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View Full Version : Naturally Sacred Something (Bloodline attempt)

Cipher Stars
2012-12-18, 04:32 PM
The following is PG-13 for implied themes, however don't be crazy. I'm obviously referring to cuddles. :smalltongue:

The Naturally Sacred Something
{table=head] Level |
Minor |
Intermediate |

1 | | | Perform +2
2 | | Perform +2 | Special Talent
3 | | | Cha +1
4 | Perform +2 | Special Talent | Special Healing I
5 | | | Divine Affinity +2
6 | | Cha +1 | Allure
7 | | | Diplomacy +2
8 | Special Talent | Special Healing I | Special Healing II
9 | | | Con +1
10 | | Divine Affinity +2 | Divine Characteristics
11 | | | Divine Affinity +4
12 | Cha +1 | Allure | Special Healing III
13 | | | Slight of Hand +2
14 | | Special Healing II | Allure
15 | | | Cha +1
16 | Special Healing I | Con +1 | Special Healing IV
17 | | | Divine Affinity +6
18 | | Divine Characteristics | Allure
19 | | | Tumble +2
20 |Divine Affinity +2 | Divine Affinity +4 | Special Healing V

Special Talent (Ex):
A naturally sacred something can perform certain acts with a partner. When doing so, they tap into divine power to grant a benefit. Choose one of the following:
(Divine) Gather Information: The partner can make a Gather Information check about something without ever leaving the Sacred Something's side.
(Arcane) Knowledge: The partner gains a bit of divine insight. He or she gains a +5 bonus to a knowledge skill for 24 hours.
(Healing) Heal: The partner can benefit from the Heal skill using the Sacred something's heal skill +5, as if she took 10 on the check.

To benefit from this ability, the naturally sacred something and her partner must engage in a certain activity for at least 20 minutes (Constitution check DC 15) requiring a perform (Somekinda' technique) at the end of the 20 minutes at a DC 15. If both checks succeed the partner benefits from the selected use.

Special Healing I (Su) (Healing):
A naturally sacred something's certain acts have beneficial effects on their partners. The subject must engage in the activity for at least 20 minutes, requiring a constitution check DC 15. The naturally sacred something must make a Perform (Somekinda' Technique)(DC 15) check after the act. If successful, the subject is healed for 1d8+1/level+Cha and cured of any and all of the following adverse conditions:
Confused, Dazed, Dazzled, Exhausted, Fatigued, feebleminded, nauseated, sickened, and stunned.
In addition, the naturally sacred something's partner is healed a number of ability damage equal to the sacred something's charisma modifier. This healing occurs to only one ability score at a time. The power of the naturally sacred something even heals ability damage brought on by class features. Special Healing removes all negative morale penalties the creature has, and they become immune to morale penalties for six hours. A separate Perform (Somekinda' Technique) check must be made for a second Ability score. A sacred something may use this ability with another naturally sacred something at the same time.

Special Healing II (Su):
A naturally sacred something's healing ability becomes more powerful. This is as the special healing I ability listed above, but in addition, the act also dispels curses as if by remove curse. Special healing II also cures wounds as if by cure serious wounds, with a caster level equal to the sacred something's total level. Special Healing II requires 30minutes of sustained activity.
Special Healing III (Su):
A naturally sacred something's healing ability becomes mroe powerful. This is as special healing I and II abilities listed above, with the added effect of functioning as remove disease and this restores health as if by Cure Critical Wounds and can restore two ability scores at a time for a number of points equal to her Charisma modifier. III requires 40minutes of sustained activity.
Special Healing IV (Su):
The naturally Sacred Something's healing ability further increases. By spending the same 20 minutes at a Perform (Somekinda' Technique) DC of 25 with a dead body deceased 24 hours or less, the sacred something can cast Raise Dead at no material cost (totally not necrophilia) as the corpse's faculties slowly come back online until its life is returned to it. The subject loses one level as normal.
If used on a Living partner, she can give them the benefit of a Heal spell.
For instead of IV the sacred something can perform as III with the following extra benefit; the partner can leave the scene feeling newly invigorated; The partner gains the effects of Bulls Strength, Cats Grace, or Bears Endurance for 24 hours. IV requires 50minutes of sustained activity.
Special Healing V (Su)
Special Healing now grants the effects of Regenerate throughout the certain activity, and at a DC 25 Perform (Somekinda' Technique) the partner is healed as if by Restoration Greater at half the XP cost paid by the partner.
As with all features save for spellcasting and Aura of Special Ease, it requires at least 20 minutes of a certain act before the Greater Restoration kicks in.
If she performs this on a dead body the time limit for which it has been dead is one year per level and it acts like True Resurrection so long as a portion remains at least the size of a finger, minimum. The material cost is supplied by whoever is paying for the act and they just look pretty nearby or who knows, maybe the diamonds get in on the act as well (sounds like a crazy dream XD).
Special Healing V cannot resurrect someone who has died of Old Age, but if used on a living person they will grow younger by 5% their total age per sacred something level to the age there race becomes an adult. This takes away penalties to aging but not the benefits however they can only benefit from each age categories bonuses once. V requires 60minutes of sustained activity.

Divine Affinity +2, +4, +6: Naturally sacred somethings differ from most mortals. Their bodies are quasi-divine entities on their own right, their soul potent and undeniable. Naturally sacred somethings are recognizable to any divine entity as something more then mortal, something close to them. Naturally sacred somethings can communicate with divine entities regardless of language barriers and have a bonus to social interactions with them. The displayed bonus applies to social interactions with deities, half-gods, and divine classes. However, all such characters can make a DC 20 religion check to recognize what you are.

Naturally sacred somethings are remarkably attractive, having an aura of beauty and a refinement of body. They double their Charisma modifier for purposes of Diplomacy, Bluff, Gather Information, and Perform checks.

Naturally sacred somethings seem to be supernaturally protected through their charm, their beauty. They gain their charisma modifier as a distraction(sacred) bonus to AC.
Naturally sacred somethings radiate youthfulness and vitality. They do not age anymore, and if they were older their body rejuvenates and becomes that of a young adult for their race.

Divine Characteristics: Naturally sacred somethings definitely seem to be host to divine origins. Their bodies more shapely, more perfectly sculpted. They gain a bonus to their charisma score equal to their constitution modifier and constitution to charisma. This is a divine bonus and doesn't stack with other divine bonuses. Spells and enhancement effects that benefit charisma or constitution are only half as effective. Note for munchkins: These effects don't effect the ability modifier to be added to the other score. However, other sources that would increase the modifier functions just so. (Meaning of the modifier was +4 before, it remains +4 when adding to the other score, not +5 or something after the other score's newly raised score is applied).

2012-12-19, 03:29 AM
Is this meant to be a PC thing or is it NPC only? I do not see something like this working for a player if for no other reason than the maturity level that would be required by everyone at the table. I am not familiar with what you mean by bloodline attempt. Is this just a race/creature?

Can Naturally Sacred Somethings be of either gender and can they perform certain acts on members of their own gender and still have the same effect?

Are you familiar with Mythic Vistas: Testament? It has a class similar to this called a Qedeshot. You might want to look at that if you get the chance. It is not exactly the same as this as it is actually a base class.

I think as an NPC thing this is interesting, but I cannot help but wish they had something in addition to the allure abilities. Allure is fine as it is, but it almost seems like this creature/class should have some limited charm ability.

2012-12-19, 04:12 AM
This is a bloodline; their essentially things you sacrifice a couple of levels to to get benefits from.

And what do you mean, mature? This entire things is based around cuddling, duh.

Cipher Stars
2012-12-19, 08:20 AM
Is this meant to be a PC thing or is it NPC only? I do not see something like this working for a player if for no other reason than the maturity level that would be required by everyone at the table. I am not familiar with what you mean by bloodline attempt. Is this just a race/creature?

It's an anyone thing. *shrug* I guess you don't have to be mature so much as just 18+. 18+ because these are epic cuddles that would sear the eye-holes of lesser creatures o-o

Can Naturally Sacred Somethings be of either gender and can they perform certain acts on members of their own gender and still have the same effect?


Are you familiar with Mythic Vistas: Testament? It has a class similar to this called a Qedeshot. You might want to look at that if you get the chance. It is not exactly the same as this as it is actually a base class.

Never heard of it. I'd look for it, but I can't find an online version anywhere (Just an online version being free, I don't mean stolen if that's what you think I meant. Like the d20srd is free and online.)

I think as an NPC thing this is interesting, but I cannot help but wish they had something in addition to the allure abilities. Allure is fine as it is, but it almost seems like this creature/class should have some limited charm ability.

This is a bloodline; their essentially things you sacrifice a couple of levels to to get benefits from.


And what do you mean, mature? This entire things is based around cuddling, duh.
I know right D: I mean, clearly it's cuddling. It couldn't possibly be something else could it? :smalleek:

2012-12-19, 06:55 PM
This would be a modification of one of the Qedeshot's abilities from Mythic Vistas: Testament.

Naturally Sacred Cuddler makes a Perform check opposed by the victim’s Will save. If she is successful, the target becomes her thrall. In order to
attack, disobey, or lie to the Cuddler, the thrall must make a Will save
(DC 10 + the cuddler's level + cuddler's Charisma modifier).
If a cuddler is attacked or obviously in danger, her thrall gets +2 to all attack and damage rolls made while defending her.
A break enchantment spell or the death of the cuddler liberates her thralls.
At 3rd level, the cuddler may hold one person. Every five levels
thereafter, she may hold an addition person (2 at 8th-level, 3 at 13th
level, and 4 at 18th level). A person cannot be enthralled by two cuddlers at the same time.

Or you could have her cuddling have the affect of a charm person spell.

Cipher Stars
2012-12-19, 07:23 PM
This would be a modification of one of the Qedeshot's abilities from Mythic Vistas: Testament.

Naturally Sacred Cuddler makes a Perform check opposed by the victim’s Will save. If she is successful, the target becomes her thrall. In order to
attack, disobey, or lie to the Cuddler, the thrall must make a Will save
(DC 10 + the cuddler's level + cuddler's Charisma modifier).
If a cuddler is attacked or obviously in danger, her thrall gets +2 to all attack and damage rolls made while defending her.
A break enchantment spell or the death of the cuddler liberates her thralls.
At 3rd level, the cuddler may hold one person. Every five levels
thereafter, she may hold an addition person (2 at 8th-level, 3 at 13th
level, and 4 at 18th level). A person cannot be enthralled by two cuddlers at the same time.

Or you could have her cuddling have the affect of a charm person spell.

Interesting, and it could be a fun idea. However, that isn't quite in-line with the antics of a sacred something, Naturally sacred something or otherwise. They're more divination and restoration.

Though... It could be a feat for a natural/Sacred Something.

2013-01-12, 12:17 AM
Some explanation of what you had in mind for specific abilities might help. I mean, something other than "It's cuddles! No, really!!" :smalltongue:

For example:

Special Talent (Ex):
A naturally sacred something can perform certain acts with a partner. When doing so, they tap into divine power to grant a benefit. Choose one of the following:
(Divine) Gather Information: The partner can make a Gather Information check about something without ever leaving the Sacred Something's side.
What exactly is this supposed to be?! I would not consider it overpowered for a bloodline, if that's your only question, but it's difficult to offer a good recommendation beyond that if I don't know why you picked Gather Information in the first place.

Anyways, here are a few recommendations (I think).

Special Talent (Ex)
Just in general, I would limit these abilities to one successful use for each partner per day. That way, you aren't just granting knowledge bonuses to everything and don't get endless gather information/lore checks.

I also wonder why you need to make Constitution checks and Perform checks for every ability. If you want to require Perform checks, I would recommend making their specific Perform an always-class skill... although DC 15 will quickly become trivial at mid-levels, even without focusing heavily on it.

Special Talent (Ex): (Divine) Lore
Just changing the Gather Information check to a Lore check, the equilivant to a divination on the subject. Make it based on the Naturally Sacred Something's ECL. This seems more useful than a Gather Information check of the other participant, as they may not even have that skill handy.

Special Talent (Ex): (Arcane) Knowledge
Interesting, but I have to wonder what +5 to a knowledge will do for most people. Yes, Knowledge Devotion Cloistered Clerics will like it. So will anyone who is about to do a research check. It seems highly situational otherwise.

Special Talent (Ex): (Healing) Heal
This looks pretty good, and quite useful at levels where heal checks are still used. It can still be useful at higher levels as well, although it would need the Naturally Sacred Something to maintain high Heal and Perform skill ranks.

Special Healing I (Su)
This could be handy, if it healed (1d8/2 ECL)+CHA modifier rather than the current amount. Seriously, 1d8+level is a terribly small amount, even after 20 minutes of "rest". The ability score healing and negative status removal is far more useful either way, it's just that at 1d8+level the HP healing is pretty much worthless.

The word is "morale", as in "morale penalties". They aren't moral penalities. :smalltongue: Although actually, I'm not sure if anything gives a "morale penalty" anyways; they are usually just penalities.

Special Healing IV (Su)
Yes, I realise it is a bloodline and that it is not supposed to be that powerful. But Raise Dead at 16th level (and at the most expensive bloodline) feels kind of... weak? The Heal effect is kind of nice by then, though.

Also, it's going to be squicky regardless of how you state it. It is kind of hard to say "they were just unconcious" when they haven't been eating or breathing for a week. :smalltongue:

Double Charisma bonus to skills is absurdly good. It is rather easy to boost up a Charisma stat, even with just the intermediate bloodline, and it pretty much guarantees that they will win any Bluff or Diplomancy check they need.

Allure II
There is no "distraction" bonus to AC, although you could make it a dodge or untyped and still stack with everything else. There are also other possibilities, such as a sacred/profane bonus.

Allure III
Poor 29-year-olds, who never get to look any younger while the grannies get turned back into teenagers.

Heck, poor elves who get regressed back into young children! I hope there aren't that many high-level Naturally Sacred Something elves running around. :smallwink:

Divine Characteristics
This ability is going to be... awkward. The best way to phrase this is "a one-time enhancement bonus to their Constitution score equal to their Charisma modifier, and a one-time enhancement bonus to their Charisma score equal to their Constitution modifier" and specify that both are applied one time, at the same time, rather than one after the other.

Your current ability, as written, continuously feeds off itself.
For example, a character with 12 CON (+1) and 20 CHA (+5) would receive +5 CON and +1 CHA.
This would put them at 17 CON (+3) and 21 CHA (+5), but since their CON modifier went up, the bonus to CHA would increase to +3.
Thus, they would have 17 CON (+3) and 23 CHA (+6). But again, their CHA modifier increased, thus increasing their CON bonus.
We would then see 18 CON (+4) and 23 CHA (+6),
then 18 CON (+4) and 24 CHA (+7),
and finally 19 CON (+4) and 24 CHA (+7).

Cipher Stars
2013-01-12, 02:32 AM
What exactly is this supposed to be?!

It is what it is.

I would not consider it overpowered for a bloodline, if that's your only question,
What question?

but it's difficult to offer a good recommendation beyond -

Anyways, here are a few recommendations (I think).

Special Talent (Ex)
Just in general, I would limit these abilities to one successful use for each partner per day. That way, you aren't just granting knowledge bonuses to everything and don't get endless gather information/lore checks.

I also wonder why you need to make Constitution checks and Perform checks for every ability.

Constitution is to sustain the act, err, the performance. Perform is to be skillful enough to invoke the effect.

If you want to require Perform checks, I would recommend making their specific Perform an always-class skill... although DC 15 will quickly become trivial at mid-levels, even without focusing heavily on it.

Special Talent (Ex): (Divine) Lore
Just changing the Gather Information check to a Lore check, the equilivant to a divination on the subject. Make it based on the Naturally Sacred Something's ECL. This seems more useful than a Gather Information check of the other participant, as they may not even have that skill handy.

No idea what you're talking about this... Lore stuff. Gather information is gather information...
Whether or not they have that skill is their fault.

Special Talent (Ex): (Arcane) Knowledge
Interesting, but I have to wonder what +5 to a knowledge will do for most people. Yes, Knowledge Devotion Cloistered Clerics will like it. So will anyone who is about to do a research check. It seems highly situational otherwise.

Highly situational is the point.

Special Talent (Ex): (Healing) Heal
This looks pretty good, and quite useful at levels where heal checks are still used. It can still be useful at higher levels as well, although it would need the Naturally Sacred Something to maintain high Heal and Perform skill ranks.

Special Healing I (Su)
This could be handy, if it healed (1d8/2 ECL)+CHA modifier rather than the current amount. Seriously, 1d8+level is a terribly small amount, even after 20 minutes of "rest". The ability score healing and negative status removal is far more useful either way, it's just that at 1d8+level the HP healing is pretty much worthless.

The other effects are the main use. The healing is just complementary, out of combat healing matters little. In some games/with some DM's it's even automatic after encounters...

The word is "morale", as in "morale penalties". They aren't moral penalities. :smalltongue: Although actually, I'm not sure if anything gives a "morale penalty" anyways; they are usually just penalities.

Special Healing IV (Su)
Yes, I realise it is a bloodline and that it is not supposed to be that powerful. But Raise Dead at 16th level (and at the most expensive bloodline) feels kind of... weak? The Heal effect is kind of nice by then, though.


Also, it's going to be squicky regardless of how you state it. It is kind of hard to say "they were just unconcious" when they haven't been eating or breathing for a week. :smalltongue:

*shrug* I care little for squickitude.

Double Charisma bonus to skills is absurdly good. It is rather easy to boost up a Charisma stat, even with just the intermediate bloodline, and it pretty much guarantees that they will win any Bluff or Diplomancy check they need.


Allure II
There is no "distraction" bonus to AC, although you could make it a dodge or untyped and still stack with everything else. There are also other possibilities, such as a sacred/profane bonus.

There is now, it would seem.

Allure III
Poor 29-year-olds, who never get to look any younger while the grannies get turned back into teenagers.

Poor oldies.

Heck, poor elves who get regressed back into young children! I hope there aren't that many high-level Naturally Sacred Something elves running around. :smallwink:

That would be awkward. And they might not get to use their talents anymore. Or worse, they do anyway. Well, rather not get into whether that'd be too weird or not with the whole, probably over 100 years old thing, but...


Divine Characteristics
This ability is going to be... awkward. The best way to phrase this is "a one-time enhancement bonus to their Constitution score equal to their Charisma modifier, and a one-time enhancement bonus to their Charisma score equal to their Constitution modifier" and specify that both are applied one time, at the same time, rather than one after the other.

Your current ability, as written, continuously feeds off itself.
For example, a character with 12 CON (+1) and 20 CHA (+5) would receive +5 CON and +1 CHA.
This would put them at 17 CON (+3) and 21 CHA (+5), but since their CON modifier went up, the bonus to CHA would increase to +3.
Thus, they would have 17 CON (+3) and 23 CHA (+6). But again, their CHA modifier increased, thus increasing their CON bonus.
We would then see 18 CON (+4) and 23 CHA (+6),
then 18 CON (+4) and 24 CHA (+7),
and finally 19 CON (+4) and 24 CHA (+7).

I would assume it's common sense that you don't keep chaining like that. Seriously, when do you ever get to chain? Never, that's when.

Regardless of any reply I gave, I'll probably fix some of them when I get around to it. I'm rather tired at the moment, I may have been a little careless with replies.

2013-01-12, 03:08 AM
I like it :D

2013-01-12, 04:22 AM
I'd remove all the "somethings" and "certains" from the description. "Naturally Sacred" sounds better than "Naturally Sacred Something".