View Full Version : Faerun Playable lvl 15 druid idea

2012-12-19, 04:17 PM
Hello folks,

I'm (again) in need of your expert advice on creating a cool kid druid, lvl 15, in Faerun settings (forfeiting the oh so awesome planar shepherd...)

I wanna mostly focus on buff, melee, cast spells (not too many summons tho)

we use 40 pts buy.

So far i've decided on the following :

Race - Human (didn't find something with LA0 that gives wis)

Stats (with the +3 from lvls & items):
STR : 8
Dex : 10
CON : 16
IN : 14
WIS : 30
CHA : 14

Class : Druid 15 (simply...)

Feats :
Leadership (for a rogue to go with me, prolly a TOB one)
Natural spell (ofc)
Dragon Wild shape (for fang & shadow dragons)
Oaken resilience

Now i'm hesitating to take aberration wild shape (with the blood as prereq) or go for something else with 2 feats (maybe the augment summoning...) ?

Animal companion :
Dire bear (i like lions tho but well...), maybe smilodon would be allright ?

Magic items (not complete, i take any advice !) :
Monk's belt + clasp for that sweet AC 16 000
Cloak of resistance + 5 + clasp 29 000
Periapt of wisdom + 6 + clasp 40 000
Tome of understanding +3 (110k)

I could buy a mithril chain shirt for my dire bear with what's left

Watcha think ? :D

2012-12-19, 04:29 PM
Race - Human (didn't find something with LA0 that gives wis)

Faerun has Lesser Aasimar (+2 wis, +2 cha, LA0), but honestly, the extra feat from human might be just as good for you.

2012-12-19, 04:42 PM
Ah might be good yes, thanks.

For feats i was thinking of the fell one from LM that gives 1 negative level to everything that gets hit by it for +2 levels. Might give a headache to the DM tho...

2012-12-19, 04:48 PM
Greenbound Summoning and Rashemi Elemental Summoning are two spectacular summoning based feats. Initiate of Nature and Initiate of Maiar add some good spells to your list. One of them lets you rebuke/command animals, which can be handy.

Your con is way too low. Turning into a dragon is asking yourself to get killed.

Spell Compendium has the spell Enhance Wildshape. Prepare it. One abberant wildshape that isn't too broken is Will 'o Wisp. 30 ac and invisibility. Handy if you want to cast and stay out of melee.

PHB2 has companion spellbound, which lets you buff your animal companion from further away. I would go with war trained (MM2) riding dog or dire wolf, for the trip and the abilit to choose feats for the animal as it gains hd. Alternatively, you could pay a psion to psychic reformation your pet and repick feats. Multiattack and shocktrooper are pretty solid on bears. War trained get the. Proficiency with all armor, but if your dm won't let you take it, then give your pet some armor proficiency.

Wilding clasped monk's belt + wilding armor gets you both ac as a monk and the armor bonus from your armor. Kinda cheesy, but RAW legit. Ring of the beast is a dirt cheap and awesome ring; the whole set of the beast is pretty good investment. See complete champion.

2012-12-20, 10:33 AM
Thanks i will take a look at the items.

On the armor, i thought about it, but on heroforge it removes the bonus from monk's belt when u wear an armor, i think u have to be unarmored (like a monk ?) for it to work.

For the feats, yes, i saw them, might grab a couple.

About my con, i might see how to raise it but i'm short on cash now... I'll take a look tonight !

Edit : i've taken a look at some threads here about enhance wild shape but i think it works only with some other shape shifting, unless it's for some plants immunities / regen.

Cryohydra seems the best to take ? For dragon wild shape u get the ex / su anyway, there could be aberrations too to have will o wisp when in pure caster mode, or beholder with rays of fun & antimagic galore.

Edit : ZOMFG at greenbound summoning, this feat's like the broken army of doom.

Edit 2 :

Well i took a look at the feats and i think that i'll take :

1) Natural spell
2) Companion spellbound
3) Greenbound summoning
4) Leadership
5) Dragon wild shape is still interesting
6) Frozen wild shape (that cryohydra is just too good)
7) Natural bond, so i could get :

A dire tiger at lvl 15, wartrained, it kicks major ass in probably every aspect, i can ride it and it looks dope too, always dreamed of one...

2012-12-20, 05:09 PM
wrt monk and wildclasping, heroforge has how the rules should work, but via the rules in the book, they stack.

Can you re-allocate stats? Move something else to con. No con bonus is brutal. There is the slow trait from unearthed arcana- halve your base move speed and gain 1hp per level. You may also want to consider picking up a couple flaws for bonus feats. Same book.

Enhance Wildshape works best with non-animal shapes, as you rightfully deduced.

2012-12-21, 02:21 AM
Can you re-allocate stats? Move something else to con. No con bonus is brutal.

Aah nonono i got 16 in CON :D 10 is in DEX (i reformatted the way i wrote it wasn't easy to read for sure... sorry). And we don't play with flaws :( I think it's more or less ok like this, DMs won't be power mastering anyway ! Thx for all the info tho, it makes my char much more viable !

2012-12-21, 03:12 AM
Get a standard Metamagic Rod of Extend and a 6th level Pearl of Power. Every other day prepare Energy Immunity (SC) twice, using the pearl cast it three times with the rod of extend so each lasts 48 hours. On the days in between prepare Energy Immunity once and Superior Resistance (SC) once, cast those and Energy Immunity a second time with the pearl, using the rod of extend on all three again so those will last 48 hours. This way you'll always have Energy Immunity x5 (Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Sonic) and a +6 Resistance bonus to your saving throws, and you can even share all of those with your animal companion.

Be good aligned so you can cast Greater Luminous Armor (BoED) every day. That gives you a +8 armor bonus and opponents get a -4 penalty to hit you in melee, and you still count as unarmored for the Monk's Belt. Note that a Wilding Clasp causes the clasped item to 'continue to function' when you wild shape. One function of a belt, whether mundane or magical, is to hold other items. That means any items secured by your Monk's Belt will likewise not meld into your form when you wild shape, so you can still use them without investing in a lot more clasps for things like wands and metamagic rods.

Get a standard Strand of Prayer Beads which has had the Bead of Smiting removed, per DMG pricing it should cost you 9,000 gp. Use the Bead of Karma before casting your daily buffs for longer hour/level durations, higher bonuses, and higher dispel DCs.

Consider going Cloistered Cleric (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#clericVariantCloistere dCleric) 1/ Druid 14, with Knowledge Devotion (CC) instead of the Knowledge domain, and the Planning and Undeath domains for Extend Spell and Extra Turning. Get Persistent Spell (CA) and Divine Metamagic (CD) for Persistent, along with Craft Rod to make a pile of Night Sticks (LM) to make all of your buffs last 24 hours. Spells (mostly from SC) like Superior Magic Fang, Bite of the Werebear, Listening Lorecall, Swift Fly, Mass Lesser Vigor, Sirine's Grace, Elation (BoED), Stormrage, etc.

Get a Circlet of Rapid Casting (MIC) with an Enhancement bonus to Wisdom added (MIC p234) so you can cast a 1st or 2nd level buff or crowd control as a swift action and still get to full attack or cast a higher level spell. Get a few Lesser Metamagic Rods of Extend for spells like Sleet Storm, Creeping Cold (SC), Longstrider, Cloud Wings (SC), Heart of Water (CM), etc. You can also use those for the spells Snowsight and Obscuring Snow from Frostburn, a combination that wins so hard it's sure to get books thrown at you. Speaking of Frostburn, be sure to prepare Call Avalanche a few times. There's also the Primal X line of spells in Dragon Magic that can be extremely useful in the higher levels when those low/mid level spell slots are easier to spare.

For your cohort, I'd recommend a Beguiler (PH2) or Factotum (Dungeonscape) over a Rogue. If you're not going to give him very many Rogue levels consider using Spellthief for him instead, since even one level of that will allow him to use wands of any Wizard spells from the schools of abjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, and transmutation, namely a Wand of Wraithstrike (SC).

2012-12-21, 05:43 PM
All good advices here :)

I might stop there tho because they are already crying at the druid class on its own, so i can't have an optimized druid (as the rest of the party is a pal/cru/RKV unoptimized and some weirdo legendary werebear with maybe 2 class levels...).