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View Full Version : Why make a Horde when you can have one Uber Mech? (3.5, Prc, PEACH, Improviser)

2012-12-19, 07:44 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, The Clockwork Meister! I've been working on this Prc some time now and originally it was a companion class who used Ex summoning of mecha's. I took out the summoning part to use in a new Prc which I might or might not finish, depending on its power level. I hope you guys like this and plz, if you read through this Prc, leave a comment down below with some feedback. Thank you in advance ^^.


Clockwork Meister


So....have you met my good friend Bob? Or more precisely, his fists?

Neo Gizgear - Clockwork Meister who loves watching his construct punch stuff.

Clockwork Meisters have the following game statistics.

Abilities: Intelligence is very important for a Clockwork Meister, determining the amount of skill points you get, the DC’s of your Tricks and the Improvisation point of your Clockwork Companion class feature. A good Constitution score may also be wise, because a Clockwork Meister is quite frail.


As the Clockwork Meister is designed for use for the Improviser (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255381), it has the following prerequisites, but for the sake of making it more accessable, I included another set of prereqs that are easier to fullfill.

Class features: At least 2 Improvisational Tricks from the Something in between your toes path or the Lightning Things Up path.
Skills: Knowledge (Engineering): 8 ranks, Craft (Alchemy) 5 ranks
Special: You need to work on a Non-Magical Construct for 2 weeks, which do not need to be consecutive. The material cost for this is 2000 gp.


Feats: Grenadier, Mad Alchemist
Skills: Knowledge (Engineering): 10 ranks, Craft (Alchemy) 7 ranks
Special: You need to work on a Non-Magical Construct for 2 weeks, which do not need to be consecutive. The material cost for this is 2000 gp.

Note: You can only for fill one set of prerequisites, so Grenadier, Mad Alchemist and 8 ranks in engineering and 5 in alchemy does not for fill the prerequisites.

Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Arcane), Knowledge (Local)(Int), Knowledge (History)(Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot(Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope(Dex)
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Clockwork Meister does not gain any extra weapon or armor proficiencies.


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Improviser level increase





Clockwork Companion






Clockwork Upgrade






Clockwork Fortification






Clockwork Upgrade






Channel Tricks






Clockwork Upgrade






Clockwork Fortification






Clockwork Upgrade






Clockwork Fortification






Clockwork Upgrade, Clockwork Ascension


Improviser level increase: Except for level 1,5 and 10, you can add your Clockwork Meister level to your Improviser level when determining the amount of items you can get through your Bag of all Trades ability, sneak attack dice and the amount of Improvisational tricks you get. This has not got any effect if you do not have Improviser levels.

Clockwork Companion (Ex): At first level, you finish the project youve been working on for the levels before this class: A contruct that obeys your every order. Even more so, you did not even use magical help to build it (Maybe only the powersource, but that's ke!)! Just your own ingenuity and wit. The Clockwork Companion build guide can be found in the spoiler.

A Clockwork Companion is a mindless Construct which you can give simple orders as a Swift action once per round, after which it will perform the said task until completed or being ordered something else.

First of all, when attaining a level in this Prc, choose what shape your construct will be: a Bipedal one or a Quadrupedal one. The base stats for each of these forms are below:

Bipedal Basis

Medium Construct
Hit Dice:4d10+20 (42 hp) (Yey 42 :D)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 14 ( +2 Dex, +2 Natural Armor)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+5
Attack: +5 Slam (1d6+2)
Full Attack: +5 Slam (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Contruct Traits, Simple Weapon Profiency, Light Armor Profiency
Saves: +0 Fort, +2 Ref, +0 Will
Abilities: Str: 14, Dex 14, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: --
Feats: --

Quadrupedal Basis

Medium Construct
Hit Dice:4d10+20 (42 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft.
Armor Class: 11 ( +1 Natural Armor)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+5
Attack: +6 Slam (1d6+3)
Full Attack: +6 Slam (1d6+3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Contruct Traits, Run Fast (Run action x5 movespeed), Jumping Prowess (All jumps are running jumps)
Saves: +0 Fort, +2 Ref, -1 Will
Abilities: Str: 16, Dex 10, Con --, Int --, Wis 8, Cha 1
Skills: --
Feats: --

Second, you choose your Power source, off which some may have prerequisites based on how much levels you have in this Prc, so you can only modify them into your construct at a later date. Changing the power source of you Clockwork Companion takes 24 hours uninterrupted work and a amount of gold depending on the individual power source. The first level power sources are free.
The power tab lists if there is a recharge time or expenditure of resources needed to keep the construct going. The benefits and drawbacks tab lists other benefits and drawbacks your construct gets when you pick that power source.

Extraordinary Mechanisms:

Clockwork Power (Ex):
Price: None
Power: You must wind up your construct every hour or it doesn’t move nor can it take any other actions. Winding up takes 2 full rounds.
Benefits and Drawbacks:
Clockwork Mechanisms: Keeps working in a Antimagic field.
Clockwork Tornado (Ex): As a fullround action, your construct can make a attack against all creatures adjacent to it, as the Whirlwind Attack feat. However, this reduces the time your Companion is active by 20 minutes.

Steam Power (Ex):
Price: None
Power: You must fuell up your construct every 24 hours with charcoal or it doesn’t move nor can it take any other actions. The charcoal needed to keep it running costs 10gp each day.
Benefits and Drawbacks:
Steam Mechanisms: Keeps working in a Antimagic field.
Steam Blast (Ex): As a fullround action, your construct can create a blast of steam against all creatures in a 15 ft. cone. Every creature caught inside of it has a 50% miss chance on its next attack. This ability can be used once per encounter, to allow for the build-up of steam necessary.

Electric Power (Ex):
Prerequisites: Clockwork Meister level 4
Price: 3000gp
Power: You must channel Electrical energy from any source into your construct or it doesn’t move nor can it take any other actions. For every 10 damage the spell would've dealt, the construct is active for 1 hour.
Benefits and Drawbacks:
Short Circuit: Can't swim and function in water. Takes 10 damage each round it is submerged.
Electrical Circuits: Keeps working in a Antimagic field.
Overcharge (Ex): As a fullround action, your construct can create a vortex of electricity against all creatures in a 10 ft. burst. Every creature caught inside of it takes 1d6/2HD of the construct electricity damage and must make a fort save (DC 13+Half HD of the construct) or be Stunned for 1 round. Doing this consumes 30 points worth of electrical energy from the golem.

Alchemical Power (Ex):
Prerequisites: Clockwork Meister level 7
Price: 9000
Power: You must fill the reactor build into the construct with this Power source with alchemical substances and reagents every 2 days. The amount of alchemical reagents needed to keep it running for 2 days cost 100 gp.
Benefits and Drawbacks:
Alchemy Reactor: Keeps working in a Antimagic field.
Strange Concoction (Ex): As a fullround action, your construct can fire a bomb at a location specified by you as a free action. This bomb has a range of 60 ft. and explodes in a 20 ft. burst. Every creature caught in it takes 1d6/HD of the construct damage and must make a Fort save (DC 15+half HD of the construct) of be nauseated for 5 minutes. This ability instead deals double damage on creature immune for nausea. This ability can be use once every 2 hours.

Magical Powersources:

Magic Extractor (Su):
Prerequisites: Clockwork Meister level 2
Price: 3000 gp (Excluding Magic Item)
Power: You must put a magic item worth at least 4000gp in the core of the construct. It will then run indefinitely.
Benefit and Drawbacks:
Magical Reactor: Stops working in a Antimagic field.
Channel Source (Su): As a standard action, at will, the construct can cast one first level spell of the same school as the type of magic contained in the magical item. The spell must be chosen at the time of the installing the power source. You must give the order as a free action for it to do so.

Magic Absorber (Su):
Prerequisites: Clockwork Meister level 8
Price: 20000 gp (Excluding Magic Item)
Power: You must put a magic item worth at least 8000gp in the core of the construct. It will then run indefinitely. The magic item that was put in is lost forever as it is absorbed into the very being of the construct itself.
Benefit and Drawbacks:
Integrated Magic: Works in a Antimagic field.
Magic Evolution (Su): The construct becomes sentient. It gains a Int and Cha score equal to 10 plus 1 for every 4000 the magical item that was put it has cost (Maximum of 20). The construct also gains feats and skills as appropriate for its HD. It is still absolutly loyal to the creator and will not harm him in any way.

Companion HD Progression:

Bonus HD
Bonus Strenght
Special Abilities




Audio Link




Radio Control








Visual Link




















Simultaneous Link




Bonus HD: Each level after first, your Clockwork Companion gains one bonus HD. He doesn't gain the skillpoints or feats from it, due to it being mindless (Unless you have the Magic Absorber Power Source).
Bonus Strenght: Your Companion gains a untyped bonus to strenght equal to the number listed.
Audio Link (Ex): At first level, by spending a fullround action fine-tuning your radio device, you can hear every thing that happens within a 60 ft. radius of your Companion. You still need to make listen checks when appropriate.

Radio Control (Ex): At second level, you can send orders to your Companion as far as 100 ft./Clockwork Meister level.

Visual Link (Ex): At fourth level, by spending a fullround action putting up your special goggles, you can see every thing that happens within a 60 ft. radius of your Companion. Note that your Companion does not have all round vision, so what you want to see may be behind it. You still need to make spot checks when appropriate.

Simultaneous Link (Ex): At ninth level, your Companion can use a Visual Link and a Audio Link at the same time.

If your Companion is destroyed, you can build another one in 3 days, in which you must work 12 hours per day without interruption, except to eat. The Companion must be exactly the same as the one destroyed. This process costs you gold equal to 1000 per HD of the Companion.
You can reconfigure your Companion by spending 2 weeks working on it 8 hours per day. While the 2 weeks must be consecutive, you can take long breaks each day, as long as you work the full 8 hours in the 24 hour period.
You can not charge a Bipedal into a Quadpedal this way.

Clockwork Upgrade (Ex): On second level and every two levels thereafter, you can upgrade your companion, making it stronger or more handy in the process. You must meet all the prerequisites to pick a certain upgrade.

List of Upgrades:

Adamantine Plating
Prerequisites: Adamentine Skeleton
Benefits: Your Companion gains DR/- equal to its HD.

Adamantine Skeleton
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: Your Companion gains a +4 bonus on Strenght.

Advanced Armor
Prerequisites: Bipedal only
Benefits: Your Companion can use Medium and Heavy Armor.

Advanced Weapons
Prerequisites: Bipedal only
Benefits: Your Companion can use Martial Weapons.

Impact Braces
Prerequisites: Quadpedal only
Benefits: Your Companion gains a +8 bonus on all defensive Bullrush and Trip attempts. Does not apply on a retributive trip attempt.

Lightweight Clockwork
Prerequisites: Mythril Skeleton
Benefits: Your Companion gains a +20 enhancement bonus on its landspeed.

Mythril Skeleton
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: Your Companion gains a +4 bonus on Dexterity.

Power Armor
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: Your Companion gains a +3 Natural armor bonus (Stacks with the bonus already present).

Power Armor (Advanced)
Prerequisites: Power Armor
Benefits: Your Companion gains a Natural armor bonus equal to half its HD. (Stacks with the bonus already present, but not with Power Armor).

Power Fist
Prerequisites: Adamantine Plating, Bipedal Only
Benefits: Your Companion's Slam attack damage goes up by 2 catagories, up to a maximum of 4d6 (including size increases).

Rocket Fist
Prerequisites: Power Fist, Bipedal only
Benefits: As a Full-Round action, your Companion can make a attack that covers tremendous amounts of distance and delivers a very mean punch. Count this attack as a charge with the following changes: your companion does not provoke a AoO from the target, gains a +4 bonus on attack instead of +2, can move up to three times its speed in the charge and deals extra damage equal to its Str modifier. This attack can be used once per encounter.

Shock Absorbers
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: Your Companion gains bonus hitpoints from being a construct as if it were 1 size category higher then it actually is.

Shoulder Cannon
Prerequisites: Lightweight Clockwork
Benefits: Your Companion gains shoulder cannon that shoots cogs. These cogs deal damage equal to 1d6+Companion's Dex modifier, have a range increment of 50 ft. and threaten on a 20 with a multiplier of x2. Shooting the cannon is a standard action. The cogs cost 1 gold per 50.

Shoulder Launcher
Prerequisites: Shoulder Cannon, Quadpedal Only
Benefits: The damage of your Shoulder Cannon increases to 2d6+Str Mod. In addition, the range increment becomes 80 ft. and it threatens on a 19-20. The ammo becomes twice as expensive though and because of the heavy recoil, only Quadpedal Companions can take this. In addition, your Companion can use its Strenght modifier for attack rolls aswell.

Size upgrade
Prerequisites: Clockwork Meister level 4
Benefits: Your Companion becomes Large. This also increases its hitpoints gained from size.

Clockwork Fortification (Ex):

As you tinker away at your trusted companion, you come upon things that could be....beneficial to you if you put them into your own body. At level 3 you choose a path of “upgrades” you apply to yourself, gaining the benefits as described. You can only gain the benefits of 1 path.

Clockwork Hands

As you begin your tinkering ascend to constructhood, it comes to you that it may be a good idea to upgrade your hands for greater manual precision and striking power.

Level 3: You gain a +4 bonus on all checks involving your hands, such as (but not limited to) Climb, Open Lock, Use Rope, Sleight of Hand, Perform (Any instrument played by hand) and a number of Profession and Craft checks.

Level 7: You fine-tune the cogs in your hand to even greater perfection, gaining a +4 untyped bonus to all attack and damage rolls make by handheld weapons and improving the skill bonus to +6.

Level 9: Your hands become trully those of a Construct. You gain a slam attack, with the difference that you may use your Int modifier for your attack and damage rolls. The base damage for this slam attack is 2d6.

Clockwork Body

You pry open your own torso to fortify what lies within.

Level 3: You implant metal plating and shock-absorbers to protect you from the even the most worse blows. You gain DR 5/Adamantine and Light Fortification.

Level 7: You upgrade yourself with more raw steel. You gain DR 10/Adamantine and Medium Fortification.

Level 9: Ninty percent of your chest is now mechanised. No attacks on your weakpoints can penetrate your defenses. Not that much of the other normal attacks can though. You gain DR 15/Adamantine and you are immune for critical hits and precision damage.

Clockwork Legs

You apply pneumatic gadgets and parts to your legs to increase your speed and mobility.

Level 3: You implant basic pneumatics in your leg. Your base landspeed increases by 10 ft. and you gain a +4 bonus on Tumble, Jump, Climb and Swim. Also, the run action lets you run up to five times your speed, as if you have the Run feat.

Level 7: You upgrade your pneumatics with more steam powah! Your bonus to landspeed increases to +20 ft., the skill bonuses to +6, and you can run up to 6 times your speed with the run action.

Level 9: Your legs are now fully mechanised, like a mecha's. Almost nothing can match your speed. Your bonus to landspeed increases to +30 ft. and you can run up to 10 times your speed with the run action. Also, you can jump so high now, that you can virtually fly for limited time. You can fly up to twice your speed per round, with clumsy manoeuvrability and you must begin and end your movement on a solid surface.

Channel Tricks (Ex):

At level 5, you can imbue your Companion with some of your clever Improvisational tricks.
You may choose 2 tricks that you know from the Something in between your toes path or the Lightning Things Up path. You Companion can then use those tricks with a Improviser level equal to half that of yours and a DC equal to your normal Trick DC minus 2. You can't give your Companion Skills with a encounter or daily limit. This has not got any effect if you do not have Improviser levels.

Clockwork Ascension (Ex):

At level 10, your tinkering to your own body has reached the stage that you can't be considered a member of your race any longer.
You gain the Living Construct subtype, gain bonus hitpoint as a contruct of your size and a additional benefit you may choose on the list below based on the Clockwork Fortification you have chosen, you can only choose 1 benefit, even if multiple benefits exist for the same Clockwork Fortification.

Chain Fist (Clockwork Hands): You put a chain mechanism in your wrist, allowing you to shoot your fist at distant targets. As a standard action, you can shoot your fist to a target within 100 ft. to which you have line of effect. This is a ranged touch attack. This attack deals unarmed damage plus an extra 3d6 damage (Always lethal damage). Alternatively, you can forgo all damage dealt to make a grapple check against the opponent. You gain your Int modifier as a bonus on this grapple check and size modifiers do not apply. If you succeed, your opponent is considered grappled, entangled and he cannot move more then 100 ft. away from you. He can pull free by making a opposed grapple check. In addition, you can use a move action to do 1 of 2 things when a opponent is grappled:
If the opponent is bigger then you, you can pull yourself to him, landing in a square adjacent to him that is between you and the target. If the opponent is smaller then you, make a opposed grapple check. If you succeed, you pull the target adjacent to you in a square between you and the target. If you are the same size as your target, you may choose freely which option you use.

Unyielding Body (Clockwork Body): Your defenses are perfect, nothing can penetrate them, not even multiply opponents or magic. You gain the Uncanny Dodge and Mettle special abilities. If you already have Uncanny Dodge, you gain Improved Uncanny Dodge instead.

Shrapnel Breath (Clockwork Body): Because your internal body is almost completely clockwork, you sometimes cough up clockwork parts. You learned to control this and pack quite a punch with your "Breath weapon". You gain a breathweapon-like attack, usable every 3 rounds. This can be a 60 ft. line or a 30 ft cone, chosen at the time this Ascension is acquired. It deals 1d6/Clockwork Meister slashing damage (Reflex Halves). In addition, everyone who is caught is staggered for 1d4 rounds (No Save) because of the enormous battering of iron parts on their body.

Leg Thrusters (Clockwork Legs): You build thrusters in your legs, allowing you to truly fly, and with ridiculous speeds at that. You gain flyspeed 150 ft. with average manoeuvrability.

Balance Module (Clockwork Legs): By building spinning gizmo's and other devices that enhance balance, you gain supernaturally fluid motions. You gain a +30 enhancement bonus on your land speed and a +10 bonus on Tumble, Jump and Balance checks. Also, you gain the ability to wall-walk for a limited time. As a full round action, you can make a Jump check DC half the distance you want to wall walk. If you make the check, you can jump up a number of feet equal to your jump check and then move along the wall as if under a spiderclimb spell. The only difference is that you must move in a straight line and you can't move upwards. You can wallwalk a maximum of three times your land speed. You must begin and end on a solid surface.

2012-12-19, 12:00 PM
Interesting, when I saw the thread title, I though of a Prestige Class Errantx is working on for his Iron Man. The actual PrC here, when combined with his would be like a mechanical Druid. :smallbiggrin:

Clockwork Ascension: Can you grapple with the Clockwork Hands? I'd recommend a Full Round Action if implemented. How long does it take to pull your fist back anyway? Is it a Move Action?
If before Ascension 90% of your chest is mechanical with Clockwork Body, wouldn't Ascension remove your need to breathe? Couldn't it give a Breath Weapon?
Should Clockwork Legs gain an extra boost to Base Land Speed? Flight is all well and good, but what about all the old Balance tricks or Wall Walking? Alternatively, Clockwork Hands could be made to allow a climb ability as Base Land Speed. Can the Hover Feat be taken with Clockwork Legs post Ascension?

Ascension could be a choice, instead of just another simple upgrade. No idea what alternatives to Clockwork Legs would be equivelent to Flight though. This is me, just giving you ideas off the top of my head after first impressions, no serious critique to be found here. :smalltongue:

2012-12-19, 12:10 PM
Random stuff, not a bad prestige class but it needs some work

For example:

Clockwork Companion (Ex): [B]You finish the project you've been working on in secret for the levels before this class

Why isn't that part of the prerequisites that you must be working on a secret project BEFORE you take this class.

Craft Construct Feat must be given as bonus feat at first level in order to make a construct since you don't list it as a prerequisite.

You shouldn't just gain a Clockwork companion, you should have to MAKE your first one as well.


2012-12-19, 02:09 PM
Interesting, when I saw the thread title, I though of a Prestige Class Errantx is working on for his Iron Man. The actual PrC here, when combined with his would be like a mechanical Druid.

Clockwork Ascension: Can you grapple with the Clockwork Hands? I'd recommend a Full Round Action if implemented. How long does it take to pull your fist back anyway? Is it a Move Action?
If before Ascension 90% of your chest is mechanical with Clockwork Body, wouldn't Ascension remove your need to breathe? Couldn't it give a Breath Weapon?
Should Clockwork Legs gain an extra boost to Base Land Speed? Flight is all well and good, but what about all the old Balance tricks or Wall Walking? Alternatively, Clockwork Hands could be made to allow a climb ability as Base Land Speed. Can the Hover Feat be taken with Clockwork Legs post Ascension?

Ascension could be a choice, instead of just another simple upgrade. No idea what alternatives to Clockwork Legs would be equivelent to Flight though. This is me, just giving you ideas off the top of my head after first impressions, no serious critique to be found here.

Thank you for your interest in this Prc. Those idea's are quite interesting though, especially the ranged grab (Blitzcrank ftw!). And I guess I could rework the Ascension a bit so its a choice. Thank you for your input ^^.

Random stuff, not a bad prestige class but it needs some work

For example:

Why isn't that part of the prerequisites that you must be working on a secret project BEFORE you take this class.

Craft Construct Feat must be given as bonus feat at first level in order to make a construct since you don't list it as a prerequisite.

You shouldn't just gain a Clockwork companion, you should have to MAKE your first one as well.


Some valid points, some less valid.

Maybe I should list the making as a prerequisite, would make sense.
However, Craft Construct implies a Golem or other Magical Construct, which this is not and you also need a casterlevel for the feat. Also, as I don't want the class to be able to make other constructs then his own Companion, I would have to give him a very very specialised version of it, which beats the whole point imo.

At any rate, thank you for reading and PEACHing this. I appreciate it.


2012-12-19, 02:37 PM
Added Shrapnel Breath (Breath Weapon)
Added Balance Module (Speed bonus + Wall Walking)
Altered Chain Fist (Forgo damage for ranged grab)

(Thank you Threadnaught for these idea's!)

Added Construct Building prerequisite.

Bulldog Psion
2012-12-19, 05:20 PM
The word is "shrapnel" unless you're making up your own for this specific class. /grammatical nitpick

Looks like a decent prestige class, keep up the good work! :smallsmile:

2012-12-20, 04:43 AM
Hehe, thanks for the reminder, I'll change it :P.

2012-12-21, 07:18 AM
Little problem with the new Ascensions, as it is now, you can take any Clockwork Fortification and any of the Ascensions will be open, regardless of which body part upgraded with a Fortification.

Granted, without a second choice for Clockwork hands, that remains an upgrade. Perhaps something for a size bonus on attacks and grappling?

Grappling with Chain Fist could be used to take the Meister to his opponent or vice versa, depending on which is bigger. :smallamused:
Same size is Meister's decision.

Original idea for wall walking btw, was based on The Wrong Trousers. :smalltongue:
Though if it's changed from what it currently is, then we'll have to come up with yet another additional choice for Clockwork Hands and one for the Body.

I like the Breath Weapon, 10d6 per 3 rounds with a chance to lock enemies into a debuff for the whole recovery.

I'll be using this in the current campaign, same origin as the Iron Man. :smallamused:

2013-01-23, 07:09 AM
Little problem with the new Ascensions, as it is now, you can take any Clockwork Fortification and any of the Ascensions will be open, regardless of which body part upgraded with a Fortification.

Granted, without a second choice for Clockwork hands, that remains an upgrade. Perhaps something for a size bonus on attacks and grappling?

Grappling with Chain Fist could be used to take the Meister to his opponent or vice versa, depending on which is bigger. :smallamused:
Same size is Meister's decision.

Original idea for wall walking btw, was based on The Wrong Trousers. :smalltongue:
Though if it's changed from what it currently is, then we'll have to come up with yet another additional choice for Clockwork Hands and one for the Body.

I like the Breath Weapon, 10d6 per 3 rounds with a chance to lock enemies into a debuff for the whole recovery.

I'll be using this in the current campaign, same origin as the Iron Man. :smallamused:

A bit late, but better late then never imo :P.
I rigged the Ascensions a bit, so that you have limited options depending on what Fortifications you picked. Also, the Chain Fist Ascension now lets you move to an opponent (if bigger), or pull an opponent to you (if smaller). This however, is quite powerfull. To compensate, Clockwork Fortification (Hands) only has this option, while the other 2 both have 2 options to choose from.

2013-05-17, 05:43 PM
Update 18-5-2013

Added new Upgrades for the Companion.
Added new features for the Companion (Weapon wielding for the Bipedal, Running speed for the quadruped).