View Full Version : Help With Exterminating Elves

2012-12-18, 07:44 AM
I've just started an evil campaign in 3.5 (starting at first level) where our party has got together because we all share a long-term evil goal. We want to murder every single elf in the world, excluding half-elves because my character is a half-elf and he got the group together, and Drow because he wants to ally with them. My character has formed an organization called SOEVIL (Society for the Oppression of Elves through Violence, Intimidation and Loss) which currently consists of just 5 members (our party).

The current members of SOEVIL are:

All of the following are currently 2nd level characters:

An Orc Barbarian trapped in an Elf's body whose nickname is "The Diner" due to the fact that they fight with a short sword and a trident (nicknamed knife and fork) and eat parts of their enemies during combat. In our first session the player stabbed a gnome guard in the eye with her short sword, ate the guard's eyeball, and then turned to the group out of character and asked if we were freaked out by this, as she had had problems when she DM'ed and gave excessively gory descriptions (we were fine with it and encouraged even gorier descriptions).

A Tiefling Warlock (whose name I can't remember) that is the party face and also has an evil goatee. He was abandoned in an elven monastery where the monks spent years suppressing his tiefling nature. When he finally found out he was enraged and also swore vengance on elves everywhere. While he is the face, him, my character and the monk character are the brains of the operation and work together to think of ways to raise money and succeed in killing the elves.

A Halfling Bard named Igor who is primarily comic relief. Basically the character is new to this whole evil thing, as he only recently turned evil when a group of Elvish judges told him how much they hated his music. Igor only wanted to kill the judges until my character convinced him that killing all of the elves would be an even better idea. While he doesn't make a great party face because he is too impulsive, he is quite good at seduction. The player is studying classical guitar at University and brings his guitar to the sessions for role-playing purposes, mainly so that his character can play and sing very inappropriate songs from classic Broadway musicals.

A human Monk of Hextor (I can't remember his name), who took Vow of Poverty and can take Exalted Feats, so long as the player and the DM can think of ways to modify these to fit his nefarious purposes. This character is a snobby elitist who hates Elves for some reason (hasn't really come up yet) and is a very devout worshiper of Hextor. He either donates his money to the Church of Hextor, or if that isn't an option, will try and donate his money to people who will deface churches of Pelor.

A half-elf archery focused Ranger with an evil goatee (my character) named Hadrian Vindictas who is the rape-baby of a powerful human sorcerer and an elven woman. When he was 13, his mother abandoned him in an evil forest to die because she hated the memories he bought up in her and couldn't bear to look at him any more. When she abandoned him he swore vengance on all elves everywhere and made it his life's goal to exterminate their race from existence. He survived in this evil forest due to the intervention of a drow ranger who saved him and taught him his skills. My character has been working as a bounty hunter for a few years, over the course of which he has began to work towards his goal of killing all elves by bringing together the party. He spends a lot of time brooding and is obsessed with elves, to the point of suspecting that elves are behind every single bad thing that happens to him. I'm planning to make him an arcane archer (my DM is letting me get spell progression) so I will be multi-classing to wizard at some point, barring any better suggestions.

In our DM's world, Elves are the most outright good race, but also the most powerful. Due to their longevity, they are full of 20th level Wizard/Druids. On the plus side, magic is banned in warfare in our DM's world as the last time Elves bought magic into war, the Drow were created. So these super-powerful casters won't be a problem until the Elves get really desperate. Our current long-term plan is to unite all of the races which hate Elves together under our organization so that we can destroy them once and for all. Unfortunately, due to the actions of our Monk player in a previous campaign, Dwarves no longer hate Elves so this plan looks a little less feasible.

We are looking for a better plan, suggestions?

NB: We are playing 3.5 using the rules from the Rebalanced Compendium

2012-12-18, 09:17 AM
Polymorph yourselves into Elves,and then;

and use dead obvious flashy magic to cause internal politics during warfare (earn yourself some elf allies, and then with said allies get into battle before lighting up with a load of evocation OTT explosions)

bring drow and goblinoids/orcs into the lands, to fight, especially if you can bring them closer to their gods/ideals.

destroy allegiances with humans and violate fey boundaries; bring blights into the world, and use inclement weather magic in area where elves and humans/humanoids are in close contact; destroy their trust.

While Orcs etc are rampaging across the lands, encourage them to raid the humans/dwarfs aid the humans but instigate anger at the Elves for not helping while the Drow help with promoting anti-elf beliefs.

Attack dwarf trade caravans as elves and leave clues behind; like elven arrows, or leave a survivor who clearly saw you as an Elf. Present the dwarfish gifts to the Elves on behalf of the humans, acting as a "gobetween" while polymorphed, in time enough that Dwarf ambassadors will see the trade of Dwarf goods, or the stolen goods in the hands of the elves.

Kill unicorns while Appearing as an elf.

Use acid rain to destroy Elf homes.

2012-12-18, 10:36 AM
For roleplay aspects, and to better fit your character background, I would say instead of multi-classing into wizard, go with sorcerer. It is admittedly not as good as wizard, but if your character's father was a powerful sorcerer, than his latent abilities will no doubt have been passed down to you.

Although maybe just the arcane aspect of his magic came through, which made learning wizard spells easier for you? I always like to think of reasons for why my character is the certain class, and why he is multiclassing or prestiging, aside from simply becoming more powerful lol.

As for killing all elves, I would almost suggest the "familyacide" spell that V casts in Order of the Stick on the black dragons, but that would probably kill all the half-elves and maybe even the drow as well, so thats like a last resort sort of thing lol.

A great way to bring down the elves would be first to get them to fight within themselves. This makes the assumption that all elves are generally a part of one giant hierarchy. If you can topple that, get a lot of in fighting, it will be much easier to eradicate them, as they are assisting your cause. If you can start a war between the elves, then you would not even have to deal with other races. In fact, you could use them to "attempt to restore order" in the elven lands, and use that to just sweep through and kill the remaining elves who were not killed by their war.

2012-12-18, 11:18 AM
For roleplay aspects, and to better fit your character background, I would say instead of multi-classing into wizard, go with sorcerer. It is admittedly not as good as wizard, but if your character's father was a powerful sorcerer, than his latent abilities will no doubt have been passed down to you.

This was my original plan and the reason I put that in the backstory (I also like having justification for class choices), but I couldn't find any way for sorcerer's to cast off INT (I know you can do it in pathfinder, but I can't seem to figure out how to in 3.5) and I preferred the idea of my guy being a brooding hyper-intelligent ranger (basically a conspiracy theorist) who plans ahead and uses his high WIS, INT and DEX to perceive things, keep to the shadows, track down his enemies and attack at optimal moments (I'll admit this sounds more like a rogue than a ranger, but I liked the idea of him having a nature based background and hunting down his enemies like animals). Also I figured with the Bard and the Warlock we would have enough charisma in the party and we could use some more intelligent characters. My new justification for having wizard as the arcane class choice is that my character is paranoid about Elves watching him through magic so he is trying to learn as much as possible about ways to protect from magical spying.

A great way to bring down the elves would be first to get them to fight within themselves. This makes the assumption that all elves are generally a part of one giant hierarchy. If you can topple that, get a lot of in fighting, it will be much easier to eradicate them, as they are assisting your cause. If you can start a war between the elves, then you would not even have to deal with other races. In fact, you could use them to "attempt to restore order" in the elven lands, and use that to just sweep through and kill the remaining elves who were not killed by their war.

This would work really well. Basically in the campaign world there are three main groups of Elves all in one area at the top of the map. The Gray Elves (or something like that) have the biggest empire and are the most pompous elves, The Wild Elves live in a huge swath of woodland and I think are a bit more spread out, and there is a third group that I can't quite remember the specifics of. If I could get all three groups to attack each other that would definitely thin them out, and if I could get them doing that while the party manipulates the humans and dwarves into attacking all Elves there would be carnage everywhere. Probably enough carnage for the party and it's evil allies to sweep through the world and conquer the whole lot, not just the Elves.

Good thing we are only at Level 2, lots of time to put this plan into place.

2012-12-18, 12:59 PM
This was my original plan and the reason I put that in the backstory (I also like having justification for class choices), but I couldn't find any way for sorcerer's to cast off INT (I know you can do it in pathfinder, but I can't seem to figure out how to in 3.5) and I preferred the idea of my guy being a brooding hyper-intelligent ranger (basically a conspiracy theorist) who plans ahead and uses his high WIS, INT and DEX to perceive things, keep to the shadows, track down his enemies and attack at optimal moments (I'll admit this sounds more like a rogue than a ranger, but I liked the idea of him having a nature based background and hunting down his enemies like animals). Also I figured with the Bard and the Warlock we would have enough charisma in the party and we could use some more intelligent characters. My new justification for having wizard as the arcane class choice is that my character is paranoid about Elves watching him through magic so he is trying to learn as much as possible about ways to protect from magical spying.

This would work really well. Basically in the campaign world there are three main groups of Elves all in one area at the top of the map. The Gray Elves (or something like that) have the biggest empire and are the most pompous elves, The Wild Elves live in a huge swath of woodland and I think are a bit more spread out, and there is a third group that I can't quite remember the specifics of. If I could get all three groups to attack each other that would definitely thin them out, and if I could get them doing that while the party manipulates the humans and dwarves into attacking all Elves there would be carnage everywhere. Probably enough carnage for the party and it's evil allies to sweep through the world and conquer the whole lot, not just the Elves.

Good thing we are only at Level 2, lots of time to put this plan into place.

3 words: Orcs. Drow. Undead. I had a necro/palemaster epic baddie once that marched on numerous elven towns. He had an alliance with the drow and orcs, as well as minor ties to hell. By 20lvl. he (and 8 or so compatriots) would march to a large towns cemetary, spend a little time raising and buffing and then march them on the city. Drow would flank from below, Orcs would flank from wherever else.

It took a frustrated DM and the intervention of a god to stop it.

2012-12-18, 02:06 PM
Iron Heart Surge at the-

No, that would destroy everyone else too. Hm.

Them humans are pretty easy to rouse into war. Disguise yourselves as elf nobles and **** **** up in some human kingdoms. War gets people pretty dead.

2012-12-18, 05:53 PM
Here is another idea to go off what I said previously and your reply. Since the gray elves are "pompous" what if you allied yourself with say, the wild elves, or the other one, whichever group seems less organized, and have them rebel and overthrow the gray elves, then lead them in a charge to eliminate the other group. Then finally, the inevitable betrayal. Invite all your "buddy" elves to a giant feast, and have a special toast. Only, the Kool-Aid they drink will have an extra ingredient or two, if ya know what I mean. Afterwards, massacre them all.

If you have read George R.R. Martin's "Song of Ice and Fire" series, try to use the Red Wedding as an example, but will Kool-Aid

2012-12-18, 06:06 PM
You can't wipe our a entire race of 40th level characters. Even if they don't cast spells they can still wild shape and other things like that. What level are you anyways?

2012-12-18, 06:55 PM
You can't wipe our a entire race of 40th level characters. Even if they don't cast spells they can still wild shape and other things like that. What level are you anyways?

Level 2, this is a very long-term goal. This is also the reason that more diplomatic tactics that turn the sides against each other (stuff we can start doing now) are far more useful than ones which involve us just rolling up and attempting to take on the entire elven race, including all their wizard/druids.

2012-12-18, 07:01 PM
When you said "20th level wizard/druids," did you mean 20th level wizards and 20th level druids, 20th level wizard/druid multiclass characters (likely also arcane heirophants,) or actually mean characters who were wizard20/druid20 (i.e. 40th level)?

Also, when you say magic is banned in warfare, does that mean it can't be used, or that anyone who does use it will get stomped on by everyone else in the world? (Also, how extensive is the ban? Does it cover any offensive use of magic, any use by a belligerant faction during wartime? What about small-scale uses such as an adventuring party might do?)

Also, for tips that might help try Sun Tzu's Art of War (http://suntzusaid.com/) Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince (http://www.constitution.org/mac/prince00.htm) And Niccolo Machiavelli's Art of War (http://www.constitution.org/mac/artofwar_.htm)

Mithril Leaf
2012-12-18, 07:31 PM
Find some like minded dwarves (if your DM is anything like mine, all dwarves are like minded, but he incidentally already killed off elves due to being like minded himself). Lure the strongest of the elves to the dwarven fortress. Have the dwarves breach cotton candy and let the elves meet the circus.

Seriously though, I'd have to imagine that you could persuade the dwarves to war with the elves, even if the racial animosity isn't massive. Also, check out Champions of Ruin, it's got a paragon of destroying elves on page 149. Worshiping Malar is apparently good for summoning him.

2012-12-18, 08:18 PM
How much collateral damage are you willing to accept? Because the Wight-pocalypse can be set off at low level and no amount of spell-slots will save those stupid bloody elves.
There's a whole thread dedicated to Destroying the World (As We Know It) on these very boards, so I'll leave off of those.

I'd personally, for style, go for a Faustian bargain "My soul/kingdom/seven virgins for the help of you and your allies in destroying any one group of my choosing as fast and effectively as you can, no matter how long that undertaking may end up taking."

Depending on the nature of souls in your setting you may have benefit from trapping all of the souls of dead elves or not (Eberron, for example, has souls go to Dolurrh to be wiped clean and then they are reincarnated) and eating them/using them to power spells/decorate your throne room/create army of golems.
You might not. Either way: Style.

Using Teamwork Benefits (or Teamwork feats... whatever it's called) and (Epic) Leadership, you could also have a bunch of archers following you around dealing ~100 dice worth of piercing damage every round against anyone without a - to borrow an Exalted term - Perfect Defence (such as Wings of Cover).

100 lvl 1 sorcerers casting Power Word: Pain will also put a dent into the population.

And, possibly my (non-GM dependent) favourite: Thrall-herd settles down in Elven Kingdom. >100 elves commit suicide by monster every day.

2012-12-18, 11:42 PM
When you said "20th level wizard/druids," did you mean 20th level wizards and 20th level druids, 20th level wizard/druid multiclass characters (likely also arcane heirophants,) or actually mean characters who were wizard20/druid20 (i.e. 40th level)?

I'm not sure, but by the way he has been preparing us for the fact that this is a near-impossible goal I'd bet on the 40th level characters. That is probably too mean though, so I'm starting to think that maybe he meant there are a lot of 20th level wizards and 20th level druids around amongst elves, not characters that are both wizard 20/druid 20.

Also, when you say magic is banned in warfare, does that mean it can't be used, or that anyone who does use it will get stomped on by everyone else in the world? (Also, how extensive is the ban? Does it cover any offensive use of magic, any use by a belligerant faction during wartime? What about small-scale uses such as an adventuring party might do?)

As we have a warlock in our party, I'm pretty sure that the magic is banned in warfare part only extends to full scale, declared wars with armies and not adventurers.

I'm liking these suggestions about my character selling his soul, as that definitely seems like something he would do to gain greater power.