View Full Version : [PF] how to make a 20th lv wizard?

2012-12-19, 04:29 PM
title says it all. I really have no experience making this high lv characters. So I am releasing the optimizers!

2012-12-19, 04:44 PM
title says it all. I really have no experience making this high lv characters. So I am releasing the optimizers!

You will have so much power thus so much responsibility :)

Never make a level 20 wizard. The Master Specialist is nice if you are a specialist going for a particular school. Or Add Archmage to shape your spells etc..

2012-12-19, 04:54 PM
You will have so much power thus so much responsibility :)

Never make a level 20 wizard. The Master Specialist is nice if you are a specialist going for a particular school. Or Add Archmage to shape your spells etc..

Psst. Pathfinder.

@OP: Straight Wizard is just fine in PF. Read this (https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1xjPIOH8F8a0l74BdDF7Q23nCfZ-YX68Xr6JmmtznMw4&pli=1)

2012-12-19, 05:02 PM
Be an Elf, specialize on either Divination(for the bonus to initiative) or Conjuration(for the teleportation).
Take the ScrollMaster archetype.(loose you familiar to count as armed and/or get an AC Bonus when holding scroll(s) and use you CL and Int on scrolls)

Do something to reduce the cost of item creation, to break Wealth By Level, load up on scrolls (particularly of opposition schools) and profit.

In PF there is no reason to prestige class out, but as long as you don't loose CL and get the 10 level in scroll master, there is little reason not to.

2012-12-19, 05:16 PM
It really depends on what you're trying to do as a Wizard. Trying to take over the world alone, with a focus on combat? Conjuration would probably be your best bets. Trying to support a party from the back with buffs? Transmutation. Blasting things to shreds to show the melee how it's done? Evocation, my personal favorite. It all really depends on what you want to do.

2012-12-20, 01:05 AM
High level is all about winning initiative, and there's one way to guarantee that: Be a diviner (ideally with Foresight subschool). You get a passive +10 on initiative - AND you automatically roll a 20 every time you roll for it. Don't take any prestige classes, the capstone power is THAT good.

Even if you make a diviner you might want to specialize in a certain (other) school of magic. You can crank up save DCs pretty high at this point (especially if you take Spell Perfection), so picking a save-or-lose spell that affects multiple targets might be a good bet - as long as it isn't something high level foes would often be immune to. You probably want Spell Perfection no matter what, it's such a good feat.

You also need Quicken Spell, because action-economy is so important at these levels, and you'll have plenty of spell slots to spare. Quicken also works nicely if you decide to get SPell Perfection in a spell level 5 or below.