic. (Lfgcomic.com) He is Chaotic Evil incarnate. He also loves to kill things for slighting him in painful, gruesome, and often times hilarious ways.

Not sure what to add for the "Night in Shining Armor"...I mean...really...he is kind of no fun...well except to be made fun of by the others.

I will +1 the Drunken Dwarven Cleric of Kiss. My. Axe! Always a hoot...also...he has to sign Dwarven drinking songs while yelling that no elf will ever outdo a Dwarf at anything, especially drinking!

2012-12-18, 12:51 PM
You'll need a dwarf who wears armor 24/7, lives entirely off of ale and roast meat, doesn't trust elves, hates orcs, goblins and giants, loves gold and speaks with a heavy Scottish accent.

LOL! Yeah, you must NOT forget the Scottish accent!

2012-12-18, 12:53 PM
Wouldn't this work better as a human?... replace "verbose" with "flirts and sleeps with everything").

Wouldn't the trait "sleeps with everything" call for a half elf?

2012-12-18, 02:13 PM
From the OP, it sounds like what he wants is THE MOST overused, cliche, hyped archetypes in all of print media. That is, take each of the REALLY BIG fantasy media franchises, and make a party out of just their most popular characters.

So, the party should consist of:

Ohman, the Barbarian -
Straight human barbarian 20, with at best an average int and wis score, but 18s in all other stats (including charisma). Skill points to intimidate, search, survival, and a handful to other things as appropriate (like 5 ranks in balance, some ranks in tumble, etc). Despite his class, he's actually got several really well chosen feats, like Martial Training (Iron Heart Surge), which make him more versatile and capable than he at first seems.

Grandpa, the White -
Elan Wizard, pretends he's still human despite the fact that he's over 400 years old. Knows everyone and everything, carries around a spellbook and staff, just for show. He's actually got silent spell, still spell, invisible spell and plays as a batman wizard (defeating bad-guys with EXACTLY the right spell), but never looks like he's doing anything unless he's trying to be flashy, instead making it look like it's the other heroes who are beating the bad guys through luck.

Diet So'Ohda, the Token Black Elf -
Elven Ranger/Swordsage/Crusader/Warblade/Dervish Dancer/Tempest/..., despite claims of being 'just a ranger' he actually doesn't have more than 2 levels of any class in his build, since his character sheet is actually an adaptation of a 1st ed. D&D character that's just been converted from edition to edition, with various fudges and homebrews added in to make him 'play the same' as the original. Of course, if an edition change just happens to make him a bit better with previously unmentioned skills...

Dame Stormy, the Dragon-ChickRider -
Human Bard/Crusader/Rogue. Kind of new at this whole adventuring schtick, she likes to dabble in politics, intrigue, romance and all of the other side-questy things. She claims to be descended from the rightful king who was deposed in a coup by his...well, you get the idea. While not quite as well optimized as the others, she rides a dragon.

There could be others, but that's a fair 4-person party. I cannot for the life of me think of an appropriate Cleric type, so I had to abandon the clasic Fighter/Rogue/Wizard/Cleric setup.

2012-12-18, 02:25 PM
Is it bad that as I was reading Ohman, the Barbarian's description all I could think was:


2012-12-18, 05:34 PM
Have one of each (http://dragon.facetieux.free.fr/jdr/Munchkin.htm):

The Real Man - Use a Neanderthal barbarian
The Real Roleplayer - A Half-elf Bard
The Loon - Half-Orc wizard/Swashbuckler with INT as the dump stat
The Munchkin - Whisper Gnome Crusader

2012-12-18, 05:56 PM
The Loon - Half-Orc wizard/Swashbuckler with INT as the dump stat

I'm going to outright disagree with this one. Being terrible at math and even incapable of counting past your number of fingers and toes and then becoming an accountant isn't the Loonie, it's the Stormwind Fallacy Denier.

A Loonie someone who does something just because it was funny (http://youtu.be/1apwAmWB44U?t=44m44s) like dropping an area dispel that gets rid of opponents' summoned monsters but also removes the Command Undead spells from the party's undead minions, solving one problem but creating an even worse one in the process. I'd probably go with a Divine Prankster build for this one.

2012-12-18, 06:31 PM
Wouldn't the trait "sleeps with everything" call for a half elf?

I was more referring to this classic forum quote:

Human: Hey elf, you look like a girl.
Elf: To a human, everything must look like a girl.
Human: What?
Elf: Half-orcs, half-ogres...
Human: ... shut up.
Dwarf: Half-dragons, half-kobolds.
Human: I said shut up!
Elf: ...
Dwarf: ...
Human: ...
Elf: Centaurs.

2012-12-18, 08:41 PM
From the OP, it sounds like what he wants is THE MOST overused, cliche, hyped archetypes in all of print media. That is, take each of the REALLY BIG fantasy media franchises, and make a party out of just their most popular characters.

So, the party should consist of:

Ohman, the Barbarian -
Straight human barbarian 20, with at best an average int and wis score, but 18s in all other stats (including charisma). Skill points to intimidate, search, survival, and a handful to other things as appropriate (like 5 ranks in balance, some ranks in tumble, etc). Despite his class, he's actually got several really well chosen feats, like Martial Training (Iron Heart Surge), which make him more versatile and capable than he at first seems.

Grandpa, the White -
Elan Wizard, pretends he's still human despite the fact that he's over 400 years old. Knows everyone and everything, carries around a spellbook and staff, just for show. He's actually got silent spell, still spell, invisible spell and plays as a batman wizard (defeating bad-guys with EXACTLY the right spell), but never looks like he's doing anything unless he's trying to be flashy, instead making it look like it's the other heroes who are beating the bad guys through luck.

Diet So'Ohda, the Token Black Elf -
Elven Ranger/Swordsage/Crusader/Warblade/Dervish Dancer/Tempest/..., despite claims of being 'just a ranger' he actually doesn't have more than 2 levels of any class in his build, since his character sheet is actually an adaptation of a 1st ed. D&D character that's just been converted from edition to edition, with various fudges and homebrews added in to make him 'play the same' as the original. Of course, if an edition change just happens to make him a bit better with previously unmentioned skills...

Dame Stormy, the Dragon-ChickRider -
Human Bard/Crusader/Rogue. Kind of new at this whole adventuring schtick, she likes to dabble in politics, intrigue, romance and all of the other side-questy things. She claims to be descended from the rightful king who was deposed in a coup by his...well, you get the idea. While not quite as well optimized as the others, she rides a dragon.

There could be others, but that's a fair 4-person party. I cannot for the life of me think of an appropriate Cleric type, so I had to abandon the clasic Fighter/Rogue/Wizard/Cleric setup.

Wow hit nail on the head lol

2012-12-19, 05:11 AM
@ Kestrel: Who is Dame Stormy a reference to? I'm apparently not well-read enough.... (I'm assuming the wizard is Gandalf, and find the build spot-on to the point of being tempted to steal it.)

Edit: I also don't get this one.

The Munchkin - Whisper Gnome Crusader

Not familiar with either Whisper Gnomes or Crusaders, but both seem too obscure to make much of a stereotype of anything. Can you (ie are you able to and would you be willing to) explain why this combination is more munchkinny than, say, a half-orc fighter with Improved Initiative and flaws for Power Attack and something similarly dominant-at-low-levels, who multiclasses to Cleric of Erythnul at level 3 and then morphs into CODzilla by the time his fighter levels stop being relevant?

2012-12-19, 08:39 AM
@ Kestrel: Who is Dame Stormy a reference to? I'm apparently not well-read enough.... (I'm assuming the wizard is Gandalf, and find the build spot-on to the point of being tempted to steal it.)

Game of Thrones. There's one character that's all on her own and takes up nearly as much story time as the 'main' story line, making her more 'main character' than most of the others, IMO.

Also, Grandpa is a reference to ALL of the manipulative old wizards who stand in the background and play chessmaster (tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EccentricMentor). The list is surprisingly extensive.

2012-12-19, 09:21 AM
Stereotype party? Which one?

We have for you:

four man band (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FourManBand)
five man band (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveManBand)
six man band, ergo: five-man band and a sixth ranger (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SixthRanger)
standard RPG band
1-man party

Warning! Link point to TVTropes, click at own risk!
4)DPS, Wizard, Meatshield, healer (possible buffer)
5) any number of bands starting from 4 (seriously, this is very much possible and quite strong in DnD, be sure to include casters, and snowflakewardancers, a whip tripper and a healing specialised bard)
6) a druid.

bonus points for these two tropes: ensembles (detailing personalities) (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ensembles) and meaningful names (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MeaningfulName)

Want to cook up a random party? make lists, roll dice to see which adjective fits to which role and class, then make up a meaningful name for them.

and don't forget to 'test the strength of*' the 4th wall on occasion

*aka break.

2012-12-19, 10:17 AM
Crap, you went pony on me Socratov? Well, whatevs.

Warning! Link point to TVTropes, click at own risk!

He's not kidding folks; it's a black hole of time dilation. Be very bored and have no pressing appointments for the next week before you dare step inside.

4)DPS, Wizard, Meatshield, healer (possible buffer)

What's a DPS in this context? I thought it stood for Damage Per Second, which isn't a person.

*aka break.

Personally I prefer leaning on the 4th wall rather than breaking it, but then I'm excessively meta by default....

2012-12-19, 12:15 PM
Urandiel Pickpocketis
Elven ranger or rogue, uses a bow, probably female. Is Chaotic Dumb (I had to push the king down the stairs, making him break his hip and turning us into national enemy #1! I'm chaotic neutral!). Likes to steal everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING. Shoots stuff with her arrows, does all the skillmonkeying.

You forgot to mention : Runs around in a skimpy oufit (unfit for woodland strolling, specially if a ranger) with breasts too big for her absurdly tiny frame.

2012-12-19, 11:31 PM
Here's a stereotype you mustn't forget to include: The druid werebear who rides a bear and summons bears while having a bear companion.

2012-12-20, 02:13 AM
Crap, you went pony on me Socratov? Well, whatevs.

ayup, see SMBG forum and the pony vs non ponies (somewhere 2 threads ago)

He's not kidding folks; it's a black hole of time dilation. Be very bored and have no pressing appointments for the next week before you dare step inside.

only a week? I spent months browsing tvtropes :smalleek:

What's a DPS in this context? I thought it stood for Damage Per Second, which isn't a person.

that's because it's a role in the party, think mailman, übercharger, clawlock, anything that deals way more damage then it should

Personally I prefer leaning on the 4th wall rather than breaking it, but then I'm excessively meta by default....
oh meta you :smallamused:

You forgot to mention : Runs around in a skimpy oufit (unfit for woodland strolling, specially if a ranger) with breasts too big for her absurdly tiny frame.
ah the inverse law of coverage and AC, It's true though, in DnD it might be best described as a distractionbonus equal to cha (sex-appeal is not only looks :smallamused:)

Here's a stereotype you mustn't forget to include: The druid werebear who rides a bear and summons bears while having a bear companion.

that's not a stereotype, that is athe legitimate way to build a druid. :smallcool: You forgot to mention that his name is sir Bearington (first name Paddington :smallbiggrin:)

2012-12-20, 02:27 AM
I love playing the Kobold stereotype: completely dragon obsessed. A nice Dragonborn Dragonwrought Kobold Sorcerer (Loredrake, of course) with Improved Dragon Wings as well as the Greater Draconic Ritual. Use all dragon themed spells (Wings of Flurry, Wings of Cover, various breath weapon spells, Alter Self to turn into various dragon forms, and so on). Constantly babble about how much better you are than everyone else because you're a dragon. And, you know, you kinda are...


2012-12-20, 08:05 AM
I love playing the Kobold stereotype: completely dragon obsessed. A nice Dragonborn Dragonwrought Kobold Sorcerer (Loredrake, of course) with Improved Dragon Wings as well as the Greater Draconic Ritual. Use all dragon themed spells (Wings of Flurry, Wings of Cover, various breath weapon spells, Alter Self to turn into various dragon forms, and so on). Constantly babble about how much better you are than everyone else because you're a dragon. And, you know, you kinda are...


It's really amusing that this build can claim to be picking things based on a 'theme' and it's not being cheesy at all. Really.

Despite the fact that as a 6th level sorceror you've already got 5th level spells...and a fly speed...and a charisma of 22 before magic...

2012-12-20, 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by Randel
Human: Hey elf, you look like a girl.
Elf: To a human, everything must look like a girl.
Human: What?
Elf: Half-orcs, half-ogres...
Human: ... shut up.
Dwarf: Half-dragons, half-kobolds.
Human: I said shut up!
Elf: ...
Dwarf: ...
Human: ...
Elf: Centaurs.


Oh man, that's both terrible and hilarious.

I hate half-creatures.

Here's a stereotype you mustn't forget to include: The druid werebear who rides a bear and summons bears while having a bear companion.

Does he run around....bear-naked? :smallamused:

Sorry, I couldn't help myself...please don't hit me.

2012-12-20, 12:53 PM
I love playing the Kobold stereotype: completely dragon obsessed. A nice Dragonborn Dragonwrought Kobold Sorcerer (Loredrake, of course) with Improved Dragon Wings as well as the Greater Draconic Ritual. Use all dragon themed spells (Wings of Flurry, Wings of Cover, various breath weapon spells, Alter Self to turn into various dragon forms, and so on). Constantly babble about how much better you are than everyone else because you're a dragon. And, you know, you kinda are...


I wanna try this as a character myself some time....

As for a stereotypical party (even though I was the first to start off with the TVTropes :smallyuk:), hm...

The core 4 are Healer, Front Line, Sneaky, and Blaster, before different spins on them evolved... Split Front Line into Sir-Kill-A-Lot and Sir-Can't-Be-Killed, and throw in a 6th member, usually used for skills and such...

{table=head]Race|Class|Gender|Allignment|Focus Stat|Dump Stat|Personality Role
Half-Orc|Barbrian|Male|Chaotic Neutral|Strength|Intelligence|Big Guy
Halfling|Rogue|Female|Lawful Neutral|Dexterity|Wisdom|6th Ranger
Dwarf|Fighter|Male|Lawful Good|Constitution|Charisma|The Leader
Elf|Wizard|Female|True Neutral|Intelligence|Strength|Smart Guy
Venerable Gnome|Cleric|Male|Neutral Good|Wisdom|Dexterity|The Lancer
Human|Bard|Female|Chaotic Good|Charisma|Constitution|The Heart

Seems like a wide variety of skills and tricks that cover most of the basics. You've got your Big Dumb Warrior, the Sneaky Thief, the Noble Knight, the Cunning Magician, the Sagely Priest, and the Friendly Jack-of-All-Trades.

Also, Bear-naked? Really.

2012-12-20, 01:15 PM
I wanna try this as a character myself some time....

As for a stereotypical party (even though I was the first to start off with the TVTropes :smallyuk:), hm...

The core 4 are Healer, Front Line, Sneaky, and Blaster, before different spins on them evolved... Split Front Line into Sir-Kill-A-Lot and Sir-Can't-Be-Killed, and throw in a 6th member, usually used for skills and such...

{table=head]Race|Class|Gender|Allignment|Focus Stat|Dump Stat|Personality Role
Half-Orc|Barbrian|Male|Chaotic Neutral|Strength|Intelligence|Big Guy
Halfling|Rogue|Female|Lawful Neutral|Dexterity|Wisdom|6th Ranger
Dwarf|Fighter|Male|Lawful Good|Constitution|Charisma|The Leader
Elf|Wizard|Female|True Neutral|Intelligence|Strength|Smart Guy
Venerable Gnome|Cleric|Male|Neutral Good|Wisdom|Dexterity|The Lancer
Human|Bard|Female|Chaotic Good|Charisma|Constitution|The Heart

Seems like a wide variety of skills and tricks that cover most of the basics. You've got your Big Dumb Warrior, the Sneaky Thief, the Noble Knight, the Cunning Magician, the Sagely Priest, and the Friendly Jack-of-All-Trades.

Also, Bear-naked? Really.

I can't help but notice that your chart has the dwarf, the half-orc, the elf, and the halfling paired with their favored classes... the PHB kind of does it all for you. You need to add in a horribly unviable monk to die in the first round of combat... would be even better if they used their super monk speed to close with the party a good two or three rounds before their allies arrive, so they can spend two rounds missing with every attack.

2012-12-20, 01:37 PM
Since elves are stereotypically the best at everything, lets start there.

Stereotypical party elves:
Elf druid
Elf ranger
Elf rogue
Elf swordsman
Elf wizard

And humans

Human bard
Human cleric
Human fighter
Human ranger
Human rogue
Human wizard

The other races are much less open ended when it comes to stereotypes.

Kurald Galain
2012-12-20, 01:55 PM
The Loon - Half-Orc wizard/Swashbuckler with INT as the dump stat
Needs moar random :) I would go for a half-beholder half-merfolk rogue / cleric with the Wild Mage prestige class.

Edit: I also don't get this one.

Not familiar with either Whisper Gnomes or Crusaders, but both seem too obscure to make much of a stereotype of anything.
The point is that stereotypical munchkins always play whatever gives the most pluses, regardless of how much sense it makes, so they're apt to have an obscure race and class because, you know, pluses. They'll wield whatever does the most damage, worship whoever gives the most pluses, and whine at the DM.

2012-12-20, 01:59 PM
Does he run around....bear-naked?

Sorry, I couldn't help myself...please don't hit meNot even with our bear hands?

2012-12-20, 02:04 PM

Oh man, that's both terrible and hilarious.

I hate half-creatures.

The silly part is, apparently only humans have the trait of being able to breed with literally anything aside from shapeshifters (and apparently they also use said trait a lot given the number of Half-everythings around). Basically all the half-everything invariably have human as the other party.

2012-12-20, 02:31 PM
The silly part is, apparently only humans have the trait of being able to breed with literally anything aside from shapeshifters (and apparently they also use said trait a lot given the number of Half-everythings around). Basically all the half-everything invariably have human as the other party.

Either that or half-dragon (http://spipes.deviantart.com/art/Half-Dragon-Beholder-214329576). (that image is SFW, but it may forever scar your mind and soul if you think about it too deeply)

But yeah, what happens if a half-elf and a half-orc fall in love? (or even a full-blooded version of each I guess, though a more squicky scenario is more likely)

Personally, I avoid half-anythings like the plague, and refluff bloodlines to be the following: ancient and forbidden magics where used to fuse the essence of some strange and powerful creature to your family tree, which now manifests itself in various individuals from time to time. (but you are, technically, pure human or whatever else the base race is)

Oh yeah, to stay on topic: stereotypically your big bad@$$ hero CANNOT be just a regular human or elf, he needs to be part dragon/demon/elemental/ancient-long-forgotten-nearly-extinct-subrace because despite the after-school special message about fairness and hard work, it really all comes down to what you are born with anyway.

Not even with our bear hands?
ESPECIALLY not with your bear-hands. But if it's just your bare hands then you're probably a monk and I don't have anything to worry about. :smalltongue:

2012-12-20, 07:08 PM
I can't help but notice that your chart has the dwarf, the half-orc, the elf, and the halfling paired with their favored classes...

Funny how that works, isn't it?

Oh yeah, to stay on topic: stereotypically your big bad@$$ hero CANNOT be just a regular human or elf, he needs to be part dragon/demon/elemental/ancient-long-forgotten-nearly-extinct-subrace because despite the after-school special message about fairness and hard work, it really all comes down to what you are born with anyway.

There has to be a touch of it in his background, if only for the sake of justifying his access to the Infinity +1 Sword, but his basic abilities should be achievable by the basic race, just to shove it in the villain's nose.

ESPECIALLY not with your bear-hands. But if it's just your bare hands then you're probably a monk and I don't have anything to worry about. :smalltongue:

What if an Unarmed Swordsage? :smallcool:

2012-12-20, 10:38 PM
Funny how that works, isn't it?

Kind of meta-stereotypes: even NPCs expect them to follow those paths. Remember the OOTS strip where Haley reminds Belkar that halflings have a reputation for theft?

2012-12-21, 11:15 AM
But yeah, what happens if a half-elf and a half-orc fall in love?

The mongrelfolks HAD to start somewhere, eh.

2012-12-21, 02:44 PM
It's really amusing that this build can claim to be picking things based on a 'theme' and it's not being cheesy at all. Really.

Despite the fact that as a 6th level sorceror you've already got 5th level spells...and a fly speed...and a charisma of 22 before magic...

"Theme" and "Cheesy" are not at all mutually exclusive. In fact, thematic characters are often the most cheesy. Doesn't make it any less hilariously fun. And of course, you have to apply your abilities towards magical dragonness only, because optimizing for power alone at this point would be too much. It actually helps to play somewhat stupid (charging into rooms screaming "STAND BACK BEFORE THE MIGHT OF DRAGONS!" instead of scouting or looking for traps) just to balance it out a bit.

But yes, this is an incredibly powerful character despite also being thematically hilarious.

The problem is that other racial theme characters aren't nearly as strong, so they don't play well with this. A super dwarfy dwarf might work if it was a Cleric though...
