View Full Version : Food/beverages & mount for cold climate

2012-12-18, 02:59 AM
Hello playground..
I'm here for your taste skills :)
let me explain...

I want to now about consumable items.. food,spices etc etc..
that can be usable for other reasons that eating,trading etc..
like garlic for example :) (you know .. vampires)

also, food spices or the like that could enhance my RP... the campaign
area will be too cold and prolly with a lot of mountains..
i already got a mess kit and a percolator to make beverages & melt ice for water..
i was thinking to get some coffee but for 50g/lb seems too expensive...
on the other hand, tea goes bad easy so maybe not a good choice...
dunno... let me know what you think...

Can you suggest a mount for a halfling that can withstand severe cold weather(prolly native to that climate)
that knows how to defend itself(find food/shelter) when left alone in a snowy/cold,
mountain environment (if i need to left it behind when i go into a dungeon..)

thnx in advance

2012-12-18, 03:04 AM
Well, you might be able to refluff a riding dog as a husky or similiar. That's not writen anywhere that I know of, though.

Other than that, arctic wolves would work, if you can find, domesticate, and train one to let you ride it.

Also, with either of these options, you should be able to take them into a dungeon with you, I'd think.

2012-12-18, 03:22 AM
Frosties can not be used as ammo, sadly. They are soquids, which are semisold and unsuitable for meaningfully hitting things.

Nutmeg metabolizes into a powerful neurotoxin for humans, but you need a lot of it.

Bitter almonds contain cyanide.

Pepper makes people sneeze.

2012-12-18, 07:38 AM
I want to now about consumable items.. food,spices etc etc..
that can be usable for other reasons that eating,trading etc..
like garlic for example :) (you know .. vampires)

Arms & Equipment Guide has a list of spices and seasonings on page 31. I'm partial to saffron (65 GP per ounce, trade good easily made with psionic minor creation, 51.4 ounces per cubic foot = 3341 GP), but lotus (presumably also vegetable matter) is worth 100 GP per ounce.

Some others:

Polar Skin (25 GP, A&EG p. 35). Applied as a cream, absorbs up to 5 cold damage, lasts 1 hour.

Frostwine (40 GP, A&EG p. 30). Created with grapes only grown in extreme northern climes. Fort save DC 13 vs inebriation.

Jhuild/Rashemi Firewine (70-100 GP, Lords of Darkness p. 183/Unapproachable East p. 137). This is a drug (poison), so it uses the addiction rules. Primary: 1 Wis damage, secondary: +2 alchemical bonus to Str for 1d3 hours. While under these effects, imbiber is shaken and easier to intimidate. Stacks with Mule Pollen.

Mule Pollen (50 GP, Magic of Faerun p. 181). Another drug (poison). +2 untyped bonus to Str, -2 penalty to Int and Wis for 1d4x10 minutes. No secondary effect, but has an odd side effect: Fort save DC 12, if you fail you become fatigued whenever not under the effects of Mule Pollen... but there is no duration, so this lasts until you get a neutralize poison spell.

Icewild Lichen Paste (50 GP, Secrets of Sarlona p. 138). Reduces fatigue or exhaustion by a step for 2d4 hours. At the end of that duration, character is fatigued for 2d4 minutes. Multiple doses taken within 24 hours cause 1d4 Constitution damage.

i was thinking to get some coffee but for 50g/lb seems too expensive...
on the other hand, tea goes bad easy so maybe not a good choice...
dunno... let me know what you think...

Tea was dried into large bricks, at which point it has a shelf life of decades. Unless a ruminant decides to chew on it, I'm not sure how it would go bad within a PC's lifetime.

Can you suggest a mount for a halfling that can withstand severe cold weather(prolly native to that climate)
that knows how to defend itself(find food/shelter) when left alone in a snowy/cold,
mountain environment (if i need to left it behind when i go into a dungeon..)

According to Frostburn p. 165, riding dogs are considered native to a frostfell environment. Make it a Warbeast (MMII), which adds +1 HD, and give it Cold Endurance as a bonus feat.

I'd try for a Dire Hawk, however: medium size, 5HD, fly 80', three decent attacks. Add Warbeast for +1 HD, and give it Cold Endurance.

2012-12-18, 07:54 AM
Jhuild/Rashemi Firewine (70-100 GP, Lords of Darkness p. 183/Unapproachable East p. 137). This is a drug (poison), so it uses the addiction rules. Primary: 1 Wis damage, secondary: +2 alchemical bonus to Str for 1d3 hours. While under these effects, imbiber is shaken and easier to intimidate. Stacks with Mule Pollen.

Mule Pollen (50 GP, Magic of Faerun p. 181). Another drug (poison). +2 untyped bonus to Str, -2 penalty to Int and Wis for 1d4x10 minutes. No secondary effect, but has an odd side effect: Fort save DC 12, if you fail you become fatigued whenever not under the effects of Mule Pollen... but there is no duration, so this lasts until you get a neutralize poison spell.

well.. my char will be a L.G. Healer (i wanted C.N. but Dm Vetoed all group to be L.G.) so i won't use poisons...
ofc.. my char as a "doctor" will have a couple of doses of oil of taggit and drow poison
just for medicinal purposes (they cause no type of dmg).
any1 knows any poison that i could use? no dmg,no chance to kill...
only unconsciousness, stun, sleep & the like.. think Hospital, anesthesia etc etc :)

2012-12-18, 09:57 AM
You could use Ravages then from BoED.

As far as "no poisons" if you can come up with a syringe, you could make an embolism to "accidentally" kill someone, but you might as CDG. That won't work all the time, however.

As far as helpful Drugs, an Opiate can help dull pain.

Saying you are lawful good; can you not "uphold law" and "defend good" by using Poisons? It is hard to relate to such polarity; an Orc will still hate you for killing its brother with a Poison or Greatsword; it won't say "oh well it was lawful good after all"; and when you have a magic sword doing +2d6 exploding damage on every attack, how is that any different than a Poison?

Mounts; Warbeast Template definately; I do like the Megaloceras but I have just seen the Hobbit sonmight be a little biased from thar.