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View Full Version : OOTS #366 - The Discussion Thread

The Giant
2006-10-30, 11:32 PM
New comic is up. Also, new News post.

2006-10-30, 11:35 PM
Nale didn't know what he was getting into. Ha.
Also the drunk wizard who wants to be a baker is great.

2006-10-30, 11:36 PM
This is going to be interesting.

2006-10-30, 11:37 PM
I'm so lost in this new forum! Where are all the posts?

Another funny one, Giant. Nale might be a bit slow on the uptake, but he catches on quickly.

2006-10-30, 11:39 PM
That was pretty good even though nothing really stood out. I hope they don't have a teleport wreck because the wizard is drunk!

A bit heavy on the dialog which didn't really move the story along much.

2006-10-30, 11:40 PM
I wonder how this will affect what Nale planned, he seems a little disapointed that he is just a sidequest.

2006-10-30, 11:41 PM
Great as always. :) I wonder what Nale was thinking.

Winged One
2006-10-30, 11:41 PM
Roy picked the perfect time to live up to his dream (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0188.html). :D

2006-10-30, 11:43 PM
Nice double take.

2006-10-30, 11:45 PM
I was going through withdrawls not being able to talk about all the crazy stuff going on in the last week. Glade to see the forums back up.

I don't know about OOTS but I would have been a little apprehensive about letting a drunk wizard fling me through space like that.

2006-10-30, 11:46 PM
Poor NPC. I'm guessing Nale is all "what did you just say?" because now he'll want to use the villainous apocolypse-causing gadget instead of killing them all. (right away, anyway.) Poor Sabine.
(and like Belkar wouldn't enjoy getting his butt kicked all over by a girl.)

2006-10-30, 11:50 PM
lol @ Nale - I gotta use that line one day.

2006-10-30, 11:52 PM
Hmm, are they going back to Azure City?

Could be looking at a dual story arc for a while?

Wish I could use my old username *snif*

2006-10-30, 11:52 PM
Aha! a Complication!

I BET the Drunken Wizard gets their destination wrong....

2006-10-30, 11:54 PM
Ok I'm Confused. Oh well See ya in 2 days!

2006-10-30, 11:56 PM
Good stuff. I wonder what Nale is thinking about what he's getting himself into now.

2006-10-30, 11:57 PM
It was amusing, but after a long weekend, I was kinda expecting more. And does no one notice the sudden articulation and logic of "Elan?"

Fat Daddy
2006-10-30, 11:57 PM
I think Nale better get it together and start using the group's correct names or else his little deception will be very short lived. First Belkon and now RAY!!??
You'd think an evil "mastermind" would at least get the names right. Plus, it has to be a blow to the e(vil)go to find out you are nothing more than a sidequest.
I must also say that I was a little surprised to see Belkar giving props to Durkon. Glad he took care of that the next panel, "Of course. I give you respect for a nanosecond and what do I get for my trouble? A dwarf pun. Moron." Classic :D

2006-10-31, 12:00 AM
Wow I so hope that Nale gets himself found out because of that!

2006-10-31, 12:02 AM
I think Nale better get it together and start using the group's correct names or else his little deception will be very short lived. First Belkon and now RAY!!??
You'd think an evil "mastermind" would at least get the names right. Plus, it has to be a blow to the e(vil)go to find out you are nothing more than a sidequest.He didn't say Ray. He said Roy.

I don't think Nale is doing a double take because he was a sidequest, I think it was because he didn't realize the OotS was on a mission to save the world!

2006-10-31, 12:05 AM
Oooo! Nale just got a reason not to kill everyone! We all know how he feels about sources of ultimate power, right? I just loved the look on his face, that was totally not what he expected the OotS to be up to, though it's his fault for not considering that a two-digit level party will be on a main quest of some sort.

Spoiler: V's four words: "You are not Elan"?
Haley's gift horse: (in cryptogram) "Elan, is that a capsule of ingested poison in your mouth?"

2006-10-31, 12:08 AM
He didn't say Ray. He said Roy.

I don't think Nale is doing a double take because he was a sidequest, I think it was because he didn't realize the OotS was on a mission to save the world!

Yeah, he kinda has a vested interest in the world existing. That was the way I interpreted the comic, anyway.

2006-10-31, 12:11 AM
Oh... my... GOD!!!!

This is gonna be a HUGE plot twist. Nale's plans will be thrown off. I think, he will either try to get the doom's day device for himself, or he will lay off and maybe even help the party because he doesn't want the world to end. Those predictions are probably a bit off, but its a start! ;D

Titanium Dragon
2006-10-31, 12:13 AM
Yeah, it'd be pretty funny if he ended up dying in the course of saving the world, and the whole thing ends happily for Elan because he wasn't there and thus didn't die. Though I suspect Haley, at least, will live as well, and probably Roy, though he could die a hero's death.

2006-10-31, 12:17 AM
10 gold says that drunken teleporting gets them stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere far away from Azure City. :D

2006-10-31, 12:28 AM
So when mr. NPC wizard said he didn't need to be a wizard, was anyone else expecting his next line to be something about how he could have been a lumberjack? :D

2006-10-31, 12:29 AM
I doubt that nale wants to grab the doomsday stuff for himself - he has pretty half-fiendish hottie waiting for him when all is over, he has more than enough reason to want to make sure that OoTS survives and stops the end of the world.

2006-10-31, 12:33 AM
yeah, i think nales reaction is entirely about wanting the world to survive.
These new forums are kinda nifty, missed not being able to read anyones comments or speculation for the last week, but its back. sweet

2006-10-31, 12:39 AM
Well, this is an interesting twist, to be certain. I can't see Nale being motivated (or intelligent) enough to try to harness the "doomsday device/gate/snarl", but similarly, I don't think he'll pitch in to help the OoTS. He seems unidimensionally evil. My guess? He'll hold off on killing them until he figures out what's going on, by which time someone (probably Haley) will have figured out that he's not Elan. As to why no one's tripped to it yet, given his precise articulation in this strip? I can only surmise that they just spend a lot of their time ignoring Elan, so it makes sense that they wouldn't notice anything straight off.

And the drunken wizard? I'm with anyone who's guessing that they're going to wind up anywhere but Azure City.

Oh, btw, I'm new, 'though I've been lurking awhile.

2006-10-31, 12:43 AM
I definitely think that Nale would be interested in using the power of the gates for his own means.

And is V going to disclose to Roy what Elan was up to?

2006-10-31, 12:44 AM
The plot thickens. Even if Nale wanted to grab the doomsday power, I think he'll find he cant. Remember, the process for controlling the opened gates so that the Snarl's energy can be released yet controlled isnt anything simple, Xykon is an undead lich with many, many years of experience in magic and sorcery. Nale may be able to use magic, but something like this is probably beyond him. My guess is he'll realise he has to help (probaby indescreetly) the OOTS stop Xykon....or, he'll try and take his team over to Xykon's side, like he did in the dungeon of Dorukan. But that's risky, he failed to stop the OOTS there, which lead to a serious inconvenience on Xykon's behalf. More likely if Nale came looking for an alliance, Xykon would zap him and the Linears to death, then raise them as his servants.

2006-10-31, 12:46 AM
I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, but Nale finally fixed his sash :)

2006-10-31, 12:48 AM
Ooh nice cliff hanger. The drunken depressed wizard is so cute, methinks he should have a chat with Roy's dad for an ego boost (or try to take over/destroy the world).

2006-10-31, 12:55 AM
Hey so Nale is a fighter/rogue/sorceror or something right? Has he ever used his own magic other than expeditious retreat jumping over the wall of ice? I know the sending was from a scroll and I can't remember him using it otherwise. Is it because he likes the fighting/roguing part more than magic or does he just forget about it do you think? Sorry if this is a bit less than coherent, been a long day.

2006-10-31, 12:55 AM
"Bundt, bundt, bundt, bundt..."

Nale may be realizing that he can't do somethings that they may expect from Elan in a fight. I bet that he was expecting to have several days of sitting around, and now that they are saving the world, he'll have to improvise.

2006-10-31, 01:00 AM
They'll probably end up in Azure City, just because the plot has been moving a bit slowly lately (even though it's been a plot-based phase of the strip, not a humor-based phase), and the Giant will be wanting to get on to the next part. Even though a circumstance penalty to your accuracy roll on a teleport for a drunk spellcaster is a perfectly acceptable use of Rule 0.

Either way (Azure City or the middle of nowhere (or is that Nowhere?)), when they do get back to Azure City, will they make it in time for the battle? Or will they find it sacked and pillaged? I was expecting a big long sequence watching the Sapphire Guard defend their city, but ...

I could see Nale's reaction to the news about "Ultimate Power" either way. Is he going to find some goals in common with the Order? (Rich writes complex enough villains to make that possbile. And Nale vs. Xykon really would be a fascinating conflict. (Xykon would win.)) Or is he going to be after the Gates' power himself now? How cliche ... but still in-character.

I loved the wizard's little background monologue, especially when he gets into the cherry turnovers. Classic.

Durkon should be able to "outdo himself" more often. Well, I guess he can't afford to use a high-level scroll every day like he did this battle, but realistically, we should see Thor's Might more often. I liked Belkar's momentary respect -- again, depth of villains' characters.

2006-10-31, 01:01 AM
Didn't really do it for me this time. It had a good setup for the double take, and some nice small jokes, but nothing that really stood out and made me laugh. Good filler and moves the story along, but otherwise meh.

2006-10-31, 01:01 AM
"Bundt, bundt, bundt, bundt..."

Nale may be realizing that he can't do somethings that they may expect from Elan in a fight. I bet that he was expecting to have several days of sitting around, and now that they are saving the world, he'll have to improvise.

Heh, imagine how hard it will be for him to refrain from getting in to a swordfight. Either that or he'll just join in and the order will wonder how he got so good.

2006-10-31, 01:02 AM
Well, it seems that unlike a lot of people, I got the impression that Nale doesn't want to use the evil power, and his reaction was more of a, "crap, what did I get myself into here?" Also does anyone find it interesting that Nale is about to teleport into a city of paladins all with those wonderful detect evil abilities? Of course they mmay not use it on anything they see... say shouldn't Belkar be getting back into disguise soon?

2006-10-31, 01:12 AM
Yeah, he kinda has a vested interest in the world existing. That was the way I interpreted the comic, anyway.

Ahhh.... Now it really starts to make sense... and now I am proud that I came here to get that double take splained to me...

It's not either of my first two contenders:
a) We're gonna go guard a power source, I can USE?
b) We're gonna go get in harms way (albeit harm I can probably negotiate with)

and now I definitely prefer the one you have made clear to me

c) Ooh... Dang... you guys are my reality insurance?... hmmm. That's a problem.

Welll... I bet he still hasn't made up his mind between c and a... but a minute ago he didn't have the option....he's still reeling.

2006-10-31, 01:23 AM
Bundt, bundt, bundt...a welcome change of scenery after "working" on an english paper...

2006-10-31, 01:28 AM
The Giant has almost gone out of his way to detail Nale's love of material pleasures. We've heard and seen more about his relationship with Sabine in these last few strips than ever before. Nale enjoys life, quite a bit, and Armageddon would be a most serious crimp upon his lifestyle. His motivations up to this point have been far from epic. He's the kind of villain that seeks self-indulgence at anyone's expense but his own to any degree. Whether he's indulging in a well-articulated plot to exact his revenge, or living la vida loca with Sabine and her shape-changing charms, he wants to wake up the next morning to do it all again.

He's also demonstrated a keen sense of strategy and planning. His double-take could've been for a number of reasons. Armageddon isn't something that anyone enjoys hearing about (unless it's the zombie kind and survival is a probability so long as the ammo doesn't run out...a guy can dream). Missions also aren't good things for villains. That teleportation spell could be going a number of directions, and if it isn't Azure City, he'll be without his expected backup. The Giant is phenomenal for the curveballs he can throw with a story arc, and I'm excited to see where this one goes.

Zeb The Troll
2006-10-31, 01:52 AM
I don't think Nale's at all interested in the "secret power to bring about the apocolypse". Seems to me like the apocolypse would be just as bad for him as everyone else.

->Which brings us to the possibility that he may indeed find himself grudgingly in a position to want to help the OotS with this quest.

-->Which brings up a possible opportunity for the OotS to discover his true identity when he goes to help out and draws a longsword instead of a lute or a rapier.

The Glitter Ninja
2006-10-31, 04:29 AM
Heh. "Ray". That was awesome. I can see this may be going in an interesting new direction, although I'm still worried about Elan.

2006-10-31, 04:30 AM
I have the slight feeling that Nale pissed himself.

It must hurt to have the right to exist ensured by Roy & Company

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-10-31, 05:02 AM
I half expected him to start talking about lumberjacks....

Looking at the way Nale has been acting, he better have a high bluff score...

2006-10-31, 05:18 AM
Awww, what about poor Elan?

Fat Daddy
2006-10-31, 05:30 AM
He didn't say Ray. He said Roy.

I disagree. As I said in my previous post, it looks like Ray to me. And apparently, I'm not the only one.

Heh. "Ray". That was awesome. I can see this may be going in an interesting new direction, although I'm still worried about Elan.

Maybe, The Giant can weigh in on this and let us know which of us is misreading it. :)

2006-10-31, 05:51 AM
Ohhhh I may still make 2nd page....

Baron Von Mod: A claim Rich has asked not to be made. And to some extent somewhat mute as it depends now on what people have for their viewing settings.

This is Elan we're talking about; Nale should be able to go 6 years without having to make a bluff check unless he does something incredibly smart, since their willing to believe any dumb thing he (Elan) would be willing to do.

The Hammer of Thor
2006-10-31, 05:57 AM
I love the drunk wizard.
'I could of been a baker you know.'
And it looks like Nale's plan has reached a difficult point. At last.

Zeb The Troll
2006-10-31, 06:06 AM
I disagree. As I said in my previous post, it looks like Ray to me. And apparently, I'm not the only one.

It says Roy. Save the picture to your computer and then open it and zoom in. There's clearly no tail on the middle letter. Besides, I think if he'd said Ray there would have been at least a quizzical look from Roy or Haley in the next panel if not a vocalized question about the mistake.

Zeb The Troll
2006-10-31, 06:12 AM
Ohhhh I may still make 2nd page.....
You may have noticed that the pages are somewhat longer with the new forum software than they were before. 30 posts per page instead of 15.

2006-10-31, 07:50 AM
Minor rules note, don't the teleport subjects have to be touching for the teleport to occur?

2006-10-31, 08:05 AM
This has probably been mentioned, but I'm too lazy to read back through the posts (and I'm still having trouble navigating around the new forum):

The wizard who teleported them was tanked. Will they even end up in Azure City? And did I miss how they figured they had to go back there, instead of to the gate they were originally intending to go to?

2006-10-31, 08:15 AM
Poor NPC. I'm guessing Nale is all "what did you just say?" because now he'll want to use the villainous apocolypse-causing gadget instead of killing them all. (right away, anyway.) Poor Sabine.
(and like Belkar wouldn't enjoy getting his butt kicked all over by a girl.)

No, I think nale is concerned that he's about to kill the group of adventurers that are on a mission to save the world. Even selfish villains and anti-heroes think saving the world is importaint, if only because it means saving the bit you happen to be standing on. and an apocalypse means the end of EVERYTHING, incudling you.

2006-10-31, 08:28 AM
Minor point. And does Mr. Drunk Wizard Guy have a given name of ... Guy?

Very cute if I understood that first panel correctly! :)

2006-10-31, 08:44 AM
So, does bitter wizard with Craft(Bakery) have a given name yet? He could be my new favourite character. :smallsmile:
Oh, and teleporting while drunk - never good! I see side-tracking coming on.

PS: OOTSatar smileys? *SQUEEEE!!!* :smallbiggrin:

2006-10-31, 08:55 AM
Minor rules note, don't the teleport subjects have to be touching for the teleport to occur?

Meh, people only care about that when it matters. They weren't pressed for time and the fact that they were teleported to the city means the unnamed Wizard is of sufficiently high level to teleport them out.

2006-10-31, 09:17 AM
Wow, 2nd page, earliest I have been. :)

So, how will Nale modify his plans once he learns what the OotS is actually up too?

The Giant
2006-10-31, 09:23 AM
Maybe, The Giant can weigh in on this and let us know which of us is misreading it. :)

You are. It says, "Roy", I even double-checked on my original strip.


2006-10-31, 09:23 AM
Heh. "Ray". That was awesome. I can see this may be going in an interesting new direction, although I'm still worried about Elan.Why do people keep thinking Nale said "Ray"? He definitely said "Roy" :smallfurious: ! I zoomed in to the comic to make sure.

That would be a fatal mistake on Nale's part.

Edit: Okay, I didn't read the messages afterward or see the Giant's reply before I made mine.

I just want to way in on the reason for Nale's double-take: I'm in the camp that says it isn't for altruistic reasons but more like "Holy Crap! I'm going on a dangerous mission with these guys?" Until he realizes that it gives him a better chances to kill them.

The other options will occur to him eventually; there just wasn't enough time in this strip.

2006-10-31, 09:33 AM
Aah, drunken wizards. This should be interesting. :smallamused: I hope we get to see him again.

Nice double-take, too. Looking forward to the next installment.

2006-10-31, 09:35 AM
awesome new forum, by the way
ooooh Nale's big mouth is getting him into trouble! And I loved the 'big sticks'.

2006-10-31, 09:49 AM
Okay, I'll have to go against my first post and agree with some of you. Nale probably won't want to die. However, won't he want to try to control it and use it to kill the OoTSers? I don't believe he knows it's the Snarl, capable of smiting them all to nothingness. He might think it's a bomb, or an ultimate weapon, or even a badder villain than himself, in which case he'd want to turn the OoTS over and get money and power for playing along so nicely. You know how his mind turns over everything and tries to use it to his advantage (as do we all). The thing with the necklace that controlled all out-of-date monsters, for instance. Killing world's people, leaving Nale alive.

2006-10-31, 09:54 AM
New comic is up. Also, new News post.
I quite liked this one.
Alas for Nale. Torn between his own aspirations of world domination and lust for grisly, grisly vengeance.

Sorry, sorry, I was... over there, doing something you'd rather not know about.
Told 'ya he'd blend right in. And now he must make himself useful. All as I have foreseeen...

A bit heavy on the dialog which didn't really move the story along much.
It was often amusing, however. I would be interested in more details on how Durkon took out Leaky, though... Poor con score?

Also does anyone find it interesting that Nale is about to teleport into a city of paladins all with those wonderful detect evil abilities... say shouldn't Belkar be getting back into disguise soon?
Mmm, delicious.

Looking at the way Nale has been acting, he better have a high bluff score...

This is Elan we're talking about; Nale should be able to go 6 years without having to make a bluff check unless he does something incredibly smart, since their willing to believe any dumb thing he (Elan) would be willing to do.
That is probable. His cha is decent anyway.

Awww, what about poor Elan?
Relax. He's finally somewhere with padded walls where he can't injure himself or others. Best place to be over the upcoming months.

PePe QuiCoSE
2006-10-31, 09:59 AM
i think the... uhm... wizard guy is too insignificant to be plot related :P

2006-10-31, 10:03 AM
Maybe they teleport not to Azure City, but straight into the upcoming army...

And I think Nale is going to be discovered for not being able to sing...

Mc Dondo
2006-10-31, 10:05 AM
Hi there! Long time reader here.

Actually, I was a bit puzzled by the conclusions everyone is drawing here. When I took my first read through #366, I thought that Nale was questioning Roy's statement about "rescuing the damsel in distress", since we saw him in dire need to prove his heterosexuality in #365.

I guess there are lots of things we can try to imagine about Nale's t'ported line :smallbiggrin: .


PS: Sorry for my bad English

2006-10-31, 10:12 AM
So when mr. NPC wizard said he didn't need to be a wizard, was anyone else expecting his next line to be something about how he could have been a lumberjack? :D

Man, that would have been classic. But the lines about being a baker were good as well. "Bundt, Bundt, Bundt..." That wizard made the comic for me.

2006-10-31, 10:13 AM
I didn't get the "Bundt, Bundt, Bundt" line. I know it's a kind of cake, but... I didn't see the funny.

2006-10-31, 10:16 AM

Lots of bundt...

2006-10-31, 11:00 AM

I'd like to say right off the bat that I love OOTS. I have a minor criticism to make. However, the general forum culture pervasive all over the internet warrants me to make a few disclaimers here, before I can come to that criticism:

* I really love OOTS and I appreciate all the work and creativity that Giant and co. is putting into it.
* Yes, I know this is a stick figure comic. I'm not saying the art is bad; to the contrary, i think it's excellent.
* I'll post this note and then cancel my registration to the forums, because that's all I really want to say.
* I intend the following to be constructive criticism, but to be constructive about a comic strip, I need to have some talent. I don't. I'm only hoping to get across my point, and leave the construction to the more qualified.
* I cannot draw. In fact, I have no artistic talent whatsoever.

Now that that's out of the way...

I think that the backgrounds in open air and city drawings could be better. Exactly *how* they could be better, i wouldn't know--no artistic talent here. But, for example, today's comic's background stood out to me as a minor eyesore.

Once again, thanks Giant, for an excellent comic!

2006-10-31, 11:22 AM
remember Nale is not truely "bent" on taking over the world. He just think the world is out to displease him and Nale wants vengence on anyone who did him wrong.

Basically... to Nale.. EVERYTHING center on him, once he discover that the OoTS is NOT out to get Nale but actually have a bigger goal, Nale did a double take... that is what I'm seeing here.

Will Nale want to use the "ultimate weapon" for himself?? nah.. too simple.. remember Nale love Complexity (Thog on Rocket skates) I'm sure if Nale wasn't so center on himself and his personal vengence, Sabine could have EASILY kill Elan off long long time ago.....

But noooo.. Nale gotta do it the hard way.

2006-10-31, 11:36 AM
I bet Xykon and his army is already in Azure City, if/when the OotS gets there.

2006-10-31, 11:49 AM
Can someone remind me of Xykon's evil plan, then? If existence ends... won't he die, too? I don't get the impression that he's *that* bored... he's not stuck in Wisconsin or anything....

2006-10-31, 11:52 AM
Xykon doesn't want to end existence... he might not even be aware of the Snarl itself. He is aware of the gates though and believes that he will be granted power by controlling the gates.

2006-10-31, 12:22 PM
Btw, nano is Greek for dwarf, so in truth Belkar's the one who made a dwarf pun.

2006-10-31, 12:41 PM
That ending was priceless. Gave me a good laugh.

I've clearly missed something though. Why is the party heading to Azure City? Weren't they en route to Girard's Gate before this side quest?

2006-10-31, 12:41 PM
Poor Nale, being relegated to a side-quest. Gotta be tough on the old mega-ego.

Edit: Hey what gives? I go from being a dwarf in the playground to a halfling? and where's my avitar?

2006-10-31, 01:05 PM
Oooh, looks like the Evil mastermind got something he didn't quite bargain for. Love it, Giant! ^_^

2006-10-31, 01:42 PM
I didn't get the "Bundt, Bundt, Bundt" line. I know it's a kind of cake, but... I didn't see the funny.

I think that the "Bundt, Bundt, Bundt" line is the Wizard cursing. It's both a pun and a placeholder from something more graphic.

Old Book
2006-10-31, 02:11 PM
A solid transition strip, enjoyable but not a knockout. I did really enjoy the nameless Wizard NPC's complaints. :)

2006-10-31, 02:13 PM
Xykon doesn't really know what the gate do per se (since he hasn't successfully open one yet) BUT if you don't have the background into about the snarl and you discover that these powerful adventuerer retire to their own land and build HUGE fortress/castles with a gate build with a key that is "uber" powerful that an evil person can't open it... what do you think??? most of us who play D&D type game would think "oooo... special magical item or quest item" or something along the line of the owner is storing their most powerful items in it wouldn't you?

I would.

2006-10-31, 02:33 PM
Actually, I think Xykon does know about the snarl. According to comic 278, the magical gates negate the snarl's power, possibly allowing the snarl to be controlled by someone. While Xykon hasn't opened the gate, he DOES have the diary of one of the initial adventurers who helped to seal and guard them. It would then follow that he knows what the gates are for, especially since he says that the diary is what first got him interested in finding the gates.

And therefore, assuming that Nale gets properly filled in, he may seek to control a gate as well, for two reasons: 1) someone controlling the snarl, according to Lord Shojo, would plunge the universe into a dark age, which seems to be one of the ultimate aims of most evil people- especially the fiendish gods for whom Sabine works, and 2) If Nale tries to control the snarl, he becomes a part of the main quest- something too grand for his ego to deny. That's what I think the "double take" was- Nale realizing he'd been nothing but a sidequest.

2006-10-31, 02:37 PM
Oooh wizard is still around! gotta LOVE depressed i am worthless plot depending characters.
or watherver :P

like the comic overall. Nale didnt see it comming his great masterplan was a "sidequest" next to the saving the world thingey.

2006-10-31, 02:45 PM
Great comic. I can't wait to see what Nale does with the knowledge that he was not the center of Roy's attention. I would imagine that bruises his wgo quite a bit. Silly megalomaniac

2006-10-31, 03:28 PM
I liked the comic, if mostly because it makes me feel like things are going to get real exciting soon. Hi, by the way, I'm a noobie, but I've been lurking for awhile.

I thought that Nale's double take was him thinking, "Wait a minute, did you just say apocalypse?" I doubt he would want the end of the world to come about, so what he's probably thinking at this point isn't anything about harnessing the "secret power to bring about the apocalypse". He doesn't know enough about it to start considering that, at least yet. And I think he would only consider using it if he thought he would be capable of using it; if he realized he wasn't, I doubt he'd be stupid enough to try... I don't necessarily think he's so power-hungry that it's going to blind him of his weaknesses and put himself in danger.

Considering that Roy mentioned an apocalypse, I doubt Nale's immediate response would be "I'm only a side quest?!" but rather, "Oh, shoot, the world's going to end!"

The drunk guy was amusing :) Nice touch. If they don't end up in Azure City though, where WOULD they end up? It would suck if they ended up in the middle of nowhere... 'cause it would take them forever to get back. So if not Azure City, it's got to be somewhere useful, somewhere that would move the plot along, or possibly someplace bad... (in the middle of Xykon's army would suck). And what is Elan doing? Poor guy. I hope that gets sorted out soon, I worry about him.

And Haley's speech is still messed up. ((Prediction coming up... not sure if I'm supposed to have a warning here or use a different color or something, so I will just to be safe)) I was wondering, since Haley and Elan seem to have some sort of close thing going on, what if Haley was the first one to notice that "Elan" isn't really Elan? I kind of want her to be, although I doubt that's what will happen. I was also hoping that maybe Nale-as-Elan might somehow end up fixing Haley's speech (how, I have absolutely no idea, but I was hoping maybe the two plot lines would end up getting tied together). Since I can't think of any possible way for this to happen, though, I really don't think it will happen. Still, I'm hoping Haley will get her speech back and something will happen with the Haley/Elan situation!

Also, I love the smiles. They're adorable. :elan:

2006-10-31, 03:53 PM
Oooh wizard is still around! gotta LOVE depressed i am worthless plot depending characters.
or watherver :P

On a side note about depressed wizards, does anyone remember Xan from the first Baldur's Gate game? He kept spouting things when you clicked on him like "we are all doomed" and "our quest is in vain" and stuff like that. (Can't remember the exact quotes but they were along those lines.)

2006-10-31, 04:59 PM
Dwarven Abe Lincoln eh? ... BRILLIANT!!!

Does the Giant hate wizards or something. I tell ya, they get no respect.

I'd say Nale is definately worried about marching into the eye of the apocolypse with a bunch of incompetent hero types.

2006-10-31, 05:04 PM
Lol...I guess this means that the wizard's given name is "Wizard Guy"

2006-10-31, 05:15 PM
Here's my thoughts, updated by the recent comic...
First of all, I think there may have been a lot more exposition than a lot of people think. I could be wrong, but I've been there before and it'll pass.

V's 4 words may be spoken to Nale in anticipation of a different effect.
Nale will now help the Oots wholeheartedly until such time as he's relatively assured his world won't come to an end; I concur that he's wholly self-absorbed.
Interesting note that nobody seems to have brought up though... Nale and his band were initially hired by Xykon to take out the OotS, and I'd bet that Xykon (or at the least, Redcloak) is observant enough to notice the difference, having met both Elan and Nale....

I do think that the teleport is likely to take them a distance from Azure City rather than inside; however, I don't expect AC to be besieged just yet; it's only been an afternoon and the residents of the City of Paladins would hardly be caught unawares by a goblinoid assault. I anticipate that they get delayed long enough to port out just as the first messengers arrive with word of the invasion force. :xykon:

2006-10-31, 05:37 PM
Spoiler:Nale and his band were initially hired by Xykon to take out the OotS, and I'd bet that Xykon (or at the least, Redcloak) is observant enough to notice the difference, having met both Elan and Nale..../Spoiler:

It occures to me that Nale might not want to meet up with Xykon again if he hasn't fullfilled his contract.

2006-10-31, 05:59 PM
Tres amusant!

2006-10-31, 06:52 PM
hehe, loved Nale's double take.

yay! i can post again!

2006-10-31, 06:59 PM
why are they going bacl tp azure city? wasn't their mission to go to girards gate?

Zeb The Troll
2006-10-31, 07:02 PM
It occures to me that Nale might not want to meet up with Xykon again if he hasn't fullfilled his contract.

Xykon wasn't specifically mentioned as "the forces of evil" that need to be stopped though. He may very well be assuming that since OotS is alive that Xykon was defeated.

On the other hand, the "what did you just ---" may have been his first clue that Xykon is still out there and he, indeed, has not fulfilled his end of the bargain just yet.

2006-10-31, 07:32 PM
why are they going bacl tp azure city? wasn't their mission to go to girards gate?

They were always intending to return to Azure City before leaving for the gate.

"We pop in, kick his ass, rescue Julia, and pop out. It should take, like, an hour, tops."

And I'm in the camp that says Nale is reacting to the fact that he's set plans in motion to kill the people who are necessary to save *his* world from being destroyed. Not to mention the fact that if Sabine serves an evil god he or she won't want the Snarl released either.

See my predictions after the last strip:

2006-10-31, 07:39 PM
Wow. It was so nice to read a discussion thread without the 'first page' malarkey!

I liked both the dwarf pun, and then, while I was still laughing about it, Belkar's response.

The look on Nale's face made my afternoon, though!

I think that say's a world about the Giant's artistic skill. I mean, I'm talking about a stick figure's facial expression!

2006-10-31, 07:57 PM
I think I can understand why that wizard is so bitter, after watching him pop himself and six other people away with a single Teleport spell--a reading of the spell's description indicates that he'd have to be 18th level to pull that off! How would you like to be one of the most powerful mages in your world--only to be consigned to taxi duty for a bunch of lower levels? No wonder the poor guy is drinking himself into a stupor.

2006-10-31, 08:38 PM
Great strip Giant. Love your work.

Was wondering though, if the wizard is complaining about being an NPC (and knows he's an NPC), does that mean that the OOTS are actually being played out? Or is this just in keeping with the whole OOTS gag?:smallamused:

2006-10-31, 08:45 PM
I think I can understand why that wizard is so bitter, after watching him pop himself and six other people away with a single Teleport spell--a reading of the spell's description indicates that he'd have to be 18th level to pull that off! How would you like to be one of the most powerful mages in your world--only to be consigned to taxi duty for a bunch of lower levels? No wonder the poor guy is drinking himself into a stupor.

I think that greater teleport has much hicher capacity for passengers/weight than regular teleport does, so he doesn't neccesarily have to be more than level 13.

2006-10-31, 09:07 PM
The wizard is bitter because he is relegated to the role of "plot device". Level, personality, etc. don't matter to our heroes.

How would you like to be relegated to the role of "plot device"?

2006-10-31, 09:16 PM
Hehehe, Drunken Porter, I love Shakespear jokes.

2006-10-31, 11:11 PM
Ah, Roy's plans get derailed, Nale's plans get derailed, everyone's happy.

The plans of mice and men.

2006-10-31, 11:28 PM
Too bad Nale didn't actually say Ray, that would have been great. Lol, Nale sucks just as much as Elan does. Just in a different way. Nale tries harder than Elan, maybe.

2006-10-31, 11:30 PM
Great Comic, I suspect Nale didn't expect to Immediately be transported to another city center where Murder is not only illegal, but inforced by insane samuri-paladins who will undoubtedly recognize him as evil in a short time Cough:miko:cough

Fat Daddy
2006-10-31, 11:58 PM
You are. It says, "Roy", I even double-checked on my original strip.


Thanks for clearing that up! Darnit, I hate being wrong. Oh well, at least now I know. :smallsmile:

2006-11-01, 12:01 AM
Semper Fi, Fat Daddy! '88-'94, Camp Pendleton, CA.

2006-11-01, 12:14 AM
I think that greater teleport has much hicher capacity for passengers/weight than regular teleport does, so he doesn't neccesarily have to be more than level 13.

Not according to the SRD--Greater Teleport just gets rid of the mishap chance and range limitations.

Fat Daddy
2006-11-01, 02:03 AM
Semper Fi, Fat Daddy! '88-'94, Camp Pendleton, CA.

OohRah! '93-'97 Camp Pendleton, CA. Of course, most of that time was spent aboard ship

2006-11-01, 07:19 AM
Haha with the new smilies, here's what I think the rest of the OOTS's reaction will be when they realise they left Elan to probably be executed.



Belkar: :amused:

Durkon: :confused:

V: :annoyed:

2006-11-01, 08:13 AM
Hehehe, Drunken Porter, I love Shakespear jokes.

OMG! I can't believe I didn't catch that! Awesome Job, Inferius! You get the Obscure Reference Award for the day!

2006-11-01, 11:19 AM
Not to mention the fact that if Sabine serves an evil god he or she won't want the Snarl released either.

Well, it doesn't matter if she wants it or not, she doesn't even know what the Snarl is. Remember, only Xykon, some paladins of the Azure City and currently the OotS know of the Snarl. Remember what Shojo said, it's a secret and he only told this secret to the OotS 'cause otherwise they woudn't have resources for a fair trial.
This strip shows that. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0272.html)

Great Comic, I suspect Nale didn't expect to Immediately be transported to another city center where Murder is not only illegal, but inforced by insane samuri-paladins who will undoubtedly recognize him as evil in a short time

Nale doesn't know Azure City, so he can't know it's a place where murder isn't legal and inforced by insane samurai-paladins, as this strip shows. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0365.html) So my guess is that his surprise was that the OotS is currently in a mission to save the world from complete destruction.

2006-11-01, 12:24 PM
Nale doesn't know Azure City,
Now how do you know that?

2006-11-01, 02:58 PM
Now how do you know that?
Nale's question in the first panel of #365 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0365.html) clearly indicates that he just heard of it from the OotS and knows little or nothing about it.

2006-11-01, 04:30 PM
Nale's question in the first panel of #365 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0365.html) clearly indicates that he just heard of it from the OotS and knows little or nothing about it.

Well, unless he's double-checking that Sabine knows how to get there. Though the implication that he's unfamiliar with it is more obvious and natural.

2006-11-01, 05:10 PM
OMG! I can't believe I didn't catch that! Awesome Job, Inferius! You get the Obscure Reference Award for the day!
I hate to disappoint you.... but two characters who have nothing in common besides a weakness for alcohol doesn't look like a deliberate reference to me.

Shea Landford
2006-11-01, 05:42 PM
Good comic Rich. Well done.

2006-11-01, 05:43 PM
I hate to disappoint you.... but two characters who have nothing in common besides a weakness for alcohol doesn't look like a deliberate reference to me.

Actually, if you look at the title, instead of saying teleporting, it says porting. I would argue that it is a purposful refrence. Of course, not being the writer I wouldn't know for sure.

2006-11-01, 07:48 PM
My first post - yay! :thog:
i love this toon almost as much as i love puppies!

2006-11-02, 03:23 AM
I think that greater teleport has much hicher capacity for passengers/weight than regular teleport does, so he doesn't neccesarily have to be more than level 13.

Nope. The passenger-per-caster-level limit is exactly the same for Greater Teleport as for regular Teleport. Greater Teleport is only superior in its superior range and accuracy (you can go anywhere in the world as long as you have an accurate description of it, with no chance of error).

You *can* shave down the number of caster levels the wizard would have to have if you give him the Wayfarer Guide PrC from Complete Arcane. Any way you slice it, though, this has to be a high-level spellcaster in order to be doing what he's doing, which is why it's appropriate for him to be so upset at the meaninglessness of having all this arcane power just to do a simple task of convenience for the PCs.

Lord Zentei
2006-11-02, 04:06 AM
Concerning Nale's double take: not only is there the matter of his realizing the gravity of the situation, but he also just sent Sabine on a three day trip to Azure City. If the OOTS go on their quest immediately upon their return to Azure City, she won't be able to meet him there.

2006-11-02, 02:04 PM
Oh wow... Didn't think of that... Sucks to be him I guess, this could get very interesting indeed.